Shisa (Ren)


Three Thousand Club
Name: Ren Hirito

Age: 17

Miraculous: Shisa (those lion dogs you see outside of temples)

Kwami: Jao


Partner: Kitsune

Abilities when transformed: 

Major: Judgement- Shisa can burn everything in an ethereal fire. Akuma and all. Sure he has to be careful  not to hit anyone-especially his partner, but it works as a purifier. 


Slow start- Shisa's miraculous takes a while to transform him, sure he's hellaciously strong but it takes him ages to even show up to the fight. However once he's in he's in. His miraculous gives him slightly longer time to atone for such a long transformation.

heavy hitter: Kitsune is more fast and irritating, Get hit by Shisa and you'll wish you hadn't. He's incredibly strong and durable although he is slow.


Shisa is pretty chill, calm and collected at most times. Classy as all get out and he can charm his way out of most situations. Ren can convince people that the sky is green and the grass is red through his incredible charisma. He's a slight bit of a narcissist, maybe perhaps a bit vain, but none to the point of him being a bad person. Basically he's a pretty boy and he knows it, and he's going to flaunt it.

Ren is quite confidant, almost to the point of obliteration social norms by hard core hitting on the prettiest thing in the room and blatantly showing interest (or disinterest) should he have it. He is quite blunt and many might think he's rude when he tells them they might want to consider a manicure or a different pair of shoes, but he'll never get down right mean until warranted.


Ren is quite an oddball. Middle child, the son of a plastic surgeon and a makeup artist, so he was raised around pretty people. Thus probably molding him into the semi-vain person he is today. His mother owned a makeup boutique in Tokyo and of course he hung around when he was a boy and well into his teenage years. He picked up a few tricks from his mother, and eventually got pretty good at fixing makeup. Which came in handy when an elderly woman came in looking to fix up for her and her husband's 50th anniversary. No one would help this poor woman, so of course he did, everyone deserves to look pretty for their anniversary in his mind. 

Ren helped the woman and even covered part of the bill when she couldn't afford some of the products he'd used. Later that day in his bag he found a ring and upon putting it on, he discovered he was chosen to be the Shisa's miraculous holder. He took to the job rather quickly, although discovered the ring had an irreparable crack in it, meaning his transformation would take a full four minutes longer than normal. But that was alright, he discovered his partner was far capable of keeping villain's occupied while he was out.

Recently his father has found better paying work in Paris and his mother decided to open another location as well. They bought a house and now live in Paris for half the year while their son is in school and in Japan for the summers. 

Sexuality: Uhhh.... he's attracted to pretty faces.


non tranformed:





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