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Fantasy Shiroh


It was 1:00 PM at Soun Street. All was quiet and fine, nothing was really going on. People were walking around everywhere, Ka'Sai looks at Soun Street from his apartment. He came out of his apartment with a book. "What a nice day." he said to himself


@Nenma Takashi

Tithin turned the corner of the street looking like total wreck. Scrapes and bruises covered his arms and he had a cut under his left eye. Not wanting to be seen, he stayed close towards the huge structures. To his shock, a boy stepped out suddenly in front of him. His expression turned into embarrassment and he held in a gasp hoping the boy wouldn't notice him. He knew he was just a moment away from breaking down.
Ka'Sai saw the boy and pitied him. He lended him a hand and said "Come with me..I have a surprise for you." He used his powers to give him and the boy angelic wings.

Tithin's heart fell when the boy made eye contact with him. A wave of guilt passed over him and he tried to forget the images of what he just saw before. Thankfully, he was distracted by the boy speaking up. "C-come? Where to?" he piped up for the first time in a long time. He would have nervously followed the boy, but he completely forgot about everything when he saw the angel wings. A childish gleam showed up in his eyes and a small smile replaced his quivering mouth. "Wow! That's amazing!" he gasped and he poked the wings wanting to see if they were actually real. @Thatonechillgirl
"I will make you feel better. Maybe we can be friends." He said with a smile Ka'Sai flapped his new wings while lifting the boy. He flew up to the top of the building "My name's Ka'Sai Kuru, I can make anything in my imagination come to life. What's your name?"

Tithin had already forgotten his troubles. His childish nature getting the best of him. When the teen kindly spoke to him, he smiled back genuinely. "T-thank you so much. I really am fine. You don't have to worr-" His eyes widened when he realized they were flying. Being sort of afraid of heights, he reached out to grab anything, but there was nothing in his arm's reach. Since he couldn't control his wings, he just had to let the boy take him where ever. He had no choice. Once they reached the top of the building, he instantly sat down away from the edge. "Ka... Ka'sai," he repeated the name to himself to remember better. "I'm Tithin! I can shift into a shadow!" he chirped happily. @Thatonechillgirl
Kazuichi slid down a railing onto another building then ran to the edge and leaped across. He rolled landing on a building a bit lower and kept moving. He didn't hear the angry yells of the men he had just cheated out of their money so he figured he was in the clear. He jumped again this time the distance was too wide for him to make so he aimed his hand at an angle shooting flames out og them to land on the building safe. "Another good job if I do say so myself."
Tithin froze for a few moments when he cut straight into the matter. He wasn't sure what to say and honestly he couldn't give a real account. "I...I...," He let out a deep breath and spoke quickly, "I have a strange problem... um.. Sometimes, I feel like I become someone else." He wasn't really sure how to explain himself. Suddenly, his attention was caught by a random teen that had jumped on the building. "Looks like we got company," he murmured to Ka'Sai. @Thatonechillgirl @Nenma Takashi
Standing up, Tithin noticed that Ka'sai had positioned himself between the stranger and them. Not wanting to be a burden, he commented gently, "Hey, I'm sure he's okay." Trying to peer over his shoulder, he smiled at the newcomer. "Hi!" he waved as he greeted. Since Ka'sai had been so kind to him, he didn't feel threatened or scared of other people at the moment. @Thatonechillgirl @Nenma Takashi
Kazuichi saw that there were two others on the building he smiled which to most people due to his looks would seem threatening. "Hey sorry to just drop in." He looked around making sure he hadn't been followed. "Alright seems clear." He sat down laying on the ground. "Ahh man what a long day." He sighed.



Aria - Mood: Slightly Agitated


Suddenly, a man flew into the alley way slamming against the wall. Groaning softly, he stayed on the ground. Looking up, you would a young female with pink hair with her leg lowering down as if she kicked him across the alley way. She dusted off her hands placing them on her hips.

