Serah Cleen


Would really like some sleep right about now...


/monthly_2016_08/Longinus.jpg.aebded015be67556819f88c8b18d8286.jpgSerah Cleen
Alignment:True Neutral
Age: 19

Gender: F
Personality: Serah is a sarcastic, mean and brash girl to most people who don’t know much about her. She shows a different side to those close to her, and can be an extremely positive and energetic person to be around once you get on her good side. Upon using her mystic eyes her personality changes somewhat. She grows more withdrawn and unemotional. During this, she only cares about her current objective and will gladly hurt or kill anyone in her path with little hesitation.

Background: Serah was born into a family of mages and faced all the struggles that it brought. Her family cared little for her own passions in life and forced her to focus solely on learning to use her magic. Serah begrudgingly accepted this and tried her best to learn everything she could… Unfortunately, however, she had very little patience for her teacher and wanted to hurry to “the cool stuff” as she described it. This all culminated at the age of 16 when she raided her master’s study and tried casting various spells that weren’t meant for a novice such as herself. It wasn’t long before a large explosion ripped the study apart and left her in a critical condition.

It took over a year before she fully recovered from the coma she gained from the blast, and could leave the hospital. During this time her family never showed to see her, and the only recognition she got from them was a single note left next to her bed. It told her that they were extremely disappointed and ashamed by her actions, and for all intents and purposes, she was no longer a member of the Cleen family. Her heart sank as she finally finished the letter. For her whole family to disown her at such a young age and leave her to fend for herself was devestating. She felt as if she had already died, and was being forced to live out what was left of her life as some cruel punishment. As she emotionally hit rock bottom, she felt an intense pain from her eyes as she began seeing something she thought was impossible. Several lines appeared on every object in her vision and she instinctively ran her hand along a table, breaking it apart instantaneously.

Her powers originally scared her, and in some ways still do to this day. However, they’re perfect for an assassin. She’s made a living killing people for clients and lives quite lavishly for someone her age because of it. As for her wish, Serah hopes to regain a family of some sorts. Whether it be her blood family, or a new group that welcomes her she doesn't care.

Mystic eyes of Death: Allows the user to see lines and points of death. Serah has a much weaker version compared to Tohno or Ryougi. She can only see lines of death, and has no means of disabling this ability. This comes with a small benefit that since her link to death is much weaker than Shiki and Ryougi she doesn’t experience any of the side effects the other two do.
Magecraft: Serah was never a great magus, and she still hasn’t made much of an effort to change that. While she has an abnormally high amount of magic circuits, her limited spell range leaves her to mostly use it to increase her own speed and strength in fights.
Equipment: -A medium sized military knife
-A silenced USP

Strength - E

Endurance - C-

Agility - B

Magical Energy - D-

Luck - A


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