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Fandom (Semi-Detailed) Tokyo Ghoul

Prizzy Kriyze

Multiple Stab Wounds


Ghouls. Whether they killed someone you know, whether their very existence disgusts you, or if you're intrigued by them, they are very much real.

The battle between humans and ghouls is old, and humanity has made some pretty impressive leaps in technology to be able to fight these natural predators of man. However, the ghouls have made equally impressive steps forward in terms of their own power, and the sides are at what seems to be a stalemate.

Which side you will you aid? Are you an investigator, trying to hunt down the ghoul threat, or are you perhaps one of them?

(Further details in Overview)​

Ward 12

Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

July 14th - 00:42 AM

Word had been out for a long time now and almost every ghoul in the city had heard. A plan for an attack on the CCG's temporary underground establishment for detaining ghouls before they were moved to Cochlea had been leaked. How it was leaked was unclear even to the heads of Gungnir, the attacking organization, but due it the attack had been delayed. Only by a few hours, however. The timing was important, so instead of finding an entirely different date, a decision was made to attack at 1am instead of the previously agreed upon time 10pm. Doubt had started breaking out in the CCG's lines and both the regular guards and the added ones due to the rumor started joking about it being some crazy elaborate prank. A few squad cars had returned to making their regular rounds and a couple of the stationed officers were having a discussion on whether they should actually stay or not. All in all... perfect circumstances.

Perched atop a nearby building together with a squad of A-rated ghouls laid the so-called angel with his trademark stitched-up mask on. The few ghouls around him were conversing and discussing methods while he himself silently gazed down towards the side entrance they were supposed to breach into during the main assault. He looked down at his watch, a delicate bronze piece of art that was probably worth as much as everything else he owned put together. It was an heirloom item, to be honest. Kain had received it from his father, who he barely remembered, shortly before his demise. The bronze arms indicated that it was 00:57. Three minutes until showdown. One of the ghouls behind him reached forward and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey boss, how about we just jump down there, break in and just free all the prisoners right now? Together we should be able to take them just fine." There was confidence in the man's voice, but it didn't impress Kaine. "Do you expect us to jeopardize the entire plan for your delusions of grandeur? My answer is no."

Kaine calmly met the man's provocative and rebellious gaze, and after a short moments complete silence the man turned his eyes away. Being an A-rated ghoul he still had a certain fear and respect for the SS-rank. He was more than inferior to him, and he still valued his life, so he conformed to his superior. "Good." It seemed as if Kaine was going to add something to the statement, but suddenly a loud explosion killed all other sounds in the city. A flash of light came from another part of the 12th ward's branch office and flames started rising from the side of the building. Kaine looked back at his subordinates. "Time to move."

Without a single noise the large skeletal wings extended from Kaine's back and dug into the edge of the roof. Large pieces of debris fell from the ceiling as he catapulted himself down towards the ground, crushing the first guard of five guards standing on duty. The rest of guards looked up at him in confusion. It took them a whole five seconds to start firing, and then a whole single second before they stopped. The squad he'd brought with him had already finished them off. Kain reached inside his shirt and pulled out a blood covered x-bullet and threw it on the ground. "Pesky things..." He extended the wings far above his head, and then brought them down heavily, sending the heavy steel door flying into the building. Without another word, Kaine brought his wings back in and slowly entered the building, followed by his squad.

(Sorry for absolute shit post. I'm super fucking tired, I just wanted to get it out there due to continuous peer pressure from Des and Para. I tried making a sort of heated intro. Anyone may add their character to this scenario and do whatever.)
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Cannibal Descention Renen -- Ward 12 -- Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

A smirk trailed its way onto the brunette's lips, posture shifting in to a more relaxed slope as he patiently awaited the end of the countdown. He was a few feet behind Kain and his other goons, crouching down, mask not yet drawn down over his face. He had no way of telling the time, but he knew Kain did, and would await the signal. Excitement pulsed through his veins and his Rinkaku swayed back and forth as if prong actually had a mind of their own. The others excitement almost made him snicker, but he held his tongue - a powerful ghoul he was, yes, but he didn't want to get into a scrap with Kain any day. He shifted his feet, starting to get restless, when an explosion echoed out and caused his ears to ring briefly. "Damn," he hissed, taking a brief moment to rub his left ear before pulling out his Kakuja and sliding his mask over his face. "Way to make an entrance."

After another couple seconds of fiddling with his mask, he followed suit of the others and hoped down, using his Rinkaku to slow his descent slightly. The small amount of time that it had taken him to comfortable rest his mask upon his face seemed to have been long enough for the others to clear the way into the building, so his path was free. Unlike Kain, he did not withdraw his Kagune or Kakuja, instead leaving them out in case he was ambushed. Not like he couldn't take just about anything that came at him with the way things were looking, but the weapons the humans used were painful nonetheless. He was slightly disappointed that he hadn't gotten to kill anything as of yet, he could feel his brain starting to frenzy and his muscles twitched with murderous intent. He was eager, damn straight, but he'd withhold himself until the opportunity arose. It'd get him in trouble if he attacked the other ghouls in front of him - it was pretty dangerous as well.

It wasn't all that quiet - gunshots, sirens, and other noises filled the general area that made his ears buzz. However, through all the audible business, he heard the shuddering of a breath. It was poorly hidden, frightened. His own heartbeat resounded in his skull as a smirk formed under his mask, head swiveling to catch more of the noise. It didn't take him long to pinpoint where it came from. He temporarily broke away from the group, sauntering over to his victim. It wasn't a ghoul, no, but it was still a kill. Before him was a dove of some rank - how high up he was in the ranks didn't matter to Descention. Her whole body was trembling, knuckles white around her gun, tears rapidly draining from her bright green eyes. The male was curious as to why she hadn't shot, she was obviously terrified. It didn't matter to him, though - it saved him the pain of being shot. He raised a single snake-fanged tendril and slowly lowered it towards her face, a low snicker escaping his throat. Right before he tore into her, he felt a bullet graze his side. He winced and his chuckle was replaced with a snarl. "
Bitch." His Rinkaku was soon covered in her blood, and he was back to following the rest of the group.


Noriko Minami.

Ward 12, near the Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

The incessant tapping of the ghoul next to her was grating on her nerves. Forcing a small smile onto her lips, Noriko turned to the male, asking through gritted teeth if they would


cease that tapping- for the eleventh time in the past hour. The ghoul obliged, albeit with a slightly resentful glance at Noriko, and the female huffed, letting her head flop back to rest against the wall behind her.

Toni had organized a small group of ghouls, Noriko included, to scope out the area around the Temporary Detention Center and to watch out for any disturbances, due to the leaked information about Gungnir's supposed attack on the Detention Center. The group was holed up in a room on the top floor of a currently uninhabited building, which had a clear view of the facility. The only light, which would have been weak in the first place, was further filtered and diluted by the dirt coated window, at which another ghoul was located, methodically scanning over the facility and surrounding area with a pair of binoculars. Therefore, the room was clad in shadows; Noriko had just finished her turn at the binoculars, and was now propped up against one wall, long legs stretched out before her. Her mask was lying forgotten at her side, the red veins that ran through the inky blue mask gleaming slightly, as it lay in one of the few puddles of moonlight that littered the small room. It was accompanied by a tall travel mug, which had previously contained coffee.

Shifting on the cheap office carpet, Noriko pressed her lips together when the ghoul next to her renewed his tapping. Blocking out the sounds of rustling clothing and whispered conversations being held by the other ghouls in the room, the female buried her face in the cowl of her jacket, tucking her head to her chest. Just as her eyes were beginning to flutter closed, the sound of a violent explosion resonated through the room, causing her ears to ring.

Her eyes flew open, and she scrambled to her feet, as did everyone in the room, snatching up her mask. The ghoul at the window exclaimed, rather unnecessarily, voice brimming with excitement, "They're attacking!"

Quickly attaching her mask to her face, Noriko tried to disguise the slight trembling of her fingers. After a few terse orders from the ghoul who had been placed in command of the mission, the group moved out, clattering down the stairwell. Ignoring the bundle of nerves in the pit of her stomach that threatened to make her sick, Noriko jogged alongside the other ghouls.

