Side Story: Walk Your Own Path


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Roleplay Type(s)
Yukari walked through the streets of the Hidden Leaf, she could feel the warm sun on her back, hear the cries of messenger birds, smell the food being prepared by the street vendors. She just wished she could see it all again. Shaking her head, she adjusted the pack on her back. Already a year had passed since she’d lost her sight, lost everything, but what all had she accomplished since then?

Hardly anything, beyond her meeting the elder sage.

She needed this journey, this chance to step back and figure out just who she was, what it was that drove her. Yukari had also promised herself that she would find a way to help heal Mai’s hands. Even if she currently had zero ideas on the matter. Roku hadn’t been much help on the issue either, focusing instead on her night with Hideki.

Speaking of, she should also try to say bye to him. But first, she needed to find Mai. Just hope she’s not off on another mission…

Mai, luckily, would not be that hard to find. She’d gotten some time off, and she was using it to train. Well, more to think, but hey, same thing. She had a lot of lesson’s she’d been learning lately, and needed some time to take it all in. And if she had one more mission where people looked to her to do something, she swore she was going to snap.

A training dummy stood in front of her, made of some strengthened material.

Mai held one hand out in front of the other, taking several breathes, before disappearing. Suddenly there was several Mai’s in the field. One tried striking the dummy with a high speed kick, but overshot, falling into the ground, and the rest of the Mais disappearing.

“Ugh. Developing jutsu sucks… maybe I should just learn someone else’s… Nah, that ain’t me.”

“Oh? Thought you were interested in that jutsu with my hair or how I get around,” Yukari called out, finally making her presence known. She flashed a fanged grin, “But those clones were still pretty damn cool if you ask me.”

“You kidding? I don’t want to mess up my hair! Like, imagine if I’d used gates! You’d look like a monk! I gotta keep this sweet bod sexy. ”

Yukari laughed, a light and relaxed sound that only ever seemed to appear around Mai. “Fair enough, I really do need to figure out a way to keep that from happening. I kinda like my hair…”

Mai rose, slowly grunting.

“‘Sides, you beat me pretty soundly, so I gotta get a bit stronger. I don’t want to overly rely on the gates. And I don’t want to let my taijutsu fall to the wayside. It’s a bit difficult, but… I’ve got ideas. I’m honestly working on my own style of combat, but, well, its a bit off.”

Mai rubbed dirt off her face with her wrists, looking almost like a cat.

“Anyways, wazzup?”

“Going on a bit of a trip, don’t know how long I’ll be gone.” Yukari shrugged to emphasize the heavy pack she wore, “Been thinking about what you said during our last match - which, sorry by the way, didn’t know you took off your armor,” she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, shifting her weight slightly. “I need to get some training of my own. See the world so to speak, maybe learn a little bit about myself in the meanwhile.”

Mai disappeared, reappearing in a glomp.

“Don’t worry ‘bout it. I’ll hold the fort here. Though, uh… ‘see’ the world might be a bit hard. Happy travels.”

Yukari grinned, returning the hug in earnest. Even with bracing herself, the force had nearly sent the pair tumbling to the ground. She lightly swatted Mai on the back of the head, “it’s a figure of speech. But be sure to give Hideki a hard time for me, yeah?”

“Yeah, will do. Oh, and bring back a souvenir.”

Mai lay for a minute, then let go.

“So, uh… yeah. Oh, and uh, next spar should be fun. I’m coming close to a new level. Just gotta break through.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” a smirk crossed her lips, “it’s no fun when you only last a few seconds.”

“Eh, it was that or smash ya head in. I like your pretty head where it is. There’s a lot of things I have to learn. I swear that rank up was just a ‘more work’ excuse. ‘Sides, the hole didn’t do a lot of damage ya put in me.”

“Preeetty sure your mom’s the one I feel glaring daggers at me out in the village after that.” Yukari shrugged, it really was the worst they’d had while sparring. Barring a few broken ribs or noses. “Heh, guess we both have a lot of learning to do. Oh, if you need me Senshin or Hikari can always take a note to me. Just leave it with some fish and they’ll come get it.”

“Will do. Happy travels!"
The roar of a waterfall dominated the space as Yukari sat with a sigh. Even from her perch on the statue's hand, she could feel the cool mist spraying off the rushing water, a welcome respite against the hot sun. She and Hikari had been walking for most of the last few days, it felt like a good time for a break. Not like they were in any hurry to begin with. The Valley of the End... even with the ample water flowing through the area it remained barren, not even the Senju were able to get plants to take root here. It was a land permanently scarred from battle.

