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Realistic or Modern Sherwood Shores: The City Of Heroes


Derpy Dev

to nobody's surprise he's not straight
Sherwood Shores. This California coastal city is known for it's large population of 1.5 million and tourist attractions. But it's known for another reason. It's known as The City Of Heroes. Sherwood Shores has more heroes and villains then any other US city. From kingpins to crooks, from warlords to soldiers, from the clever to the strong, this city has all kinds of heroes and villains. What kind will you be?

Remember the rules! See them in the OOC thread. Do not post until you have read the rules and I have accepted your main character.
Feel free to make minor bit characters to fill any gaps! But remember that another player can also fill that same gap.
You don't need to make super long posts, but remember to make posts longer than a single sentence. As a general rule, at least one paragraph.
If you were watching the ocean from your window at 3 AM in the morning, you would have seen a star fall. You would have seen a glowing ball of light fall and fall all the way to the blue ocean, and hit its surface with a great splash. What you would not have heard is the cursing of its inhabitant, and perhaps you're better off that way.

May'ona groaned as she lay on the floor of her rather cramped pod. It wasn't meant for long term survival, only for quick relocation in a crisis. It had a small bed, a replicator, a desk with some storage space underneath, and of course an isolated bathroom. But nothing more. She reached up and rubbed her bruised skull, and looked at her hand dizzily to see it covered in her slick green blood. That couldn't be healthy. But it didn't hurt too much and she'd faced worse that day. She'd live. Slowly, she pulled herself up and sat upright on the floor. Then, she lifted her hand once more and spoke into the little watch on her wrist.

"Computer," she said, "you still active?"

"Yes ma'am," it spoke in its familiar electronic voice. "I daresay I'm doing better than you at the moment." She chuckled at that. It was good to know she still had one friend.

"Scanning is still possible, right?"

"Should be."

That was the best she'd get. She stood up fully and grabbed onto the desk for balance, taking note of the green blood on its corner. So that's where she'd hit her head. Maybe she should have padded those sharp edges.

"Since you're so confident it'll work," May'ona snarked, "why don't you tell me what the damage looks like?" A buzzing sound came from the watch before an answer did.

"Primarily hull damage. The glass front took the brunt of the damage, but it should hold. We'll very likely still be able to make simple underwater locomotion, but nothing more, and anything more would kill the batteries. Thankfully, life support is functional. Cloaking is offline. Shields are offline. Replicator is offline. Heating is-" Here May'ona cut him off.

"Hold up! You're telling me that damn replicator broke of all things?" The replicator was quite a crucial piece of equipment. It allowed her to create new parts from scrap metal and painkillers from miscellaneous chemicals; both of which being crucial if she wanted to get off this rock.

"Not badly, but notably. It doesn't have much in the way of physical damage. However, the plasma core is shot." She sighed and didn't say anything for a long time. Where on this primitive planet was she going to find a plasma core? She saw their buildings on the way down, and they didn't look all that advanced.

She spent the next few hours until daylight came moving her ship into a more hidden position, as she didn't want to risk them knowing how to search the seas. Did they have submarines yet? She could find that out later.

"Computer, I need you to hack into whatever signals they have on this planet. How hard would that be?" If she could do that, she could find out what kind of tech they had, and whether she could either steal a plasma core or get the immense amount of power required to build one.

"You'll need to get me up high. Maybe on top of one of those buildings we saw?"

With a nod, May'ona went out to do that. She started swimming towards the city.
Lycaon Intro
The barkeeper whistled while he cleaned a spot on the bar. This man was used to people coming in with strange looks but the old man who was probably his most loyal customer by a long shot, was a strange one. Not biologically but he still dressed like a LARPer, and carried a big ass sword everywhere. "You gonna tell me what that's all about today" asked the barkeeper. The man shrugged. "You ask everyday, and I say the same thing. You know my name that's enough" said the man. The barkeep sighed. "There's no way Lycain is your real name" said the barkeep. Lycaon got up. "Name's Lycaon, and here's your payment" Lycaon left a few coins on the counter that seemed to be gold. The barkeep waved him off. Couldn't he use cash.

As Lycaon left the bar he turned his head and saw the star. He growled. Probably just a bit too much to drink. He whistled and began to walk away until his ears heard a distant boom. Couldn't there ever just be a normal night.

