✩ Shameless ✩ [Inactive]


Untapped Potential

12:00 PM || The Clifton Townhouse || Sasha

Sasha grabbed her father's boot-clad legs and aggressively dragged him off the floor of the kitchen. She deposited Geoff by the stairs before stomping back towards the refrigerator to scavenge for something to eat before her shift at The Alibi Room. For anybody else, the whole peeling-your-still-drunk-from-the-night-before-dad off the floor at noon the next day seemed unrealistic, but for Sasha, it was was a day to day thing she did. It was part of her routine. Get up, take a shower, check to see if Geoff is still breathing...it went on and on.

She found a slightly hardened loaf of bread and quickly checked it for mold before pulling out two slices and beginning to spread butter on each one. In the fridge, she found a few stray pieces of Kraft Singles—well, not Kraft, store brand—and unwrapped each one. After preparing the sandwich, she greased up a frying pan and went to turn on the stove. “Shit,” she muttered. The dial was working, but no fire was sparking. With an exasperated sign, she pulled a lighter out of her pocket and lit the damn thing herself.

Five minutes later, Sasha had prepared a lukewarm grilled cheese sandwich and was making her way upstairs. She glanced at her watch and remembered that her older brother, Tony, had a job interview at The Greasy Spoon in 45 minutes. Sasha had to date the owner of the diner for a month to get him that interview. “Tony!” she yelled, banging on the door of his tiny bedroom, “Get the f*ck up, you useless member of society!” Satisfied with the sound of some mumbled curse words, she headed into her own room to get dressed for work.

Once she was clad in a white tank top nicked from her brother and a pair of tight black skinny jeans, Sasha laced up her boots and began the walk to the Alibi Room. She arrived fifteen minutes later. The little dive bar was crowded, but it always was. People on the Southside racked up bar tabs like nobody's business—people including her dear old dad. It didn't matter that it was only 1 in the afternoon. After all, it was five o'clock somewhere, or at least that's what everybody around here swore by to help themselves sleep at night. She signed in on the employee clipboard—the owner was too broke/lazy to buy a time clock—and got behind the bar to start her day.

12:30 PM || The Clifton Townhouse || Tony

Once he heard the door slam, signaling that his annoying ass younger sister had left the house, Tony slowly threw each of his legs over the side of the bed, one by one, whilst rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Waking up at one in the afternoon was normal for him. Tony didn't believe in organized sports, organized religion, organized schedules, organized anything.

Not bothering to take a shower—the warm water was probably long gone by now—he grabbed a plain gray t-shirt and a pair of torn blue jeans and began to dress himself. He slipped on some Chuck Taylors stolen from this high school guy who couldn't pay for his paraphernalia purchase and headed downstairs.

“Sup, pops,” Tony muttered darkly towards the limp figure sprawled at the end of the staircase. He was glad Sasha took care of Geoff, because Tony had given up on his lost-cause alcoholic father a long time ago. After hopping over the lump, he walked into the kitchen, pleased to see what Sasha had made coffee before she left the house. He grabbed a chipped Columbia Law coffee mug—the only evidence he had that his dad wasn't always a piece of shit—and poured himself a cup.

It was then that Tony remembered he had a job interview today. He hated the idea of working for some corporate, greedy asshole, especially one that had nailed his sister. He wasn't sure why Sasha was so adamant on him working. He dealt whenever they were in a pinch, and it was nowhere near the end of the month, so they were fine. As long as there was still bread in the house and the stove worked most of the time, Tony was a happy camper. He saw this as not being high maintenance, but his sister say it as being a lazy, useless waste of space. She was lucky he loved her to death, or he would've murdered her by now.

It didn't take much thought for Tony to decide he was going to skip the interview. Instead, he grabbed the lighter his sister had left by the stove and his cup of coffee, and walked outside. He sat down on the front steps of the townhouse and lit a cigarette. As he watched his fellow Southsiders buy drugs in their front yards or curse out the mailman for delivering an unwanted bill of some sort, Tony couldn't help but smile. He was happy with the way his life was. At least, most of the time.