No one knows who made the massive statue she and Hikari were resting on, nor the counterpart facing it across the waterfall. The Third Hokage and Third Mizukage stared at one another, hands permanently raised in the sign of confrontation. It was a monument to a final, bloody battle between former friends. According to most accounts, it was the battle that ended the war. Some others insist the war had already been decided before their confrontation.

They could all agree part of Lady Third died with the Mizukage that day.

"Nyaaa," Hikari whined, her forked tail flicking in displeasure. "Why'd mew have to pick a spot that the water could still reach?"

Yukari raised an eyebrow, "You could go higher up." She fished a few strips of jerky out of her pack, a gift from Mai.

The nekomata stretched and settled back into her lap. "Too comfurtable, nyah..."

An exasperated sigh left Yukari's lips, "Then quit bitching." Tearing off a bite of the dried meat, she leaned back and tilted her face towards the sky. This is about as far as Matsuri got before... She could have done more for her cousin. She should have done more. Maybe if she'd managed to buy even just a couple more minutes, maybe...

"-anyway?" Hikari frowned at the silence she got in reply. Standing, she batted at the kunoichi's face, "Hello, nyah?"

Yukari blinked, trying to pull herself from her thoughts. It was train of thought she'd gone over so many times now, and it was still like trying to wade through pitch. "Huh, what?"

"Where. Are. We. Going?" She repeated before kicking away from Yukari, snatching the jerky from her hand. "Won't cat anywhere if mew just wander aimlessly."

Another long silence, "I think..." Yukari's voice had grown soft, near impossible to hear against the waterfall. "I think we should go to the Land of Rice first."

"Nyah? And what's there?"

Yukari stood, grabbing her bag and staff. "Closure."
“UGH!!! You are such an idiot!! Take your dumb file!” the young woman screeched in rage, tossing the file on the table before a bored looking Hideki but moments before she stomped out of the small cafe, eliciting some other customers exchanging glances and silent snickering of another person’s misfortune.

But for Hideki this was not misfortune, but another step in his small mission. The file contained the info Susumu needed and his connection with the particular young lady was no longer needed. Not that she wasn’t attractive, but he found it easier to keep romance for work… For work.

Especially when dealing with slavery, he wouldn’t mind an extra hand around the house but he didn’t want these slavers and kidnappers to ruin anymore lives. Even if they were small time and very, very sloppy.

But that, that was not important, what was, was his tea and momentary piece of mind… it had been a tough time, and missions have essentially have become something he does rather than his work. The thrill of missions became tiresome, low rank ones provided a small sense of…

Well… Simplicity.

All he had to do now was get this file to Susumu and all will be set, he wouldn’t need to lift a finger. He began to dance the idea of hiring somebody to clean his place.. Or simply get a bigger house? Maybe buy some land? Build a nice one? Or maybe… Maybe a big moving one?

A not so hidden village on wheels, imagine that.

He paused his thoughts to take a sip of his tea, enjoying the aroma…

A soft jingle sounded behind him, “Aw, don’t tell me you’re out here breaking hearts again.” Yukari quietly cooed in his ear. She’d searched the village for Hideki before she left, only for Susumu to say he’d been sent on a mission. There wasn’t much she could do about it, so Yukari had opted to leave a note for him.

One she was pretty certain Hikari left a big paw print on.

But here she was, already well into the Land of Rice, lured into the cafe by a desire for a hot cup of tea and chance to get off her feet for a bit. And Hideki just so happened to be lounging inside.

At the voice the young man shivered, she still had the effect on him it seemed. He put down the cup and reached his hand up to caress the face close to his ear. “Seems that's my line of work now.” He gave her cheek a quick kiss before motioning a hand to the other side of the table, a bad habit when talking to a blind woman but.. Well.. It was a special occasion when they met..

“Please, sit with me. Why are you out this way?”

She flashed him a coy smile at the kiss. “On a bit of a vacation of my own,” Yukari replied smoothly. She lightly trailed a finger across his shoulders as she slipped past him and into a chair. Yukari rested her chin on interlocked fingers, “kind of like the trip Mai took last year. There’s a lot I have to learn about the world, myself too.”