"Nice shot" said Rob. Loading a wad of cash into a bag. The Zoo Crew had been planning this heist for a while, which in thug time was about two hours. And it turned out to be pretty easy. Especially when Bobby blew down the safe door with a snap of his fingers. "It's easy to hit down a door. Not like it can move" said Hector. Bobby turned up from a big pile of money with a full bag. "Why dontchya suddup before I practice my aim on ya face" said Bobby. "Don't help that fruitcake over there can't help without melting the dough. Vicky was standing at the front of the door. Covered in what could be mistaken for sweat if steam wasn't coming off of her skin. "Get to work Sparky" was all she said. "Dat's enough. Let's go fellas" said Bobby in his token Jersey accent. Rob gave a cough of interruption. Bobby sighed. "And woman". Rob nodded satisfied at Vicky's representation.

The thugs ran through a newly crafted hole in the back of the bank. "Boss is going to be pleased, yes" said Rob. Bobby shrugged. "We was told at cause so,e mayhem. Don't see why we can't get nothing out of it" he said. As they stopped in a warehouse to see how much they'd gotten.
Restock night- a generally quiet event that left Jo on edge when it arrived every week. Sure, restocking meant business was good, but was the risk really worth it? Yeah.

Jo pressed her ear against her bedroom door. The TV was off, so she had that going for her. She tentatively opened the door, cringing as its hinges woke up probably the whole population of Sherwood Shores.

Who designed doors and why? No point in having them if the only thing they do is get her grounded because ‘We do not slam doors in this house’. Goddammit.

Scurrying past her brother’s room with mounting anxiety sloshing in her stomach (The fool was a deep sleeper, but Jo was a skittish teen.), Jo made her way to the front porch.

I hate stairs. Her mind growled. However stairs are (like doors) crucial to society. With shaky legs she put both feet on each step before moving on to her prize. Long-awaited and very lucrative, the package she had ordered was tucked away under a Azalea bush.

She smiled and picked up her porn- no! Prize- um! Package? Goddammit okay, a package of porn.

The guys behind the school were suckers for this.

Satisfied, Jo picked it up and was halfway up the stairs of her beachside home when a distant star flew towards the horizon.

“How pretty.” She commented as she opened the door. And then she heard the boom.

Probably nothing.
Edmund sighed as he was about to do something that he didn't want to do. He accepted a job and that job entailed robbing at least 5 ATM machines. He didn't like doing work for criminals but work was work. He stood in front of his first ATM machine, contemplating whether he should do it or not. He took out his Energy sword and cut into the machine, sword slicing into it like butter. It didn't take long to open it up and put the cash in a bag. 4 more to go. Thankfully it was night, though if spotted, he had some issues. Luckily there were two machines right next to each other so he didn't have to move a lot to get them all. He moved to the other ATM machine and sliced into it as well. The suit and sword made it much easier, opening it up within a few seconds. He started unloading more cash into his bag. The only thing he worried about is if he got spotted by a Hero. Then it would be harder to bring that cash back to make it a successful mission. He needed cash badly as maintaining this suit wasn't cheap.
On the outskirts of Sherwood Shores, far from the police's peering peepers a small gang puts the finishing touches to a gas station they've taken over. They have quite the intelligent plan in mind for the very early morning's work; there is an Orson's Security Firm truck driving along the road and heading towards one of the city's largest banks that isn't being robbed at the moment, the Staffordson's Builder's Society with half a million dollars in reserve funds. That truck is set to hit a camouflaged line of tire shredders around a minute or two away from the gas station. When it pulls in to the gas station for new tires the gang jumps the two guards and pockets the largest haul they've ever seen. It would be a pretty major crime for such a small-time group if the Angler hadn't been hired by Staffordson's to ensure the truck reaches the bank.

In the gas station itself, two of the six gang members are dragging the unconscious bodies of the two employees of the station out towards the industrial-sized dumpster around the back, whilst the only two armed members wait in the back staff room and the final two busy themselves in the store front, dressed up as gas station attendants. One begins cleaning the cash register of both petty cash and grime whilst the other meticulously cleans up the remnants of a milk bottle and it's contents, one of the armed criminals is violently lactose intolerant. As the two men outside finish throwing both unconscious bodies into a barely full dumpster, a flurry of smacks and strikes from a silver staff are delivered to the criminal closest to any of the gas station's three doors. When the first member of the gang collapses in pain from being struck by a cold metal stick numerous times around the head, sides and once in the right arm's funny bone, the Angler begins brutally beating up the second gang grunt until they've followed their friend's lead.

