Story Shameless Promotion of My Fanfiction


Well Wisher
So I have only three fanfictions on my AO3 account and would like to write more. The following only have one chapter (well, the last is a one-shot but I could certainly explore more). Let me know if you think I should continue any of them!

The Penitent (Fallout 4)

I explore the deeper meaning of the Fallout series and flesh out some small moments in the game. Lots of description/inner monologue.

Bloodgrass (TES: Oblivion)
A standalone story about an alchemist couple who become separated. Caves, vampires, and much mystery ensues.

Broken Dawn (Dragon Age: Origins)
A very sad one-shot in which I put to words what it's like to hold the corpse of a loved one. Alistair/Warden.

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