“Heh, lots to learn… I’m learning more about myself these days than I have in my entire life.” The man scratched behind his white maned head. “Guess you're flying solo, well, not quite with Hikari around.” He paused to look for the cat, suddenly craving to pet the kitty. Only to find her on his lap, he immediately took to giving the cat scratches of a lifetime.

“I’d offer to join, but I get a feeling it’d be less exploring yourself…

And more exploring each other…


...Sorry, old habits die hard.”

She chuckled quietly, “It was a good night.” Yukari motioned for the waitress, ordering a cup of genmaicha tea before giving him a small, catty smile. “Of course, I wouldn’t be against sharing another night.”

Hikari quietly snorted and rolled her eyes.

Hideki smiled down at the cat warmly, before responding to Yukari in kind. “Well, I have a place in town if you are world-weary already, a nice little hotel room… No baths for us this time sadly…

I’ve actually studied up on massages, a ninja must always work to improve his many skills you know.”
His hands drifted while petting the cat, sneaking closer to Hikari’s soft belly, the point of contention for many, for many a man has lost their hand(mostly a bit of blood and skin) to that death trap…

Like sticking your hand in a bear trap… But he didn’t get this far by not taking a couple risks.

“...Though something did color me curious, in your sleep you mentioned a Roku person rather fondly. Who is it? Something about their fluffy butt? Get another cat?”

And spring that trap did, claws and teeth latching onto the young man’s hand. Yukari lightly combed her fingers through her hair, “It’s a tempting offer, but I’ll have to pass this time.” The corners of her mouth twitched in a sad smile, “There’s something I need to do a few towns over before anything else.”

A light blush crept onto her face at Hideki’s next question, “Roku? She’s ah… a guardian of sorts. Took me in after the whole eye thing.”

Hideki flintched and brought his hand back, then down to more acceptable places to scratch, despite his pain. “A guardian huh? The fluffy butted guardian… Could I meet her next time we’re in town?” He asked, interested in this person.

“Heh, she's a better guardian than most if you turned out this well.”

Yukari rubbed the back of her neck. While she knew Roku would be more than delighted to meet Hideki, opening the veil for him would have… consequences no doubt. “Maybe, though it’ll mean both of us actually being in town at the same time.”

“Ah that's true… Well, guess we’ll see. God knows I'm always busy…” the man sighed. “Always working… at least things are never dull.” He played with his empty cup before looking up at Yukari.

Gorgeous as ever…

“What do you hope to find while out may I ask?”

Her tea having finally arrive, Yukari lightly ran her thumb along the side of the heavy cup, listening to the toasted rice crackling softly. She hesitated slightly, “ever since losing my sight, the only thing that’s really kept me going was just momentum. I don’t know what it is that even drives me anymore, let alone where I want to go from here.”

Hideki nodded he could understand the feeling of being lost… “In truth, I barely know what drives me everyday. I suppose having a never-ending source of work helps keep me going. Perhaps this flirtiness is a product of everything…

It’s gotten me into more trouble than not… But into many good things as well.

I guess for me… it’d be…”
he paused, scratching the base of Hikari’s tail(s). “...My friends, knowing each day I'll be one more closer to seeing them again. From Aiko, to yourself, i hold a great deal of love for you all…

That's why I get up each day…

So imagine my happiness when you show up here. I kissed you, first thing, I'll admit we’re more intimate than most of our friends but still…”
he tapped his chin in thought. “I still regard you highly, just like the others… Sorry if it seems mushy, you don’t often say to people they are the reason you even get up in the morning.” He chuckled a tad before tracing his finger on the table.

Yukari felt her face grow hot, tilting her head down towards the warm tea grasped in her hands. “No, I get it… You, Mai, Koma, Roku… in a way, you’re all I have.” She hesitated, the memory feeling heavy and hard to admit. “You know, I nearly died on my last mission… Nothing surprising, it kind of comes with the job and all. But, at that moment, I could’ve just… given up.”

Slender fingers reached up and twisted a few strands of her hair. “It would’ve been so easy, too. Most people I know wouldn’t even have batted an eye at the news…” Yukari chuckled, a weak and breathy sound, “But you guys… gave me something to hold onto.”

The young man reached a hand across the table and caught hers. “And you do for us as well Yukari. We all cling together, an unbreakable chain of friendship. We may cause trouble for one another, some more than others, but that's what friends are for right?