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Aaron Linwood|10 am

Aaron stood by one of the windows, examining the impressive crack that ran across its surface and left a foot wide hole in the center. An old toothbrush was hanging from the side of his mouth, which he was chewing on more than brushing with at this point. The apartment had one unnecessarily large room, a bathroom, and a considerably smaller room that served as his sister’s bedroom. Nicki had claimed it quickly, but it wasn't like he was going to get any privacy anyhow, unless she was out with a girl. His mattress was shoved in one corner, and the rest of the space belonged to the kitchen and living room as an awkward unit. They didn’t bring much with them, so the emptiness was uncomfortable, but he wasn’t about to complain about the lack of clutter. That, at least, was a nice change.

“It smells weird in here,” a groggy voice groaned behind him, and unless someone broke in just to complain about the smell, it was his sister. “That’s because-,” he stated, finally taking the toothbrush from his mouth, “you chose an apartment above a chinese place that probably only empties their trash twice a year.” Nicki looked mildly concerned before she shrugged dismissively, nearly tripping over some empty vodka bottles that were left from the night before.

Aaron turned his attention to the bathroom and left Nicki with whatever mess she would likely conjure up. It was her specialty, screwing things up. He was used to it by now, and stopped worrying about it since her illogical ways hadn’t gotten anyone killed. Yet. About to step into the shower, his phone buzzed, but seeing it was Alex, he ignored it. He hoped waiting long enough would make her break it off and save him the trouble. Aaron was never good with the long distance thing.

“You should get a job!” Nicki’s voice rang from the other room as he dressed himself in whatever didn’t smell like pot and vomit. “Says the bum laying around drawing comics and eating nachos,” he retorted, approaching her and gesturing at her poorly drawn action scenes. She stared at the pages for a moment before looking back at him. “I have talent,” she said quietly, as if it were a fact. She didn’t. The protagonist looked more like a turtle than a person.

With the apartment being empty, and it being a weekend, Aaron decided to scout the nearby businesses to take general notes on what they had to offer. He hated having to ask around if he needed to find something. Even if he couldn’t find anything to cover the window with, he could at least meet some people who weren’t completely boring, and make a few connections.
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Noon || Kyle

Kyle hustled around her old apartment that seemed to falling down around her. Everyday she would find new crack in the wall, or in today's case a family of cockroaches living under her bathroom sink. Giving them a good spray with the bug repellant and firm stomp of her foot she took care of that days problem. But cockroaches were the least of her worries; there was an empty refrigerator to fill and only 50 dollars in the bank account. These were the days she hated the most. The days after she paid the rent and the paychecks were in the mail.

She trudged over to her sad excuse for a bed and snatched up her old trifted jean jacket. Not that it was particularly all that cold outside, she wasn't about to bear all her scars in one outfit. Thighs were enough for today. Turning on her heels she took one last look in the grime ridden cracked mirror that hung on the wall. "One day I'll replace that." She thought to herself as she slammed the apartment door shut. The overwhelming smell of weed, wet dog and decay, probably a dead body but who knows, filled her nostrils. Oh the joy of living next to drug dealers, crazy cat ladies and a very sketchy land lord. Running down the stairs she kept her head down to hopefully deter any neighbors from talking to her. Stepping out onto the back alley behind her apartment was a breath of fresh air. Trudging down the street she kept her head down like usual. Eye contact was never her thing.

12:30 PM | West Wing Flat

It wasn't early but with the sun peeking in, nearly blinding Dottie, it sure felt like it was. There was loud music coming from the hallway bathroom followed by rhythmic footsteps---which was only obvious that her roommate was up. "What time is it?" Her voice a bit horse. Kathy, her roomie, yelled back the time which caused Dottie to fall back with a heavy sigh. She always felt like such a bum when she slept in this late but she honestly couldn't help it when she stays out until sunrise.

