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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation


Fish-shaped ethylbenzene
Character Submission!



Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc):






Name: Farazia, God of Death

Gender: Female

Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc): Goddess


Personality: Angry, disdainful and pretty much culmination of pure evil.

Strengths: She can kill any mortal with her deadly touch, and she is an excellent archer and gunner. She can summon ice from water and create black holes.

Weaknesses: Persistence and hand to hand combat.

Backstory: She has always been cruel, since her creation. She killed all the leaders before her and made it her mission to reach the center of the earth


Dar'vange, God of Judgement 













Sarcastic, Judgemental 



Teleportation, can move through solid objects, blasts of energy from his hands 



He's a bit too sure he's doing the right thing. Thinks he is above Judgement.



Since the beginning Dar'vange has watched the world turn and judged the mortals below. Parents tell their children stories about his red cloak coming to get them, and to be good. When he wants to he descends to judge the mortals, but always once a millennia. His cloak changes colors depending on the situation. White means "You've done well mortal, sleep eternally." Red means "Judgement has come, burn in (this world's equivalent of Hell)."
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Ezrael, God of Life and Innocence









Ezrael is the God of Life and Innocence. He is the epitome of innocence and virtue. He has never known darkness, and is a very kind and gentle soul. He protects the innocence of humans (especially children), and gives life to all. 



flight, powerful telekinetic abilities, able to give life to all living things, through a simple touch or a soft breath of life.



Ezrael's innocence and inexperience of darkness is his worst weakness. He is incredibly naive and gullible, and it can serve as his very downfall, if he isn't careful. Ezrael isn't familiar with the temptations and cruelness of darkness, and that is very treacherous.


Ezrael has been there since the beginning of time, but for most of his life, he has never really had contact with the other Gods and Goddesses, until recently. He had been living in a beautiful forest near a shimmering lake for most of his life, surrounded by life, and the sweet creatures of the woods. He was life source of that forest, his powers of life keeping the forest and everything in it bursting with life. It's the reason why he is rather inexperienced in the cruelness of the world and the Gods, being surrounded by nothing but the beauty, stillness and vivacity of his forest home. 

Of course, Ezrael knew he was a God too, but never really officially acknowledged it until he had joined the Gods and Goddesses to help rule the world.



Ever since he has joined the circle of the Gods and Goddesses, he has despised the leader, Farazia.




[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Escora, the Goddess of Destruction and Deception[/SIZE]









[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Escora is deviously clever, and adores to play tricks and games on humans and other fellow Gods and Goddesses. She is very naughty, and has caused many casualties over the years for the humans. Escora is seductive and vile, and has taken a horrid liking in eating human flesh, and if she [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]ever [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]gets the chance, godly flesh too. She is a psychopath, and gets easily provoked when things don't go her way. Her idol is Farazia, the Goddess of Death.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Escora’s power is dark destructive magic. She can summon a calamitous amount of dark energy and when she lets it loose, she can destroy vast amounts of anything. Before Farazia came into power, this catastrophic power of Escora's was kept under control with an enchanted titanium necklace that the other Gods had forged. It was unbreakable and Escora herself could not take it off. It kept her abilities under control, so they would not go wild. When Farazia came into supremacy, the Goddess of Death freed Escora of that horrid piece of jewelry, and so now she may do as she pleased.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Escora is also extraordinarily skilled in using the cat-o-nine tails, hers being a long, sleek black leather one with sharp silver hooked blades on the end.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]Escora is your 'action first, think later' type of girl. She doesn't usually think in a battle, and just goes all out, and is known to always be 'over doing it'. She can make brash decisions that often lead to disastrous situations. When she's angry, her common sense almost entirely shuts down and just goes completely savage, her chances of making stupid choices in a battle increases by a huge amount. But remember, increased anger also means increased power.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]Escora is the result of a relationship between a succubus and a dark God. She lived in the darkest depths of Earth with her succubus mother and learned the seductive ways of a succubus from her mother, while her father taught her how to harness her destructive abilities. Her father regularly abused her, and her mother was no better. After centuries of standing and enduring her parents, Escora got tired and sick of it, so she blew her mother to pieces, seduced her father to his death and practically destroyed her entire home in rage. After this event reached the ears of the virtuous Gods, they made the enchanted necklace and forced her to wear it, to keep her destructive power under control. They could not control her anger though, and this fury grew and kept growing until finally Farazia, the Goddess of Death freed Escora from the necklace and offered her a place among the Gods and Goddesses. Escora accepted, and became Escora, the Goddess of Destruction and Deception. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Escora hates all good Gods, and is making it her mission to make them suffer for what they've done to her.[/SIZE]

Name: Vladimir Corosong


Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc): Assassin

Appearance:th (1).jpg

Personality: Vladimir is a nice guy. Unless he has to kill you that is. He wont stop fighting until he dies. He is very determined usually won't let you stop him in what he's doing.

