Shattered Reflection, Broken Mirror


New Member
Basic Information-

Name: Kameko (Kah-meh-koo) "Kam" Tamagi

Alias: Kameron (Caahm-err-ronn)

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual, "not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender, or gender identity."- Google

Personality: Kameko isn't very set on how people perceived her, nor does it bother it her when people speak ill about her. She honestly could care less. That demeanor sticks with her no matter what she is doing--even when she is wrong. Many people tend to refer to her as, "emotionless" or "apathetic". This is because of her incapability to show how she truly feels. She usually just shrugs everything away, not really letting it affect her. However, that does have consequences; just like any other human being, Kameko can only take so much. Eventually, she gets fed up and erupts with anger and hatred.

Socially, she likes to keep things friendly. However, she is never too friendly. She always makr sure there is a small distance between her and whoever she is speaking to. This is because she doesn't like to get emotionally attached to anyone. She feels that if she let's someone inside her heart, she'll just end up losing them in the end. So, she just stays to herself until someone addresses her--or when someone needs a reality check. Kameko is a realist, she doesn't let dreams and hopes cloud her mind. So, she often is there to help balance Max's temper or Nora's emotional instability. But, that doesn't mean she doesn't have faults.

Brief History: Kameko wasn't always so cold and emotionless. She once a bright flame of excitement and dreams. An above average childhood, she had a lovely family. Her mother, a seamstress, her father, a self defense instructor. Her parents loved her and spoiled her with everything any youngling could ever want. They had a white picket fence around their small, but cozy house in outskirts of town. But that was years ago, that was back when she was innocent; maybe about...six? But things change, drastically.

At about eleven her parents who seemed to love each other, divorced. It was rumored her mother had an affair of some sort with wealthy man. The poor sheltered girl was forced to choose between her seemingly perfect parents. Somehow, her voice didn't really matter, because in civil court she was paired with her father. She loved him, but he was very strict and controlling. He liked Kameko to look and act a certain way and if she didn't... He would disown her or sometimes even strike her. This went on until she was kidnapped.

Of course, once she was senior in high school, she was infatuated with many things; boys being the most consuming. Her once flamboyant personality caught the attention of a college boy. He was perfect, charming, handsome, popular. Everything she would ever want, but nothing she would ever need. Kameko would never anticipate his betrayal. He kidnapped her, taking her to an unknown place. Then she was experimented on.


Height: 5'4" (Average height for a woman)

Weight: 115 lbs (Petite, very petite)

Hair: Kameko has wavy, jet black hair with a side-swept bang that pulls most of her front hair to the left, framing her face. Her hair is very long because she refuses to cut it even though she almost always wears it in a high ponytail. The estimated length is about 90cm (which is, to her lower waist) in a ponytail and 110cm (which is, to her knee) when is down. Here is a reference:


Eyes: Due to Kameko being of Japanese descent, she has a slight angle to her eye that is noticeable. She also has dark red (maybe a ruby or a blood red colored) eyes with a black outline that more prominent on the right side of her iris. This is due to countless genetic engineering of her eyes. When people ask about her eyes, she merely says, "Geez, their just contacts..." Here's another reference:


Skin Color: Kameko is of Japanese descent, because of this her skin is light. She doesn't have very pale skin, but her skin isn't very dark. However, skin is actually a bit darker than most Japanese people's. She has a light olive skin tone.

Abnormalities or Mutations: As mentioned, the genetic make-up of her eyes has been changed.

Other Details: She tends to wear very heavy eye make-up. She likes the way it contrasts against her eyes. She also has a large horizontal scar that goes that stretches all the way to her lower back to her lower torso.

Powers and Capabilities-

Special Ability: Super Strength and a mild version of regeneration. The strength is due to the the genetic testing on her muscles, the scientists were able to enhance her physical strength with making her resort to exercise. She also can heal minor wounds after combat. The regeneration is a side effect of serum.

Strengths of the Ability: She has the advantage in a hand-to-hand combat when it comes to overpowering. She can deliver one-hit blows to an opponent. Her powers are driven by emotions, so she has them under control for the most part.

Weakness of the Abilities: The harder she tries to punch or the heavier she lifts, the more physical strain there is on her body. This causes her not to have much stamina so she fights in short bursts. She also at times can control her abilities so she can destroy things without meaning to.

Mental Strengths: She has no emotional attachments so she doesn't get caught up words. She knows how to speak Mandarin Chinese and Japanese as well as English. She catches on to things very quickly, so nothing really can get past her. She has a very good sense of reality and knows what to say to keep people together.

Mental Weaknesses: Because of she is so apathetic, she comes across "bitchy" or "cold". She tends to be a nagger, always criticizing others. She has a sense of emotional denial, she always pretends she okay--even when she's not. All her emotional frustration usually ways her down mental, sometimes clouding her mind.

Physical Strengths: She is physically strong, as well as trained in hand-to-hand combat. She also is pretty fast.She knows MMA.

Physical Weaknesses: She doesn't have much stamina so she can't fight or run for long. She also is very petite, so when she is tired she is easily retrained.
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Name: Maxwell "Max" Harrison

Alias: Dragon

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual (straight)

Personality: Max can be a bit... "bull-headed." Tad bit stubborn as well as being able to be angered very VERY easily. He hates it when people argue, especially when its against him. He's usually quiet, keeping his emotions and thoughts within his own mind. He stays away from people he doesn't call "friends." He only allows certain people to get close to him, better yet talk to him. You might think of him as a jerk on the outside, but when you get close to him, you'll think different.