With one quick movement, Dottie threw the covers off her body and stood up by her bed, outstretching her arms and letting out an over exaggerated yawn. She grabbed her head and stumbled towards the dresser where she grabbed an oversized t-shirt, quickly sliding it over her thin body. As she walked out into the hallway filled with the aroma of burnt bacon, Dottie peeked into the bathroom as she rubbed her eyes to adjust to the bright lighting. Kathy was in the shower using all of the hot water like usual. It didn't bother her that much at first but it slightly became more annoying when every time Dottie went to shower it felt like she was in the middle of Antarctica.

Quickly stripping out of the t-shirt and last night undies, Dottie threw together a cut off tee and some black leggings before she changed into them and made her way out of the flat. Her black eyeliner was smeared and she had the worst case of bedhead but she just needed to get out and get some type of caffeine.

Since it is Sunday, the record shop was closed so that gives her a full day to get over a hangover and a full night to work on the next one. She directly walked in the direction to Sam's Coffee House. Their coffee being a little pricey limited Dottie's use---resulting in her buying those 2 for 1 Monster deals--but with her tips stacked up from this week, it wouldn't hurt. Besides, drinks were always being bought for her at the clubs and bars so getting wasted was never an obstacle.


1:30 PM || The Alibi Room || Sasha

"Harlan, hands to yourself," Sasha said in a warning tone to one of the bar's regular customers. Harlan was about three-hundred years old and was apparently loaded enough to spend all day, every day at The Alibi Room. He always ordered an appletini--weird, right?--followed by Guinness after Guinness. He was a good laugh, but sometimes he got a little handsy. As a bartender, Sasha was used to creepers coming onto her, but a girl had her limits. Especially a girl like Sasha. Sometimes she was tempted to reach across the bar and smack Harlan so hard that his dentures came out.

Despite the downsides, Sasha loved her job. She'd been working there for about a year now, and the owner had hired her despite the fact that bartenders were technically supposed to be twenty-one. Tony insisted she only worked there to keep an eye on Geoff, but Sasha denied it whenever he accused her of this. Her father wasn't her problem. He could make his own destructive decisions for himself. She just wished that Geoff would stop ringing up such a high bar tab and pay some of the rent for once.

1:30 PM || The Clifton Townhouse || Tony

Tony finished the last bit of his cigarette before stamping it on on the step with the toe of his Converse sneaker. After a few more moments of people watching, he finished the last of his coffee and walked back inside. He heard the shower running upstairs and looked towards the stairs. Well, it looked like Geoff had risen from the drunken dead and managed to haul his hungover ass to a bathroom. That was Tony's queue to jet. He tried to avoid him at all costs. If his dad was a terrible drunk, there were no words to describe how he was when he was hungover.

He grabbed his wallet off the counter and peeked inside. It looked like Geoff has nicked a twenty from him, because now he only had forty bucks in cash. Tony didn't believe in banks. He didn't trust them with what little money he had. He shoved the wallet in his back pocket and walked out the door, not bothering to lock up. Nobody from the Southside stole from anybody else in the Southside. There wasn't really a point. He decided to head towards the grocery store. Since he ditched his interview, he figured picking up some more of Sasha's favorite Spongebob-shaped Mac and Cheese would soften the verbal blow.

On the way, he passed by Kyle, a girl he knew, but didn't really know much about. "Hey, sup?" he slowed down and said to her head, which was facing the ground as she walked. He wasn't expecting much of a conversation, so he started to walk once more.

1:00 PM | Ashton's apartment

The loud beeping of an alarm clock that broke the quiet of the apartment was answered with an exasperated groan from Ashton, who had stayed a little later at work than he had planned. But to him, a little less sleep was worth getting the number of a good-looking man at the bar. If it weren't for a ray of sunshine that came from between the partially open curtains of a window across the room from the sofa where he slept, Ashton would've ignored the beeping of his alarm and just went back to sleep. Apparently it was taking him a few moments too long to shut off his alarm clock because his roommate, Jacky, looked down at the beeping phone from behind her magazine with a raised eyebrow.