{I apologize, it's not the best.}

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Tekis Ruthbale. Ward 12, In the Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Clear Moon had heard of an attack being planned on CCG's underground base for detaining ghouls. This was rather alarming to them as if Gungir did manage to free the prisoners; many of them being binge-eaters, it would complicate things for Clear Moon and their goals. Tekis Ruthbale, the leader of Clear Moon arrived at the scene with Hiro Inuhoozuki and a few other elite members of Clear Moon. Their task was simple: Stop Gungir from freeing the prisoners. Tekis was resting against a wall in a hallway that lead to the prisoners. Putting on his mask, he sighs impatiently "They sure are taking their sweet time." Tekis sighs again, looking up towards the ceiling. "Boss, what's the plan?" one of the members ask Tekis, almost nervous. "Gungir is rather strong, can we really take them on?” "Just follow what I and Hiro do, if you do so you will be fine. Just wait for their arrival and stop whining like a little bitch.” Tekis relaxed against the wall a bit more, as if he was about to sleep.

"What kind of ghouls do you think they house here?"One of the ghouls questioned Tekis. Still looking up the ceiling, resting,"The worst kind. The kind that survive on cannibalism and grotesque slaughtering of innocent humans. The filth that dare call themselves ghouls. They bring ghouls a bad name, making us live in shadow and fear the thought of stepping outside".Tekis responds in a cold, nonchalant manor, while the visible eye seen through his mask closed."That's a little harsh don't you th-"The Clear Moon member gets cut off by Tekis slamming the concrete wall, making a crack. Everyone but Hiro grimace and prepare to be shouted at, but Tekis sighs once more."Don't question me."Tekis orders."Stop fidgeting and wait for the arrival of Gungir." Tekis continues to look up to the ceiling, closing his eye.


@Prizzy Kriyze
Minaule Risionae

Ward 12, near the Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Being the lookout proved to be troublesome for Minaule as she couldn't really keep still and just look through tiny peepholes for any signs of enemies. But she knew she had to do it, or else the whole team Toni picked would be in big trouble; Minaule would be in bigger trouble, though. Feeling a gentle breeze brush by her bared legs, she smiled and pulled her hood on, enjoying the somewhat cold weather.

Having nothing better to do, Minaule pulled the binoculars closer, watching as cars passed by, and trees swayed in the wind. 'Nothing exciting... Phoowee.' She thought to herself, pouting as she dropped her arms to her side, heaving a sigh. Wanting to slack of as nothing exciting was going to happen anytime soon, Toni's words crossed her mind. "Don't you fuck this up, Min. We don't need anymore visits to the graveyard! Unless you want to be the one we're visiting!!" Toni told Minaule, her words ringing loud and clear as she remembered the hard smack on the head she had so lovingly been given before they left. She really had to make sure not to go all out as she always does.

Smiling to herself as she rubbed her head, feeling the hit she received physically, an unbearably loud explosion erupted, not far from where she stood. Turning her back to face the dirty window, she pushed it open, a large grin on her face.
"They're attacking!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. Dropping the binoculars through the window, she pulled on her mask, hiding the rather large smile on her face. "Finally! Some action!" she cried out, immediately forgetting the words Toni had parted unto her.

As quickly as she forgot what Toni had told her, Minaule ran to the edge of the building, jumping down to meet her fellow ghouls, craving for some punches to be thrown left and right.

(Shitty post is shitty. Hopefully gets better when I'm not rushing)

@Wifi and Worms
Dean Karanae


00:40 AM




More buzzing.



"Shit! What was that? Huh? Go away, old man."

Buzzing. Damn it all to hell, the buzzing was getting on his nerve.


"Put it on my tab then. As much as you want. Now leave me alone, my head is killing me. And will you please stop shining that damn light in my face?" Mumbling blearily, putting head back down to the counter.


"What do you mean there's no light? You trying to mess with me, old man? Leave me alone, please! It's not like I don't sleep here most nights anyway, why are you torturing me right now, it's not even close to morning yet!"

Faint ringing sound, shoes clicking sound getting further away.

Ah, no more buzzing, it's all good now. The headache would slowly retreat, it shou...


"Oh for god'sake, man, just kill me already if you won't give me some goddamn peace!"


"Answer my phone? What are you talking about?"

Buzzing. Oh.

"Who the fu..."


"Oh, hey boss...I was kinda busy, it was so loud here I couldn't hear the pho..."


"No, no, of course not! Why would I ever..."


"Really? How accurate is this intel?"


"Wew, that much? Either the ghouls are getting sloppy or they are getting stupid. Why did you call me anyway? Where's the quick response team?"



Nothing can compare to waking up with a world shaking hangover and to an annoying old man and the worst news of the whole month. Soberity is overrated.

"Be there in 'bout 10 minutes."

Chair scraping, shoes clicking rapidly on the floor.

"Gotta go. Put it on my tab, pop, I'll pay later. It's an emergency."


"Yes, I say it every time, but I'll pay, I promise. See you."

Door opened and closed, bell jingling. Faint sounds of car door being slammed and engine noise getting further away.


"Damn idiot forgot his phone again."

The bar owner sighed, got up, upturned the chair and put it on a table.

Lights were switched off.

Ward 12

Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Kain Beah

Kain's robes included a big hood that was hung over his head, concealing even his mask in the shadows. He didn't plan having to fight here, and he was almost certain he didn't need to. Other leaders, including ghouls of both S and SS ranks were spread around the front of the building and raining hell on the investigators and soldiers who were there to protect the building. Even if they decided to target his group, the front would be overrun and they'd receive help before anyone got hurt. Probably.

His pupils slid to the corner of his eye as he heard Descention's footsteps disappeared from the group and approached the source of some poorly disguised breathing in a nearby room. His pace didn't slow down, but it was already pretty slow. Kain was patient and methodical, something that seemed to annoy the ghouls that were forced to worked together with him, including these. They were impatiently shuffling around behind him, and if they didn't know it meant certain death they'd probably be doing laps around him. Soon a gunshot was heard, then Descention scampered back to the group. Without turning his head Kain said "Are you alright, Descention? Would be a shame if you lost control and I had to put you down." The last word was emphasized with a sort of slithering lingering, definitely a threat.

Red slivers shined through the darkness below his hood as he bent his head to look at Descention. A hand was raised to his face and he corrected his mask before looking back forward. Gunshots echoed through the hallways, masking the erratic footsteps of his "experienced" followers. They were too careless. If it was his own choice, Kaine wouldn't ever cooperate with the lower-downs of Gungnir. Or anyone, really. Suddenly his arm shot out and collided with the chest of the nearest ghoul. The ghoul staggered backwards and was about to open his mouth, but was silenced by a glance from the higher-ranking member. He stood just before a split in the hallway they were walking through, an inch from being at a visible angle to anyone down it. Another explosion shook the building as Kain turned 180 degrees and ushered the ghouls back the way they came.

One of the ghouls he'd brought with him proved a bit of backbone and dared to ask him in a rather aggressive tone "What the fuck?" A heavy push to his chest by another of the ghouls shut him up and they backtracked a little bit through the hallway. Kain calmly lead them until they were about 20 feet from the other hallway and quietly whispered "Other ghouls, not a part of the mission. You'll stall them or kill them while I release the prisoners." He'd heard them breathing, even over the gunshots and explosions. Erratic breathing that didn't belong to anyone within Gungnir. If he was ever going to give them credit, they were better than most at staying silent even if they disappointed him more often than not.

A door leading into a large office devoid of people stood open next to them, and Kain entered it and approached the wall that should be just by the unknown ghouls. A gentle tap on the wall revealed the depth to Kain, and a sense of satisfaction rose up through his spine as he realized this wasn't impossible nor inconvenient to break through. He could produce a hole large enough for his followers, and take the unidentified threat by surprise. The large skeletal limbs extended from his back again, and he placed the sharp, heavy tips against the wall, creating small indents. "I'm going to open the way for you." He said with utmost indifference. The red slivers gleamed as he bent his head and stared at the ghouls out of the corner of his eyes, like he always did. "Don't fuck up." The red slivers climbed up and caught on Descension. "I'm counting on you."

With a twitch his wings dug deeper into the wall, and he lightly felt the tips graze the flesh of some poor ghoul who'd had the unfortunate luck of standing exactly there at that given moment. Together with ripping a deep wound in the ghoul's back, Kain brought his wings outwards, tearing a large hole in the wall and sending a cloud of dust and concrete into the hallway. The kagune retracted back into his kakuhou again as he took a step back from the hole and allowed the ghouls to move past him into the cloud of fighting.

