Seeking & Sought [prodigal failure & tamaracorine]

"Leah, calm down." Jack told her quietly, his voice calm like the training all officer's get taught them to be. "You don't need to shoot me to prove a point. If you shoot me, you prove my point anyway."

Leah raised an eyebrow at him. "You should have paid more attention during training. You're meant to tell me that shooting you will only cause me more pain, and that it wont help Mason; that if I do indeed love Mason, I wouldn't hurt you because I wouldn't need to prove you wrong." she keeps the gun held towards him, finger resting on the trigger. "Except, you see, I find you annoying, and I'd rather you not bother either of us again... so, really, my motivation is entirely different to what your training teaches."

Jack's face looked shocked. "You really were good at your job, Leah. Don't you ever miss it? Want it back?"

Leah releases the safety on the gun, growling a little.
Mason jumped into the opening and skidded to Leah's side with a growl. Hate burned in his eyes. He couldn't believe Jack had the balls to show up again. He looked up at Leah, making sure she was alright. She had the gun and she seemed to be fine.
Jack held his hands up, "You know how to get in touch, Leah. Please, take advantage of my offer. You can have your old life back. We can protect you." he shifted quickly into werewolf form, the folder and its contents spilling everywhere as he did. Leah fired a shot just beside Jack's head as he ran away, intended as a warning, and looked down at Mason.

"Missed you." she told him, patting his werewolf head gently as she sat down on a log again, her heart beating hard. "Have I ever told you that I think you make a cute dog?"
Mason growled when she called him a dog, though it was a playful growl. He was glad she could take care of herself. He shifted back into his human form and then pulled a pair of pants on. "What did Jackass want?" He asked with a sour look. He walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist before giving her a kiss.
Leah returned the kiss, letting Mason pull her close to himself. "He showed me the file they have on us." she nodded towards the papers on the ground. "Their psychologist did a full work up on me, and has concluded that I've got a severe form of stockholm syndrome. He was trying to convince me to turn you in... or convince you to turn yourself in." she reached up and pushed his hair away from his face. "I don't like him, Mason. He twists my stomach into knots."
"I know baby. I don't like him either." Mason growled. "I want to kill him. Its so hard for me right now not to go chase him down and kill him." Mason had given up killing people, but Jack was making it hard to keep that promise. He didn't want to revert back to his old self. He wanted to be better for Leah. He wanted some semblance of a regular life. He just wanted to be happy.
Leah looked up at Mason, forcing herself to calm down and resting her head against his chest. "You can read the file, if you like. There's nothing new in it, but it's helpful to know what he knows." she lets go of Mason and sits down on a log with a long, sad sigh. It's clear that she was shaken up by the visit. "How do I know that it isn't stockholm syndrome?" she asked quietly. 
(saw you online and expected a reply. Sad!)
(Sorry! I had just gotten done with a 24 hour duty so was just checking before I went to sleep.)

Mason felt somewhat hurt by what she had said. He had hoped that she'd love him and that was why she was with him. He didn't think that he had brainwashed her or anything. He picked up the pages of the file and flipped through them. They sounded convincing. "Well, do you believe this crap or not?" He asked, just before throwing the papers onto the remains of the fire.
Leah gulped and looked up at Mason with a confused expression. The fire was rekindled by the paper and she looked at it for a moment before standing up and holding Mason's warm hands. Hers were always cold and his warmth was calming. "I don't believe it. I promise. I'm just shaken uo. He wanted to confuse me, to leave me torn. I let him manipulate me. I'm sorry." She looked up at him hopefully, stepping close. Her mind was still reeling.
Mason sighed then smiled. "I trust you baby." He grabbed her then swept her up into his arms. "Now if you don't mind..." He said with a deep kiss as he carried her back to the tent.

They enjoyed the rest of their weekend in peace. It was late Sunday afternoon when they left to go back home. They had jobs after all and they had to get back to reality.
Leah had gotten used to Mason's solution to everything being to take her to bed. She even enjoyed it. He seemed to put energy into making her happy, and she waa definitely happy.

A note was pinned to their door, simply saying, "are you sure?" with a picture of Leah taken from a news story that was written as she hunted Mason. In a rare show of temper, Leah ripped it off the door and punched the wall, then stormed inside, found her way to the balcony and lit a cigarette without a word.

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Mason picked up the picture and looked at it. He sighed then crumpled it up and threw it in the trash. He dropped his bag onto the floor then crashed onto the couch. Picking up the remote, he turned on the tv.

"In a move that has shocked many across the world today," the news reporter said, "the UN has unanimously passed a declaration that will imprison any non human creature considered dangerous such as a werewolf or vampire. This declaration comes amid a plague of nonhuman to human violence that has killed thousands in the past few years." Mason watched in stunned silence. "The UN is working on a plan that will begin mandatory blood testing to screen everyone so that they can identify these creatures. Anyone who refuses will be considered dangerous and will also be imprisoned."

