~✖Shadow Keepers✖~

The Joker

Elder Member


~✖Shadow Keepers✖~

By: Belbo


1) if you want to kill, please ask for permission

2) you can mind communicate

3) no all powerful

4) please use
fades to black



Age: (pup, teenager, adult, older... ect.)

Gender: (Fae, Brute)

Fur Color:

Eye Color:

Other Looks:



Personality: (can use a key word(s))



Any Past Mates:


Rank Wanted:


Pup Skelly




Eye color:

Fur color:

Other Looks:




Alpha Fae: Loki

Alpha Brute:

Beta Brute:

Beta Fae:

Delta Brute: Laykin

Delta Fae:

Lead Fighter: Exile

Co-Lead Fighter: Moon


Lead Healer:

Co-Lead Healer:


Lead Guard:


Pups: Storm


Omegas: (Lowest rank) Kaila

My Skellys

Name: Kaila

Age: (pup, teenager, adult, older... ect.) Teenager

Gender: (Fae, Brute) Fae

Fur Color: Snow white

Eye Color: sky blue

Other Looks: has a black diamond in the middle of her forehead

Power(s): she can tell if you are lying or not

History: she was a outcast from her family. she wasnt wanted from her parent either. she ran away from her OWN pack and found this one. she usually hides in the corners and her tail goes between her legs a lot.

Personality: (can use a key word(s)) shy

Crush: ...

Mate: smirks

Any Past Mates: backs away

Pups: rolls eyes

Rank Wanted: Omega

Rank: Omega

Name: Laykin

Age: (pup, teenager, adult, older... ect.) Older...

Gender: (Fae, Brute) Brute

Fur Color: Cloud grey

Eye Color: Col Black

Other Looks: has some black in his fur

Power(s): he is very wise

History: his family died in a forest fire. he had to live of on his own. hunt his own food, fight of other animals. life was hard for him. once while he was wondering in the forest, he fell, his body wanting to die. he heard something coming and saw a wolf. Kaila. she brought him in and to him, she is like a daughter.

Personality: (can use a key word(s)) wise, weak, old

Crush: shakes head no

Mate: looks down

Any Past Mates: looks away (once)

Pups: whimpers (died)

Rank Wanted: Delta Brute

Rank: Delta Brute

Name: Loki

Age: (pup, teenager, adult, older... ect.) Adult

Gender: (Fae, Brute) Fae

Fur Color: Chocolate Brown

Eye Color: Grass Green

Other Looks: a scar on her left front leg

Power(s): can control plants

History: she grew up in a happy family. as she got older, she got more curios. one day she wondered off and was lost. she was accepted into a pack and found her husband. they had one pup. one day her husband went of to hunt and never came back. her and her pup went of looking for him and never found him. she left her pack with her pup, and found this one

Personality: (can use a key word(s)) sweet, gentle, nice

Crush: ...

Mate: lays down

Any Past Mates: cries

Pups: Storm

Rank Wanted: Alpha Fae

Rank: Alpha Fae

Name: Storm

Gender: Brute

Age: Pup!

Eye color: Black

Fur color: Chestnut Brown

Other Looks: nope

Power(s): Haven't found out yet

Family: Loki
(Lol yay another wolf pack! By the way I have a really cool power it's very powerful but I gave it a few flaws to keep from being all powerful. Blood claws is when a wolf has the power to turn into a huge white wolf, with sharp red claws that can tare through almost anything. Red energy can be used to grab or distroy things. The user however can only stay in this form for minutes at a time. They become weak and using the power is very painful. It can even kill them. So they can't use it all the time)

Name: Exile

Age: adult

Gender: I thought it was fae...but anyways Female, fae, foe Idk

Fur Color: Pure Black

Eye Color: A dark sapphire blue

Other Looks: She is a pretty big fae, she was a huge long scar across her left side. From her shoulder to her back leg. Her long fur covers most of it. She strong but pretty thin and alittle unkept.