(Sorry if you think I moved too far ahead >_<)

(Why'd you have to misspell your characters name Descension Des? I hate this red underline everywhere ;- ;)



Cannibal Descention Renen -- Ward 12 -- Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

The young male smirked at Kain from under his mask, cheeks pulling taught and eyes narrowing slightly. No words were uttered from his mouth, just a violent and rapid and of the head was the reply he gave to the chilling tone of his leader. He soon fell into a normal pace with the group, pace easily matching Kain's in slow, easy strides. He was impatient to get to his next meal, of course, but rushing ahead wasn't worth the wrath of the more powerful male. In addition, he was still slightly in control. A rapid drumming echoed in his ears, accompanied with a faint roar from the rushing of his blood. He was almost unaware of the tiny spat going on between the other ghouls, their rowdiness, impatient to get going. He could only focus on their smell. He could tell who was who by smell, of course, so he was unlikely to attack other members of Gungnir.

His attention was caught when he felt that Kain was talking direction to him. "
Don't fuck up, I'm counting on you," were the words that wrung in his ears along with his hammering heartbeat, muscles tensing as the other male's Ukaku ripped into the wall. He inhaled deeply as he caught scent of fresh blood, a deep chuckle escaping his lungs. Kain stepped back. Descention launched himself forward.

He was in before any of the other ghouls, leaving a couple confused behind him. The rush was getting to him, his vision slightly skewing as he searched for his targets. The young male launched himself at the first ghoul, an older male. He was large and chiseled, a dark beard chalking his jawline. If not for the fact that he was caught completely off-guard, Descention allowed a thought to stray that he would have most likely put up a bit of a fight. He was a Rinkaku user, with quick reflexes at that. The brunette sent out a single snake-like tendril and it was deflected by a streaming, dark green vine of the other male's. However, 'Cannibal' was quicker. While his opponent was distracted, he dodged to the left - since the Rinkaku came from the right-hand side - and swooped under-wards, launching up in a quick motion. A sick smirk was hidden under his mask as he delivered a harsh blow to his opponents stomach and then dug a smooth tendril into his chest, quickly ripping him apart. Before he was attacked himself, Descention danced about the body for a few seconds before allowing himself a few bites of flesh. After just a single swallow, he felt new energy coursing his veins.

He whipped around, his weapon fanged. He was caught by surprise as a shower of Ukaku shards flew in his direction, flying up an arm to utilize his Kakuja. The article didn't cause him any insanity - he'd quickly eaten enough ghouls to develop a full one. It was the excitement of the hunt that drove him crazy. As such, without even a moment's hesitation, he flew back into combat.


Noriko Minami. Ward 12, Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

The night air was tainted by the acrid smell left behind by the explosion, and the metallic tang of blood was beginning to infect the air as well. The mingled scents settled thickly at the back of Noriko's throat and seared her nostrils. All this registered in her brain in the few seconds before the group of ghouls she was part of shot out of the alleyway in which they had been huddled.

After leaving the building in which they had been observing from, the group had made their way closer to the center through back alleys, to avoid the numerous patrol cars. They were headed towards a back entrance used for the delivery of various supplies.

The ghouls poured forward, streaming towards the tall fence that ringed the perimeter of the detainment center. The knot of nerves in the pit of Noriko's stomach began to dissipate, as the coppery stench of blood grew stronger. The part of her that reveled in destruction, that smiled gleefully during a hunt began to stir, pushing for control. Noriko let it envelop her, let the feeling swamp her, despite knowing she'd hate herself for it later. Despite this, a euphoric smile spread over her face, the smile clearly visible, due to the nature of her mask.

A black began to infect the sclera of her eyes, encircling the iris. The hazel of her irises, slowly gave way to black, as the pupil shifted to a bright red. The sharp cracks of firing guns rent the air; her kagune erupted soundlessly from her back, the whiplike appendage arching up, to hang just above her left shoulder. The muscles of her legs tensed and she leaped, her kagune pushing off the ground to assist her jump.

Landing on the other side of the fence with a sound that was muffled by the din of blaring alarms and gunshots, her kagune shot out to wrap around the lower leg of the nearest guard, who's gun clattered to the pavement as he was yanked off his feet. He barely had the time to comprehend the situation before Noriko's kagune had speared him directly through the stomach. Blood spurted, obscuring the dark blue of her bikaku in places, and splattering her clothes. A small shred of her original disposition revealing itself, Noriko sent glances at the other members of the team assembled by Tori, to confirm their wellbeing.


DescriptedEnd said:
Cannibal Descention Renen -- Ward 12 -- Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

The young male smirked at Kain from under his mask, cheeks pulling taught and eyes narrowing slightly. No words were uttered from his mouth, just a violent and rapid and of the head was the reply he gave to the chilling tone of his leader. He soon fell into a normal pace with the group, pace easily matching Kain's in slow, easy strides. He was impatient to get to his next meal, of course, but rushing ahead wasn't worth the wrath of the more powerful male. In addition, he was still slightly in control. A rapid drumming echoed in his ears, accompanied with a faint roar from the rushing of his blood. He was almost unaware of the tiny spat going on between the other ghouls, their rowdiness, impatient to get going. He could only focus on their smell. He could tell who was who by smell, of course, so he was unlikely to attack other members of Gungnir.

His attention was caught when he felt that Kain was talking direction to him. "
Don't fuck up, I'm counting on you," were the words that wrung in his ears along with his hammering heartbeat, muscles tensing as the other male's Ukaku ripped into the wall. He inhaled deeply as he caught scent of fresh blood, a deep chuckle escaping his lungs. Kain stepped back. Descention launched himself forward.

He was in before any of the other ghouls, leaving a couple confused behind him. The rush was getting to him, his vision slightly skewing as he searched for his targets. The young male launched himself at the first ghoul, an older male. He was large and chiseled, a dark beard chalking his jawline. If not for the fact that he was caught completely off-guard, Descention allowed a thought to stray that he would have most likely put up a bit of a fight. He was a Rinkaku user, with quick reflexes at that. The brunette sent out a single snake-like tendril and it was deflected by a streaming, dark green vine of the other male's. However, 'Cannibal' was quicker. While his opponent was distracted, he dodged to the left - since the Rinkaku came from the right-hand side - and swooped under-wards, launching up in a quick motion. A sick smirk was hidden under his mask as he delivered a harsh blow to his opponents stomach and then dug a smooth tendril into his chest, quickly ripping him apart. Before he was attacked himself, Descention danced about the body for a few seconds before allowing himself a few bites of flesh. After just a single swallow, he felt new energy coursing his veins.

He whipped around, his weapon fanged. He was caught by surprise as a shower of Ukaku shards flew in his direction, flying up an arm to utilize his Kakuja. The article didn't cause him any insanity - he'd quickly eaten enough ghouls to develop a full one. It was the excitement of the hunt that drove him crazy. As such, without even a moment's hesitation, he flew back into combat.


Tekis Ruthbale Ward 12, Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Tekis jumped in the air, doing a quick front flip. He caught a glimpse of a ghoul cannibalizing his comrade. Shivers went through his spine as he jumped back to the other side of the corridor. What the fuck is this? A surprise attack? A cannibal ghoul? A

fusillade of questions go through his mind. Tekis sighed, regaining his calm. He watched as one of his elite members was slaughtered like an animal. Tekis looked around, the once smooth dark marble wall was now painted with ghoul blood and damaged by various Kagune marks.
I see. Bloodthirsty, crazy and quick on his feet. This can be a problem. "Hiro, lead the others to the prison, defend with all your strength." Tekis pointed to the hallway while looking at the cannibal. Tekis' Rinkaku slithered out like tentacles and pointed towards the strange attacker.

"You disrupted my nap." Tekis stated while cracking his neck. "I've seen many flashy frenzy-induced attacks. Am I meant to be impressed?." Tekis continued to look the ghoul in the eyes. His eye was emotionless, empty. Not a single bit of information on what he could of been thinking could be read."Ghouls like you are a disgrace. Binge-eating humans, cannibalising your own kind. I feel sick just by looking at you. Fucking filth." Despite his angry words, Tekis stayed completely calm. Not a a single flinch could be seen. I'm not sure about the outcome. This ghoul looks at me like I'm his dinner. Speed over strength. Tekis stretched, and sighed once more. "Well, let's get this over with". Tekis went into his semi-laid back stance, and kept his eye on the attacker.

