SHSL Nonperson


The Bad-Title Maker
Name:  Suimen Kokaishinjitsu

Age: 15


He is often a pessimistic person on your first impression... and all the other the very least if you DID talk to him and not ignore him (if they mean to or not - usually the latter), not that one could blame him after all. Suimen is usually ignored and forgotten, the real-life impersonation of the schwa. Usually there, basically right there in front of you and if you look away from him just once, he will disappear from your sight until he taps your shoulder or waves his hand in front of him. If he was childish enough, he'd probably walk away and get a sharpie to draw a mustache before you'd notice him.

Along with his pessimism, you have the wonderful addition of his sarcasm, with the more than occasional snide remark... actually, these two traits actually might be the reason why he is ignored...|| BUT ANYWAYS... he usually can't help himself to say these remarks, his usual excuse being 'The Timing was just too right to not say,' and the fact there seems to be no verbal filter between his mind and mouth. So at least his cruel honesty is somewhat of a positive at this point.

He has a rather dark sense of humor, usually making fun of what people fear most if he knows it, laughing at his own jokes at time - actually laughing not the nervous laughter of those trying to make some sort of form of social contact with this... weird person.

[SIZE= 11px]Suimen could be classified as a Tsunshun, as he sometimes does regret his own choices and his rather horrible personality, even if usually comes off as just a normal overly snippy person to others (Again if they can see this weirdo) . He also seems to be rather clingy to people who look for him after their first encounter and don't seem like that they dislike him too much. Basically, a slightly O.K person if you can get him out his shell who seems to be more childish and less 'rational' in a way.[/SIZE]

Super high school level: Nonperson.


+ Vanilla Ice Cream

+ 12th Century Japan

+ Samurai Clothing

[SIZE= 11px]+ Scaring people[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]+ Tea[/SIZE]


- His 'Talent'

- People knowing his Talent

- Mochi

- Overly Sugary things (Chocolate, Candy, Cookies)

- Being 'Left out of the loop'

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