"That should teach you for being a pervert. Hmph!" She noticed the others and she waved happily. "Oh greetings! Don't mind him, he should be fine." Eyeing the man on the ground she looked back up at them. "Um...I think."
Tithin wasn't getting quite confused with the large group of people. Normally, he would be shaking and trying to get away, but he still was under his childish trust in Ka'Sui. He gave Kazuichi a friendly smile when the other mentioned him, then suddenly yelped when he heard a man slam into the ground. Despite being hurt himself, he went into shadow form disappearing from the eyesight of the others. Then he appeared in front of the man on the ground making sure he was okay. "A-are you all right? Did this guy try to hurt you?" he asked worried about the well-being of the both of them even if he didn't understand the situation. @Thatonechillgirl @Nenma Takashi @MikkiAli
"Tithin! I'm sorry I have to go!" Ka'Sai said as he sprout the angel wings once to to check on Tithin. He landed near Tithan. "I'm sorry for following you everywhere but i don't wanna see you hurt." He said to Tithin

@MikkiAli @AsphianDreamer
Tithin wasn't to far. If the girl with the pink hair could be heard when she greeted them, then Kazuichi could still hear and see them all. He didn't mean to leave all suddenly, and looked up at Ka'sai with a grateful smile. It's been a long time since someone actually cared for his own well-being. "No, no," he spoke softly looking very touched. "It's okay. You don't really have to worry about me though, but thank you for being so nice to me." If there wasn't a unconscious man in front of him, he would have hugged Ka' Sai.


Aria - Mood: Confused, Friendly


Before she could answer, someone else arrived and she waved swiftly. "Greetings, I'm Aria. Is there something wrong?" In all honesty, she was just an innocent teenager. There wasn't anything she could do that would hurt a single fly. Unless that fly decided to attack her in any way. Walking closer to them, she frowned a little. "Why are you all around here? Are you lost?"
Relieved, that the man was alive, he stood up facing the Aria and Ka'sui. He held up his hands trying to indicate that he was friendly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to barge in like that. I'm Tithin. I'm all right!" He replied back with a friendly smile. Truthfully, he seemed like a mess with his arms covered in bruises and cuts under his eye. It was obvious, he had recently been in a fight and lost. When Aria had asked why he was here, he seemed a little nervous and stepped closer to Ka'sui. He didn't want to tell them about Maki, but he didn't want to leave them either. He missed having friends and people that were so kind around him. "I-I'm not lost," he simply stuttered. It wasn't a lie since he had no home.

@Thatonechillgirl @MikkiAli
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Hidden in the dark shadows of an alley, Lilith sat silently as she observed people passing by and the colorful lights that gleamed off from the buildings. It was almost like a glowing city of color. She fiddled with her fingers as she suddenly heard a conversation going on nearby. Her curiosity took a hold of her as she peeked past a wall to see a group of people, some who seemed to not be human. She sniffed the air for any scent of food, before sneezing a mass of purple fire.

@Thatonechillgirl @Nenma Takashi
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Using his shadow sense, Tithin felt somebody else approaching. Oh, this was to much. If he lost control of his mind, then he would have no clue what would happen next. He was not sure if she was planning to pass by, but his attention was again snatched by the others in front of him. It was when he heard her sneeze that he turned his attention again to her. "Bless you!" he chirped then looked scared at the purple fire. Fire was one of his weaknesses and it hurt him much more than the average person. Trying not to look scared, he managed to give her a friendly smile. "I never seen sneeze quite like that," he giggled a little. @Soulless
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Looking at the burnt sight in front of her, Lilith sniffled as she looked at the boy who noticed her. Struggling to figure what to do in the current situation, she fled the scene, hiding once again in the shadows for comfort. She tucked her self close together as her stomach growled rather loudly from hunger. She was afraid what the people would do if they caught her or worse, what she would do.

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In the mere moments that they had eye contact, Tithin hoped in vain that she wouldn't run away. He could tell there was something wrong with her, but he didn't want to leave Ka'sui after all he did for him. When she turned and fled, he could still sense her shadow stronger since she was hiding herself in his strongest element. "There are so many people outside hurt. I can't leave anyone behind. Come on, let's go help her," he suggested to Aria and Ka'Sui, then turned and followed her shadow trail. He shouldn't have been running to someone with his greatest weakness, but his worry outweighed his common sense. Close enough, he heard her stomach rumble and he stayed a few steps away to not scare her. Slowly, he crouched down to her eye level and softly spoke, "Are you hungry? Don't worry. We just want to help you." @Soulless
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Ka'Sai saw the young girl and was shocked, He knew what species she was. "Dragons? I thought they were extinct, she's the last one. I can't even tell how afraid she is now, she is afraid that she will die or be experimented on...probably the ladder." Ka'Sai muttered to himself. He walked where Tithan was.



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