(I'm in school, so yet another rushed post. If any mistakes are seem please do feel free to report!)


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Jigo snapped out of his doze as the first gunshots and screams rang out from the nearby entrance to the detention centre, standing up and stretching his stiff muscles. "Son of a bitch what time is it?" He grumbled to himself as he checked his watch. "1 AM? Fuck I am going to rip an arm off whoever came up with the idea to wait that long I don't care how much sense it makes."

Walking stiffly out of the alleyway he'd hidden himself in to wait for the attack to start he tossed his now stone cold coffee into the nearest bin and strolled down the street towards the sounds of battle. As he drew close the sound grew louder and the scent of blood began to waft over Jigo. Seems like dinner's ready, ooohh it smells lovely my sweet. Feeling his eyes change as the excitement built within him the lanky Ghoul fitted his mask over the top half of his face and began to prance along the kerb. Can't smell any Ghoul blood at all, these Gungir people run a pretty tight ship.

Dancing toward the entrance of the district branch he leaned down to examine the ruined remains of one of the guards that had been stationed on the door. This one will do for the first course-shit. Jigo jerked back as a bullet zipped between him and the body, whipping around to glare at the source of the shot and saw that another of the guards had dragged himself into a sitting position leaning against the wall of the building and was holding his side-arm in his trembling hands.

"Not quite dead yet little Dove?" Jigo said as he sauntered over to the guard who coughed up blood and was unable to respond. Jigo plucked the gun out of the man's hand then wiped some of the blood off his chin with one of his fingers and licked it off. "Ahh ha ha oh that's good you definitely get to go first."
~Nia Inuhoozuki~

/Black Hummingbird/

Ward 12Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Tick tock goes the clock, where the hell are they? Nia Inuhoozuki impatiently tapped her foot as she awaited the rumored ghoul attack.

Tap tap tap tap.

Her eyes flicked between the two investigators she was between. Rank 1 Daishi Masanori and rank 3 Lynne Eilinee. Other investigators were around obviously however Nia was ‘paired’ with these two.

Tap tap tap tap.

Nia gripped Needle, which was already out and ready, tightly in her hand. It was not a sign of fear but this boredom was eating her away. CCG had gotten a whiff of Gungir’s plan not too long ago. They were supposed to have hit already…hours ago! DAYS ago! Ok, maybe not days but it sure felt like that!

Tap tap ta-

Nia stopped and let out a frustrated sigh. “Did they stop for ice cream of something?” She said out loud to no one in particular. A few mutters from others followed soon after. She sighed once more as her head tilted to the side. “How boring but good for us. Sad too. I was almost excited.” Nia took a few steps forward before turning to her fellow ‘Doves’. Her hands folded behind her with Needle gripped between them, smiling to Masanori and Lynne she began rocking on her heels.

“Wanna stop at this nice coffee shop afterwards? It’s really good.” She asked. “If these rumors are lies than we can get there sooner. If they do attack then there is always later tonight or tomorrow.” Nia was a rank 2 investigator, pretty new. It was almost funny with the other two. One, two, three investigators waiting patiently~ Where oh where could those ghouls be~? She turned around once more and gazed around. “And where is he?” She added, whispering it to herself before looking over her shoulder. Her deep blue eye gazed upon her ‘partners’.

Partner? Hah, she wish she had one. If Masanori wasn’t a bloody stick in the mud then they might have been paired together. However he was that loner type. The one man wolf pact. Annoying, yes however it was his choice so she respected that. Now the two weren’t close friends or anything special. Hell, she barely talked to the man however he was a rank above her so in some form she looked up to him. She looked up to many stronger investigators. ‘Watch and learn, they have a higher rank for a reason.’ Her mother use to tell her and her brother when they were children.

Lynne she liked. They too weren’t that close however but Nia enjoyed being around her. Maybe they could be partners. Nia wasn’t dying for a partner but having one was nice. Not as lonely. Lynne would be fun but she could almost smell the growing fear on the girl. Hiro would probably advise against the pair. She could almost hear her twin’s voice as if he was standing right there. ‘You need someone with more experience to keep that confidence in check.’ A small scoff escaped her. Lower rank, yes, but Lynne was a Quinx! So was Masanori.

Nia was almost jealous of the two. A curiosity gnawed at her as she wondered how it would be to have such a ‘weapon’. She would be more like Hiro~! Obviously not exactly like him but still. Though the idea still sat in her mind it was brushed off in a second at a deafening blast. Nia covered her ears but that didn’t stop the ringing. Her head snapped forward towards the source of the sound. “Hmm? So they DID come. From the ceiling? Show offs.”

Not even a few minutes later she saw a long red ‘claw’ hurtling towards her face from clearing dust. Nia dodged with a spin the delivered a quick jab to the claw. As it retreated she brushed herself off and braced Needle, awaiting the ghoul’s, or ghouls, next move. Her eyes met the others once more before focusing entirely on the threat ahead. "Try not to die, ok? We still need to get coffee.”


-Hiro Inuhoozuki-


Ward 12Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Tick tock goes the clock…

Hiro Inuhoozuki rested against the opposite wall of his ‘organizations’, Clear Moon, leader Tekis Ruthbale. He gave a lazy look around the area as they waited for the rivaling Ghoul organization named Gungnir. Where they were located was inside the CCG ghoul prison where Gungnir was supposedly supposed to be attacking. Their aim was to free dangerous ghouls locked up in here. This was a major problem for pretty obvious reasons.

Hiro was patiently waiting unlike some of the accompanying ghouls. He could hear faint doubtful whispers of the other members. He couldn’t blame them. The rumors they had heard told of Gungnir being here an hour ago. After the first 30 minutes waiting after the other groups planned attack it almost seemed that it was truly nothing BUT rumors. Hiro didn’t believe they were rumors however. If he had been in their situation, assuming they had heard that almost every ghoul and dove knew of their plan, he would have held if off for a certain amount of time. It was a intelligent thing to do. Make the enemy doubt of the rumors, let them begin to slack off and believe it was nothing it lies, then attack. Or simply wait for the opposing force to clear out.

“The question is how long to they plan to wait?” He muttered to himself. As he began twirling a black, red veined, quinque pistol in his left hand. The twin pistol of an Investigator. A former one that is.

Ghouls. Once Hiro despised such creatures. He had that ‘natural human’ thought that all Ghouls were beast. Incapable of human emotion. Meaningless beings that infested this world. THINGS that only lived to kill and terrorize the innocent. That was what the world thought, what he was told, this is what he grew up thinking. Who could blame him? When your mother was a Dove that who constantly told you the ‘evils’ in this world then one couldn’t help but to think the same way. Of course his father thought differently on some matters but what did HE know? He was a coffee shop employee! Not his mother who faced these monsters every day. Well…Faced.

What would his mother think of him now? Her once human boy that was destined to be a Dove now the thing she told him to hate. Something he once hated. But now…..he didn’t know what he thought. There were still ghouls he hated for they deserved that despise however…now. Now that he had met Clear Moon and their ghouls…he couldn’t hate all of them anymore. No matter how he tried to think the way he did originally it just didn’t seem possible. If mother could see me now, I wonder if she would kill me.

Hiro glanced over at the voice of Tekis. He had a respect for this leader. A hidden….’attachment’ to this man. Not only was it because Tekis allowed him to join but because Tekis was like him. A one-eyed ghoul. Throughout Hiro’s ghoul days he found that Tekis was there to help him get use to it. Now there were other Clear Moon ghouls that helped Hiro accept and learn about being a ghoul but Tekis always seemed to help more. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as the leader mentioned his name as if he was some mighty second in command. He didn’t flinch when Tekis pounded irritably on the wall. He silently thanked his ‘friend’ for that. The others WERE getting on his nerves.

“Calm, it’s only natural for them to grow impatient. I know others who would be a lot more annoying.” He spoke in almost a whisper, receiving some unhappy looks from the others. Something he also couldn’t blame them for was not exactly trusting him. He was once a Dove. Also he still wielding the weapons that could seriously injure them with their ranks.