With two murderers bruised, beaten and bunged into a dumpster bound by zipties, the Angler switches his focus to the rest of the gang within the station. The cash cleaner has decided to try his luck with the station's ATM machine now. One's busy trying to pry the ATM open, other's cleaning... Should be easy enough, one, then the other. And Asaph does as he thinks, when he does his best to quietly enter the station, he immediately goes for the ATMpted thief in an attempt to choke him out cold with the staff. Which in about a minute and thirty seconds the fish-faced vigilante succeeds in. The malevolent mop man is soon dispatched of with a swift bonk to the back of the head and a bit of exertion in dragging both shopfront fiends into a corner on the opposite side of the store to the staff room. There was just one problem with the Angler's so-far successful infiltration; the two armed thugs want to know where their friends are, and the truck's pulled up to the gas station.

What ensues is a rather beautiful moment in the Orson's security firm driver's career as he and his colleague watch the Angler run towards the two pistol packing pilferers, smacking a vengeful bottle of milk into the further away of the two criminals' faces as he runs up to strike the nearest gunman with such force that the poor sod ends up face first into three now exploded bags of flour. Unfortunately for both of them, the milk maligned miscreant was the lactose intolerant criminal from earlier and the flour-faced felon suffered from wheat allergy, they also didn't like being struck by alien sticks, but the Angler didn't really care. Once he was done incapacitating the gang, the Angler calmly called the police to inform them of the situation from the gas station's staff room phone, and he left the gas station and walked up to the truck. During that whole time, the two security officers just watched on in pure amazement.

"Good morning officers, I've called the police. They'll be here in around ten minutes, and I told them to bring spare tires for your vehicle. If you wouldn't mind making sure the gang members in the dumpster around the back and the four in the store are ready for the police, I would appreciate it." The Angler sounded rather friendly and calm for a man who had brutally incapacitated six hardened criminals at 3 o'clock in the morning. "And before I go, thank you for staying put. Most security guards just get in the way by doing anything other then helping civilians out of harm's way." After thanking the officers and placing five dollars between the truck's windscreen wiper and the windscreen itself, he calmly walks off... At least, until the Angler sees some kind of shooting star plummet into the sea, then he hurries towards the motorcycle he had hidden behind a nearby hill with a nerdish glee.
Lycaon sighed. He'd slept well, despite the usual dark memories that stalked him. Wolfsbaen was propped against the wall of his small home. It was nice, but still modest. Most people's only complaint about the neighborhood was that dog walker who took the animals through different yards indiscriminately but most canines didn't dare approach Lycaon's house. Must be something with his scent. He was surfing the web to see what people made of that star last night. If only modern technology wasn't such a pain in the ass. He hadn't found anything about it as of yet. Maybe he should've pursued it last night but the moon was getting close to full and he didn't want lycan rage to take hold of him in public.
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"Jo, quit doin' that. Someone might see." Connor glanced over at his younger sister. She was holding a half-formed tree frog constructed with tendrils of hard light. Jo ran her finger over the slowly forming amphibian a few times, before huffing. It wasn't alive, sadly. The only remotely dynamic thing it did was shift whenever her brother's car hit a bump. She didn't know enough about how frogs worked to make it move. It was a sort of disappointment that she had become accustomed to, the only creatures she could create were small - birds, snakes, worms, rats, mice. That sort of thing. The frog was supposed to be added onto that meager list of living things she could create, but unfortunately it hadn't been going so well.

"But, Connor! I really thought I could make it move." She said with a hint of irritation. Connor hummed as they came to a stoplight, and scooped the nearly done frog out of her hands. He worked his magic, as he always did, and the frog sputtered to life. He handed it back to her with a grin, and refocused on the road.

"It takes practice. I'm 20 and I'm still not the best at it. Oh, and be sure to dissipate that before you get out of the car."

"But you're technically the best at it because we're the only ones who can do it. Probably." She shrugged and watched the frog hop around a few times before dissipating it. Jo hoped to god these things weren't sentient, and if they were, she and her brother were murderers. "This is my stop."

