• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Shipwrecked


1. All RPN Rules apply.

2. Max of two characters per person.

3. I expect fighting in this RP. But if there is fighting please give people time to react. Its only fair.

4. Lets keep the ratio to guys and girls equal.

5. No survival experts. Where the fun in the guy that knows literally everything about how to survive in the woods. Now I'm not saying that you cant have knowledge. Just having someone who is all knowing is kinda boring.

6. I understand that you all have lives and that you aren't always going to be able to reply. like my slef I have a job which I usually work at night. So don't write a character off if they don't reply instantly.

7. Please have at least one detailed paragraph.

8. Please put AJA some where in your CS if you have read this.

9. I want drama but I don't want the people who have drama surrounding them.

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