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Fandom Shadowhunters

If you want to rp as one of the characters listed in the Overview, just request. It is first come first served.

If you would like to rp as an OC, fill out the following information.






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((Whats up, im playin' a canon character and an OC because im just that awesome))

Alyssa Bane

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca08270a1_USETHISONE.jpg.9a99d40aeb17f04cffdad43148fdaf0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126965" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca08270a1_USETHISONE.jpg.9a99d40aeb17f04cffdad43148fdaf0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((Sorry, I have no idea why its so big))


"Falcon" Magnus thought it would be hilarious if he turned his little sister into a falcon. The nickname stuck after that.

"Sherlock." They think its funny that she is so absorbed in this show.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: (Fe)Male

Height: 5'7

Hair color: Black as night

Eye color: Greenish-Brown

Age: She is 796.

Species: Shadowhunter

Crush: Hilarious

Personality: She isn't no nonsense majority of the time, unless its something extremely serious. She exhibits all of the normal Shadowhunter personality traits such as, stubbornness, recklessness, and self sacrificial. She also enjoys a bit of dark humor at times. Which means she thoroughly enjoys excessive dark humor 100% of the time. She is also disgustingly sarcastic.

She has a specially made Seraph blade that is black and glows red at the base when demons are nearby.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/CoolSword.jpg.5dde2fbb2fee74ed61136751492cc0fa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/CoolSword.jpg.5dde2fbb2fee74ed61136751492cc0fa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She loves everything about fighting.


Her brother on a good day


Honestly loves to read


Loves solving crimes.




She cannot stand glitter. She thinks its way too flashy and if you are going stealth mode, that shimmer eyeliner can catch the light and get you killed.

Being hit on

People underestimating her

Being pulled from missions


Her stubbornness. It can come in handy at times.

Hand to hand combat. She's been training in hand to hand since she was a kid...You know...When Game of Thrones wasn't just a television show. (And let me tell you, it smelled...Badly.)

Her loyalty. Enough said.



Her stubborness. It is both a gift and a curse

Her brother. Her brother is her weakness. You hurt him, you hurt her and no one likes her when her brothers hurt.

Her recklessness will get her killed one day, but as she says..."I managed to survive the Salem Witch Trials, I can survive this."

Bio: Alyssa is the product of her mother being human and "marrying" a Shadowhunter. Well, Mundane marrying. She was a mundie, so no runes for her. After she was born, her parents hoped for a mundane child, what with the horrors surrounding Valentine, it would be better for her to stay safe from the Shadow World. What they got was a Shadowhunter with a bit extra.

Since Magnus was born before her, the demon that impregnated their mother left a bit of Ichor in her. Causing Alyssa to be an immortal Shadowhunter. Or at least she ages extremely slowly. Her clocked slowed to a stop at 21 and she has been training at the institute all her life. She receives a bit of discrimination because some don't see her as a true Shadowhunter, just another Downworlder. Even after she fought Valentine along her brother and many other Shadowhunters, she still has not earned the same respect.


She is Magnus Banes half-sister. She is not directly his sister because of the different fathers.

She is half black half Puerto Rican

Unlike her brother, she despises sparkles. Which in consequence leads him to put them all over her.

She was asked to be someones Parabati before but she declined, because in all honesty she kinda couldn't stand who asked her.

Has actual Mundane tattoos because she finds them cool and less painful than Steles.​



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Name: Aspen Whitescar

Nickname(s): A, O/Octavia, Snow

Age: 17

Species: Shadowhunter

Gender: female

Sexual orientation: straight

Hair color: red

Eye color: blue/grey

Height: 5'3"

Personality: Sweet, but agressive when someone she loves is threatened. loyal, stubborn, very stubborn

Likes: archery, fighting, eating, reading, writing, She is obsessed with The 100 and Once Upon A Time.

Dislikes: jerks, sparkles, small animals, more tba

Strengths: stubbornness, loyalty, hand-to-hand combat, bow and arrows, sword fighting

Weaknesses: stubbornness, love, recklessness, family

Enemy: anyone that thinks they can replace her in her family, anyone who tries to hurt her family.

Extra: nose piercing, very tumblr/hipster

Family: Simon Lewis (adopted brother), Elaine Lewis (adopted mother), Rebecca Lewis (adopted sister), Sophia Whitescar (mother, deceased), Nick Whitescar (father, living) Clary and Jocelyn Fray (considered sister and mother)

Bio: Aspen was adopted by Elaine Lewis and her husband when Jocelyn Fray asked them to adopt her. Aspen was only 4 at the time, as was Simon. Jocelyn had promised Sophia and Nick that she would keep Aspen safe. She knew that the Lewis' would do just that. Aspen was constantly at Jocelyn and Clary's house, even more than Simon was. Aspen felt like she belonged with the Fray's, not that she didn't feel that at home, but it was different with Clary and Jocelyn. Clary and Aspen were basically sisters, and had been since birth.
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