[Shards of Immortality] (The Awakened) Drakua, Alexander Riel - The Crazed - The Noble - The Twins


Magic Eight Ball

Name: Drakua / Alexander Riel

Title: The Crazed / The Noble; Or "The Twins"

Race: Drakua: Tiefling / Alexander Riel: Human

Physical Age: 38

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Posting Colors: Black


Height: 6'2"

Weight: 225lbs

Hair Color: Drakua: Bald / Alexander: Blonde

Eye Color: Drakua: Black / Alexander: Blue

Notable Characteristics & Distinguishing Marks:

Description: Race backstory: ( Please note that this is somthing of my own creation, Helpful input will be Noted, Hatered will be met with brute force!) A rahovant, in a sense. Is two beings tied into one. Kind of like Yin, and Yang. This creature is both Extremely good, and Evil. This particular one was once an Angel/Saint, and the other a very sinful and bad person who had been sent to the deepest pits of Hell. During a cataclysmic event, ( One of the armageddons/Ragnaroks/End of a known world. ) The gateways between the heavens and hells was opened up. And because the two souls of these beings were incredibly alike, even though there deeds were incredibly different. The essence of there beings were brought together, and as the world was shattered it fused there immortal souls together. Creating one tortured being that writhed underneath the shattering of the worlds or said Cataclysmic event. Now, being that a sinful creature is not allowed in the heavens, and Hell is taking anything it can get its hands on. The newly born Rahovant was dragged back down into its pit, Tortured endlessly. The good soul now in hell brought on even more attention to the creature. The sins of others were poured into it, there pain and the pain of everyone in the world slowly trickled down into these two spirits.And slowly began to understand it. Over time there form was twisted and slowly changed, There attitude ever switching between one..and the other. Again another shattering of the world came about, but this time the Rahovant made its escape. Along with many others like him, and began to prowl the newly formed land of mortals. Trying to find a place, a proper purpose for themselves. In Alexanders/Drakuas case however, it was the tower that revived them and the fall of the tower that brought them down.



From his lengthy time spent dealing with occult magic, Drakua Ran's flesh has been blackened. Stained and it is a symbol of his sin, his debauchery and evil that he has comitted throughout his life. All across his form from his head to his toes are swirling satanic emblems, placed there by him as emblems and runes of power. Drakua's favored weapons are twin chainswords one named Death. The other Decay, Both of these blades contain the essence of all the sin he has commited, It is said that the cut from either of these blades is to feel like an eternity of torment has passed over you in an instant. Even though you may not have died from the wound, It Will slowly kill you in the end. EVen though deep in his soul Drakua is evil himself, from his time spent with his other self. Drakua has managed to control his desire to bring destruction...For now.

Alexander Riel:

Alexander Riel is quite the opposite from Drakua. He is of aerian descent, with Blue eyes and Blonde hair. His skin is fair and milky in color. In his full glory Tristan has been known to wear the armor of the high Calling "The priests of Savarok". The brilliant full plate polished to such a lustre that it is said to give off the heavens light, Blinding and burning the flesh of sinners and causing holymen to fall down and wheep as though they had layed eyes on a miracle...Though, to be honest. It just a little over polished. Alexander, Being a Devout follower of The priests of Savarok, Has also taken on the seven wings of there order. These adorn his armor like a cape trailing just slightly off the ground. Now the odd number has two different meanings. First off it should be known he has three on his left, and four on his right. The first reason is that Alexander Knows that nothing is perfect, and neither is his form. The second reason is that Alexander has faced each of the seven deadly sins in his trials to the high heavens, and conquered them all. They are his badges of glory, The mark of the truly pure. He wields a blazing sword, The white hot flame branding the flesh of any who dare oppose him. In his other hand a Stout shield, matching his armor. He has come to the defence of countless innocents, and with his Shield and sword. Has turned the tide of many a battle, and saved countless lives. It should be known that Alexnader is quite the medic, and has the power to heal even the most grievous of wounds, or cure most poisons...e.t.c..But even like the gods, Alexander cannot bring the dead back to life...


Opinion on the Overlord: Drakua's opinion of the overlord is a secreted one that not even Alexander knows of. He didn't hate the Overlord per'se. He thought of him as a great leader and coveted the great ones power. It was Drakua's plan before the fall of the tower to overcome the Overlord and take his power for his own. - Alexanders on the other hand was quite different. He looked up to his leader with the reverence of a child to his father. He was loyal to the Overlord and vied to support him in all the struggles.