If we’re what keep you here. I consider it an honor… A privilege to be your friend… Or whatever we are these days.”
He smirked with abit of a chuckle.

“There is not a thing in the world you could do to get rid of me sadly, sorry to say, your stuck with me for life.”

Yukari chuckled softly, lightly bringing his hsand to the side of her face. Even under the silk that hid most of her features, he’d be able to feel the thick scars. “Then I guess you’re going to be stuck with me too, and all the scars and fuck ups that come with it.” She couldn’t help but idly wonder just what they were anymore, far more intimate than most friends would be, though Yukari wasn’t sure they could exactly be considered lovers.

Regardless, whatever it was they were, it was… comfortable.

“Gladly, don’t you know? I do love scars.” He softly slipped a finger under the silk, gliding a finger along the scars. “...It is getting a bit late… Perhaps your journey can wait an evening? We don’t need to do anything… But I wish to enjoy your company further…

Will you grant me this bit of selfishness?”

She leaned into his touch, keeping her hand on his. “I’ve been putting this off for over a year now… what’s one more night?”
Nagakumo village was a small farming community, like so many in the Land of Rice. It wasn’t famous and only contributed a tiny percentage of the country’s rice for export, but from the moment she set foot inside its gates, Yukari could tell it was thriving. The kind of place where everyone knew one another and looked after each other. Simple people leading simple lives, no bloodlines or clan names to protect and stress over. It was a town Matsuri had passed through on one of her missions and fell in love with.

Yukari drew a slow breath, You probably would’ve liked living here… Though her cousin hadn’t even made it over the border when the hunter squad caught up. There had to be more I could’ve done…

A farmer with a pipe watched Yukari as she made her way through. His grinding his teeth told a story of unease.

“You know, blind travelers aren’t something I expect ta see every day now, like one’s weird. Multiple, now that just ain’t natural. What’cha doing round these parts? Don’t recognize ya. This place ain’t going nowhere, so what brings ya. Better not be more ninja business, I keeps telling ya nothing goes on ‘round here. We pay our taxes, grow rice, and live a simple honest life, we don’t want no trouble.”

Yukari’s head canted slightly to the side, listening to the man speak. Multiple blind travelers? That was peculiar… She shook the thought from her head, there was no sense in getting her hopes up. “Ninja business? No, nothing like that, I’m here for personal reasons. My…” She hesitated slightly, should she even admit it was family? Without her headband it wasn’t like anyone here would be able to figure out she was from the Leaf. “Cousin was headed out this way, wanted to start a new life. She… never made it, I just want to lay some flowers and be on my way.”

“Huh, sorry fer ya lost. Well, go ahead I guess. Just don’t want any more ninja business after last time. Poor Tomoe and Hibiki got mixed up, damn ninja messes. Scarred’em real good. ‘Pparently ended up in some paper or some ninja voodoo. I hear you ninja can suck out people’s soul... Least their daughter didn’t get hurt any. Truth be told, didn’t even know they HAD a daughter ‘fore that. Oh well, world’s a strange place I guess.”

The rings on her staff jingled slightly, “strange indeed… I’m sorry to hear they ended up in the middle of a fight.” Another blind traveler and villagers getting caught in a conflict between shinobi? “Any idea what it was about? If you don’t mind me asking.” They say curiosity killed the cat, but there were more coincidences than she liked.

“Oh, some hullabaloo ‘bout their daughter looking like someone they were hunting. So they attacked’em. Put’em in paper, and hurt their gal ‘fore realized it was the wrong person. Can ya imagine that? Getting hurt just cause ya look like someone!”

The man then crossed his eyebrows as he thought of something.

“Course don’t chu go causing trouble too! Their daughter’s the spitting image of’em! I just don’t get off this farm much is all. Only met’er cause I was helping harvest them apples and wheat the Toga’s have. The ninja hunter’s just hurt her is all, don’t ya think if they were serious, they woulda sucked out her soul with their magick? Bastards. You ever see’em, make sure to give’em hell for me!”

“I see… sounds like the entire thing was an awful mess.” Yukari hesitated for a second, unable to stop the frown that tugged at her lips. “Didn’t you say their daughter wasn’t hurt a moment ago?”

“Er… Don’t’chu go using your ninja psychology on me! It ain’t gunna work. Don’t ya got some flowers to go put somewhere?”