Hiro stopped twirling his weapon the moment a bang echoed in the distance. “Here they finally are.” He said as he pulled the fox mask over his face. He had to hand it to his sister. She did quite well in designing this mask to comfortably fit his face. In no time after that there was a tremor in the wall that Hiro rested against. If not for his quick reflexes he would have certainly been crushed but the now gaping hole. Unfortunately not many were as quick as he had been.

A small sense of blood thirst clawed at him, an adrenaline rush that he never felt before during his human times. He hated it but didn’t reject it. You are a human…but now you are also a ghoul. Deal with it and stop being a baby about it! His sisters ever-so-encouraging words yelled in his mind, calming his nerves.

A sickening feeling joined in however as he saw the cannibalistic Gungnir ghoul attack. This is why he had hated ghouls in the first place. Right as he was about to call out his kagune Tekis ordered him to take the others deeper within the prison. Unlike some of the ghouls that protested Hiro instantly nodded then turned towards them. “Go.” Most listened but some hesitated. An enemy ghoul sprung at the Clear Moon ghouls with a dark frenzied look to their eyes behind their mask. Hiro responded with a firing of his drawn double pistols. As the ghoul was distracted at the unexpected firing of quinque bullets, a white kagune slide out to slam the ghoul into the hallway wall. "Now!” Hiro snapped and glared at the remaining with a single showing red eye. That got more going. For the rest that stayed Hiro accepted their decision. They couldn’t let Tekis fight alone. To them and the rest Hiro muttered the few words. “Don’t die.”

He then ran off to try to protect as many ghouls as possible and help stop other disgusting ghouls from escaping this prison. Deep inside he also felt the undying urge to find his sister and keep her from harms way.
Minaule Risionae

Ward 12, Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Her spontaneous landing proved to be successful as a few of her team members were surprised by her sudden entrance. Unable to control herself, she ran through the other ghouls, wanting to be the first at seeing and being in any action. Being at the front of the crowd of ghouls, the smell of blood and rubble grew stronger and stronger, increasing Minaule's craving for the delicious flavours of flesh.

As her irises had changed from white to black and her pupil now a deep red, the once quiet store clerk was now a beast craving for sustenance. Yet she knew full well that the meal would have to be postponed; her first priority was to ensure no one got harmed while she was present. Making their way through the dark alleys, Minaule could hear the patrol cars speeding past, not knowing that their worst nightmare was passing by them through the darkness.

They had stopped at a fence, readying themselves as they were about to enter the gun zone. The rather grisly smile that was on her face would have shaken fear in men's hearts, if not for her mask that kept it hidden. Spotting Noriko by the fence, she watched as she jumped over it, murdering a man as soon as she landed. Laughing loudly, Min used her kagune to cut through the fencing, slashing madly as she continued her eerie laugh. Almost immediately, she was bombarded with the fusillade of bullets flying through the air, whizzing past as guards tried shooting down ghouls one by one. She watched as the members of her team evaded and began killing the guards, making sure to at least watch out for a teammate.

Min began to run, stopping at the middle of the mess as she started killing, stabbing guards as they tried murdering her. Blood splattered all around as she stabbed guard after guard, a bloody mess on the ground beneath her feet. The sound of their final wails as their life left their bodies, excited Min as the seconds went by, watching as their limp bodies fell to the floor with a thud that was muffled by the sound of guns firing all at once. She loved the feeling she gets whenever someone falls at her hands. It makes her feel so... Ghoulish.

@Wifi and Worms

Noriko Minami.

Ward 12, Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Black eyes traveling over the fray, Noriko's gaze was drawn towards a certain figure. Minaule almost appeared to be surrounded by a fine mist of blood, her koukaku flashing and her laugh ringing out. Noriko experienced a fleeting feeling of awe at the other ghoul, but was quickly interrupted by a bullet whizzing past. Far too close for comfort, as Noriko was offering an easy target as she stood still. Reaching down to gouge a handful of flesh from the limp body lying at her feet, she ran to join the quickly dissipating fight, her kagune whipping behind her.

Sending her bikaku lashing along the ground, Noriko felt a strange feeling of glee overtake her as her opponent crumpled to the ground, having been knocked off balance by her kagune. Taking a few steps so she was looming over the fallen form of the guard, Noriko watched the shuddering of his breath, and the expression of terror contorting his face. Suddenly burying the tail-like appendage in his chest, Noriko, to her disappointment, couldn't hear his last few sounds and the snap of ribs over the shouts and sirens that filled the air.

Just as she was raising her head to face the door that had been their orignal target when the ghouls had scaled the fence, it burst open, discharging a group of guards, and Noriko noted, a few investigators. So the CCG hadn't lost control to Gugnir yet, if they were dispensing reinforcements. The guards opened fire, a hail of Q-bullets.

So the group of ghouls sent by Toni had lingered too long, spending far too long a time disposing of the original guards instead of entering the building immediately. Oh well. Noriko turned her head slightly to release an exuberant grin at the ghoul closest to her, which happened to be Minaule. Her lips were coated in a layer of blood, and her mouth was framed between two section of her mask.


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Ward 12

Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Kain Beah

The ghouls flashed past Kain's side and jumped into the cloud of smoke, from where the noise of battle quickly followed. A hand raised up from Kain's side and corrected his mask before he himself stepped through the hole into the smoke filling the corridor. Ghouls were fighting all around him, and distracted by the force he had tagging along, so casually walking past everyone wasn't a problem. The cloud of dust traced his body as he escaped from it, and his silent footsteps didn't attract any attention from anyone. The way was clear. No reason the mission would fail now.

Kain slipped past a corner at the end of the hall, walked down a flight of stairs, then walked into the final hallway that would lead him directly to the quinque steel room where the ghouls were incarcerated. He stopped. He'd have to admit he wasn't expecting the group of opposing ghouls to split their forces and sent a few guards down here, but apparently they had. At the other end of the hallway he could spot 5 ghouls surrounding the large door built to stop anyone from entering or leaving. They must be Clear Moon, what other group had the audacity to oppose Gungnir, or the wish to?

With a sigh he started walking down the hallway, still with his hands in his pockets. He hadn't planned to fight tonight, and he hated it when he had to do unplanned things. Still, he'd be a very inefficient soldier if he wasn't flexible enough to fit the occasion. Slowly, he pulled his left hand out of it's pocket and let it hang at his side as he approached the clear moon pawns.

-Hiro Inuhoozuki-


Ward 12Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Hiro and four other ghouls stood side to side, talking amongst themselves and keeping a close eye on anything approaching. On Tekis’s orders they had ran off to ‘safer’ grounds but by this door they remained. A couple of Hiro’s men went off to scout out the area, both Hiro trusted would be quick about it. If they weren’t killed.

While the four who accompanied him fidgeted nervously Hiro remained with the calm posture. Now he did feel nervous himself but he wore the calm mask like the mask he wore now. Concealing any emotion. Even if he did feel like fidgeting himself, he couldn’t show any signs of uncertainty. Especially in front of his group. They just needed to keep any ‘bad’ ghouls from escaping. They could try at least. There were ghouls Hiro was positive they could contain however there were ghouls that he wasn’t so sure about.

His kagune was kept out, swaying gently as if it had a mind of its own. So far they had knocked out a few already. It left his group tired and wounded however, Hiro less so. He couldn’t help but to feel a sting of pride at how much better he was becoming. Already he was stronger than the group he watched. His already learned skills with being an investigator certainly helped, enhanced even with Hiro’s ghoul self.

Like it or not, I’m getting more use to this life. He thought as his kagune curled as if impatiently waiting for an opponent. It was true. Hiro was better with his twin pistols however his ‘tail’ was getting easier to use as the days go by. The day this ‘tail’ surpasses the skill with my Quinque is the moment I am truly a ghoul. Hiro tilted his head to the side as he unconsciously took out a single pistol and began twirling it. The soft tap of footsteps sounded and one ghoul sucked in a sharp gasp.