Opinion of the Generals: Drakua's opinions of the generals are much the same as the one he shared for the overlord, He doesn't hate them. He merely views them as obstacles, or tools that he can use in his conquest for ultimate power. - Alexander however treats his fellow generals with upmost respect looking up to some and standing with others in battle.

Opinion on Friendships: Drakua doesn't have the desire for friendship, Only powa! Friends are meaningless in his goal. Alexander however is quite the opposite often quick to extend a hand in friendship to most people he meets.

Opinion on Relationships: In Drakuas quest for ultimate power, He seeks no relationship either physical or emotional. Alexanders training with the priests of Savarok has caused him to take a vow of celebacy. Remaining as pure as he possibly can be.

Opinion on Races: Drakuas opinion on the races are much like anything else that walks the earth. If it stays out of his way, it lives. If it gets in his way, It dies. Alexander however treats everything with equal respect and the dignity it deservers. Helping others when needed.

Education: Drakua knows that one head on a pike plus ten heads on a pike equals INTIMIDATING LAWN DECORATIONS!!!! Alexander was learned in mathmatics and languages and recieved a decent education while he stayed with the Priesthood.

Motivation: Drakuas main goal in his existence is to become the best of the best. The strongest, meanest motherfucker walking and to rule the world with an iron fist. Alexander is similar with his desires as well, although with much less brutality a


Upbringing: Drakua for as far back as he can remember can not recall anything of his parents or other siblings, He was found one day by his childhood friend. Alexander. Alexander brought Drakua in and cared and looked after him with his family, Both boys were the same age. They grew up together, played ate and slept under the same roof.

Most Important Event: The fall of the tower and there eventual death was the most eventful point in these two's lives following there revival, they vowed to one another to visit vengeance upon everyone who was responisble for there deaths.

Before Immortality: My character was two seperabte beings actually before and during there immortality, Upon being killed and ressurected these two poor bastards ended up being fused into some twisted wreck I call a Rahovant. Drakua was a sadist and relished in the fact that he could and will bring pain to others no matter who they were, Be it women children, or men of all ages. Thats just the way he is. During his uprising to general in the tower he became well known as the most burtal torturer in the depths of the tower that has ever graced this world in nigh a century. Alexander is quite different in his view point of the world. He does not seek to bring it harm or wreak havoc upon the innovcents within it. Instead he wants to unify people underneath what he believes to be a golden and absolute belief that was instilled upon him by the Priesthood of Savarok. Everyone, in his opinion should care for one another. Or die. There is no room in his ideal world for people that would choose to bring others under heel, or wound/maim/rape massacre and whatever else have you other poeple. Although these two people are two completely different people and share entirely different opinions on pretty much everything besides liqour and women. They grew up togfether, fought in the same battles where they could. They're not blood brothers but brothers bound by honor to one another over what they had accomplished together in there time together.

As a General: Drakua, as a general Strove for more and more power, His ultimate goal was known to everyone. To be the strongest that he could be no matter what the cost. He fought in every battle and sought out the strongest warrior. Striving to learn what he could from every fight and get stronger and stronger. Alexander was much the same, as he became a general and rose in the ranks, He lead many a battle. Often times to victory. He was a golden light amongst these bloody battles. Healing those he could and slaying the wicked.

Your Defeat: The 'Twins,' died together in the depths of the Tower. Drakua, tending to his wards within the Torture Chambers of the tower was rushed by a small contingent of the races who uprose and overthrew the Tower in its final moments of glory. Drakua, Hearing the clamor of armor and weapons thrown in with the occasional warcry. Smiled as he looked up from his most recent, and last victim that he will ever visit his ghastly talents upon. Tossing the string of guts attached to the barbed stick he had been coiling thim around to the side. He drew arms in preparation for his final moments. With flicks of his wrist he set his blades to there work. Elongating to there maximum length "Death" and "Decay" (His trusty chainswords.) Were truly a sight to behold. Death trailed in its wake ephermeal clouds of such utter darkness it was like looking into the void itself. While "Decay" left lingering clouds of noxious gas. The door to his lair burst in and dozens of men spilled forth. Fodder before his blades as they fell by the score with each crack of his 'whips'. Limbs and bodys were torn asunder with each stroke of his blades. Each one elongated with practiced accuracy and withdrew with pieces of flesh and blood for there master to taste and revel in. Drakua's haphazard slaughter was shortlived. Standing amongsth the wrecked bodies of those he slaugtered, a trap was sprung. Each body exploded with a violent torrent of shatted bone, guts, and electricty. Paralyzed he dropped his weapons from his limp fingertips. He looked up, an ever present smile on his face. He saw nothing of the one who dealth such a paralyzing blow to him. He assumed it to be multiple assailants hiding in a corner 'round the stairs. However what he did noticed was a stray mortal he had not slain. The lone individual strode over to the chambers of those that were trapped and and inteded to be tortured, if not already. The slaves and prisoners eased there way out of there containment. Hard to believe that they were really set free.

