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Indeed, and if Adderstar and Foxheart clash, this is going to get violent, considering Adderstar doesn't take crap from anyone. Foxheart is a great opposite to the happier cats in the clan, we can use fresh blood.
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Character Sheet

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c14dc4959_ScreenShot2015-01-16at2.42.12PM.png.3668855aac71d8aa006ea0ba00c44e60.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c14dc4959_ScreenShot2015-01-16at2.42.12PM.png.3668855aac71d8aa006ea0ba00c44e60.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Mudpaw

Gender: Male

Rank: Apprentice

Description: Short-haired tom with messy brown pelt and tan underpelt, Black-tipped tail, Black toes on back right paw and black front left paw and back right paw, Lean, Scarred front left forepaw, neck, muzzle, and ear, Missing left eye, Black-tipped ears

Personality: Curious, Reserved, Tough, Respectful towards others, and Loyal


Mudpelt was born a stray and without his left eye before being separated from his mother and taken to an animal shelter. The animal shelter was bad news from the start as all of the cats were put together in one big caged area. Mudpelt was attacked immediately so he'd know his place, but not before being badly scarred. He managed to escape not too long after that and at the young age of 4 moons old, he was completely on his own. While on his own in the urban area, Mudpelt learned the basics of fighting as he mostly had to fight for his food. After struggling to survive for 2 moons, Mudpelt was 'rescued' by a loner who taught him how to hunt. The loner immediately left afterwards and Mudpelt took to the wilderness to practice his hunting. During one of his hunts, he ran into a clan member and after proving himself in a short skirmish, he was taken in by the clan member to be one of the clan's apprentices.



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Please change your name to "Mudpaw" if you're going to be an apprentice. Other than that, accepted.
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Name: Hollyflower

Gender: Female

Age: 25 moons

Rank: Warrior

Description: small framed, long-haired tortoishell with a thick pelt and light cobalt blue eyes

Personality: I am naturally quiet and reserved, wanting to keep more to myself rather than in crowds. I am not a mean and grumpy cat, I just feel more comfortable sometimes when I am left alone. But I come out of my shell more when I am around specific Clan members I feel comfortable with, or when I am in a situation that I know is important to the health of the Clan. I am also naturally pretty sarcastic and snarky in most situations, as well as very stubborn and easily suspicious. Anyone who knows me knows that all is true. But, I actually am a caring and nice feline, despite all of those personality traits. I don't like to see my Clan members getting hurt, either, and I will fight to defend them whenever I see fit. Or I will defend any cat that I think deserves it, and will willingly fight for what is right whenever I can. But, there is one thing you should know about me: my view on respect. I don't care how old someone is to me, or who they are to me or anyone else. If someone respects me, then I will respect them. If someone is nice to me, I will be nice to them. But if someone is plain disrespectful or mean to me, I will return that. I will not be nice to someone if they are mean to me, unless I absolutely have to in order to stay in the Clan. It is just hard for me to do. I definitely know when to keep my mouth shut, but that doesn't mean I will respect every cat I meet. That will never happen.

History: I was born and raised in CliffClan. My parents were Squirrelflight and Iceflower, but they are both deceased now. My father was taken first by an eagle three seasons back while hunting, and my mother was turned into a toy for some pesky goats...that I wish I could hunt down and kill. I mean, that would both get rid of a problem and gives us a heck of a lot of freshkill. But..oh well. I have mostly gotten over it by now. My brothers, named Boulderfur and Puddlestep, have helped me a lot, too. They may be four seasons older than me, but they do still communicate with me and make sure I am still alright. Especially now that our parents are gone. I will always view them as my older brothers, and they will see me as their younger sister.

Since I am a generally small cat compared to most, I was seen as a weak kit when I was younger. And, I have to admit, I kind of was. No one really expected me to live for long, because I was small and born during a time when it was tough to catch any freshkill. But I grew nonetheless, and trained hard to prove that I am no weakling. No one questions me now. Sure, I'm no where near the best warrior or hunter, or the strongest cat in the Clan. But I sure as hell am not the worst and weakest, and I will work hard to prove that anyway I can.
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Haha, she isn't a fan of being called adorable, but I'll just say thanks for her.

