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Seeking dedicated roleplayer for modern morbid roleplay


Arakkna Kashiko, Mankind's Web spinner.
I am looking for someone to participate in a SEVERELY macabre and morbid roleplay. Im thinking that the plot could be modern day and end with a supernatural twist.

My character would be a girl fresh out of high school whos had a shaky past and whos parents have set her up in an apartment but will only pay one months rent. She needs cash. Fast. afterhaving met your character, She begins to go down the wrong path...

You should p.m. me if:

1. You can handle playing a mafia boss OR a hardened mobster.

2. You are creative in your writing. Im just getting back into the swing of things and i need the push. xD

3. You are semi literate.

NOTE: this will include elements of the following and is NOT for people who are easily triggered.


B.mind games/ manipulation/ abuse

C.Self mutiltion in many forms


D. murder/suicide

If interested please p.m. me! :) )
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