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Servant X Mi'Lady

Evangeline looked at him and sighed, nice? ... wait.... did he just say I was being nice!? Evangeline looked Justin up and down and smirked.

"I was only being a little kind because you gave me your name. That's all"

Shouting from inside the bathroom, Evangeline came out wearing a red gown and her hair up into a bun. Looking around she picked up a red rose and placed it into her hair and made her way to the door.

"Well. Are you coming?"
"Well, that's lie but okay..." He said to her, then followed her. She had better clothes than him because he was a servant and had just rags for clothes and he sighed "Where are we going?"
Evangeline groaned and looked at him, he asks a lot of questions... Turning away she ignored him and smiled politely at the men that walked past her. Why are there so many people here? Making her way to the dinning room to have breakfast she was slightly shocked to see the table filled with people. At the head of the table her father was laughing with someone by his sied and Evangeline calmly and politely made her way to her father. In a hushed tone she leaned down and whispered into his ear.

"Father... Who are these people?"

Mr. Dulcine smiled at Evangeline and looked at her with red cheeks. He is drunk... I have to get out of here. Smiling shyly Evangeline chuckled and began to escape.

"Nevermind father, I will talk to you when you are alone later."

Mr. Dulcine laughed out loud and stood up wobbling and swaying from side, "EBER ONE~!!!"

(I was thinking of him saying that Evangeline is open for courting.... Is that okay?)
(Means that someone can marry her ^^ I was thinking that maybe you could make another chara...? Is that alright...? Or no good...?)
(Okay.. Let me try to fine a good definition...

be involved with (someone) romantically, with the intention of marrying.

"he was courting a girl from the neighbouring farm"

synonyms:woo, go out with, be involved with, be romantically linked with, pursue,run after, chase, seek the company of, make advances to, make up to, flirt with;

So basically it means that there are going to be a lot of people try to win her hand in marriage... ^^)
(If you don't want to that's okay! I don't want to make you do something you don't want to! ^^")
(That's alright~! I can wait. ^^) 
(Okay going to make him say it)

Evangeline winced at the sight and made her way slowly to Justin and grabbed his worn out sleeve. Her hand was shaking, no. Not only her hand her whole body was shaking. Last time her father was drunk something had happened that Evangeline wished she could forget.

Raising his glass Mr. Dulcine spluttered out his words, "EBANGELIN IB BREE BOR FOURVING!"

I am free for courting!? Evangeline looked around and noticed all the eyes on her, all greedy for her wealth. Evangeline clutched onto Justin's sleeve and began to leave pulling him along with her.

"How dare he," mumbling to herself Evangeline began to make her way to her room.
Justin sighed as he stood behind her he was lucky she was nice to him though sometimes she proves that she is his superior. He just looked at her father and saw him talking to a white haired boy.


Jason saw the girl and smirked he knew it was his daughter, they were crazily rich and he craved that. Then he heard she was for courting, "Mr. Dulcine, I was gonna offer up a deal. I will let you have half my profits and I will get to marry your daughter"
Evangeline didn't even bother to see the white haired boy and made her way to her room shutting the door behind her. Her eyes close to overflowing with tears but she didn't cry. Not yet, not just yet...


Mr. Dulcine looked at the boy and recognised him as Jason. "HALB OB YOUF BORVUN? VEAL!"

(Translation: half of your fortune? deal!)

Spluttering his drink all over the place and laughing out loud Mr. Dulcine smiled at Jason.
Justin sighed and saw her about to cry, "It's okay, I doubt no one would want you even though your a princess." He said to her.


Jason smirked at his comment and he handed him a check of half the fortune. He then made his way to his soon to be wife.
Evangeline looked at Justin and gave him a weak smirk, "Nice choice of words..."

She didn't mean to be rude in any way but after what had happened last time. She didn't want a repeat.


Mr. Dulcine looked at the check and chuckled, "EBANGELIN IV NO LONBER OVEN VOR BOURVING!"

(Translation: Evangeline is no longer open for courting)
Jason opened the door and smirked then he kicked the servant of hers out of the room, "Hello there lovely you are now my fiancée" he said to her and slipped a ring on her finger.
Evangeline looked at the boy who entered kicking the maid aside, who the hell does he think he- wait... a ring!? FIANCEE!? Evangeline looked at him and handed the ring back calmly and politely.

"I am sorry but my farther was drunk and didn't mean a word he had said. Pardon me rudeness but I must ask you to apologise to the maid and also leave my room."

The maid scurried over to Evangeline and shook her head, "No miss. I was the one at fault-"

Evangeline smiled at the maid and patted the girls head, "No one is subjected to that much humiliation."
"I'm sorry but the deal is sealed and once it's done it's done so your gonna have to live with me." He said to her smirking and kissed her in the cheek "as for the maid, she will have to leave the room, I want some privacy with you." He said to them both.
Evangeline stepped back from the mans discourteous behaviour. He doesn't even bother hiding his true behaviour! Evangeline frowned and glared at him.

"I am sorry but I will not allow you to have any 'alone time' with me."

Looking at the maid she smiled calmly and then looked at Justin.

"You both are to stay."
He got mad at her reply then he spoke "We will, or I will file a complaint to your father then destroy this place" he said to her as she was being stubborn to him.


Justin was tempted to just beat him up until he dies but he's higher up and he can't break a rule.
Evangeline looked at him and stared at him, "That would actually be useful. Maybe father will understand what he has done wrong not just once but twice!"

After she let the last bit of the sentence she clapped her hands over her mouth and looked away.

"Please... Leave me alone with them for a little while..."
"Hmph, maybe I should just force you into my country so you won't as stubborn." He said to her smirking. "If I will

Leave you alone then I want this to happen, I want privacy for the rest of the day with you."
Evangeline looked at him, she didn't like him. Not one bit, even Justin's annoying company was better than him. Leave me alone for the rest of the day but I have to spend all of tomorrow with him... Sighing Evangeline looked at Justin and then at the maid.

"I will see you tomorrow then. Until then I bid you farewell."

Without another word the maid ushered the man out and left Evangeline on her own with just Justin.

"...I don't even know his name... And I am already engaged..."
Jason smirked at the maid he was always a person who never liked liers by the didn't care. He could even cheat on any other girl in the world and the stupid princess wouldn't know because she is blinded by being forced to stay in her castle. He just got out of the castle and walked through the roads.


Justin sighed and sat down "that man... He isn't one to be trusted..." He looked at Evangeline she had the final rights but at the same time she doesn't, a man is more superior than a woman so they would respect men more over women.
Evangeline nodded at Justin's comment, "I know... So I am going to appoint you as my personal guard... A princess should have one right? So that way I won't be completely alone with him tomorrow..."

She knew that if it came down to anything Justin or herself wouldn't be able to do anything. She wasn't planning on putting Justin in that position but she wanted him to be there in presence at the least.


After pushing the man outside the maid looked at him with dark eyes, "Hurt our princess and you won't escape unscathed."

Shaking as she threatened him she ran off before he could reply or grab her.

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