Seven years in Limbo [Inactive]

The world is cold here. Where did the sunlight go? And the singing of the Nymphs? Why do I feel as though darkness is enshrouding me? Make it go away....please keep it away from me....Titania......

Ingrid snapped up and the cold rag resting on her forehead slipped into her lap. She was panting and in an unfamiliar place. It smelled of seawater and fire. She swung her legs over the side of the cot where she lay and glanced around. The house was small, shack-like really and appeared abandoned of everything except her, the odds and ends lying about, and the little boy who had just pulled himself out of the shadows.

"Are you alright fairy lady?"


Titania paced worriedly on her balcony, heels of her hands resting on her tired eyes. To most, she would look like a child playing extravagant dress-up. But the residents of the Other knew better. She was a Five or someone five hundred years in age. She was the only one and the sole creator of this realm. It had been desolate, a barren wasteland of starving and fading Fae and magical beings. She revived each and every one of them, left no corner untouched, rock unturned, skyscape unsearched.

When she brought the humans, nothing had changed. The Otherlanders loved them and raised the young ones to be powerful and unique. She only hoped that the when the false memories she planted in place of the things they were consciously seeing, faded away, that resentment would not be the fling that blossomed.
Michael woke up from his nap from the smell of the ocean. He sat up and looked at his surroundings. He was in a tree in the middle of a field of grass. He jumped down and landed on his feet. He stretched his body and started walking to the beach. He took off his shoes and socks. His feet finally felt the sand. He wiggled his toes in it for a second then he started his walk down the beach. During his walk he noticed a woman pacing on her balcony. His natural instinct was to wave. "Good morning there!" He yelled at her. Making sure she can he hear him.
Sapphire saw him. The boy from her past. He had jet black hair and intense green eyes that reached into the depths of her soul. Look, mom, it's that boy I told you about! she said pointing to him. Her mother shook her head. Sapphire, stop making up such nonsense. Do something more useful with you time. her mother answered and pulled her by the hand. But I'm not making it up! I swear he's right-- she looked back and he was gone. Vanished. Disappeared. Missing. Sapphire woke up panting. She groaned. It's always the same dream every night! she thought getting out of bed and slipping into a pair of white skinny jeans and a pink flowery blouse. She quickly grabbed some pots of acrylic paint and her favorite paint brushes. I wonder what kind of landscapes the world has to offer me today. She thought as she stepped outside.
Lillian Grace had already been up for hours, making breakfast as the smell of bacon and orange juice flew through the air and out the large windows in the kitchen. Her small cottage sat close to a street that many traveled on, so she thought that she could make breakfast for any early risers that happened to be out and about. It was already light outside, and the ring of the bell signaling customers coming through the doors had tinkled through the small living room area. Quickly stepping out of the kitchen, she welcomed the guests and sat them down at a table. Lillian had been running this side cafe for a while, and most knew about it and would drop in every once and a while. It was called Groves Cafe. She was happy with the small profit she made from it, and she loved doing it because she got to cook and bake. The pink-haired girl bounced back in to the kitchen, preparing food for her first customers. I really hope more people come to the cafe today She thought as the bacon sizzled and popped in the frying pan. Business has been kinda slow lately...
Titania took no notice of the boy and continued to pace. The portal should not have been opened that night. She shouldn't have allowed Ingrid near it. The time had not yet come to send her Elites to Koyuki's disastrous world, but the girl managed to slip through anyhow. Based on the time differences, she would have to send them tonight and lift the amnesia spell before so. Finally she turned to the waving boy and beckoned him over. While waiting for him, she summoned two pixies and told them to seek out Lillian Grace and Sapphire.

(They will appear human to you guys! Btw.)


Koyuki's bright green eyes were the sole source of light in his pitch black quarters. This was a place no one was allowed to enter except his adopted son and the harem he had accumulated over the years. At the moment he was alone and enjoying a bit of peace. Today had been huge in furthering his territory, both in the underworlds and the mortal world. A loud knocking broke him out of his reverie and he hiss angrily. With a flick of his wrist, the door swung open and the light of the long corridor illuminated a timid looking boy with a ridiculous amount of ruffles around his neck.

"WHAT?" Koyuki bellowed, rising from his duvet and gliding across the floor to the doorway. The boy shrank back and answered quietly.

"The portal to the Other has been detected." A pale hand struck the boy across the face and sent him tumbling to the floor.

