Shiver, Linger, Forever. (Wolf Pack RP)


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Roleplay Type(s)
Wolves who are people? - A small group of people (Probably five or six.) have been cursed to shift into wolves sporadically during the coldest days of the year. A virus that seemingly works based on ones body temperature. These people have no control over when they are going to shift, however the longer you are afflicted the less traumatic and random your shifting becomes.

Vague plot - Tucked in the wilds of British Columbia, Canada a quaint village stands. It's normally peaceful but the past two winters citizens have disappeared, seemingly attacked, and torn apart by a vicious pack of wolves.

[insert Pack leader name] has been caring for those who have been deemed monsters, those who are powerless to stop their body from transforming. It's becoming too dangerous for the wolves to be in the woods, the whole village is up in arms calling for an aerial extermination of the wolf population lurking in the forest.

[Pack leader] is noticing an increase in the shifter community, with too many people to try to keep safe without being conspicuous, he is forced to find out the cause. How is the curse being spread? Who is spreading it?

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