Sesus Denerid Jised [Creation is your oyster]


Name:Sesus Denerid Jiset

Aspect: Water

Motivation: Learn and understand the martial arts


Age: 30

Height: 6'2''


Copyright VanHeist



Strength â—â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—â—


Charisma â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—


Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—

Wits â—â—â—â—


Linguistics â—â— (Native: High Realm; Learnt: Low Realm, Riverspeak)

Lore â—â— (Martial Arts +1)


Stealth â—â—


Awareness â—â—

Craft â— (Wood)

Integrity â—â—â—

*Resistance â—â—â— (endure pain +2)

War â—

Athletics â—â—

*Dodge â—â—â— (multiple opponents +1)

Melee â—â—

Presence â—â—

*Socialize â—â—â— (ignoring +1)


*Investigation â—â—â—

*Larceny â—â—â—

*Martial Arts â—â—â—â—â—

*Sail â—

Archery â—


Performance â—

Ride â—

Survival â—


Artifact â—â—â—â—

Breeding â—â—â—â—

Connections (House Cynis) â—

Connections (Organized crime) â—

Reputation (troublemaker) â—

Resources â—â—

Manse â—â—â—


Transformative armor â—â—

Black Jade Whip Daiklave â—â—â—

Jade Heartstone Amulet â—

Jade Heartstone Bracers â—â—


Cesti, pair

Iron Boots

"Seven and Sixty Techniques of Deadly Breath" and other books


Resistance: Ox-Body Technique

Dodge: Threshold Warding Stance

Prescence: Auspicious First Meeting Attitude

Socialize: First socialize excellency, Sweeten-the-tap Method, Jade Defense (10 xp)

Larceny:Observer Awareness method

Martial Arts: First MA excellency (10 xp)

First Pulse Style: Stubborn Monkey Hesitation, Lightning Mental Armament (10 xp)

Five-dragon Style: Five Dragon Claw (10 xp), Five Dragon Fortitude (10 xp)

Join Combat:


Dodge DV

Parry DV

Soak: B/L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 7

Parry MDV 3


Compassion â—

Conviction â—â—â—â—

Temperance â—â—

Valor â—â—â—

Primary Virtue: Conviction


Willpower: â—â—â—â—â— â—â—â—


Permanent: â—â—â—

Personal: 15

Peripheral: 34

Bonus Points (15/26)

4 - Manipulation 3

2 - Martial Arts 4 and 5

2 - Backgrounds: Connections 1 and 2

3 - Conviction 4

2 - Willpower 8

3 - Especialties

2 - Linguistics 2

2 - Resistance 2 and 3

2 - Integrity 2 and 3

1 - Socialize 3

1 - Larceny 3

1 - Investigation 3

Exp spend: 53/57

3xp - Artifact 4

10xp - First MA excellency

10xp - Charm:Five Dragon Claw

10xp - Charm:Five Dragon Fortitude

10xp - Charm:Jade Defense

10xp - Charm: Lightning Mental Armament
Re: Sesus Denerid Jised [under construction]


As a child, Jiset used to consider her life as dull, even if she recognized there were people with even duller upbringings (mortals, as an example, even if they do get to see their parents more often…), born either because some promise between House Cynis and the Denerith household, an small experiment on the results of mixing the blood, or maybe a combination of both; suffice to say, both her parents where from different Houses, blessed by a different dragon, both of them executing some important-yet-unrecognized duty to the gears that kept the engine of the realm working, and both members of careful breeding, almost exemplars of their respective lineages, short of the ones directly related to the empress herself.

So, what happens when you mix Fire and Wood? Apparently, you get Water. Yes, makes no sense. Yes, people were surely surprised that day she almost got devored on the East satrapies that still are considered as her abode. She’s pretty sure that the dragons played a cruel joke on what she stubbornly maintains, was the only real wild thing her parents did. Not that she has really known them. Sometimes she even doubts about the number of people implicated.

On the bright side, this was considered some sort of blessing for some of the wiser (and almost all of the ones that desire the complete deflection of the household to House Cynis saw this as an interesting outcome; beign blessed by Sextes Jilys would provide further example of the spreading “corruption†of Cynis into Sesus to the other houses, and having been chosen by Hesiesh, would have probably worsen her already troublesome temper. For some she was an unfortunate incident, for others, an opportunity for…something. She never bothered to listen to that much.

In fact, she barely listened to people, at all, always on a little world when people talked funny, until her ear was pulled or her back hit with a stick, or worse. She got sent to the Palace of the Tammed Storm, probably as a way to scare her at first.

Thing is: while she did spend a horrible time there, she also had the thrill of her life. Every step she made, she was beign watched. Every little mistake, she either got caught outright or (after she got a little wiser) was extorted or outright sold out by another student that had caught her in the act. And she eventually came to value this, even enjoy it at times. She came back home wiser, but basically still her old defiant self. She has just learned to maintain some appearances, and when those fell down (she was never quite good at manipulations), at least try a way to enjoy some side of the punishment.

She had also finally found a motivation in her life, born on an overly specialized house, she thrived for more. If she was to beat someone, she might as well do it with style, giving a show in hope to entertain to witness, or even the victim, who knows, maybe he could depart to the underworld with an astonished look on his mauled face, or at least, that what she tell while maintain that thug façade. A minor setback has been the lack of proper education on the matter, besides some manuals she came around at the Palace (among other things she has found herself grateful for), but she has hope, she’s sure she’ll eventually solve this little inconvenience, even if it’s just by herself.

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