Mason stood up and walked out to the balcony. "Baby," he said quietly. "I have to go. They are coming for me."
Leah had heard the news story, staring at Mason as it was read out. She put her cigarette out and looked up at him, taking his hands and pulling him close, her back against the edge of the balcony that overlooks the busy city street. "You can't go." she whispered quietly, kissing him, hoping to be enough of a distraction that he would stay. "I need you to stay, Mason... or I can go with you." she looked determined, and scared for him. "Please."
Mason loved Leah very much, but he was scared for her. It was going to be a dangerous next few years. Obviously the government knew who he was. Jack was probably their lackey who sought out his own kind. That pissed him off even more. "It's going to dangerous baby. We could get hurt or worse." He said grimly.
Leah tilted her head as she considered her options. As she thought, she ran her thumb across the top of Mason's thumb, the slow movement keeping her calm, and knowing he was still there. "I want to come with you." she told him, voice steely with determination. "I can be helpful to you. I can't hide my identity, so they'll always know who I am, but... I want to be with you, if you'll have me."

Jack leaves his office - driving towards Mason and Leah's apartment.
Mason smiled then gave her a kiss. "Pack light." He said, going back to the bag he had tossed onto the ground. This wasn't the first time he had gone on the run before. He threw only a few pairs of clothing along with some other essentials. Soon, he was ready to go. He shouldered his bag and waited for Leah to get done.
Leah walked into their bedroom and picked up a bag, throwing clothing, some pictures of herself and Mason, and five packs of cigarettes into it. She looked around their apartment one last time and then approached Mason with the bag slung over her shoulder. "You don't deserve to be hunted. You know that, right?" she asked quietly.

Jack's car pulled up out the front of the building, with a loud, rushed screech.
"The government doesn't see it that way." Mason frowned. He grabbed Leah's and and led her out of the building. His ears perked up though when he heard a car screech into the parking lot. "Damn." He grumbled. It was Jack. Mason hurried over to his motorcycle. With Leah on the back he took of with a screech of his own. Mason didn't know where he was going to go. Right now all he cared about was getting Leah to safety.
Jack cursed loudly as he saw Mason speed away, making chase immediately. They sped through the streets dangerously. The city dwellers were used to the sounds and sights of chases and barely turned to look at what was going on. Jack called for reinforcements, trying to corner Mason.

Leah held tightly to Mason as he drove, her heart thumping hard as the bike shifted back and forth through the many turns. She looked behind her at Jack's car, feeling somewhat glad that she was there to prevent Jack from being able to shoot at Mason. "He's on his radio! Get out of the city, FAST!" she yelled over the noise of the bike.
Mason revved the throttle and sped up. He was glad that he was a werewolf. His senses were near perfect which allowed him to confidently push his speed passed 125mph. His bike screamed down the street as he wove through traffic. Since he was on s bike it was a lot easier to pass through cars. Especially since traffic was thick this time of day. Soon, he had a good lead on Jack.

Mason made his way north, out of the city. Buildings were soon replaced mostly by trees. He took a few different back roads just to keep the government off of his heels. He finally stopped at a little old campground tucked away in the countryside. The old lady who ran it smiled at the two of them as Mason paid for their little cabin.

Once they were settled, Mason took a seat on the edge of the bed. "You ok?" He asked finally.
Jack cursed as Mason crossed the bridge out of the city, punching the dashboard of his car. There were at least fifty small towns within easy reach of the city and there was no easy way of knowing where they would have gone. He decided to drive, anyway.

Leah sat on the couch across from the bed, pulling her messy hair back into a ponytail and nodding. "Yeah, I'm okay." she smiled over at him. "Sad we had to leave, but happy to be with you."
Mason laid back and closed his eyes. He was trying to think of their next move. It was easy to disappear by yourself, but with two people it was going to be s challenge. It would be easy for him to just shift and take off into the wilderness. But for now he was going to have to stick to the road. "We will rest here for the night then head out in the morning." He said while rubbing his temples.
Leah watched him for a few moments, then hesitantly approached the bed, crawling into the spot next to him, her hand playing with his beard. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to make this harder for you." she told him quietly, "If you don't want me, I can go... I don't want you to feel like you're stuck with me, babe." she stops playing with his beard, peering over at him in the dark room.
"I'm glad you are with me Hun." Mason said with a smile. He really was happy that she wanted to be with him. He had never really had someone who was dedicated to him or who loved him. He was always alone. He wrapped his arms around Leah and then laid his head on her chest. Soon he was fast asleep.
Leah laid awake for a while longer, unable to stop thinking about the two words 'stockholm syndrome'. In the early morning hours, fatigue took over and she fell into a deep sleep, relaxed and content in Mason's arms. Not many hours later the morning sun peeked through the blinds of their room and she groaned as she woke up entwined in Mason's arms. "Babe... It's morning." she mumbled, wriggling out of his arms and sitting up. "We should probably make a move..."

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