"You gunna let that ring all day Ash?" She said through pursed lips, completely serious and apparently grumpy until she caught a good look at him. "Oh, I can tell someone had a long night." She chuckled, covering her mouth, but only received some incoherent mumbles as a response.

In a half awake manner, Ashton slowly sat up to turn off his alarm and stretch out all the little kinks from sleeping on the sofa. Deciding he really did need to get up, he stood from the couch, and went straight to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror he saw that the majority of Saturday's make-up was either completely rubbed off or smudged all over, just like every other day. As he washed his face and brushed the tangles from his curly hair, he quietly complained to himself about how monotonous his routine had become, the price of beauty and other pointless complaints.

The exhaustion Ashton had been displaying just a little earlier seemed to have disappeared with a fresh coat of make-up and an acceptable outfit thrown together to wear just until he had to change for work. "Do you even own any men's clothing?" Jacky asked as she walked up behind him and glanced at his outfit. He looked in the full body mirror to make sure it was still flattering -- a striped v-neck tucked into black dress pants that were just a little high waisted, both of which were definitely not men's -- and shrugged casually.

"Why should I? I'm comfortable in this." Ashton explained in his gentle voice as he slipped on a pair of black shoes that matched with the rest of his outfit. Jacky said something about being mistaken for a woman, but Ashton was already on a new subject. "I'm going out for coffee and a snack. Care to join me?"

"Nah, I already had coffee, go ahead and try to make a friend or something. I'll probably see you before you go to work tonight." Jacky said as she curled up on a chair with a book. "Fine, I'll just go all by myself then." Sighed Ashton dramatically as he grabbed his small purse and left the apartment. Pausing on the sidewalk, he quietly spoke to himself, trying to remember which way it was to the little coffee shop he wanted to visit.

"Was it a left or a right at the end of this street?" Ashton murmured to himself as he looked down the street. "Right, right? No, that doesn't sound right. It has to be left." He was completely unsure, but he didn't like just standing there looking confused for such a long time, so he decided to go left and just hope he wouldn't get lost this close to home. Since Ashton didn't really know anyone he could ask directions from, and Jacky wouldn't let him live down getting lost in the same area for the second time, he hoped his sense of direction wouldn't mess him up again.
Tensions where high. Two of the boys had already folded, leaving three left in the game. Orren's hard stare and perpetual scowl gave away nothing. The guy across from him, Tito, pushed a few more chips into the middle of the table, a smirk across his face. The guy to Orren's right cursed as he slapped his cards down on the table.


Orren laid down his cards with confidence. He was sure he had the better hand, until Tito spread his out on the table. Orren's face dropped, then scowled. "You fucking cheater," He snapped, standing up. Tito stood as well.

"What are you talking about? I ain't no cheater. I won fair, so pay up!" Orren growled as he lunged at the man, grabbing his arm and pulling a few spare cards out of his sleeve.

"Then what the fuck is this?! What kind of shit eating morons do you take us for? Everyone knows you're a cheat, Tito. Your own mother wouldn't deny it!" At that, Tito took a swing at him. The two started a full out scuffle, knocking the table over and sending chips flying. Orren was pretty short in stature, but he had muscle to make up for it. Tito was lean and lanky, but he wasn't exactly a fair fighter.

The guys gathered around, hooting and hollering, trying to see who's win. Then, suddenly, a door upstairs slammed. The sound of heavy footsteps on the stairs made the entire room freeze. The beast of a man that was Rusco, the gangleader, appeared in the doorway.

"What the hell is all this noise?! I'm trying to work up there and shithead and cuntface are doing here trying to fuck each other?! What are you doing?"

Orren shoved Tito off of him and stood, glaring at the other man. One of his eyes was already forming a black ring around it, and his nose was dripping blood. He was proud to see Tito's face just as busted up, with one of his obnoxious golden teeth spat out into his hand.

