semper subridens


(crush me)



Built upon a foundation of fabrication and trickery, pale face disfigured by a

mischievous grin obscuring convoluted plans for future endeavours, she

disappeared into the darkness in the wake of completion, rippling like the air




Name: Kaitlyn Madeleine Cheshire
Nickname: her most popular nickname is Kitty, namely due to her feline

appearance, her family and her personality. Some people will call her Katie,

although she loathes the name and a murderous glare will teach you never to

call her that again.
Age: 22
Birthday: 01/04 
Year: 2
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Parents: her mother's the current Cheshire Cat, while her grandfather

is Wonderland's original trickster.
Theme: x
Major: Zoology - minoring in Photography.


Height: 5'5"
Weight: 55kg
Hair Colour: blonde
Eye Colour: blue
Clothing Style: a, b, c, d, e
Distinguishing Features: much like her mother she has a noticeably more

feline appearance than regular people; her pupils work more like a cat's, often

being thinner than other people's and dilating when she's particularly excited.

She also has relatively sharp nails that she often paints shades of purple or

Face Claim: Dianna Agron


Vices: usually pretty uncooperative - she's known to be quite lazy and does

try and pawn her work off on other people if she can't be asked to do it at the

time; slightly disbelieving, she sometimes won't believe something unless she

sees it with her own eyes, especially where her mother's concerned; cunning

and deceptive she's very good at keeping things from people and likes to

watch drama unfold; she's also too mischievous for her own good.
Virtues: more than capable enough in any given situation - she's very

resourceful and good at taking the lead where others might struggle; known

to be oddly determined, although mostly only in terms of becoming as great

as her mother; imaginative, although this usually only means her pranks will

be more elaborate; she's forthright and will never hesitate to tell people the

truth, sometimes even failing to keep secrets depending on who they're about.
Quirks: uses terms/words that not many people haven't heard of, mostly

because they're only used in Wonderland and nowhere else; constantly naps,

often at perhaps inconvenient times and usually on high tree branches or

roofs; is ambidextrous, meaning she can write with both hands; always knows

which direction she's travelling in.
Fears: failing to ever be as good of a Cheshire Cat as her mother or even her

grandfather; large dogs, although she's very good at disappearing whenever

she sees one around; she stays away from water due to a fear of drowning,

and it doesn't help that she can't swim.
Goals: to follow in her mother's footsteps and be the greatest trickster

Wonderland has ever seen.
Skills: disappearing/escaping; planning, in oddly great detail; execution of

ideas/plans; deceit and trickery; lying and fabricating completely new

information on the spot with little to no effort; persuading people to help her,

or tricking them into doing it; making her way onto high spaces that seem

otherwise impossible to get to.


Biography: Katrina Cheshire was a criminal - unofficially. With no evidence to

prove her guilt, and no viable reason to ever put her behind bars, she was a

petty thief who lured men into bed and robbed them blind during the night

after giving them the time of their lives. She stole watches and wallets and

anything sparkling that caught her eye in the glint of the moonlight. She was

bathing in the riches of those unfortunate enough to get caught up in her

enchanted web. So when she suddenly disappeared people were

simultaneously relieved and worried. Katrina Cheshire had never been

caught, and it was likely she never would've been had she continued on her

crime spree, so nobody had any clue why she'd suddenly gone off the game.


Kitty was an accident, there was no denying it, and her conceiving had been

the opposite of a fairytale. Katrina had no idea which one of her unlucky

victims had fathered her child but it didn't bother her in the slightest. Despite

having never planned to be a mother she was thrilled to bits to discover she

was pregnant, and with a little girl no less. She sold off every precious thing

she'd collected and moved to a cabin in the depths of Wonderland, wanting

nothing more than to spoil her future daughter rotten with the best things

money could buy. No expense was spared and when Kitty was born she

already had everything she would ever need.


She was a chubby little thing with a head of fuzzy blonde hair and bright blue

eyes that shined out of their sockets. She was more precious to Katrina than

any of the expensive things she'd ever stolen. She quickly became a handful,

learning to walk and talk much quicker than the average child, and if anyone

other than a Cheshire had been raising her then they would've struggled to

no end. She wound up on the roof several times a day, hung precariously

from tree branches dozens of metres off of the ground and disappeared from

room to room as if by magic. Kitty bashed pots together when she was

hungry, chewed on everything she could get her tiny little hands on, and

climbed on her mother's head whenever she was in reach. Yet despite all the

trouble she caused, and all the noise she made, Katrina couldn't have been

prouder that she'd given birth to such a hell raising little thing.


When she went to school Kitty had no idea what she was getting herself into.

Having never seen another child before, after being raised in the woods all

her life, she was desperate to meet other people. Her mother warned her to

be nice and nice she was, for the most part. She quickly became the class

clown and a favourite among the other children, wreaking havoc in lessons

and driving her teachers up the walls. She had too much energy for them to

handle and after just a few short weeks her mother had to drag herself up to

the school. They recommended she get her daughter a hobby, suggesting

numerous activities that might burn her out enough for her to start behaving a

little more normally.


Kitty ended up in a gymnastics class, obsessed with the lilac leotard her

mother had bought her. She ran along beams effortlessly, back flipped off of

trampolines like she'd being doing it her entire life, and outshone her entire

class despite being the youngest there. Yet despite having a hobby that was

supposed to consume all of her energy she seemed more hyper than ever

and her conniving ways only worsened as she worked her way through the

school system. She was a genius, there was no denying it, acing tests

nobody had seen her revise for because she was too busy sleeping on top of

shelves in the library, and it only made her antics the more difficult to



She pulled pranks on the boys who discarded girls like dirty clothes, and on

the girls who were painfully mean to slightly shyer boys who didn't fit their

picture of a typical guy. She wound teachers up and chased them around in

circles, winding up in the principal's office multiple times a week. Her mother

failed to discipline her, claiming she was the "perfect little Cheshire" and that

she couldn't have been prouder. It was these words that made Kitty beam

brighter than the sun and work even harder to top every prank she pulled.

She took her education seriously but her family's legacy was the most

important thing to her.
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