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Fandom Shadowhunters

Maison Romanoff

Clintasha is my aesthetic!!!!!!
Rp as either a character from the show, or an OC. There are certain characters that do need to be in this rp, they will be listed below.

Clary Fray/Fairchild: Taken

Isabelle Lightwood: Taken

Alexander Lightwood:

Jace Wayland:

Magnus Bane:

Simon Lewis:

Jocelyn Fairchild:

Luke Fairchild:


Clary has been kidnapped... Again... It is up to her friends and family to save her. No one knows what they are getting into, and no one knows what it will take. The others don't know what will happen on their adventure to get to Clary, no one knows what to expect. Clary was taken by another wolf pack. Luke is beyond angry, but he made sure that his pack didn't get into the big mess. It is up to Luke, Jocelyn, Jace, Izzy, Alec, Magnus, Simon, and their friends to save Clary Fairchild.

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