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Fantasy SHOGUN_ - Rules


Pizza Boy Extraordinaire
Aight boys, let's get some things straight.

1. No God modding

Quite naturally, of course, but there's a surprising amount of people who forget this. You're a scared nerd in a strange, hostile world, thrown into a war without warning or preparation. Regardless of how you can keep your cool and a clear line of thought (which is perfectly ok), you are scared, even if just a little bit. I'm not saying you have to cry and whimper 24/7 but avoid acting like a war veteran, unless you're being ironic or literally role-playing inside the role-play #rpception

2. Keep the variety up

Now listen here, there's no problem in having two people of the same class, it's actually quite common in MMO parties. I would appreciate, however, that, should you choose the same class as someone else, at the very least, follow a different path from theirs. I won't fore you to do it, but it would be really nice.

So yeah, no problem with having 2 of the same class, but please avoid forming a party of 8 samurais.

3. Avoid odysseys of text

I know this is casual RP, but some people still insist in explaining their full train of thought and emotional state while flashbacking to day their mother was killed by the KKK, in order to reply to someone's "Good day, how are you?"

Use your common sense when you're writing, not your inner-Shakespeare. Sometimes you'll have to make a large, detailed reply, naturally, but sometimes a simple sentence and narration will suffice, and work 3 times better even. So keep that in mind.

4. 2 characters MAX

Most people actually don't go beyond one character (which is mighty fine too), but if you're like me, you need your personal army of 4, usually 5.

So yeah, let's keep our pants on and stick to 2 maximum main characters. Remember that you can always ask
@Mine to make a third character, cause she's the boss.

5. Don't be a dick.

Please, don't.

You got problems with someone? PM them. Someone's bugging you? PM them. They don't care? PM me or

Easy peasy right?.

6. Have FUN!

This ain't an E-Sport, gentlemen. It's ok to take it seriously, but ultimately, we're just wasting our time doing unproductive things with one another, which is a mighty perfect definition of FUN. Of course, don't go jumping around thinking this is Jackass 4, it's still a serious setting, but I command you to enjoy yourself! The Shogun is absolute!
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