Seeking & Sought [prodigal failure & tamaracorine]

Mason rubbed his eyes and then climbed out of the bed. "Alright." He yawned. "I'll go check out if you want to gather our things." He stepped outside and began to make his way across the gravel parking lot. He suddenly got an uneasy feeling. There were no birds noises and he didn't see any other animals out and about. He stopped and began to look around. That's when hell broke loose. Bullets began to snap and hiss around his head and the rocks were flying up in the air. He took off running then shifted in mid stride. He couldn't tell how many there were, maybe 2 or 3. He ran through the woods, circling the area. He wanted to get a better view. He hoped Leah was alright. Though he knew that she could take care of herself.
(in my head, I'd replied to this. I'm sorry!) 
Leah looked outside the window as bullets began to fly, her eyes widened as she saw Mason shift and disappear into the woods. The shots landed against trees and a few birds fell from the sky as the shooters persisted in trying to get Mason.

"Morning," Jack greeted, opening the door and leaning against the door frame with two coffees in hand. "If I recall correctly from my intel, you have your coffee black, yes?" he held one of the cups out to Leah with a smirk.

Leah gulped and nodded. "But I don't want anything from you. How do I know you haven't poisoned it?" she asked quietly, trying to work out her next move - trying to work out what his motivation for being here in the doorway was.

"Hurting you would help nothing, Leah. I'm here to help you. Take a seat. I'm going to handcuff you to a chair by one hand but leave your other hand free. Either that, or I shoot your leg. You have a tendency to fall for men who shoot you, though," Jack laughed and put the coffees down on a table, grinning as Leah obeyed and sat down.

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