Sidereal exaltation and souls


New Member
Here’s a question for your Sidereal buffs out there.  I’m trying to do a background story on my character (which will play a significant roll later on in his current life[so my ST says]), and the question came up: lets say two Sidereals died at the same time one being a Chosen of Endings and the other being a Chosen of Secrets (of course one will technically die first, so we will keep in this order and no other Sidereals are waiting for exaltation for sake of this question).

I tried to do some reading up on it and even asked my ST and he says there’s always a finite number of sidereal in the creation and Yu-Shan and each one of the numbers are equal from one caste to the next.  

That being said and seeing how the castes of the sidereal seem to be very much a billeting type issue; then lets say the soul of the Secrets winds up going through his exaltation first, would that soul be trained then as an Ending (seeing how the Endings job opened up first), will it forever be marked as a Chosen of Secrets or is it one of those things that are left up to the ST?
Joseph, I believe what he meant wasn't that the caste would change... but rather the job availablity.

The openings in the various bureaus, if the newly exalted sidereal might end up in a different job then his normal caste if he exalted first and the available jobs at that time is that of another caste or some such.
Haku said:
Joseph, I believe what he meant wasn't that the caste would change... but rather the job availablity.
The openings in the various bureaus, if the newly exalted sidereal might end up in a different job then his normal caste if he exalted first and the available jobs at that time is that of another caste or some such.
Yup, right on the money.
If the positions were permanently assigned to souls, and they had to wait until the new soul was reborn it would explain them trying to astrologically push the souls into early exaltation.

Sid1: "Where's that paperwork on Mara's third incursion?"

Sid2: "Damn, Sid3 filed it just before he died. Unconquered Sun knows where it is now."

Sid1: "When's Sid3 due for Exaltation again?"

Sid2: "2 months, why do you ask?"

Sid1: "Damn, this report is due in 3 weeks, do you think we could...?"

Sid2: "Don't see why not. It is important, after all."
Heh... but even if he exalted early, he might not know it... he still needs to be trained... and stuff... so they're still SoL...  :twisted:
Haku said:
Heh... but even if he exalted early, he might not know it... he still needs to be trained... and stuff... so they're still SoL...  :twisted:
...and that's what happens when you botch an Astrology roll...
Haku said:
Joseph, I believe what he meant wasn't that the caste would change... but rather the job availablity.
Oh.  Well that depends entirely on the administrators, there is no solid, eternal rule.  It seems like the Sidereals are always a BIT short staffed, so I assume they'd put him where ever he was best suited, not where ever there was a "position open."
Haku said:
Heh... but even if he exalted early, he might not know it... he still needs to be trained... and stuff... so they're still SoL...  :twisted:
Well Gift of Knowledge is really helpful in situations like these. :wink:
the 2 exaltations are completely unrealted- when a sidereal dies his fellows use astrology to determine when a given soul will 'emerge from the tapestry' and other details this can be any length of time the maidens prefer but we have no reason to believe it is always 'instant' but it seems it could be if the maidens so choose

well the sidereals set about engeneering the situation so that all of these 'celestial requirements' are met and Voila! the jade fox is reborn and exept in the case of the intervention of the Maidens themselves -almost all sidereals begin this way- this is one of those juicy bits for sidereals

What kind of twisted pseudo life did the celestial beaurocrats engeneer for your characters childhood? haha i love sidereals

as for openings in the beaurocracy keep in mind that of the 100 sidereal essenses there are usuallya dozen not in active service usually because they were recently born or are still in training- these willl fill any gaps in the beaurocracy long before your character emerges again and is ready to reclaim her place and if there are no suitable canidates then there will be gaps in the beaurocracy- not a rare thing these days according to the book

as for essenses racing to be the first to the new body- they are the chosen of fate they emerge from the tapestry under precisely the right circumstances at exactly the right time and exactly the right place if 2 are born at the same moment these 2 births are completely unrelated as far as the essenses leaving the tapestry they each have their own 'destiny' if you will there is no conflict about this- it happens as the maidens choose it

finally there is this issue of changing castes- a zenith is a zenith is a zenith

secrets is a secrets is a secrets - these esenses are all unique and they bear the caste mark placed upon them by their creator- thus the zenith always dreams of his past lves as a zenith- the essense never morphs to anothe caste

the only pseudo exeption to this is this changing moons of the 1st age who were the crescent half and gibbious moon castes but consolidated into one that is all 3 or thats the impression you get reading about lilith

(i think they only did that because there are only 3 attribute sets and all their stuff is based on attributes) no moons help lunars 'choose' their caste but its a foregone conclusion- this seems to be just a tribal ritual to help the lunar get used to haer place in the pack

hope that helps
Joseph said:
, Abyssal Exaltation will always be of the same Caste.
This part at least is not true,  The Deathlords can apparently override the preset caste of a given Essence.
Spook said:
This part at least is not true,  The Deathlords can apparently override the preset caste of a given Essence.
Do we have evidence of this?

Stillborn said:
Spook said:
This part at least is not true,  The Deathlords can apparently override the preset caste of a given Essence.
Do we have evidence of this?
I was wondering the same thing. Actually, I don't see how they could.  What has been happening is that the Deathlords and their relationship with the Shards haven't been detailed.  Up till now we've been told the 'Lords could choose the Caste, but it's obvious they shouldn't be able to...

Well, I guess I'll wait on Spook to explain...
well if a deathlord has 10 solar essenses he CAN choose which one he gives to which person... but the idea of a lowly uber powerful solar ghost unmaking the work of the sun himself is just goofy
Look at the Void level spell that transforms Solars into Abyssals.  It gives them the opposite caste, so to speak, but does not cross Caste lines.  Not that it matters.  I haven't seen a Deathknight yet that the First Field Force of Lookshy couldn't turn into a grease spot within a minute (strange how those perfect defence Charms last only for a turn, isn't it?).  Heck, most gunzosha talons would be able to kick an Abyssal's ass if he isn't surrounded by a legion of warghosts of zombies.
Well, you know, a ten to one isn't very fair.  Then again, if the Abyssal had Artifact 5, all weapons and armor, and decided to bust out both Dodge and Melee persistant defenses, using a perfect defense occassionally and stunting like mad (not hard when fighting a lot of people) anything is possible.  Plus, Gunzosha warriors have limits far below those of a mere Abyssal.  The higher the Abyssal's Essence, the more powerful the Abyssal can potentially be.  An Essence 7 Abyssal could whipe the floor with a Gunzosha squad.  The real problem is when the Dragon-Blooded start coming in hordes, with Essence cannons and Warstriders.

Man, Lookshy is twinked out with bling bling.  I never liked that.

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