I used that picture on purpose, because I drew it four years ago back in seventh grade. It was for a contest, and everyone flipped at how well I drew it. And some little buttholes tried to claim it as their own! I hate it when people do crap like that. So I made them mess off and leave me alone. Anyway, so when I was looking for pictures, I immediately chose this one when I found it. I was thinking about choosing other pictures of calico cats, but I couldn't pass this one up.

There ya go. Little random back story about that picture. Cause I'm weird like that.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Lightpaw.png.97774998f9d635f52c96c534254391d8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40157" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Lightpaw.png.97774998f9d635f52c96c534254391d8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Lightpaw

Gender: Tom

Age: 7 moons

Rank: Apprentice

Description: (Make it look like the allegiances in the books): Pale ginger and white tom with blue eyes

Personality: Lightpaw is really calm and laidback, almost to the point of laziness. He listens to his superiors well and gets along with just about everyone. He’s not comfortable around kits and promptly avoids them at all cost. He is extremely loyal to his leader, friends, and brother.

History: He was born in a litter of three kits during a harsh winter and was the only one to survive. He was his mother’s, Dawneye, second litter. Lightpaw never knew his father, Ashtail, who died in a hunting accident.

Other: He is extremely quick, but very lightweight. Lightpaw is easy to knock around. He is a pretty decent hunter.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Eaglewing.png.d2d9bd1bdd7d4df03a73bded2fb4981e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40158" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Eaglewing.png.d2d9bd1bdd7d4df03a73bded2fb4981e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Eaglewing

Gender: Tom

Age: 24 moons

Rank: Warrior

Description: (Make it look like the allegiances in the books): Dark tabby tom with yellow eyes

Personality: Eaglewing is a easygoing tom with a sense of humor. He likes to pick on his superiors and loves attempting to lighten heavy moods. He hates seeing other cats being sad or upset. He always tries to get his younger brother to smile and succeeds sometimes. He is loyal and believes he is a good friend

History: Was Dawneye and Ashtail’s first litter. He became a warrior on the day Ashtail died. Dawneye had disappeared soon after, leaving the young tom with his younger brother, Lighpaw. As an apprentice, he was known to excel in fighting and hunting, but he slowly became a little slow in hunting, preferring to fight more than hunt.

Other: Quick, with a powerful kick. Eaglewing always make sure to keeping his fighting skills sharp, but slacks off with his hunting abilities



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Sure! But if we're gonna assign a random apprentice to Honeyfeather, do you mind if Lightpaw is a kit and gets apprenticed during Dark's ceremony as well? xD Like Lightkit/paw's ceremony first, (with an irritated Sandclaw) then Dark's?
Dude didn't see it go up :( i will start on my characters in a min

Character Sheet


Name: Pebblekit

Gender: She Cat

Age: 3 moons

Rank: kit found outside the clan

Description: young she cat with grey fur and Blue Eye's. Her fur was slightly blue it was a grey blue.

Personality: she was a little spitfire. She always puffed up and hissing at new cats. She was also very sweet and loving. She was also very shy at times.

History: pebblekit was born to Rogue outside the clan. However the mother abandoned her near the cliffs, she wasn't wanted anymore. The She cat's mother hoped a patrol would find her and keep her safe.


Character Sheet


Name: Cliffpaw

Gender: Tom

Age: 8 moons

Rank: apprentice

Description: speckled pelted tom with grey fur. He still had fluffy kit fur, he had bright green eye's

Personality: He was one tough little apprentice. He was curious, yet cautious. He never ran head first into anything. He always thought before he jumped in.

History: He was born into the clan and raised to follow the warrior code. He was a wild kit and liked to run about. He got into a lot of trouble as a kit. When He was old enough he became an apprentice and bow he was learning all he could to become a warrior.



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