Power(s): Blood claws

History: She was born into a pack ruled by her father morgan(Means death) She was one from a litter of five. Her siblings, Kira, Blood, Adi Sapphira, and her only brother cub (Odd name I know lol It's more of a joke) Stayed with her mother Alicia. Exile grew up being trained by her father. Her power was very unstable and could have killed her if it wasn't for morgan's careful watching. As she grew up Morgan seemed to be more evil then a just a father. Once Exile had basic control over her power as a teen she was sent out to distroy other packs. Turning into a white wolf with white eyes and red claws she was called the Angel of Death. Exile comited many atrusities, distant from her other less powerful siblings. Alicia her fearful mother and forced mate of Morgan began to try and help exile. Finding Alicia a trader Morgan killed her inj front of exile. After the pain of losing her dear mother exile grew less and less of a killer. Soon Morgan had her be the mate of an older brute called Drake. He wasn't like morgan, and exile fell inlove with him. Soon after having pups exile tried to excape Morgan's pack. As punishment Morgan Killed drake and her pups. Exile soon tried again with her sisters. As morgan attacked Exile jumped in front of her sisters and got a huge gash on her left side(Now a scar) After they left they were hunted down. Exile soon found herself not being able to enter any packs because of her history. Her siblings were found and killed. Now Exile is alone and in much pain losing all she had.

Personality: Loyal, tuff, respectful most of the time but sometimes her anger can cause a bit of a problem, She is distant from others and rather keep to herself. For fear of losing someone important she isn't very trusting and rather be alone. She can be kind though and caring. She is very protective and the best fighter you may ever meet. She is very stobborn though.

Crush: Never again

Mate: NO!

Any Past Mates: Drake...

Pups: Dead

Rank Wanted:Lead Fighter

Rank: Unless giving one by the alpha none.
awesome! and yes you are accepted. Exile's history and edgy and dangerous. i like it. happy to see that you joined! (my good friend :) ) and you are the Lead Fighter!

P.S. i used to play another RP game called "FooPets" but RPing was a very small part of it. the owner of it was changed and the new owner took away the RP form and make it stupid and now you have to pay for it, i quit and joined this one. but in FooPets they had A LOT of wolf RPs. :)
(Yeah I was on foopets as well! I used exile alot in there. lol stupid money loving jerks.)

Exile walked through an unknown territory feeling like she was going to clasp at any moment. She looked around, her eye sight hazy. She hasn't had food for three days now. Before that it was only left overs from bear kills and random dead animals. She walked on, her paws sore and her right back leg limping a bit. Running into a herd of elk was a bad idea. She couldn't have used her power, she was too weak. Now fearing death she just walks on. The faint smell of a wolf pack alarms her but she could do nothing about it.
(did you do any RPs? maybe i might have known you. i was still "belbo" of foopets. lol)


she walking through a forest. wanting to stay away from the pack right now. she wanted some alone time. she felt sick right now. she lay down on a bunch of died sticks and bugs. she didnt mind all that much. she lay her head down and looked around.


he lay in a cave, in the pack. he was old and tired most of the time. some people would come in and talk to him, try and get their problems solved. he heard from a far away, a stray wolf. he grunted. he couldnt do anything, he could barely walk. yes, he was close to dying. he contacted one of the leader, but it seemed the only one who was a leader was Loki, and she had her pup on her hands. she couldnt go after a wolf.


Storm! get over here! she said to him. her pup was once again running off, like a crazy monkey. she walked to him and picked him up by the neck. it was time she taught him a little bit of how to hunt. she carried him into the forest.


ow! he said as she grabbed him. let me go! he said to her, struggling to be let go. he wanted to play, not do stupid work. he moaned and closed his eyes, slowly falling asleep.
Exile fell down on her side. She let out a howl with slowly died down as her eyes closed. She was breathing shallowly, scratches and cuts all over her dirty mangled fur. She looked around before she faints. To tired to do anything else. She hadn't sleeped in a while.

she heard something. a howl? maybe. she got up and started to sniff this thing out. she curiosity got the best of her again.
Exile was purfectly still. Like she was dead, she couldn't move. She was to tired to wake up as a wolf was getting closer to her. She was still laying down, purfectly still.

as she wondered in the tall dead grass. she made *crack*s and *snap*s. she was loud. she guessed thats why she was an Omega. she saw a black figure, laying down on a bunch of stick and dead grass. she crept down and got ready to pounce on this animal... that was about to become lunch.
Exile suddenly opened her eyes and then jumped up on Kaila. She snarled and showed her teeth. She raised her tail high and then looked at the smaller fae. She snarled looking at her. She was quite weak though. Her eyes showed her tiredness. She still growled. "Don't think you can easily kill me wolf! I am no pray." She snarled her words.

she was surprised at the figures pounce. she realized it was a wolf. she lowered her ears and whimpered. "sorry! i t-thought you were a s-small lunch" she said tripping over her words "sorry! i wont do it again!" she said looking away from her
Exile snarls and gets off the wolf. "I see..." She said and then slowly started to walk again, painfully limping. She slowly walked headed towards the pack's camp. Oddly enough not knowing she was. She cringed and then stopped. "Aw....darn it all."

she walked behind the wolf. and saw the pack. "thats my pack..." she said smiliing at there big land "you can visit if you want to..." she said smiling that she saw her fake dad, Laykin.


he yawned and saw Kaila and another wolf in the forest "Kaila!" he said looking at her. he motioned her over to him. he wanted to talk to her about that wolf. something about her seemed.... different.