"You are free!" The survivor of Drakua's massacre said. "Now, revenge is yours. The fiend that has brought you so much pain, is now on his knees. Waiting for his due punishment for the deed that he wrought upon you. Do with him what you will." With that the male left. Leaving Drakua to the masses of the maimed and massacred. They took his Devilish blades, coiling them around his body and trapping the Tiefling within his own blades. The razor edges cutting into the immortal. Drakuas magic slowly became his undoing as the twisted enchantments of his blades slowly bled his body, and soul to death. Alexander hearing the commotion from a floor above, Raced to his brothers in arms safety. But uppon his arrival he was to late. The tortured fled. All that was left was his brother. Eviscerated and hung spread eagel in the center of the room. His own blades his binding, cutting ever deeper as time wore on bleeding more of his life out before the eyes of his Aerian brother. Alexander, Wrought with grief over the loss of his childhood friend threw himself at the binding ofs his brother. Clawing at the razor sharp blades with such a frenzy that he only managed to maim himself and worsen Drakuas condition. As he hugged his brother and wept for his salvation he drew Drakuas blades across his flesh and in the end, the twisted magic and blades themselves were the downfall of the 'Twin's'.


Personal Mementos: None

Weapons: Drakua wields two chainswords of equal length and material of construction. One is called Death, Before his fall he had enchanted the blade to deal with what it was named after. To be touched by the blade was to invite death into your body. Once cut by it, it wasn't long before the one maimed by it would succumb to the poison coursing through his body rotting from the core of there soul outwards to the flesh. Decay is similar, only it doesn't attack the soul. More the body, each stroke of the blade would gnaw at an opponents mind. The poison attacking there motor functions and ability to focus to the point where they were paralyzed and left for Drakua to deal with at his whim. However in his current revived state. They are much more diminished. Simple chain blades in the hands of a sadistic sorcereror. Alexanders weapons are his righteous shield that he used to defend himself and others in battle. It holds no specific traits. Other than that it has never failed him. No blade has ever cleaved, an arrow pierced it and it has defended him from many a magical attack. His Shortsword is said to have burned with the Aerians fury. The blade itself is enchanted with the fire of the Priesthood of Savarok. At his whim the blade will blaze the white hotflame. Not only cutting into his enemies but reducing there armor to puddles of molten metal leaving not bought charred bone and discs of silver in its wake.

Armor/Clothes: Both of these warriors wear heavy plate armor. Covering them from head to toe. Drakua`s however is more demonic in nature. It is adorned with skulls and the blood and flesh of those he has slain in the past. The leathery skin stretched over its expanse with the skulls and fingers of the slain woven through it over the heavy plate. Alexanders is quite the opposite, The heavy plate polished to a brilliant lustre. It bore the holy mark of his order. A Blazing sword pointing downward bearing the resemblance to a cross. The seven wings behind it.

Other Items to Note: None

Quest Items: (To be filled in by Storyteller)

(( Im not to sure what to use as disadvantages, As I quickly drew this up from somthing that I had poked away in the past. This is all in all pretty new to me with how skills are dealth with. So I'm looking for helpful support with what I might use as disadvantages. I have a good idea what to use for skills. I'm also wondering if the two characters wound up in one is allowed. I'm shooting for the shapchanging deal. Drakua on one side of this characters coin, Alexander on the other. I'm thinking the 'green' skill will be the ability to shapechange between one or the others form. Drakua will have talents with his Whip-blades. A poison and A magic dealing with death in his starting skills. Alexander will be dealing with shortsword/shield (Defender style? Idk) as one skill. To enchant imbue his blade/or others with fire elemental damadge. and Healing...So yeah, Thoughts? Opinoins? Help? ))

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