"Speak up brat, I cannot hear you." The boy nodded vigorously and stood and bowed before yelling at the top of his lungs,

"THE PORTAL DO THE OTHER HAS BEEN DETECTED, LORD KOYUKI SIR!" He snapped to attention and Koyuki chuckled softly. He pat the boy on the head and apologized for hitting him. Then he slammed the door closed and collapsed onto his bed.

Sapphire looked up to see a girl walking beside her. The girl bowed. "Her Highness,Titania,has summoned you to the palace." Sapphire looked at her curiously. "Alright. I will follow." she said as the girl led her to the castle and onto the balcony. Sapphire smiled. "Your Highness, you summoned me?"
Michael noticed that the girl wanted his presence. He ran up the hill to the house. He was able to get through the house to the deck. When he arrived to the deck he bowed. "Good morning ma'am. Michael Adams at your service. A pleasure to meet you."
It appeared that the other pixie had yet to locate Lillian Grace, but the pair in front of her would have to do for now. Titania stopped pacing and nodded to Sapphire to tell that, indeed, she had needed to see her. She shooed the remaining pixie away and it flew over the balcony overlooking the Other. To Sapphire and Michael, it would look like a bird flying out over a small meadow and Titania would appear just as she was, only slightly older and no wings or ethereal glow. Everything that the pair could see through the window looked normal whether it was or not. This was thanks to Titania's sleep spell. It lasted so long as they stayed within this world and made anything magical appear normal. Of course it also erased memories. When the children arrived, they went through five years of vigorous training where the sleep spell was not casted. But right after, Titania hid the memories of this and replaced them with ones of growing up then cast the sleep spell. She gazed almost tearfully at the two before her, knowing fully that the moment they stepped through that barrier, the falsities would fade and the real Other would be imbedded into their minds.

She pulled three chairs into a circle and gestures for them to sit while she merely stood behind hers and began to speak.

"I have a brother. He is very tainted and needs to be eliminated as do his armies. I know what I am saying will make no sense to you, but the minute you step through that," she pointed to a seemingly plain doorway, "you will understand. Last night I lost one of my pupils to his world. The place where all of you are actually from. I am sending you to find her and destroy Koyuki's hold on the mortal world." She waited for them to respond with bated breath. The whole operation rode on their reactions.
Sapphire went on one knee. “Your Highness, at any cost I will protect you and the world you created, even if it means death. I vow to go through that door and find you pupil and your brother and dispose of him in any and every way possible. Just tell me when to leave, and I will go there.” she said, glad she had brought her paints and brushes, as well as paper for what lay ahead.
Michael stood up. "Of course my lady. Like she said just tell me when we are doing this." He was excited that he was doing something for the creator of this world that he lived in.
Almost like someone had read her mind, Lillian heard a tinkle at the door way. Making her way in to the living room area, she saw a petite girl standing right in front of a table. "How can I help you?" Lillian asked the girl with a smile. The petite girl shook her head. "The queen has asked for your presence." She said, only audible within earshot of Lillian. "If you could follow me miss." Lillian bit her lip, and turned to the other customers. "I'm so sorry, but the queen has summoned me. I shall be back soon." Lillian nodded her head at the customers, and followed the girl. She had always been able to trust those around her, and she had not regretted the decision to leave.

When she arrived in front of Queen Titania, she bowed her head. She noticed two others. "How may I be of assistance to you?" Lillian asked the Queen Titania sweetly, nodding her head in the direction of the other people, keeping her focus on one boy in particular.
(This is gonna be short cause I gotta get this rolling.)

Titania quietly told Lillian an abridged version of what she told the others, then turned almost dramatically to the portal and it shimmered to life.

"You must hold hands to stay together. It should take you directly to Ingrid, the student that I lost here, but if it does not you will land nearby and together. You must stay together!" With these urgent words, she ushered them through the portal and watched as they disappeared.


At that particular moment, Ingrid was submerged in a Japanese style bath,, breathing out bubbles and watching as they floated to the top and popped. The little boy, Erik, had offered her a bath. He said that he had come home from fishing with his grandfather and found her out cold on his cot. He kept watch over her and was amazed when one night the shape of wings shimmered into view briefly. Hence the name Fairy Lady. The minute she awoke, he drew the bath for her and pushed her towards the bathroom, leaving no room for complaints. The place where he lived was a small shack atop a town floating on water. It consisted of three rooms. The bathroom, which was probably the cleanest and room in the best condition. The bedroom and the fishing room. The fishing room was a small room with bare walls and a small hole in the center of the floor. This lead directly to the water below and allowed the occupant to fish without leaving their home. Ingrid's short brown hair drifted over her eyes and she felt as though she lived underwater.

