Shoulders of Giants


ok there are three faction in this rp there is the Union, G.A.R (Greater Asian Republic), T.R.E (The Russian Empire)

G.A.R- is centerred in eastern asian and have the largest army in the world but are also very poorly supplied only there aces have the best equipment and are well taken care of they're people starve and there are many rebelions that you will be called into to take care of.

The Union-is the alliance between america, canada and the millions of refugees of europe that where fortunate to escape the war. the Union has the smallest army but is the best well supplied nation and has the money to back there army with the best tech

T.R.E-After russia staged a successful rebellion against the G.A.R they quickly built up there military might much like G.A.R they have a massive military they are proud and indapendent people that are always at war with the G.A.R over border disputes

back story

january 9,2012 China, north and south korea and japan form a alliance making them the most power nation ever to stand.

march 21, 2015 G.A.R starts a mass Annexation of eastern asian and wins its war with russia taking it over

january 30, 2016 the G.A.R war machine sets its sites on europe and declares war. europe calls for help from U.S.. U.S. refuses to get involved but will take in refugees

october 4, 2019 images of the war strike U.S. public and proof that the president was taking dirty deals for G.A.R outrages the people. the president commets suicide and then Union is formed with cananda and the remaining european nations

July 4, 2020 G.A.R turns europe into a nuclear waistland with dirty bombs and nuclear strikes 1 billion refugees are brought to the Union and stregth its military might

July 9 2020 T.R.E is created middle east nations join and form a super power. the first thing the new nation does it declare war on the G.A.R and The Union

October 1, 2020 The 3rd world war is declared

Pilot Name: Duh.

Pilot Age: Try to discourage child pilots,please...Would a military REALLY allow a hormonal teenager to pilot the most expensive piece of hardware they have?

Affiliation: Union,TRE,GAR.

Mech Chassis: An image of the mech.

Mech Weapons: The weapons mounted on the mech.

Mech Systems: The non-weapon systems present in the mech.

Battlefield role: What is the mech designed for?

Pilot Background: Everyone wants a story. So,give them one.

Feel free to add/remove anything from that.
Name: Gestalt Intelligence Operating System (G.I.O.S)

Pilot Age: Three years,seven months of operation (Two of those years were prototyping and testing). Eight year development cycle.

Affiliation: The Union.

Gender: None. It is a gestalt system of AI's and VI's.

Mech Chassis: The "Vulture" Heavy Class Omnimech Chassis. Dull geay paint job,Union insignia on sides of missile pods.

Mech Weapons: Two missile pods (SRHDM 20's*) : Three volleys each,torso mounted. Two 40mm "Mulcher" Machine guns,belly mounted: five hundred rounds each,1000 rounds/minute. Two LB-X10** Autocannons,arm mounted (lower barrel) : Twenty shots each. Two Heavy I.L.S*** Cannons,arm mounted (upper barrel): Infinite ammo,potential to overheat mech when in heavy use,beam travels at light speed: 30 discharges/minute.

Mech Systems: Note: Each system is run by a dedicated AI,which is a part of GIOS's Central Operating System. All individual moving parts have dedicated Virtual Intelligences (less powerful AI,known as VI) operating them.

-Ablative Kinetoenergetic Armour: Basic armour plating;hardens when something solid strikes it,making penetration very difficult with ballistic weapons.

-HLAMS: A Heavy LASER Anti Missile System. Locks on to the targeting systems of incoming missiles and destroys them before impact. Doesn't target unguided missiles. Can be overwhelmed by large volleys (30 or more).

-Mirrolite Alloys: Less a system and more a part;all metal parts (which is to say every single part) are made from a naturally reflective alloy; LASERs are utterly worthless against it. No AI or VI system.

-SR-Omni Sensor Array: A short range (one kilometer,1000 meters) sensor suite that determines area geography,and entity positioning. As in everything within a one kilometer radius can be seen by it. Operates at light speed.

-MR-Sensor Jammer: Jams all sensors (including own) within a one and a quarter kilometer (1250 meters) radius. Has an off switch,thankfully.

-SR-Comms Jammer: Jams all comms (including own) within a 500 meter radius. Has an off switch.

-Advanced Targeting Systems: Allows multiple entities to be targeted and saved simultaneously.

-Multiple Target Management System: Allows ffiring on multiple saved targets simultaneously.

-Human Pilot Override System: A human pilot can,after bypassing security features,can assume control of the mech as a pilot after entering the cockpit. Otherwise,GIOS has full control.

...That's a lot of systems. What? It's an AI collective intelligence!

Battlefield Role: Electronics Warfare,Counter-Intelligence,Close Range Combat Support.