She rubbed the back of her neck, “uh… right, sorry. Well, hopefully, her injury wasn’t serious.” Yukari offered a slight bow before continuing down the road. Ninja psychology and soul-sucking magic, huh?

The Toga farm was not much farther ahead, marked by a large wooden sign, oddly enough with braille on the side of its post, and a worker could be felt nearby the fence, harvesting the wheat with a scythe. She was young, and tensed up by reaction at someone walking down the road, though she continued to work.

Yukari paused a moment to let her hand run along the sign. It had been finely sanded, making the braille stand out all the more. Had the other signs nearby been like this? Her head tilted, the nearby farmer was still tense. “I’m sorry if I startled you.”

The farmer jumped a bit, now holding the scythe in a combative way. Well, as combative as a highly uneffective, dull, and unwieldy object could be held. She looked confused as she processed something.


She dropped the scythe and assumed a gentle fist stance.

Yukari froze, looking as though she’d been struck. The question, the voice, and then that all too familiar stance… “M-Matsuri?” She choked out, her staff clattering to the ground.

Matsuri trembled a bit, her heartbeat quickening, and her stance weakening. She kept it though. After a minute, simply gulping, not knowing what to say.

“I’ve lost my eyes, you don’t have a reason to hunt me. Uchiha lied to me… Natural, isn’t it...?”

“Lost your… hunt you…?” Her voicing faltering, Yukari found herself shaking her head despite having learned it had lost its meaning. She wanted to just tackle her in a tight hug, though the action likely wouldn’t be well received. “No, no! They all think you’re dead, I-I thought you were…” She hung her head, the silk around her face darkened with tears, “I’m sorry, I should have done more, I don’t know how they found out so fast.”

Matsuri lowered her hands slightly, looking relieved. She didn’t completely drop her guard though. A missing-nin was still a missing-nin.

“It’s the Hyuuga. How do you even escape people who can see everywhere at once? … Honestly, I should have thought of that a bit more before I made my escape, have an idea NOW, but hindsight. Hehehe, sight… Then again, they were catching on, so… my prison would’ve just gotten tighter.

How are you doing? Given your old man a heart attack yet…literally I hope. Hope you’ve at least learned enough gentle fist to shut them up.

I’m kind of enjoying my ghosthood. It's a simple life.”

“I’m…” Yukari raked her fingers through her raven locks, where would she even start? “Gods, it’s definitely been a year…” She chuckled weakly, “Though, guess I did finally shut them up. Haven’t said a single word to me in almost a year now, so…” With a sigh she bent down and picked her staff back up, trying to give her trembling fingers something to hold onto.

“That’s great. I’m sure you’ll be a great clan head. Almost wish I weren’t a ghost to see it… Almost wish I could see. But, well, if that’s the cost of freedom. I’ll take it. I miss a few things, but, well… I’m me. Not being skilled with a Byakugan’s not a problem. I don’t have to watch how I act. I’m making people smile. Honestly, it’s a good life. I work hard, and I have a place to eat, good friends, and a sense of purpose. This place hates ninja so much, I don’t even have to worry about ANBU finding me by accident. Though, I maaay have had to clear out some bandits, but no one’s any wiser there were any.”

Yukari’s shoulder fell, “I’m… not going to be clan head. Not even a Hyuuga anymore, to be honest…” She shook her head, “But I’m glad you’re happy here. You finally have the life you wanted.” A faint smile returned to her lips, “Bandits, huh?”

“Not a Hyuuga…? And former bandits. Now their ghosts like me. Except I guess I’m breathing.”

The kunoichi rubbed the back of her neck with a nervous chuckle, “You’re… not the only one without their byakugan anymore… Or… eyes, really.”

“What happened?”

Yukari leaned back against the fence, telling her about the Yoake and how shinobi had been going missing. Her staff jingled loudly as she recounted Daisuke and his experiment, how she had destroyed her own eyes to keep them out of his hands. She didn’t dwell long on the topic of clan politics, Matsuri knew them well enough.

“That’s… pretty much everything in a nutshell. I’ve had to spend most of my time relearning everything.” Yukari shrugged, sparing Matsuri of her dealings with Yokai. That topic alone would take days to even try and explain.

Matsuri wrapped herself around Yukari, not speaking for a moment.

“I… I wish I could help any. I’m just a farmer and a ghost. Sounds like you’ve had a hard time. How are your teammates? Or friends? Are they helping any?”

