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Fandom SightTale

Okay, so Chara trained under W.D. Gaster's wing for a long time, along with Sans. Sans never trusted Chara, not completely, but there was no getting around working with them, unless he wanted to give up this oppurtunity. One day, Chara fell, deep into the void, as Gaster had-and has-in many other timelines. But in this one, Sans had pushed Chara in. Well, not exactly. He was only saving Gaster from falling in instead. As normally, Everyone forgot about Chara. Except Gaster and Sans. They lived through their days, soon also acting as if Chara was just a bad dream from long ago.

But then the human fell.

Chara, as their natural instinct, was drawn too Frisks' power. They found, that while guiding Frisk, they could gain DETERMINATION along with them. So they waited. And waited.

Then Gaster is alerted of their presence, and everything changes. They have an upper-hand.

For now.

And such, our story begins.~
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