As Hiro gazed at the approaching figure his heart plummeted. “Angel.” He muttered. One couldn’t help but to feel a sense of helplessness in this SS rank ghouls presence. The others froze for a moment, you could practically smell the fear building up. Hiro managed to keep that fear down and remain in his calm state. It was nothing compared to the calmness that seemed to radiate off Angel. No, the Gungnir leader had an eerie aura that could make a special class investigator nervous. This is not the time to think of this…

Without a moment of hesitation Hiro quickly lifted his gun and fires three times. “We have to stop him..” Hiro’s voice whispered to the others. As if Hiro’s relaxed tone was a confidence booster, the others nodded and called out their Kagune. Through that concealing mask Hiro cursed under his breath. “This is going to hurt…”

Ward 12

Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Kain Beah

One, two, three. Three shots. Whether Kain consciously dodged them or they simply missed him was hard to confirm, but nothing but the right side of his cloak took damage from the bullets. He didn't stop in his stride towards the ghouls, and now he raised his left hand up and pulled the hood of the cloak back. One of the ghouls were armed with a quinque. This piqued his interest deeply. His red eyes gleamed behind the mask, and focused on the gun in the hands of the black-haired boy who seemed to pose as the most confident person in the group. A small smile grazed the Angel's face. Perhaps finally a useful quinque.

The four ghouls surrounding the boy dashed off towards Kain, and he was almost insulted by their speed. It felt as if they were coming for him in slow motion, and an annoyed eyebrow was raised. The first ghoul had a koukaku that spun around her arm and formed a hammer at her fist. Kain's hand slipped through the flesh connecting her shoulder to the rest of her body, and pierced the kakuhou at her scapula. With a sudden twist of his arm Kain sent the girl's kagune and right arm flying from her body. She fell to the side bleeding copious amounts, and another Ghoul swinging a large bikaku behind him came at him from behind her. Before he had time to utilize the kagune, Kain had thrown his left arm around his torso and sent him flying backwards only to be pierced by his ally's rinkaku.

The ghoul stood frozen, staring with a shocked expression at the bleeding body of his former ally hanging from his rinkaku, when the second last ghoul jumped around him and stabbed towards Kain. Without really changing his course, Kain shot out with his hand and gripped the ghouls throat, squeezing until a loud crack was heard, then took his other hand out of its pocket and dug the hand into the ghoul's neck and ripped a large portion of the spine out. Wouldn't want him regenerating. Kain kept the body hanging in front of him to protect him from the dark-haired boy's quinque. The last ghoul looked up at him and twitched when Kain passed him, but wasn't able to react before the sole of Kain's shoe had crushed his head against the wall.

The hallway wasn't too narrow, but there wasn't anywhere to escape now. Kain took up the entire hallway as he continued his humble pace towards the final ghoul. Blood had stained his clothing, and behind him lay at least two dead ghouls and two who were either badly wounded or dead. This wasn't nearly as exhilarating as he would like, but it would have to do. Almost nothing was left between him and his goal.

-Hiro Inuhoozuki-


Ward 12Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Missed. Dammit. The bullets that Hiro had fired had completely missed their mark, tearing at the coat the opposing ghoul wore. No…. His eyes narrowed. No. He had too much experience with guns to miss this close at range. A chill went down Hiro’s back as he watched Angel pull back his hood and reveal that oh-so-heart stopping mask. The chill was also from the realization that the chances of defeating this ghoul was zero. The man’s speed was obviously greater than their own, adding to the obvious strength. He remembered looking at the few terrifying reports on the ghoul. They were far from pleasant.

There was no going back from orders. He knew, the others knew. That and retreating would be a sign of cowardice…to the others. Truthfully Hiro wanted to get as far away as possible. He knew all too well on what happens when you face an opponent obviously way stronger than yourself. But just like with Nia, he couldn’t abandon his group. Just like her, the ghouls seemed to have this confidence built in them. And just like that time, they charged the SS rank full on.

It happened so fast that Hiro barely had time to react. He couldn’t fire his gun for the others got in the way. If he had used his Kagune there was also a chance of hitting them. Thoughts raced through his mind as he tried to figure out what to do, how to take this, the best way to try not to die. It happened way to fast…..The group was dead or dying in the matter, of what it seemed, seconds. Angel wasted no time laying waste to the other ghouls. It was like a cat playing with mice….all those mice being nothing but babies. It was brutal.

Hiro raised his gun once more and fired more times. The body of his ‘friend’ was used instead. He bit his lip in frustration. Though he didn’t know the people he was paired with that much, seeing them dead sparked an anger in him. Reminded him of something that happened long ago. He took a deep breathe in the readied his weapon, kagune swishing back and forth. Unlike his twin that would spring into action he waited. Watched. Prepared for the beat down that he was positive he would get.

Ward 12

Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Kain Beah

The arm holding the swaying body of the ghoul twitched slightly when Kain felt bullets hit the corpse. He smirked. At least in death this ghoul had done something convenient for someone. Kain leaned his head to the side, almost parallel to his shoulder, and looked out behind the body. The ghoul boy should be distressed at this point, but he seemed fairly calm. A "not bad" expression spread over the Angel's face, hidden by the mask. Too bad he wasn't on the right side of the conflict and had to be dealt with.

His grip loosened around the ghoul's neck, and before the body had dropped to the ground he'd dashed around it and grabbed onto the boy's pistol quinque. He ripped it from his hand and shot out with his other arm to grab the boy's neck and lifted him from the ground. The hold wasn't as tight as it had been on the ghoul with the broken neck, but breathing shouldn't have been easy. The boy wore a strange mask, more elaborate than most's and Kain couldn't help but feel like it betrayed a secret about it's user. He shook the thought aside and looked to the pistol in his hand instead.

-Hiro Inuhoozuki-


Ward 12Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

More shivers went through Hiro as he saw the Angel’s mask peeking behind the corpse of the dead ghoul. That mask was by far one of the creepiest mask Hiro has ever seen. He had seen plenty in his investigator days and even more as a ghoul, all having their own styles. All have their own effects on a person but damn. That stitched up mask. Quiet and eerie, unable to read emotion. Hiro was equally quiet and emotionless but it was nothing compared to the ghoul in front of him. Then in a blink of an eye the mask was in front of his own and a hand wrapped around his throat.

Hiro let out a small gasp, half in shock and half in pain. It took him a second to realize that his feet weren’t touching the ground and that the ghoul had his quinque. His teeth gritted together then parted to try to take a breath. The hand kept him there, not killing but restricting the flow of air. A burning feeling filled his chest as his lungs screamed for air but Hiro didn’t struggle. That would be pointless. He moved his head as much as he could to see Angel looking at his quinque. At that moment an idea popped in mind.

As tiny little black spots began filling his vision he knew it was now or never. Probably wouldn’t faze the SS ranked ghoul but perhaps get him from this death grip. His kagune, which was still out, curled upwards and struck at Angel’s arm that held him. At that moment his hand then quickly pulled out his second pistol and aimed in at Angel’s head, pulling the trigger.

Ward 12

Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Kain Beah

Kain held the pistol up against the light, watching the sheen it gave off as he held the ghoul in his other arm. It was a quinque alright, but not that powerful. It hadn't exactly blown a big hole in the corpse he had been using as a shield, and it's body hadn't been as durable as his own. No, it probably wasn't going to be of any use to him, it wasn't even as strong as his own fists. He would have more use for a close combat weapon, like a sword, for short range attacks. Medium and far was his only means of combat for now, not counting his fist to fist. He'd have to-...

The thought was cut off by a bullet to his brain. Kain's head was involuntarily rocked to one side and he felt the familiar sensation of a kagune cutting into him. Kain let out a low annoyed grunt, then slammed the ghoul's head into the steel wall, creating a small indent. He cracked his head to one side as he tried to collect his thoughts. It felt like his mind had been put through a blender for a moment as the gray matter pieced itself back together and pushed the bullet out of his head. An irritated growl escaped his mouth as he raised the gun and unloaded three shots into the unconscious or dead ghoul's chest, then threw the pistol onto his head and left him to rot.

He corrected his mask yet again, thankful he hadn't hit it. There was a door down the hallway he was in, and it was supposed to lead into the room with the cells. He wasted no time in making his way over to it, and like always extended his wings to smash through the thick locks and bars blocking his way. This door was tough, but not tough enough. After a couple of heavy hits it bent inwards and fell off of it's hinges.