Yukari leaned back into the hug, enjoying the silence. “My sensei… he’s kind of taken me in after everything. A couple of friends have been a big help too.” She smiled, “one of them, Mai Sanada, doesn’t really treat me like I’m some delicate flower. We still spar all the time like nothing’s changed, it’s nice. Hideki Ukita’s been there for me too, in his own flirty way. Weren’t you two teammates for a little bit?”

“Maybe a total of an afternoon? I got pulled afterward by the main branch, as they weren’t convinced by my grades the academy. Took a while to get back in, but… I’m not a ninja. I’ve never been. I don’t care about the village. I don’t know why you do.”

Matsuri finally sat down on a stump, letting silence settle.

“Yukari, why are you here? Randomly finding me seems too convenient. I hate being a ninja, but I was still trained as one. All my training is telling me to pick up, move somewhere else, and hope ANBU can’t find me. I want to think fates are just nice today, but I can’t believe it. How can you still be loyal to the village that caused your eyes to be lost? That never protected you? Even when the S-rank ninja was found, and several villagers abducted, didn’t sound like the Hokage even cared. You’d probably have a better chance of finding Daisuke as a rogue than you would playing goodie two shoes. I could probably join Akai Kyodai in a week easy, but I don’t know anyone who would because it would look bad to the village. That’s all any of them care about… looking good for other ninja who couldn’t care less for them. You’re still loyal, so I don’t see why you AREN’T here for me, the traitorous Hyuga who got away.”

Yukari was silent for a long while, lightly wringing her hands as she thought. “I’d actually come out here to lay some flowers… try to find some closure.” She combed her fingers through her hair, “as for the village… I…” A tired sigh left her lips, “I’m not sure. Not like the clan gave me much reason to want to stay. My friends though… what friends I have mean the world to me. They’d probably drag me back to the village if I ever tried to leave for good.”

“Flowers in the middle of nowhere?” Matsuri raised an eyebrow, then sighed.

“Guess it’s a good thing you have friends. Wonder if I would have turned out different with them… probably not. Just… just if you do get powerful enough to break the Hyuga chain, think of me when you do. Then again… nevermind. I’m just a ghost. Make sure I stay that way, dead. Ghosts do haunt places, though, if I hear anything about any Daisuke, I’ll be sure to let you know… somehow. Heh, more like a revenge pact, you help destroy the Hyuuga, I’ll help destroy Daisuke. In any case, I’ll be taking those flowers, and let you go on your way. You did come to lay them, right? I’m sure the Togas will appreciate the sight.”

“I only knew where the hunter had supposedly caught you,” Yukari passed the small bouquet to her, lightly brushing them against her so she knew they were there. “Visiting the grave of my cousin and promising revenge to her ghost…” She gave a hollow chuckle, “though the Hyuuga deserve worse than a few asses kicked by a disgraced heiress.”

Matsuri took them and took a moment to smell the flowers.

“Maybe… but your friends don’t. Anything worse would catch them up too. If you have a reason to be loyal to the Leaf, probably stops anything worse. Protecting the Hyuuga or losing your friends, really what it comes down to. Good to see you, Yukari.”

“It was good seeing you too, Matsuri.” Yukari passed a second, “if you want… there are a few tricks I’ve learned the past year. Help me navigate more easily, read again even. I could teach them to you.”

“Wouldn’t worry too much. I wanted to live on my own terms, and I’m going to continue doing so. I’d rather you didn’t. Buut... Hm… Could you wait there for a moment?”

Matsuri quickly left, running to the barn. She returned with a bag that felt like it was full of sand.

“Hindsight is 20/20. See if this doesn’t help.”

“Hrm?” The small bag was surprisingly dense, “And what’s in this?”

Having found a large rock to perch on, Yukari flopped down with a soft sigh. The weather hadn’t exactly been all that good for travel, a constant trickle of rain that culminated in last night’s massive downpour. It was a good thing she’d relearned how to move through the treetops, the roads nothing but sticky traps of mud. At least the sun was finally back, the birds singing its praise.

Yukari dug through her pack and retrieved a small wrapped lunch. The little old lady that ran the inn she stayed in had insisted she took it. It was small, the gesture was still there. Hikari stretches out along the warm stone, “Where to next, Nyah?”