"I'm aware of that, but thank you for re-enlightening me, sister dearest." Connor quipped. Jo muttered her goodbyes, and climbed out of the car. School starts in 20 minutes. Nice. "Wait, I forgot the obligatory guardian embarrassment call!" Oh that's not nice.

"Connor please-"

"BYE DARLING, I LOVE YOU. MAKE FRIENDS AND LEARN LOTS OF STUFF XOXO!" And then he was gone like the wind. Amazing. It's amazing how many people can disrespect you in a day, and it only takes one to drive you over the edge. Screw you, Connor.

"I love you too..." Jon waved weakly, face flushed at the embarrassing display of sibling affection in front of lingering car riders (even if she knew he really did care about her.). But it was business time behind the school. All sorts of teens from the premature smokers, gossips, and (Jo's clientele) the porn addicts were there to trade information and goods. It was quite ironic given that Jo herself wasn't fond of things with overtly sexual content, but if they pay, she's glad to deliver. And deliver she did.

Behind the school, overlooking the coast, Jo did look out of place. Too petite and (according to some uneducated fools) too young. She found herself down by 5 mags, and up by 45$ when the time came to pack it up. If the teachers knew about what happened behind the building, they didn't care. Jo was slinging her bag over her shoulder and rounding over to the entrance when the thought entered her mind. What the hell happened last night?

Now, logically, it could have been a sonic boom. But at the same time Jo's gut was swirling. Because that star fell. Fell! Maybe there had been a space mission that nobody knew about? If so, why was nobody there to pick the astronauts up? Jo thought about it for awhile before settling on the fact that it was a meteor (completely ignoring the inconsistencies with that theory. Anyways, she was at school, she had things to do. She picked up the pace and sped down the hallways, making it into world history just before the bell rang.
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May'ona was just now getting her first look at the creatures of this world, and she wasn't a huge fan. She hid under the water of the beach, looking at the inhabitants. Their wasn't really anyone there; just sand and rocks. The ones that were there were wearing strange, probably mandatory outfits while picking up garbage with a sharp stick and putting the garbage in a bag.

Lovely. This planet had such a huge littering problem that people were hired to wander around and pick up garbage. Besides that, a huge building with many metal vehicles outside of it sat on a hill. Perhaps it was a resort of some sort? Maybe they really liked the ocean. Or maybe that was just a corporate building. It was hard to tell, as all she could see was a big glowing green sign. But what she could tell was that it was a high place where she could get a good signal.

It was time to turn on the Auto Cloak.

"Okay, who here looks like they're wearing normal, civilian clothing?" The computer took a moment to respond. May'ona couldn't just wear her standard issue space suit and pirate hat forever.

"I see a native over there. Girl with brown hair." May'ona spotted her. She was rather pretty and had dark green eyes, and short pants and a shirt that went halfway to her elbows. The shirt had some strange word on it that May'ona couldn't read yet. Once she got a good collection of their words from their signals, she could learn with ease.

"Wow, they don't wear a whole lot here, do they?" She grinned. "Might stay here longer than I thought I would." She could practically hear an eyeroll come from the computer.

"Would you like me to activate Auto Cloak now?"

"Aye." Suddenly, she had stopped looking like May'ona 5th Blood. Instead, she looked like an average human. Or at least what she assumed the average human looked like. She kept her natural hair color and the scar over her eye, but she copied the light skin color of the native and most of her facial features. The shirt didn't quite cover her arms and the pants didn't cover her legs, so she'd have to try and avoid someone accidentally touching them and noticing that it was just a hologram. Similarly, her laser pistol and belt was hidden by the hologram. She thought briefly about whether or not she should ditch the hat before deciding to keep it. Sure, it would stand out a bit, but what fun was there in being completely hidden?

She got out of the water and calmly started walking towards the building, making the most inconspicuous noise in the known universe. She whistled. The human girl seemed rather confused by the sudden stranger arriving wearing the exact same clothing, but said nothing. One of the workers said something in his strange language with a smile, and May'ona just giggled and pretended to know what he said. It worked better than it should have.

The street was crowded will all sorts of people wearing a variety of clothing types, which made it increasingly likely that it was just a resort of some sort. But even as a resort, it was awfully... grey. Grey stone on the outside, but with colored paper covering the inside walls. By the creator, these buildings were ugly. The crystal people of Jerian 7 had buildings out of pure sound, and the swamp moon Zoren grew its own buildings from the trees. But these apes used stone and wood. Ugh.