"ok, im going to show you how to hunt. like some of it..." she said laying down Storm "watch and learn" she said crouching down. she was waiting to find a deer or a bunny.


he sat quietly, and watched. he was small so he might have not have seen it all. he didnt bother to tell his mom so he just watched and sat quietly.
Exile looked at the brute. Her normaly dark sapphire eyes seemed to burn with hate and sadness. She got up and then slowly started walking to the pack. She breathed hard the pain surging threw her. She suddenly stopped and just laid down.

she walked to Laykin. "what?" she said looking him.


"that wolf... is she your friend?" he said looking at the mysterious wolf. something about her seemed familiar.


"sort of... i said she was welcomed as a guest" she said smiling, hoping it was ok.


"just make sure our leader is ok with it... and man she need a husband." he said thinking that there should be a MAN in charge.


she nodded and walked off. "hi, im Kaila" she said looking at the wolf, she had just met.
Exile looked at her and slowly sat up again. When she did the scar on her left side showed. She looked at the brute and then stared for a bit. Her gaze turned back to the wolf standing before her. She stood up tall, she was a high ranking wolf in morgan's back and she wasn't about to lose that respect. "I am Exile." She said hoping no one here knew that name.

"nice to meet you" she said smiling at her. "are you going to join this pack? i can ask the pack leader..." she said thinking she was probably with her pup, playing or something.


he grunted and moved to the end of the cave and lay down. he slept, like he usually did.
Exile nodded since there were no screams of terrior, she thought about it. "Yeah sure." She said laying down again. She laid her head down. She was really tired. She closed her eyes sighing deeply. She curled up once again hiding the scar on her side. She hated that scar. It made her feel more of like a monster.

she smiled and nodded "i guess we will talk to her later..." she said noticing she seemed sleepy. she walked off and found her favorite spot to sleep. she sat in it and slept.
Exile yawned and then stretched out even though it really was hurting. She tried to sleep it off, but the one thing she needed was food. After a few minutes she woke up from a nightmare. She sighed and started to groom herself seeing as if now she was in a pack she needed to clean herself up. She sighed licking her fur to cover her scar. She looked around quickly.
Exile got up and walked around very slowly. She stopped infront of the brute's den. Her claws flashing a red color. She didn't relize this and then kept walking. Her black fur looking much better now. She was looking like herself. A black beautiful fae. The only thing is, she looked a lot like morgan. SHe hated seeing her father in herself.

he heard the wolf and turned his head, to find her at his door. "hello?" he said getting up. he stood up, scared and old. "who is this?" he said tilting his head back and forth.
Exile looked at the brute. She suddenly backed away. She growled a bit. "I'm exile." She said looking down. She didn't exackly like brutes because of her history with them. Her ears pinned back and then she looked away.
(What time era/period is this?)

Name: Moon

Age: Adult

Gender: Fae

Fur Color: Grey with black spots

Eye Color: Icy blue

Other Looks: View attachment 2082

Power(s): Moon has the power to summon the wind and she is also amazingly fast and agile.

History: Moon was a personal pet to a wealthy businessman for many years. She never knew she had this option of living on her, free and not enslaved to a life of fighting and hunting for a cruel master. She had always assumed there was no way out of her life and that she would just have to adapt. When she was two years old her master took her out hunting, as always on a leash that kept her in his sight, when she caught scent of a wolf pack in the area. This got her thinking and a few trips later she broke free from her master. He is still looking for Moon because she was very expensive and he wants to breed and sell her pups for money.

Personality: Moon does not really know how to behave around other wolves since she was taken from her parents at a very young age. As of right now she is conflicted and fighting her urge to be timid and accept all orders, she wants to reinvent herself as a stronger fae.

Crush: Nope

Mate: Nope

Any Past Mates: Not of her choosing

Pups: Two but they are both dead

Rank Wanted: hunter or fighter

Rank: She is currently a loner

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