The sight that awaited him wasn't quite what he'd expected. Inside, there were three investigators, who all perked up when they saw him. "Finally, some action." One of them said with enthusiasm, but was instantly shot down by the oldest and strongest looking investigator of the group. "Don't get cocky. Arrogance will lead to nothing but your demise." The young man looked at his elder and sighed. "Yeah, alright..." The woman, who looked equally as calm as the older one drew a large sword similar to a meat cleaver and said "We've got a job here, let's do it." Both the other investigators nodded and gave a confirming "Hm!" before they got in position. The old man was carrying a large cannon-like quinque, the younger man was carrying a long thin sword, and finally, the girl was brandishing her meat cleaver.

Suddenly the young man and woman sprinted in half-circles across the room towards him, each of them dashing at him and swinging their weapons in wide arcs towards his body. Kain kept his eyes fixed on the gunner, but extended his wings and locked both of the investigator's quinques in his own kagune. A bright light started emitting from the old man's cannon, and with no other prior warning a large beam shot across the room. In a split second Kain thought over his options, then gave out a sigh. Before the beam hit him, he glanced at his watch. 01.19 AM. They had taken far too long.

When the beam hit the wall at the opposite side of the room another explosion shook the building and a cloud of dust spread through the room. When it cleared, Kain and both the investigator were gone and the gunner looked around the room in surprise. He let out a low gasp when he saw the younger man's body pinned to the wall with both quinques sticking out of his head. The old man's head quickly twisted back and up towards the ceiling, just to see Kain hanging from it with his wings. A five meter tail hung from his tailbone, and the body of the female investigator hung from his mouth. His jaws closed, separating a large chunk of flesh from the girl's neck and allowing her body to fall to the ground.

Kain lowered the mask down over his lower mouth again, then shot off from the ceiling and smashed into the ground where the investigator had just been, but his reflexes were fast than expected and he had already gotten halfway across the room and grabbed the quinques from his fallen brother-in-arms. He stared at Kain evaluatingly, then rushed towards him. The bikaku hanging from Kain grew in size, then swiped across the room towards the investigator, who made an elaborate flip over it while continuing his rush. He reached Kain and sliced for his chest only to be blocked by one of his wings. He threw his other arm around and stabbed against Kain with the smaller sword, but the stab was caught by his wing.

The old investigator took a leap and brought the meat cleaver down towards Kain's head, but Kain managed to grab a hold of his coat, and used it to catapult the investigator into the air. His large kagune made a wide circle towards the investigator, who raised both quinque in order block it, but ended up breaking both. His body was tossed across the room and slammed into a wall. In an attempt to crush the investigator against the wall Kain thrust the bikaku towards him, but only made a large hole in the wall when he jumped to the side. The maneuver wasn't very helpful though, as the investigator soon found himself stuck to the wall, held by a large spine shot by Kain's ukaku. Soon another two spines stood out of him. One out of his other arm, and the final one straight through his head. Kain looked at the broken quinques in disappointment. One of them could've been good.

A minute later a row of 6 ghouls feeding on various body parts ripped from the investigators followed Kain in a line as he walked away from the holding cells room. 2 S class ghouls and 4 A class ghouls, each of them rubbing their limbs as they tried to recover from the time spent in a holding cell.

(Methinks Nalzy wanted to do something at this point?)


Ward 12: Underground CCG Ghoul Temporary Detention Center

Lynne Eilinne

There were plenty of situations that constantly questioned Lynne's force of willpower. She had been so close yet distant to death. Her psychological tendencies pulled her into the deep depths of insanity. If there were one situation that were to call to her demise after so much turmoil, it would probably be the current planned attack on Cochlea.

Near the beginning of her day, sometime at 8 am, Lynne had been blissfully working in the office at the CCG. She wasn't told, specifically, to prioritize on one ghoul case so she had decided to throw herself at some information and statistics and go off from there. Even if she were awake and alert enough from then, she couldn't find anything that stood out to her, so she had decided to give the research a break for a while.

She chose to go on a snack break. She sat along with a few other investigators, all older and more experienced than Lynne herself despite being regular investigators and not Quinx. While they all spoke, Lynne chomped down on a cold bacon and turkey wrap, slurped into a light cream soda, and cradled a bag holding a pistine cinnamon bun in her lap while listening to her superiors' stories. One statement from one of them was enough to call Lynne's attention, and force her to speak.

"Gungir was planning to attack that Ghoul Detainment Center later today, right? Who's--"

Lynne popped up from her seat and gave the guy wide eyes. "There's going to be an assault on a Ghoul Detainment Center?" Lynne asked, a face of mild despair present on her face.

One of the other superiors gave her an odd expression. "Yeah," he replied, "Are you planning to be on the defending lines, Lynne?"

"I, uh, I was told I needed to go. I don't think I'm--"

"Lynne," a female investigator interrupted, "You're still too weak and unexperienced. You're just going to die if you go."

Lynne did agree with her, but, "I can't really disobey my boss and not do what he wants me to..."

At the end of it, she had bitten the bottom of her lip anxiously and slowly dragged herself away from the group, trying to avoid the rest of their mournful stares.

The rest of the day Lynne had internally dreaded. Gungir... Lynne was slightly familiar with them. A ghoul organization that directly competed against the Commission of Counter Ghoul, Gungir was definitely a force to be reckoned with. She wondered why she, a newbie and a quinx at that, was sent to fight against the strong elite group. She was inexperienced. She was unconfident.

Lynne stood, shaking, among two other ghoul investigators. Ghoul investigators that were definitely more experienced than she was.

There was Nia Inuhoozuki, a young woman (no younger than Lynne, at least) who Lynne had not had the courage to speak too very much. There were a few rumors that Lynne had heard about Nia, but besides that she had no other knowledge of her. Nia seemed brash, outspoken, and loud. It reminded her of a person she never wanted to know, even though she had nothing against her.

Then there was Daishi Masanori. He was a very burly and toned guy, very tall, and gave Lynne the chills. Lynne had seen him around plenty of times, but he often went on missions alone, she had noticed. He was also very dedicated to his work. She feel like she could look up to him, yet it was his pure strength that kept her from admiring him; she feared it.

Lynne waited silently with these two who accompanied her in biding their time. Never once did the heavy air of the environment leave. Every second kept Lynne steady and steady in her tight shoes. Though, as if the rigidness of the situation were meant to break, Nia had made her presence known.

“Wanna stop at this nice coffee shop afterwards? It’s really good.”

Lynne was temporarily distracted by Nia's proclamation. If not to just ignore the rising tension coming from the outside, Nia had made it sport to blurt out something that would entirely ignore the situation she and the other investigators were put into. As always, it had taken Lynne by surprise. Even if she didn't know much about Nia Inohoozuki... She didn't believe anyone would be confident about facing a nearly unstoppable set of ghouls... Enough to make a statement about a prosperous future.

Nonetheless, Lynne couldn't show her fear or her distaste for that behavior. She learned early in her life that her fear would dominate her body, and if she hadn't hesitated on many of her decisions she would regret it. She couldn't mull on about it to enhance her feeling of fear, she just had to focus.

Lynne nervously rubbed her temples. She hummed a bit to herself. Then, when her breathing slowed, she pat both of her cheeks down.

"Maybe if we get out okay, Nia." Lynne responded, calmly. If she hadn't forced herself to cool it, she might've made a really embarrassing outburst in front of those two.

There came a deafening blast of sound. Lynne couldn't pin-point where it was; it was too strong for her to be keen on listening to. She sent both of her hands to her ears, and looked to her two partners for guidance. They weren't anxious, and they were ready. Gungir came after all...

An explosion of dust entered the room via the cieling. Lynne took one step back and readied her common-grade, optionally dual-wield quinque. A ghoul claw came lunging out of the dust cloud. The battle had begun.

Daishi Masanori

Index finger coiling around the white surface of the finely cut tobacco cigarette held by the bottom of his thumb, the investigator raised the silver lighter to the end of the rolled cylinder. Feeling his finger roll over the small wheel, skin running through each indentation, he watched as the flint produced a lively spark. The orange of the burning flame danced within his golden eyes, reflecting its warmth.

As the cancer stick began to emit the nauseating, yet alluring smell, Masanori inhaled as the top of his metal device closed within the palm of his hand. When his lungs had been sufficiently filled with pleasant nicotine, he removed the cigarette from the gateway that would slowly cause his heart to turn black, lips parting as smoke drifted from the depths of his mouth. It was something that you became accustomed to, yet never particularly enjoyed.