Brief History: Maxwell was a good kid before the kidnappings. He had good grades in school, had a more calming and quiet personality. He had a job at a store down the block from his house. He always spent time at home training, he has a skill at fighting with swords, primarily katanas, he also had a strange skill at fighting with a whip. He lived alone, his parents were divorced and his brother committed suicide. He didn't have much to say in his life, he only worked and worked and worked. One day, while in the back of the shop, taking out the trash, the bag in his hand suddenly burst into flames. He threw it on the ground as he examined his hands confused. That was the first day he discovered his abilities.

The following days afterwards, he continues to train, but now harnessing his new found power of fire, enhancing the blades of his swords with flames, the whip, traced with blots of fire. He even got to the point where he could even throw, kick and punch with his ability. He always walked around with gloves and boots though, afraid he would destroy everything he touched since he wasn't able to fully control his powers yet.

Height: Average

Weight: Average

Hair: Short, trimmed, black

Eyes: blue eyes, (turns red when he is angry), he wears glasses.

Skin color: tanned (toned)

Mutations: His teeth has been sharpened, increased physical strength and his hearing is more sensitive

Special Ability: Pyrokinesis, the ability to control fire with his mind. Not very strong to make with his mind, but he can control it with his hands and feet.

Strengths of the ability: Can withstand extreme heat. Can't be touched when angry due to skin becoming extremely hot.

Weakness of the ability: Can not withstand extreme cold. Loses powers momentarily when trapped in cold room. Can swim in water and such, but is immediately weakened when doused with water when powers are active.

Mental Strength: Quick thinker for strategies, can adapt to the environment, and can fight with different strategies.

Mental Weaknesses: Can't think straight when angry, and can't focus when angry

Physical Strength: Can run very quickly, can have enhanced sight, and can withstand immense fire and heat.

Physical Weakness: Can not touch anything or anybody when his powers are active, very weak and slow when doused with water when powers are active<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/3724f4321ba0acd51e8f9d07f3569bca.jpg.a53783f5e36e0d6830b8ba8a3786413c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32929" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/3724f4321ba0acd51e8f9d07f3569bca.jpg.a53783f5e36e0d6830b8ba8a3786413c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Basic Information-

Name: Nora Wilder

Alias: Eden

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: She is a very determined person and independent to a fault. She finds it hard to trust people, not so much in their character, but she doesn't trust them to do their part in something. Even before all this happened she liked to work alone because she just found it easier. She isn't afraid to speak her mind though, and will call you out nine times out of ten. She does lack a lot of emotional control as well, and she has trouble hiding certain emotions. She absolutely hates not being in control of a situation.

Brief History: Nora kept up passing grades and normally stayed out of trouble. With the exception of minor vandalism and a few reprimands for hacking different websites. She spent a lot of time alone and she liked it that way. It wasn't that Nora didn't like people, she just never felt any desire to hang out with them. She had her friends at school, but she rarely hung out with them. Her family wasn't big in the picture either.

As soon as she had the chance, Nora left for college and made sure that it was one far away from them as she could. As most teenagers do, she felt that they didn't understand her, and she needed to get out of that. Their over protectiveness made her more reckless then before, so she branched out a bit more in college. Went to parties, did some even worse things that she did in high school.

Through all this she figured out she had a natural understanding of computers and programming. She skipped out on her classes a lot then, and used her good looks and the power of persuasion to get other people to do the work she needed to get done. Eventually she dropped out of college and got a job at a local book store, making some money on the side by some not so legal means. Soon after that she was taken and tested on.


Height: 5'3"

Weight: 124 lbs

Hair: Straight, dark brown, falls down to her waist-ish.

Eyes: Her eyes are oval shaped and deeps set, they were previously blue, but after the experiments they have become reflective looking, like this.

Skin Color: She's pretty pale, but that's not directly related to the experiments.

Abnormalities or Mutations: As was mentioned before with here eyes, they look reflective and mirrored.

Powers and Capabilities-

Special Ability: She can see perfectly in the dark, and she has hypnotic vision, meaning if she can look into someone's eyes she can normally persuade them to do what she wants. (It doesn't always work tough)

Strengths of the Ability: Has an upper hand in dark places, and she can get people to do things for her.

Weakness of the Ability: Because of her night vision, it's extremely difficult and painful for her to see when it's bright out. She has to wear something to protect her eyes, or she is pretty much blind.

Mental Strengths: Because of all the experiments she has a very high tolerance to pain, she is good with computers and programming. She can create convincing lies quickly. When she sets her mind to something, it always gets done.

Mental weaknesses: She has evolved a crippling fear sunlight or pretty much bright lights in general. She is reckless and impulsive. Because she is so stubborn, she isn't very good at taking direction from others

Physical Strengths: In the correct circumstances she has above average sight, she's pretty attractive which she has used to her advantage in the past. She is good at being stealthy.

Physical Weaknesses: Partial, or part time, blindness. She doesn't really know how to fight, like she could punch someone, but in reality she isn't the strongest and she doesn't have any skill.
(Sorry it's taking so long guys. My life has been a bit hectic. But, you're both accepted.)

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