"Just horsing around," Tito grumbled with a lisp, his missing tooth impairing his speech. Rusco looked them both over, clearly not too happy about having to come down and shut them up. He was too busy for this. He looked as though he was about to lay out some kind of punishment when someone came jogging into the room, panting. Orren perked up a bit at the sight of his older brother. Jack gave him a glance. An inexperience spectator wouldn't have caught it, but Orren saw the look of "what the hell did you do this time?" in his brother's eyes.

"Hey boss. My and the boys got new shipment coming in, half the price. We can start making up for that drug bust the cops did on us last week."

Rusco seemed to defuse. Everyone knew that Jack was the teacher's pet. He knew how to brown nose with the best of them. Jack may have gotten more flack for it if he couldn't beat the crap out of every other guy there. "That's what I'm talking about, man," Rusco said in an approving tone. "You other assholes could learn a thing or two from Dog, here. Instead of sitting on your asses and sucking dicks."

Rusco turned and headed back up the stairs. Tito slunk off, cursing and grumbling up a storm. A couple of the other guys followed him out.

"What the hell were you doing?" Jack said as he turned to his brother.

"Tito is a cheating piece of shit, what was I supposed to do?" Orren crossed his arms stubbornly, his nose dripping blood all down the front of his shirt. Jack rolled his eyes.

"Were you at least winning?"

"Yeah, I beat the hell out of him." At that, Jack smiled.

"At least something I taught you made it through that thick skull. Go get some ice for your face, dumbass."

Orren lovingly flicked his brother off as he turned and headed for the kitchen.

12:00 AM //Ari

Arizona rolled over groggily in bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Saturday night had been a blur, and she wasn't exactly sure how she had managed to make it home to her tiny flat. To be honest, it was a miracle the door was still on the thing. The place was run down and Ari was pretty sure she hadn't paid her rent in over a year, but it was all she had to call home. If she ever got kicked out, she had nowhere to go. Sure, she had plenty of friends, but around these parts you never know who's on your side and who isn't.

Stumbling out of the rusted old bed, Ari pulled her pink hair into a messy ponytail. She already knew that she probably had "wasted" written all over her, but the least she could do was fix her hair. She pulled out a pair of ripped jeans and blindly grabbed an old tank top from her decaying drawer. It wasn't until she put it on and looked in her pathetically small mirror that she realized it was from her dad's old band. "
F*ck it," she mumbled to herself, pulling the shirt off in a hurry and replacing it with some band tee or another. She was never one for makeup (not like she could actually afford it), so she popped a breath mint, slipped on her beat up black combat boots, and headed out the door.

Ari stood on the steps of the tenement, breathing in the smell of the city. It sure as hell wasn't perfect - in fact, it was nowhere close. However, the streets of the Southside were her playground and she wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. She strolled along the sidewalk, willing her feet to take her wherever they wanted. After what seemed like hours of aimless wandering, she finally came upon the local bar, the Alibi Room. She shook her head to herself - of course she would be the one to walk straight up to a bar - but smiled and opened the door anyways. Not many people were in the room yet but she walked straight up to the bar and gave the bartender one of her coy smiles. "
I'll have whatever. Anything is good." Flashing her fake ID, she added, "And if anyone asks, I'm twenty-one."

Kyle's head snapped up at the sound of someone talking to her. "Oh shit, hi." She gave Tony a small smirk. "Just heading to the grocery store to spend more money I don't have. The usual. What about you?" Her voice held a certain level of annoyance in it; not at Tony, but at the fact that she was a broke dancer on a one way road to nowhere. She continued walking, peaking in the windows of the shops, always looking for 'help wanted' signs. Wouldn't hurt to pick up a third job. But everyday it was the same thing, job's didn't come around that often in Southside. Sighing, Kyle pulled a cigarette from the carton in her back pocket. "Want one?" She said as the cigarette hung from her lips. Taking a long drag she tilted her head back letting the smoke fill her lungs and bring a wave of calm over her body.

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