As the toxins flowed freely through his body and the enclosed area, pointed bangs briefly impaired his vision before the gaze finally settled on the world beyond the window's glass. In the expansive night of Tokyo, each light from every sign of neon spread their luminescence like multicolored fireflies flying through the dark sky. It was what most would call peaceful, a modern jungle in the new age of man. However, the people that stood within these halls knew that it would soon be a simple matter of predator and prey. Dove against Ghoul.

Batting the end of the cigarette, tiny traces of ash falling to the floor as the embers would lightly burst upon impact, Masanori kept his focus on his current station, body like that of a brick wall, unmoving and imposing with the dominance of a hardened warrior. He had retained this position for several hours, never once straying by the slightest of steps. It was almost as if he was incapable of movement.

As he wrapped his lips around the sweet aroma of impending death once again, he kept his ears open for any sounds, filtering out his inhale and the audible brushing of hair against his slightly tanned skin. With night treading into morning, the time of midnight an hour gone, it was required to remain on alert. Gungnir was late for their appointment.

Rumor of the assault spread fast, unsurprisingly. It was a time of high stress and worry for many, especially now that the frame had long since gone by. On the other side of the coin, several had also become relaxed or even impatient about their current objective, passing their orders off as nothing more than ones given out of misplaced fear. Some had even left, believing that no blood would be spilled tonight. They might as well have signed their resignation. People like that were unnecessary.

Before he had even been assigned the task of guarding the transferring prisoners, the young man had already intended on traveling to the temporary detention center. Those hours were meaningless in the grand scheme of things, the ultimate goal being the prevention of the Ghoul assault. This may as well have been comparable to a turtle and a hare, patience and steady pacing being key to victory.

Masanori held no doubt in his mind that the assault would soon befall the underground establishment and it was that certainty that prevented his usual tendency to act out against standing by. It was that certainty that kept him from breaking his set boundaries and marching forward on his own. It was akin to a lion being willingly constrained for the promise of raw meat, the investigator's soon to be served dish being the death of every Ghoul that attempted to disturb peace in the Twelfth Ward.

At the current moment, he was working within the parameters that the CCG had set for him, a rare occurrence that was very beneficial on their part. He had been given his location and the man did as he was told, albeit begrudgingly. While he disliked playing pawn on the Commission's chessboard, the order was tolerable for the most part, not yet conflicting with his personal interests. However, as the voice of his assigned "partner" broke through his honed ears, it brought back the reality of the other order he had loathed receiving.

The bland gray of the gas flew from this lips like winter breath as he viewed the woman from the corner of his eye. Tapping accompanied by the quip about frozen desserts might have been endearing in its own right to others, but Masanori was not someone that took well to nonsensical remarks such as this, especially when considering their current environment. This was Nia Inuhoozuki, a second ranked investigator.

As the Dove sighed with disappointment, her short stature in comparison to him was apparent as she rocked back and forth, even with the additional support of heels. Soon, the rocking would cease, a mixture of ocean blue and earth brown staring into his own set of highlighted orbs. He found her attire ill-suited for battle, choice of footwear aside. Articles of clothing such as skirts posed many problems in the midst of combat, clinging to surfaces and easily open to enemy manipulation by gripping loose thread. Aside from her state of dress, the messy chocolate hair atop her head was far too long, a hazard in every possible way. It would have been wise to tie the locks in some way or simply shorten it altogether.

Masanori's clothing hardly deviated from what one would expect from an investor, a proper dress shirt that contrasted the black surface of his bottoms and vest with its white coloring. Aside from the monochromatic tones, trimmings of gold lined the man's jacket like the rest of the set, closed by the accompanying buttons. The upper portion of his body remained concealed by the dreary gray of the standard coat given to all Doves, matching the emissions currently spreading from the object betwixt his two fingers.

At the woman's invitation of pleasantly partaking in coffee within a café, it was apparent by Masanori's expression that the first rank wasn't giddy about the offer, to say the least. Releasing the wrapped tobacco from his lips once more, the man's face held the utmost calm, as if he was merely waiting for a package within his own home, rather than an armed assault below a facility used to house savage creatures of the night. Between the lines of calm and almost apathy, an expression of slight annoyance became visible by observing his slightly downcast eyes, further notable in the low tones of his voice. "Focus on the task at hand. If you don't, you'll die. This isn't the place for that sort of talk." Blunt. He was always quick and to the point. Despite never equipped with the intention to spit venom at anyone, the majority of his comments came off as such. His appearance and dreary speech that accompanied his deepened voice often resulted in the wrong impression. However, in this instance, the validity of his minor irritation was clear. He didn't take well to those who did not take their job seriously.

The CCG had assigned him a "partner", or "partners", in this case. The arrangement, temporary as it may be, was not well-received by Masanori. It was known throughout every office of every ward that he worked alone, never once deployed with the eyes of another to watch his back when it was pushed against a wall. Despite the numerous times he had been advised to allow someone to accompany him on even just a single case, never once did he oblige. Unless it was a direct order to participate within a squad, just like the current situation, he would never obey, similar to his other acts of defiance. Still, no matter how much they protested, he always returned alive. Even in the fight where he stood until his body was forced onto the stretcher by several men, he always returned alive, his skill apparent and warranting the rank he held. He would never partner with anyone. He was not weak.

His opposition did not rest solely with the woman one rank below him, but the one two levels below as well. A fellow success in the Quinx operation, Lynne Eilinne was assigned on the current mission at his side. He did not know much about the younger girl, but this was mostly attributed to his lack of interest in anything that did not involve pursuing Ghoul cases. His knowledge was limited to that which could be kept within a manila folder.

One might suppose that being another Quinx would provide a sense of kinship, a bond of some sort. Masanori held no such feelings. For one to hold affection for a person with that reasoning, it would be required for one to feel even the slightest amount of love or appreciation for the fact that they were a Quinx in the first place. Masanori despised it. They cut open his body like a cadaver as they invaded his insides, placing that thing inside of him against his will. It made him sick to his stomach more than any amount of smoking or blood splatters could, knowing that he shared something in common with a Ghoul.

Before he could continue to ruin his lungs, hand drifting above his chin to indulge in another breath of pollution, vibrations began to course through his body. The shaking that resulted from resonating with the nearby building caused rubble to trickle down from the ceiling, a deafening blast emanating from just a short distance away. Soon, the two sources of smoke would become entwined, ruining the pleasant fumes.

Not once did the man flinch, keeping his unblinking gaze in front of him. A true stone wall in the face of any situation, dire or otherwise, it was as if the explosion never occurred. While his outward appearance did not betray his calm state, his other senses did as they been trained to do, nose shifting through the invading scents to discern differing aromas and ears honing in on the faintest of footsteps. It was as if he could taste the filthy presence of the flesh-eating monsters through the nicotine that had yet to leave his tongue.

As the dust cleared, the predatory organ launched in their direction favored Nia, the woman brandishing her "Needle" in response. While she kept her Rinkaku-based weapon close, Masanori's eyes hardly flickered as they continued to sit on the fading cloud. Nothing would penetrate his focus.

With sharpened eyes, he could spot several shadowed figures through the thin veil, their small size compensated by the sheer amount. Like a majestic performer that had displayed their dance numerous times, Masanori kicked the briefcase at his feet with the tip of his shoe, almost graceful with the established comparison. With the new silver surface replacing the one of the now pocketed lighter, several shard-like projectiles of an Ukaku connected with the case, sparks flying as each would soon fall harmlessly to the floor.

Right hand griping the metallic handle, the case would follow the example set by the shards of purple and red, landing with a thud as it no longer had a place within its owner's hand. Now, its precious contents had been laid into the open for all to see, spear-like blade wrapped in Masanori's grip with the bottom end meeting the ground, as if a grand warrior was making his stand. The "shield" would take center of the weapon, plates spreading into each direction like its namesake. The combined presence of armament and wielder was something many Ghouls took as their last sight, the powerful and even fear-inducing combination enough to have slain beast upon beast within moments. With Clover in hand, Nia's call went unheard, cold and heartless gaze focused on the cloaked enemy. He would kill every last one of them.

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