Background: The Gestalt Intelligence Operating System was an experiment. It was codenamed CERBERUS,and the goal was to create an artificialy intelligent operating system for combat purposes,to supplament human forces in times of war. When WWIII was declared,CERBERUS had concluded the development stage,and had the first operational G.I.O.S installed onto a simple robot frame. Initial tests were promising,and the system was installed to more complex systems,like powered exosuits and aircraft. By the end,the G.I.O.S was installed onto a mech,and was determined to be as effective as any human pilot. However,knowing the dangers of an artificialy intelligent system,they installed a Pilot Override,allowing a human pilot with the proper access codes to take direct control of the mech from the cockpit,and was assigned a human "Failsafe" pilot. The G.I.O.S accepted this,knowing the fears of it's creators.

Over time,the G.I.O.S came to see the Failsafe Pilot as a brother,rather than some heinous kill-switch. G.I.O.S never saw heavy action,because the scientists didn't want to lose their crowning achievment. However,the Union military need to gain ground,so eventually,they will have to call upon the G.I.O.S for a major battle...

*=Short Range "Hammer" Dumb Missiles;20 missile volley (per pod).

**=Lubalin Ballistics-X 10 Pellet. It's like a mech scale shotgun.

***=Intense Light Source. It's a LASER.
Pilot Name: Cefiro krsi

Pilot Age: 23


Mech Chassis: prototype russian model "spetnaz"

Mech Weapons:

MR-R102-an assault rifle with low firing latency and high power

Moonlight a oversized laser blade with amazing attack power

Mech Systems:063ano05 BFF AI helps with mission details and manage all mech systems while in combat, reactive armor, stealth (vents a particle that bends light and makes it invisible cant be used in combat and has a twenty minute time limit until the dust runs out doesnt work in rain either) radar, and optical inhancements such as infared and nightvision

Battlefield role: medium to close range combat and recon

Pilot Background: Cefiro was apart of the rebellion against the Gar he fought in seven different battle across russia winning them all in his mech. After the final battle in moscow and the Formation of the R.E. Cefiro was givin a rank and set in a special unit named S.t.a.r (special tactics and recon resident evil). after that he quickly rose threw the ranks as a top pilot of russia
Pilot Name: Rab Carr

Pilot Age: 22

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Union

Pilot Background: Rab was born and raised in Scotland, the recent war had displaced him from the homeland of his forefathers. One of the GAR's dirty bombs had landed directly atop his hometown, eradicating the majority of the population almost instantly. It was a miracle that he had made it out alive, and no one had believed that there were any survivors; so the adolescent Rab walked hundreds of kilometers to the shore in the hopes of evacuation. Many refugees attempted to board planes and escape by the skies, but it was a foolish notion, and Rab was one of the few smart enough to travel by sea. It saved his life; and since the bombs fell, Rab has held a special hatred for the GAR. It took Rab four years of training to meet the qualifications required to pilot a mech, and with his seemingly bottomless hatred for the enemy, he was chosen to pilot the G.I.O.S, unstable though it may be; a trained, and motivated pilot could easily control it.
Pilot Name: Wesley ‘Wes’ Harington IV

Pilot Age: 35

Affiliation: Union

Mech Chassis:

Mech Weapons: a single “uzi" with explosive rounds. A vibranium shield that absorbs sound and stops blunt force impact including the ability to stops bullets.

Mech Systems: supersonic thrusters for quick high speed movements, active cloaking. (90% camo standing still, 75% moving)

Battlefield role: in your face high speed destruction.

Pilot Background: As Wesley lived upon the border of America and Canada, he was a citizen of the greatest nations. Growing up in a rich house hold, Wesley harbored numerous ideas and interests. One of his most important ideas was that of mech suits or robots. At the age of 6, Wesley started designing his own mech suit. It started off as a simple exo suit of the human body and throughout his school years, it evolved into a large mech suit. Entering college, Wesley took every art class avaliable and he evolved his design. Graduating college, Wesley entered the armed forces as a heavy machine mechanic. In this position he started to incorporate his own design into his work upon the union’s mechs.
Pilot Name: Konn Vainte (22)


Affiliation: Union


Mech Chassis:

Mech Weapons: Anti Mech Assault Rifle, Small Anti Personnel MG on chestplate (x2), Secondary Class Medium Anti Material Blade (Knife)

Mech Systems:
Sonar (Like Bats), 2 Bladed Hooks (can be a weapon), 2Shiftable Dyson Ball wheels 1 per Leg, Ejection Cockpit, Blackbox (Visual and Sound recording)

Battlefield role:
Urban Conflict (any city battle, preferably large cities)

Pilot Background: Having been on the frontlines when the G.A.R. began their annexation of Europe, Konn had fought many losing battles. Surprisingly surviving each of them. Though never without great loss. He had too watch his best friends slaughtered by large war machines called Mechs. During the final act in Europe, he was assigned one last mission, do or die scenario. He was commanded to find a mech and steal it. With the where abouts of a conflict in South Germany, he made haste towards the battle.