“Don’t know,” the Hyuuga fiddled with the knot. “Last stop was a bust, don’t really have any more leads at the moment.”


“Well, no, but I wasn’t expecting him to be dead.” The pair figured the self-proclaimed miracle worker had been a quack, but it was worth looking into with no other leads to go on. Turns out he was, and that some other Leaf shinobi has put a permanent end to his practice. Yukari paused, feeling a familiar, ephemeral tug on her being. “Who’s there?”

The person, or rather the thing that somewhat looked like an incomplete, crudely drawn, and possibly crafted by a two-year-old, came into view from behind. “Just a normal human boy coming through!” the… Thing... Responded in a somewhat nervous voice, like somebody who was just caught peeping on somebody.

And was currently trying to wiggle their way out of it. “Nothing wrong here just leaving and stuff Don’t worry!” the thing turned, revealing a hardly hidden tox tail on it’s behind as it waddled away, waddling the best word for it as walking was giving the thing far, far, FAR too much credit.

“Uh huh…” Yukari raised an eyebrow, thoroughly unimpressed by the display. She couldn’t see what was on the piece of… was it cardboard he was holding? But it was probably a disguise of some sort. “Okay I’m blind and you aren’t remotely fooling me. This one of Roku’s jokes?”

Hikari was already up, golden eyes watching him intently.

“Eh? No, I’m not from Roku!” the being stopped, freezing in its tracks as its fluffy tail stood on end.

“Not from Roku…” Yukari frowned slightly, she knew there had to be other kitsune out there. But she hadn’t expected to actually meet another one. “Then who are you from?”

“AH! How did you figure that out!?!?” The fox poofed, revealing himself, naught but a young man in truth. “Was it your… NINJA SENSES!?!” The kitsune shook and shivered, but silently hoped he was right.

She massaged the bridge of her nose with a frustrated sigh, “you literally just told me… Ugh, forget it, who sent you? What did they want?”

“Oh oh I’m here to get you to come see my master!! He's super cool and super awesome! Not as cool as ninjas though!!! Ohohohohoh! Can you do a ninja thing?”

“Define ‘ninja’-“

“Can you walk on walls? Water? THE CEILING?? Or can you breathe fire? Balance on a rope?”

Yukari was definitely taken off guard by the barrage of questions. “Uhh, yes, yes, I don’t see why not, I can’t anyway, and yes.”

“I’ve tried balancing, I just never can get it right and I hurt my bum whenever I fall down, oh and I’m trying to do the transformation stuff and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and that didn’t go too well but blah blah blah blah blah it was good, okay, but not that great blah blah blah and then the turkey blah blah blah and it was just stuck there for weeks and I didn’t know how to get it out and blah blah blah and that's how I managed to get the tar out of my tail, mostly.” He flicked his tail up to pick at a particular black spot upon it.

“Oh! So will you come?!?!?”

Yukari shook her head as if snapping out of a trance. Talkative was definitely one way to describe the energetic fox. Energetic may have been an understatement… She rubbed the back of her neck, “Uh… yeah, sure, I don’t see why I couldn’t.” Putting their untouched lunch back in her pack, she stood.

Her staff softly jingled as Yukari hopped back down onto the road, “You’ll have to lead the way.”

“Come on! Follow me!" the fox man energetically rushed off slipping into the woods and making a rustling trail for Yukari to follow.

She and Hikari gave chase, the afternoon slipping away into a warm night as they crossed realms. The songs of crickets and tree frogs filling the air while fireflies danced their midnight waltz. “Certainly… warmer here than Roku’s realm,” Yukari mused, unable to see the new world around her. Though she could tell they were now moving through a grove of bamboo. The towering plants swayed gently in the warm breeze.

“It’s always summer here! Nice and hot is what master likes!” The fox stated as he rushed through a wall of bamboo, twirling around the stalks like a snake through grass. “I’m Komaru by the way! The best apprentice in the world! Yep! Best apprentice! Could be yours too! Hint hint hint!”

“I’m Yukari, though I have a feeling you knew that already.” She carefully maneuvered through a thicker patch of bamboo. “Wouldn’t your master be upset if I took you?”

“Nah he's always telling me to get out there and be… outside... At all… And not in his way… And to get lost… And to be…. Actually... Useful…” he slowly began whimpering, tears filling his eyes and looked quite absolutely pathetic. Though Yukari wouldn’t quite notice the latter part, given her lack of being able to look at him.