After a brief walk, she managed to find the stairs. It was quite a walk, but she made her way to the roof. It gave a good view of the city as a whole, but it all looked quite as drab as the building she stood on. All grey stone and glass, but littered with multicolored vehicles.

"The sooner I'm off this rock, the better," she commented. "All right Computer, do your thing."
Edmund was driving down the street going to the local gas station. He had to grab a few items for his home and he didn't feel like driving all the way to the store. Once he arrived at the Gas station; he hopped out of the car and walked inside of the establishment. Once inside the Gas station, he made his way over to where the milk was and grabbed some milk. He then made his way up to the cashier," Can I also get a pack of cigarettes?" Edmund asked the man. The cashier nodded turned to grab one, " What brand?" The cashier asked. "Surprise me." Edmund said. The cashier then returned with his pack of cigarettes a moment later. Edmund looked up and they had a TV that was looking down on the customers. The news was on and usually all they talked about was the string of crimes but today they talked about the shooting star. At least it was a change from the usual. Edmund finished paying for his items and walked out the store. It was still pretty early out but he didn't mind.
The zoo crew was still being lazy in the warehouse from the previous night. Rob was lifting multiple boxes trying to show off even though he didn't need to lift to be strong. Hector was sitting back watching sending tiny shocks his way mostly to be an ass. Vicky sighed, looking at the two idiots. She looked at the still snoozing Bobby. "Hey any plans for today or are we just gonna be useless" she said. Bobby shrugged when he woke up. "I dunno, let's just wait until oppurtunity sends something our way. Still not sure if any stupid-heroes are gonna come after us after last night" Bobby chuckled at that. Rather pleased at the "genius" of replacing the word super, with stupid. Vicky gave a bitchy grr and went back to sulking.
Okami Nightshade stood outside a bank, about to enter and rob it. This would surely be the day when he would finally be able to do something villainous. Bad luck had turned all his other attempts into accidental heroic actions, but he had no problems with trying over and over until he got it right.

A green wisp of light appeared in his palm, and he fired it at the bank door. But just as it was going to make contact, a robber inside had opened the door to escape with bags of money, and had gotten hit by Okami's blast in the process. The other robbers inside immediately stated firing at Okami, who had no choice but to create a hakai-ergo construct to shield him from the bullets, and then to dispatch the robbers with a few more blasts.

People inside started cheering, now that they were no longer hostages. Another heroic act was now on his track record. He had failed miserably once again. Okami despairingly left the area, stripped of his prior motivation to rob the bank.
And suddenly, May'ona knew English.

It happened before she quite understood that it had. She'd done this before, and it always caught her off guard. The once nonsensical noise suddenly made sense. Always came with a short term headache, but it was worth it.

Oh, it was worth it.

She stretched her arms and stood up on the roof. The building was definitely a resort of some sort; its sign said so. "Weight in Gold," it said. She said it out loud, just to feel the words on her tongue. She had the feeling that she was saying it oddly, but she could pass it off as an accent.

"Oh, I almost forgot," she spoke in English. She looked down at her hologram shirt, curious about the word on it. In a bold font, it said one word.

"...Soup?" She stayed silent after saying that.

"Oh dear," Computer said. "I did not realize that-"

"That's amazing!" She exclaimed. "They just shortened down the word super. And that's me! I'm pretty super." She grinned and struck a pose. "Admit it Computer. I'm pretty super." It took a moment for Computer to respond, and when it did, it did so in an amused tone.

"Yes ma'am, I believe that you are. Anyway, I think I've found you a plasma core." On the computers tiny screen, some security footage showed a man in a strange outfit fighting a bunch of criminals. But what was interesting was his weapon; a familiar looking silver rod with a crystal on one end.

"That weapon..." She had a scar on her stomach from the last time she'd faced one of those. High temperatures like the kind it could emit could cause serious damage to her skin from drying her out. But if she wanted off this ugly rock, she'd have to risk it.

"Computer, I want you to watch every camera in this city. If he shows up again, I want to know first. Got it?"
Asaph was incredibly happy despite his few hours of fruitlessly searching, not only was there an opportunity to explore the site of a shooting star of some kind, but he had his best equipment with him. If there was anything that was worth scavenging from the wreck, he wouldn't have to worry about the high temperatures from the fallen object entering earth's atmosphere, if there was anything hostile on it the staff would likely be able to destroy it and it might be related to the staff. So many possibilities were running through Asaph's head, it was a veritable hive of activity in his mind as he drove on closer to where he thought the object crashed. Asaph decided to pull over along the coast, just beside the sea wall's car barrier and right in front of a security camera on a nearby lamppost to scout out where the fallen object was. Yet, as he looked out at the coastline, there was nothing to hint at where it could've landed.

