[Senatorum Imperialis] Faustino Fonseca Duarte CCXVII - Master of the Administratum

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Name: Faustino Fonseca Duarte CCXVII

Positive Descriptors:

Negative Descriptors:

Radical - There are cracks in the whitewashed halls of his youth, and the writing underneath is a sure path to damnation in the eyes of the orthodox. When free of prying eyes, he often keeps the company of madmen.

A House Divided - Faustino has always been a divisive figure, never one to shy away from grinding his opposition to dust beneath the monolithic gears of the bureaucracy under his command. Support for his ascension to the Senatorum Imperialis was anything but unanimous.

The Maw of the Void - The Strategic Collective is an ever-present reminder of the horror of the Tyranid menace. They have worked hard to convinced Faustino of the magnitude of this threat, and they have succeeded. Perhaps too well.

Faustino is a man refined. His voice, eight centuries casked, is smooth as fine Amasec. His every motion is laden with the weight of a thousand stars and nearly as many years, and the canvas upon which he paints is history itself. His mind, once intrepid and daring, has been tempered by the cold calculus of the cogitator and the scars left by the passing of innumerable friends and foes alike.

Chronicling Faustino's life is a particularly challenging endeavour due to the nature of his rise to power. Many of his records have been expunged or revised, especially during his more colourful early years in the Historical Revision Unit. The only remaining unofficial source on his early years are the investigations of Inquisitor Cagarsis Aldermani into the involvement of the Duarte dynasty in the manifold conspiracies which crippled the Gothic sector in the leadup to Abaddon's invasion. Inquisitor Aldermani was declared Excommunicate Traitoris in 468.M41, but his fate remains unknown.

Officially, he was born the last scion of the noble house of Duarte, almost entirely wiped out during the 12th Black Crusade. He was sent on a pilgrimage to Terra mere weeks before the crippling warp storms blanketed the Gothic Sector, and amidst uncertainty as to the status of his house, especially late in the war, he fell upon hard times. He was promptly sponsored by the noble house of Fontaine, officially out of a debt to his family. Any connection to subsidiaries of House Fontaine being awarded extremely profitable reconstruction contracts amongst the ashes of his family's holdings across the sector have been long since eradicated. His sponsors in house Fontaine secured an appointment for him in the Historical Revision Unit, and he built a name for himself by bringing one internecine war after another within the Administratum to a close with ruthless efficiency. In 307.M41 he ensured the supporting precedents in favour of the Obscuran standard encoding scheme for recording tithe transactions fell under the auspices of an Inquisitorial expungement order for tangentially related heretical material. Untold billions of scribes in the Segmentum Obscura were thereafter forced to labour for centuries to bring their records into line with those of Segmentum Tempestus.

He made as many enemies as friends in liberal application of his unique talents, and was briefly forced into exile with the provision of a Warrant of Trade to re-establish contact and bring to heel many of the lost worlds in the Gothic sector which were once within his family's purview. His exile was violent but short-lived, however, and a mere 50 years and the loss of an arm to an engagement with a traitorous system defence fleet later he was summoned back to solve yet another burgeoning crisis in the Administratum.

Though his 'solutions' were divisive, he tended to make friends on the winning side, and thus his own power base continued to grow


Inquisitor Xu Ming He Rabinstrange of the Ordo Hereticus: Xu's tireless work in defence of the empire has taken its toll not on his body, but his mind. To him falls the unenviable duty of knowing that which was never meant for the minds of mortals, and ensuring its safe storage or destruction. Xu and Faustino shared a mentor in the now deceased Inquisitor Galendris Rammsmouth [Emperor commend his soul], though several centuries apart. Faustino has taken over for Rammsmouth as Xu's patron, ensuring no door is barred to his investigations.

Saipira Fontaine
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