Strengths: Vladimir is very, very smart. Because of that he a crap load of unique weapons designed for different things.  He also is quick even though he is old. 

Weaknesses: He is old, so he can be very weak without his weapons. He also might take a little too long to think about the battle itself(like what is the opponent are gonna do next) instead of fighting.

Backstory: As a kid, Vladimir was forced to work for his father and if Vladimir denied to do it, he was severely punished. He was only allowed to eat very little amounts of food. As he grew up he had a hatred for his father. Eventually, Vladimir killed his father. He then became an assassin/inventor. 




Vixen Lockeheart









driven, loyal, mysterious, cold, introverted, blunt, a little cruel, seems almost emotionless.



Vixen is so good at sword-fight, you'd almost think it was a gift from the Gods themselves. She also has an array of throwing knives hidden beneath her jacket, and be careful, she has excellent aim.She is exceptional in stealth, which is essential for an Assassin.  The fact that she is rather cold and cruel to others, can be a strength as well as a weakness. Vixen believes letting people into your life will only hurt them, not to mention you, so it's best to keep to yourself. That way, she's got nothing to lose when constantly in danger and battle with the Gods. 



Vixen isn't very physically strong. She is terrible at hand-to-hand combat, and is useless without her weapons. As I said before, her belief in keeping walls up can be a strength, but it can also serve as her worst weakness. Since Vixen is so bent on being alone, it means she ultimately has no friends. No one willing to fight beside her, no one willing to protect her, no one willing to die for her. She is basically solo, with no friends or allies, and that can be extremely dangerous when facing foes, especially Gods. No one can win a war on their own.



Vixen has a personal vendetta against the Gods; that's why she is so hell-bent on destroying them. Vixen and her younger brother, Baltri, were orphans, living in a harsh and unforgiving orphanage. They lived in a village where the Gods' oppression was a huge influence. People were ill-treated and most died. Vixen and her brother's orphanage was more of a child labour home, where they spent countless, long hours working in the fields and some even down in the mines. The work was eternally long, painful and depressive, especially for children, and they were hardly fed.. It was all because of the Gods; not caring about humans and forcing them to work like animals. Vixen survived this tragedy, but her poor brother died of malnutrition, lack of sleep and exhaustion. 

Ever since she has gone out of that horrible place, Vixen has sworn to avenge her brother and countless others who suffered in her village, by becoming an Assassin to kill the Gods, not caring if they were good Gods, or dark ones. They were all the same. 

Name: ???

Gender: male

Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc): Assassin


Personality: He says nothing. All he does is his job and his job only

Strengths: He uses small guns hidden under his cloak, but is also know to use a katana, a cutlass and a mace. He is crazy fast. one moment. He'll be in front of you one moment and the next, your head will be on the ground.

Weaknesses: He cannot dodge bullets and he has severe PTSD from air raid sirens and planes. He is also severely claustrophobic.

Backstory: Not much in known about this man, but there have been a few theories. The best one so far is that he is a war veteran from The Blood War (A world war that took place a thousand years ago) and was severely injured during the war, only to be discovered by the government of the present day. There is only one known picture of what his face may look like under the cloak.

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Name:Mideumess, God of pain and torture


Species :God

Appearance: he wears a devil enchested chestplate with a blood stained leg armor. He had horns of a mountain and has goat legs.

Personality:He sees that everything as a future victim or needed torture victim. 

Strengths: He can summon both torture weapons or and weapons that cause pain at will. 

Weaknesses: The people that see goodness and enlightenment in people, and he cannot go against people who want to help not hurt. 

Backstory:Mideumess also known as Lucifer if on lamins terms,  has always experienced people who see chances and goodness in others. He despised this as it had made him feel ungodly. To he idea humans where just a ticking time bomb until they where tortured by him or themselves. So from this he was put in the underworld to rule for eternities. He tortured and made humans pay for what some god made judgement apon. He didn't mine as long as he got to torture those who where sent to him. 
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Name: Jay Conners (Otherwise known as Obscurum)

Gender: Male

Species: Assassin


Personality: Somewhat vain. Prefers to work alone.

Strengths: His ability to quickly fill up to seven people with arrows within the time span of five seconds. Can be incredibly quiet. Fast and small, allowing for clean getaways.

Weaknesses: Having to work with others. He struggles to cope with teammates, and if he feels threatened in any way, may turn against them in order to survive. His ears are incredibly sensitive, allowing him to eavesdrop and know if someone may be nearby, however, it proves to be more of a weakness because loud noises cripple him.