Michael noticed the girl that was looking at him. While he was listening to Titania he looked at her and winked. He then looked at the portal. "Um anything else we need to know dear queen?" He thought he might ask now before they left.
Lillian quickly blushed and ducked her head when that cute boy had winked at her. Quickly, attention was directed to the portal when she began to get pushed in to it along with the other two. Following the queen's orders, she gently slipped her hand in between the others hands, and held lightly. Squeezing her eyes together tight, She felt a sudden rush of energy through her veins, and then, felt the ground beneath her dissipate. A mere half second later, her feet were planted on new ground. Carefully opening her eyes, she could obviously tell this wasn't home. "So this is the real world?" She asked the two, still a little shocked to take her hand away from theirs.
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Michael looked around his new surroundings. "Um yeah looks like." He looked at his two partners. "Do you two lovely ladies have any idea on where the exact location of Ingid would be?" He walked around in circles looking his surroundings.
The three of them hadn't actually landed very far from the boy's house. They were in front of it actually. And when the little boy looked out his peephole, he was so certain that these were Fairy Lady's friends, tat he threw the door open wide a called out for them to come on in. In all honesty, he had set up snacks and chairs in a matter of seconds after they appeared. He was just so happy because to him, Ingrid looked awfully downtrodden and the arrival of her friends was sure to cheer her up. He didn't know that she didn't know them.
Lillian pondered the boy's question. "Well, Queen Titania said we would land either at her location, or close to it. I say we just look around until we find her." Lillian's thoughts were interrupted when a boy yelled for them to come inside. Now, with Lillian's 'Naiveness', she had no problem with walking in to a strangers house. She trusts people extremely easily. So this means she had no problem with agreeing to the boys request, and walked to the house rather happy that this was getting started. "C'mon guys!" She yelled as she smiled at the boy.
Michael followed her to the little house. "Well this seems like a nice place." He gently grabbed the other girls hand so she wouldn't get left behind. "Let's get going."
The last bubble popped with the sound of voices. Panicked, Ingrid sat up and called out for Erik quietly. He had taken her clothes to be washed and hadn't left her any to change into. Her sopping locks flopped onto her face as she stood and she tumbled out of the bath onto the linoleum floor.

"Oh for the love of music!" She shouted in pain, tears pricked in the corners of her eyes and started to stream down her cheeks. She didn't know where she was. She had hurt herself. And lastly, she was butt naked and sobbing in the middle of the floor. She drew her knees to her chest and rocked back and forth.
Lillian heard a loud crash from a closed door connected to the main room. It sounded like a girl crying out, so she quickly pushed passed the little boy and opened the door swiftly, closing it behind her. A gasp escaped her lips when she saw a poor girl on the floor rocking back and forth, naked and crying. She rushed over to the girl. "Are you okay?" Lillian looked around for a towel or something, but there was nothing in sight. "Hold on," Lillian said as she took off the large sweater she had on. She had a tank top on underneath, and this girl was naked with nothing to cover her. She could give up an item of clothing for her. Handing the girl the sweater that looked large enough to cover her, Lillian asked, "So what happened? Did you break something?" waiting for the girl's response Lillian bit her lip.
Ingrid looked up and took the offered sweater. She pulled it over her head and stood, trembling. She shook her head.

"Nothing broken, just a bruised state of mind, that's all. is Erik here? The little boy. He has my clothes." She pulled her bangs back to reveal big brown eyes, filled to the brim with curiosity.
Sapphire looked down quietly at the strange girl but kept her mouth shut. She had always been a quiet person, being the one to watch and listen instead of talk openly, keeping her own thoughts to herself.
Michael walked in and heard a loud crash. But this wired. First time he's been here over a decade. I couldn't wrap his mind around. "Nice place she have here." He thought to himself. "I hope this problem of the queens will be easy to take of." But inside he doubts it.
(Sorry, busy being an otaku :3)

"Erik? Hey, sweetheart, I need my clothes I can't just walk about...." Well as it happened she was walking about, and she walked about right out into the bedroom where Michael and Sapphire were. The only thing she could do was gape. She then tried to pulled the shirt down, all though it was completely unnecessary, it covered her completely. Her blush was a furious red.

"Do you know where my clothes are Erik?" She squeaked.

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