The Angler's lookout was interrupted by a small Maltese Terrier puppy walking along the concrete car barrier with it's owner following closely behind, at least until the little dog decided to stare at the oddly dressed man on the bike with adorable curiosity in it's eyes. It didn't take long for Asaph to notice the little dog, as a bright white dog on a sandy beige strip of concrete that spans most of the beach does tend to stand out. It didn't take Asaph long to begin fussing the puppy in front of him either, the dog didn't seem to be breaking any dog laws and Asaph had some free time. Whilst the little puppy was being fussed by the gloved left hand of the Angler, the dogwalker began recording the pleasant moment.
There he was.

May'ona stood in a human disguise, watching the man from an alley. Computer had since told her that his outfit was a painted version of a common safety uniform, supposedly catching out fires. Which was why he had a flamethrower, she supposed. He was petting a small, furry animals, presumably the dogs she'd heard so much about. But she thought the big grey thing she saw someone walking was a dog. Did they have different varieties? Strange.

She shook her head, she was getting sidetracked. "May I see a map of this block?" she asked Computer. With a whir, a map came up on the screen. Hmm. The alley she was hiding in was a dead end. That gave her an idea.

"Those bags the human girls carry. They're called purses?"

"Yes ma'am." She grinned.

"Perfect." She used the Auto Cloak to take the form of a brown haired and innocent looking girl with green eyes. Then, she stepped out of the alley, and started screaming.

"Help! Help!" She cried out, using the Auto Cloak to simulate tears. "Someone-Someone took my p-purse!" The stuttering might have been a bit much, but she liked to think that she still did a good job. That would get the man's attention. She would point him down the alley and come in from behind. It was the perfect trap, and she wouldn't have to risk that weapon if she just charged a shot and plugged him in the back with it.
"Excuse me, my little friend. It seems some people leave their phones in their purses. I'll be back in a minute or two." The Angler said to the little puppy, and when the Angler stopped fussing the tiny terrier to get off his bike, the look of betrayal on the puppy's face was indescribably heart wrenching. As the Angler soon reached the disguised alien and the dead-end alleyway she was pointing down, he stopped, and looked at the woman.

"Mrs, I am afraid I don't have the time to apprehend someone stupid enough to rob someone's purse and run down a dead-end alley. I have some serious business involving a dog and a shooting star that may be another alien craft that I must attend to, although I will call the police here for you." Asaph tried to sound as authoritative and in-command as he could when he spoke in the Angler costume, he wasn't bad at it but it rarely did his throat any favours. After informing the woman that he'll call the police for her, he quickly draws a very cheap phone from his pocket and anonymously tips off the police. After a brief exchange with a police officer, the Angler begins to run off to the bike he may have appropriated in the name of convenient justice to continue his search for the fallen object. If only he knew.
"Mrs, I am afraid I don't have the time to apprehend someone stupid enough to rob someone's purse and run down a dead-end alley. I have some serious business involving a dog and a shooting star that may be another alien craft that I must attend to, although I will call the police here for you." May'ona deadpanned. Then, she turned around and looked down the alley. It looked much more like a clever trap on her GPS, but here, it just looked like a wall. Perhaps she had gotten a bit carried away. The man was now calling the police to help solve a nonexistent crime. But then she got to thinking.

He was looking for an alien craft? Was that hers? Unless another ship had crashed that she was unaware of, it was unlikely. But what if her crew had come after her? What if this planet would be her grave? She didn't like that thought. She needed off this planet.


Wait. He was looking for an alien craft. If he was looking for hers, he'd never find it, it was well hidden beneath the water, so there wasn't even a chance without a submarine. However, he wouldn't know that. In his mind it could be anywhere. Which meant...

"Hey!" she called after he started running away, a bit more cheer in her voice than she intended, "You're looking for the alien, aren't you? The one I saw last night?" The Computer made a brief buzzing sound that almost sounded like surprise. "I saw a strange creature bringing a machine out to the woods last night."

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