Backstory: At a young age, Jay was orphaned when his parents were killed by a man named Farrow. No matter how much Jay hated the man, Farrow took him in. He saw something in Jay, a darkness; one that he could take hold of. Over the years, Jay slowly accepted his place as one of Farrow's many assassins. At one point, Jay was weak, but Farrow taught him how to burn away that weakness, and use the darkness inside of him. Most of the assassins in Farrow's league were taught to work together as one, but Jay was different. He turned away from accepting the help of others, and eventually turned out to be one of the best assassins Farrow had ever trained. Finally, once Jay had been accepted by the league, he became known as "Obscurum", or as some would know it "Darkness".
Name: Madinator! The God of Madness! Yay! Madness!

Gender: Officially Male, but can inhabit any mortals body. 

Species: God (of Madness!) 

Appearance: He prefers to look like one of those super fun Mortals called humans. 

Personality: He lives for a good laugh, though it's normally at some mortals expense. His moods change like the wind. In a hurricane. 

Strengths: Can inhabit mortal bodies, can turn mortals into anything, can strike anyone with Madness!

Weaknesses: He is a sucker for a good deal and will stick by his word. 

Backstory: While he likes to be called Madinator, his real name is Joe. He didn't like that name. He changed it. Always causing trouble, he might be one of the causes for the Human Revolt. Not a big part. A small part! Honest! He enjoys playing mortals against each other, and is the cause of most cases of Madness! in the world. When the chips are down he'll side with the winning team. 





Lazarus Chauncey










A sharp-featured face, framed by fine brown locks that brush his shoulders, accentuating his sharp jawline undercutting two wide cheekbones that offer an animal countenance to that of a fox. Perceptive blue eyes, ringed by intense, dark grey take upon years beyond their wisdom with a simple knowing gaze. Broad shoulders create the foundation for his well-built frame, standing at the height of six foot three, clad in an old military coat, cotton tunic varying in colouring, and knee-high boots all reminiscent of a bygone age.



Lazarus can almost be described in three words, if not for the depth of his eccentric character. Although susceptible to blades, and unlike his singular godly parent, able to bleed and have more affinity with humanity - it is his mortal blood, that makes him who he is. Raised by the knowledge and wealth of books, experiencing some of history's finest moments, fighting in battles that could have resulted in his death thrice-fold; Chauncey was moulded from not the clay of his divine brethren, but the cold, sharp hope that resided on Earth. Tenacious and sincere, if not quite comical come various situations, the Demigod is a wonderful asset to any friend (however lacking with his outdated mannerisms, speech, and fashion) it quite makes him a memorable figure. One that speaks logical truth, especially with his cunning, witty remarks. Laz, is utmostly devoted to his cause with all loyal fibre that resides in his flesh, even when his side are losing the man doesn’t rest. To have him turn his back on those he cares, would have to be over his dead body.

Many can find him pouring over manuscripts, hunched over books with intense pensiveness and attention to his work - yet it’s best not to be fooled by his educated tones. When angered, Lazarus is quite the formidable foe, battle hardened and unwilling to spare a life that has wronged him in any certain way which is unforgivable.



- Wisdom/Knowledge

- Swordsmanship (Uses a rapier, often always buckled to his belt with golden hilt.)

- Sharp perception

- Can speak all tongues used by divines and mankind



- Although he takes less damage as a Demigod, he can bleed. Therefore die.

- Loyalty/Unwavering trust

- Devil’s Shoestring herb. Not many know, but the weakness ensures that any blow will not be shrugged off easily. In fact, high doses could potentially kill him.



Born on the mortal plain, to his human mother during 1749 whereupon he joined the British Army during the American Revolutionary War. The same war he died in, after being discovered as a spy for the colonies. His father, an elusive god of great knowledge, waited for precisely this moment to bring his own flesh and blood to sit beside him and discard his human body in favour of a truer state of being that allowed him to better use what power he had. Alas, he never inherited many gifts besides his photographic memory and ability to wield a sword as if an extension of himself.
Currently, Lazarus resides amongst the gods as rather a reserved persona with no real direct purpose other than to acquire knowledge. A lost soul of sorts who remains in the background workings of most events. An ally to those
whom know best how to deal with wisdom itself.
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ishari (goddess of domination, seduction and love)



Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc):





to summ her up in a few words Ishari is very.... sexual and dominant. Being the god that she is she has a tendency to flirt with every one, doesn't matter. Gender, age, sexuality, looks, enemy, alie. Every one is an option for her and she makes that clear by going after everyone. But she is also very dominant and loves control. She has dominated the most fearsome demons to fight for her along with some of the feircest men. Truly though her feelings for all are false, fake, and just fantasies of her victims. Using there "love" for her to her advantage. But every now and then her heart goes to some one and she truly loves that being. A rare thing for her though



Can seduce almost every one with a mere look of her eyes

not quick to trust others

always cautious of people



able to dominate any being that isn't a god. There mind soul and body become hers


has a small weak spot for children often feeling like being a mother to them

submissive people

virgins specifically 

people who find people like her beautiful. (I mean personality wise and such)


(tbr? / don't know what to put here XD)
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