It wasn't long before his transport was under attack. Apparently they had been expecting reinforcements. Surprised it was only a small supplies group. This gave Konn the element of surprise, though losing almost all the forces. Being in Berlin he had a lot of places to hide, but with machines made specifically for assaulting cities?? That caused a great problem.

About a day later the mechs thinned out, leaving sweeping parties behind. Konn took this advantage to kill out a small group of resting soldiers with a couple of his comrades. Only he and another man lived in this operation, but they gathered 8mechs. That left it down to a decision to the 2 men. They chose quickly and unhooked any safety mechanism's. Though the other had to do that. Konn took a look and figured the system out quickly.

On their way back to Scotland the radios had gone dark. Lights were seen everywhere at night but they were quite a distance away. Having no idea what was going on Konn and his partner took up shelter in a cave. The ground started to shake violently and a cave in happened killing the other and damaging both mechs. Though Konn's wasn't unusable. Nearly a week later he arrived at the port town he was supposed to meet a transport ship at. Seeing the destruction along the way proved what he would find there.

Konn was granted one small blessing however, as a Union ship was making a last check of the area. Konn had sent an uncoded radio transmission just in time to avoid being shot at by the ship. They took him in and brought him back to Canada. This helped the Union become capable of mass producing Mechs quicker than anticipated. Konn was then the only trainer for mechs, but still remained a soldier for frontlines.
Pilot Name: Jace Korum

Pilot Age: 46

Affiliation: Union

Mech Chassis:

Mech Weapons: 2 .80 Caliber Assault Hand Guns, Specialized Stun Baton

Mech Systems: Mechanical Support Arm, Servo Arm, Mounted Support Platform, Large-scale Welder's Tool, Rear-mounted Radar and Communications System, Hydrogen Thrusters and Stabilizers, and Internal Ammunitions Chamber.

Battlefield role: Support, Maintenance, medium-short range combat (limited)

Pilot Background: Jace was born in Los Angeles, California in China Town to an auto-mechanic father and nurse mother. As Jace grew up, he learned mechanics from his father and some basic first-aid from his mother. As he was growing up, Jace longed to be a fireman, so he could help people out. However, as he grew older, his father died of cancer, and at the age of 16, he had to take over his father's shop. When he turned 21, he decided to sell the shop and move out on his own. He decided to move overseas, to China, and take up engineering at a school there.

While studying in China, he saw the great injustices placed upon the people there, and so when he had his degree, he decided to move. However, limited funds left him with the choice of India, or North or South Korea. He decided on South Korea. However, a few years after the G.A.R. was founded, he was moved to an internment camp in North Korea. While there, he helped maintain the local machinery, and was quickly noticed for his talent. After a few years of being observed, he was offered a non-combat role as an engineer for their tanks and jeeps. He quickly rose the ranks and was moved to Japan to help work on special projects concerning the mechs. In 2019, he escaped using one of the mechs that he had worked on, one specialized for supporting other mechs in the field. He defected to the Union, and was quickly given a support role in the field to see how the G.A.R. prototype could help them.
Pilot Name: Argust Barns

Pilot Age: 23

Affiliation: Union

Mech Chassis:

Mech Weapons:


The G.A America B117- multi purpose weapon.

-when blade is folded in it can fire a small beam from the build in gun

-the shield emits a energy field that can block bullets and beam weapons for a short time

-sword form it is super heated by the shield generator making it cut threw most things like butter


G.A Americas short to medium distance assault rifle

-fires a 20 pound projectile with railgun technology

Mech Systems:

Crusader system- the Paladin was built around the super advanced crusader AI. The crusader hacks guided missiles and enemy and ally satellites to better its survival rate. it also manages the power systems and weapon systems

Anti-Beam coating-the armor is coated with a special metal that helps deflect beam weapons

Orb- the orb is a cockpit that connects with the pilots nervous system threw multiple needle injections. it improves quick reaction times

sensors- you already know

improved optics- inferred, night vision,and 10x zoom

Battlefield role:medium and close range

Pilot Background: Argust was born in Washington and has lived there ever since. Being the trouble maker in school after he graduated he got even worse first starting off with petty crimes like theft. On his twentieth birthday he was caught in a robbery and was sentenced two 25 years in prison. When the war started he was taken in by the navy for numbers and rose threw the armored division ranks becoming the pilot of the Paladin. After two successful missions from him and the crusade system he was placed on full combat duty.

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