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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP


Fish-shaped ethylbenzene

Shallow Waters

Assassins and Gods


Gods and Goddesses have overpowered us for centuries!

 They bare no respect for human life!

Farazia, otherwise known as the Goddess of Death, threatens everyone's lives!

She kills thousands of innocents by the hour, with disease, famine and uncontrollable war!

She is the hate that lives within us, each and every day!


Now it's time to bring the war to her.

With the worlds most merciless killers that have ever set foot on gods green earth.

We will fight hate with hate.

Gods... against Assassins.





The story is as follows:

In a universe where humans have been oppressed by Gods and Goddesses that rule over the world with strength of a thousand mortals. Their leader is the most ruthless of all. She is known as Farazia, the Goddess of Death and Hate. It is Farazia's will to reach the core of the earth, although her reasons remain a mystery.

Cliché, I know.

The humans are forming a resistance to fight back against the Gods. They need people who are filled with rage and determination, but who will not me mourned in death. They need merciless assassins.

The humans have stolen time travel technology from the Gods and go back in time in search for more killers.



Here, you may be a God, Goddess, Demi-God or Assassin. You will fight in the war, and discover terrible secrets, hidden for the safety of both God and man. For bothe Gods and Assassins, you may have a character that is well known in history, or you can make up your own!




1. No smut. NONE.

2. Use proper grammar and spelling

3. No hating.

4. No Mary-Sue's or Marty-Stu's.

5. Respect other Role players.

6. Gain consent to kill somebody's character before actually killing them.

7. Private message the person who's character you plan to kill. Don't ruin the surprise for the rest of us!




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