“Oooh! We’re nearly there!" he shot back up again as if nothing ever happened at all.

“Are all kitsune like this?” She murmured to the nekomata perched on her shoulder. Hikari only shrugged in response. Stepping into the clearing, the home of Komaru’s master came into full view.

Perhaps small palace was more fitting than home… Small orbs of flame lined the walkway like floating lanterns as servants scurried about. Not all of them fellow kitsune. “Well… your master definitely has an impressive home,” Yukari tapped her staff against the ground in an attempt to take it all in. A broom quickly swept off the entranceway of its own volition.

“Yea isn’t it great!? It’s so spacious and awesome and pretty and comfortable! You should totally come inside!” Komaru paused at the entrance and performed a deep bow to the door. “Master! I have returned with the young lady you wished for!”

“Oh?” A low voice spoke from within, a ninetailed fox emerging from the entrance. He stood a good head taller than Komaru, dressed in elaborate robes. Nine, fluffy tails trailed behind him. “And so you have,” his voice still commanded respect despite his soft tone. “Well done, Komaru.” A clawed hand lightly patted the young fox on the head, eliciting a joyed squeal.

He turned towards Yukari and offered a bow, “a pleasure to finally meet you, Yukari. I am Hiratsune, the master of this realm. And one in need of the Blind Sage’s services.”

Yukari quickly returned his bow, “an honor, Hiratsune.” She hesitated, blind was certainly an on the nose description, but a sage…? “I’m… not exactly a full-fledged sage, however…”

Hiratsune tilted his head slightly, “The elder Nekomata took you into his tutelage, did he not?”

“Well, yes, he did.” How many yokai actually knew about that? Now that she thought about it, an awful lot seemed to know about her being Koma’s student too.

"A fledgling sage, but an honorable sage nonetheless.” The older Kitsune motioned inside, “Come, we’ll speak inside. Komau, have Koname begin dinner and tea for our guest.” With a quick nod, Komaru scampered off.

Stepping inside, Yukari smelled the warm incense that filled the air. Servants milled about, offering bows to the kitsune as he and his guests passed by. Large scrolls hung on the walls, likely containing elaborate calligraphy and ink paintings. A pang of loss echoed in her chest at the thought of sumi-e. She missed being able to bring ideas to life with ink and paper.

Situated in a tatami room with soft cushions, Yukari waited for the tea to be poured before speaking up. “If I may, why was it you needed me?” Hikari curled up on her lap as she spoke, purring softly.

Hiratsune folded his hands in front of him, “The Ishikawa clan has recently made a bargain with a local spirit, gaining new eyes as a result. I believe you shinobi call it doujutsu?”

A frown tugged at her lips, but Yukari gave a hit nod. “What do these eyes do?”

“Kill with but a glance.”

Yukari frowned, but couldn’t stop the chill that crept over her. “I can’t say I’ve ever heard of a doujutsu capable of something like that before. Are you over exaggerating any?”

Hiratsune chuckled, “perhaps in a sense. Even the briefest eye contact will cause paralysis in their target. For a shinobi, that’s essentially a death sentence right there.”

“I see…” She leaned back, crossing her arms in front of her, “so why do you need me? You’re clearly powerful, why look for a shinobi at all?”

“Oh, I have tried to handle it without outside help. Unfortunately, those eyes work just as well on us as they do on humans.” Hiratsune sighed, picking up his teacup.

“So then you want to send someone they can’t use the eyes on.”

“Precisely,” The kitsune’s tails slowly swayed, “Fortunately, not all of them survived the gift itself leaving only a small number to clean up. Ah, but don’t think I’m asking you to do this for free. Take care of the Ishikawa and I ’ll grant you a boon. Anything you desire, name it and it will be yours.” He reached across the table, lightly brushing the silk around her face. “Even restoring your eyes isn’t beyond question.”

Yukari swallowed hard, he could give her back the byakugan? It was tempting to say yes then and there, but… did she even want them? It wasn’t like it would magically fix things with the clan. They’d probably accuse her of killing another Hyuuga for their eyes.

”I want to continue living life my own way.”

Maybe Matsuri had the right of it. Besides, regaining her sight wasn’t why she left on this little journey in the first place. “There is… one thing…”

That piqued the kitsune’s curiosity. “That so? Well then, shall we discuss the details over dinner?”

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