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Shatter me


if something collapsed id let myself be under it.
Hey i was wondering if you'd be interested in a one on one roleplay with me here in pm. I was thinking that you could play a 19 year old guy who is in charge of his own army and his father practically runs the world with his cruel ways. You would be insensitive, stubborn, and strong willed. I am a girl about 2 years younger than you, I have been trapped in a small room that isolated me for 3 years. I also have the capability to kill someone with my touch. But you are the only person who can touch me and not be harmed. I am scared of myself and my capablty and have no idea that you are able to touch me yet. I have no family and haven't talked in the 3 years i've been isolated all alone by myself. You found me to be interesting and quite attractive, you understood me and thought that i might understand you. Your father was never kind to you and my parents practically gave me up with out a single word. You try and make me feel understood in a way that makes me feel that you just want to use me as a weapon in your army. Though you don't truly mean it you just want me to understand what i can do. and over time i slowly fall in love with you.

(PM me if you're interested)

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