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Fantasy SED [Roleplay, Open]


His ears perked up when he heard someone speaking from behind him, and he glanced back to see the woman standing there, before cocking his head to the side, the question in English taking a few moments to process. 

"My power." He but his lip "I'm not sure if I would call it that." He stood, stepping over to the painting on the wall. He smiled to himself as he examined his work. 

"I can go through paintings.....into other worlds. I can travel between any place in the world from a medium of ink." He glances back "it just so happens that I understand the medium."
Rowanna stayed still, unsure of what to do. She absolutely hated being picked up in her animal forms. But somehow, his petting was comforting. Rowanna shook her head and jumped from the man's arms, scampering a few feet away. She couldn't speak in her animal forms, and so she transformed back to her human form, appearing exactly as she had been before becoming a rabbit. "You're supposed to buy a girl dinner before touching her like that," Rowanna joked, though her tone was slightly cold. She crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't believe I ever got your name."

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"Wow, I'll bet you've been all over then." Maribelle said, looking over the painting. Maribelle was no connoisseur, but quality tended to speak for itself. "Definitely a more interesting power." She nodded to herself. Safer than mine, too. I'd much rather be able to travel wherever I want through a painting. But then, there'd be no one to do my job. Maribelle said "That's certainly a good paint job, though. Never got into any sort of art except the martial kind, though." Maribelle chuckled. 

She scanned the room, picking out a top bunk somewhere. She hopped up, sitting on the edge and looking out.

Milo jumped when someone touched his shoulder and when he turned to see who it was, he had a minor panic attack. Why was he so afraid of this girl? Earlier he felt hopeful that she might be capable of ending him, but now that she was right there, he felt like his whole world was spinning. Had she just siphoned his powers with her touch, or was the nausea from the idea that she could do it at any moment if she wanted? He almost pulled away from her, but she didn't seem to be trying to harm him otherwise.

<I bet they card you all the time at the bar.> Milo tilted his head confused, before she stood up and made her way in the direction of the bunks. For what reason would somebody want to play card with him? And what was a bar? How would they play cards at the bar? He sighed quietly and stood up, beginning to follow her in hopes of finding a bunk of his own. His head hurt from all the thinking, and he was exhausted from the long trip over.

Slatter had a face of almost disappointment as she had jumped away from him and shifted back into her human form. He kept pantomiming the act of petting the rabbit that was no longer in his arms. "...ah but you see...I didn't touch YOU like that...I touched a rabbit like that. Besides...what does touch have to do with dinner. Also, if dinner is a deciding factor as to judge whether or not she can be touched, her standards could be rose." He said matter of factly and completely serious. He crossed his hands over his chest and looked down at her "...Warning...Slatter Warning." 

Rowanna tilted her head at him, confused by his words. "I suppose no, not my human form. But i am that rabbit and that is me," Rowanna replied, trying to explain. This man, whom called himself Slatter, was a little strange, seemingly emotionless. She scrutinized his appearance and expression, unsure of what to say next. So she said nothing and walked over to the edge of the cliff, looking down.
Walking into the armory, Michael was unable to conceal his true feelings. Namely those of a kid walking into a candy store for the first time. To complete the metaphor, Boggs' offer was being given a huge candy bar for free. Michael carefully grabbed the gun, with almost sacred reverence. Hitting the clasp, he let the magazine drop to check the caliber. It wasn't one he recognized, he wasn't terribly knowledgeable about guns, but the magazine seemed to hold the same as the M1911's. Sliding the magazine back in, he further examined the gun. in many ways it was like wearing a new pair of shoes from an old brand. 

Turning to Boggs and Miranda, Michael said, "Thank you so much for this generous gift. If I could impose on you a little more, I'd like to mail the 1911 back to my family. I don't want to risk losing it." Giving a small smile, Michael continued, "It is of sentimental and ancestral value to my family." Turning his focus to Boggs, Michael asked of him, "What caliber is this M2050? If you wouldn't mind I'd like a box of said caliber ammunition and some empty magazines. I prefer to load them myself it is-" Michael paused to consider his words, before continuing, "relaxing for me to do so."


Boggs gives him a box of ammo and spare mags. 

"I like loading them too."

Miranda scowls. "Enough of this, we need to get rest for tomorrow's mission. 

You head back to the bunks.
Taking the box and spare mags, Michael nodded his thanks. Snapping to attention in response to Miranda's order, Michael took notice of her scowl but wisely decided not to inquire as to the cause. He hoped it wasn't him. Turning on his heel, Michael made his way back to the bunks. Walking over to his bunk, he carefully opened up his suitcase and returned the M1911, along with it's magazines, to said suitcase. Michael then began to load the ammo into the mags. He planned to prepare 10 mags for the mission tomorrow. 

Letting his eyes wander as he did so, he took notice of the other two within the bunks. Raising a solitary eyebrow at the new painting, Michael said, "Well someone's already started customizing this place. First your hand, now the wall?" Giving a teasing smile, Michael continued, "Is everything a canvas to you?" Glancing at the girl who was currently the only other resident in the bunk, he recalled her name. Maribelle, the only one who vocally reacted to his little show earlier. 

@Tanfam @Nicademus @BlueOctober
Rowanna was not one for sleeping indoors.  She was used to sleeping without a bed. But, Miranda had ordered them to the bunks. Rowanna still itched to stretch her wings, and she definitely wasn't fond of being bossed qround. But she accepted it begrudging as she agreed to be a part of this team. So Rowanna turned to go back inside, passing Slatter. She walked down to the bunks, passing through the group until she reached the bunk at the very back of the room. Her medium black duffel bag sat on the the bed. Rowanna picked it up and slid it under the bed follow by her combat boots. She slipped off her jacket, revealing the bare skin of her arms covered in scars of all shapes and sizes. 
    Ludvig noted that the others were heading to bed, and decided that it would be best to remove the painting before their superior saw it. He reached forward, and the ink rushed into his hand, formed into a ball once more. He held it out over the tubes of pigment, and the paint all fell out of the ball into its marked place. Once this was done, the Painter shoved all of his supplies back into the bag his father had given him, before slipping into his bunk. He gave a muttered good night to nobody in particular, all too aware that the concept of night, of sleeping, had grown foreign to him.
Upon entering the bunk room, he noticed a few of the others had already claimed some of the beds, however, there were still a large amount of open spots. Milo scanned the room before locking his eyes on the top bunk to the left of the door. He had no reason in particular for having chosen that one, but he figured he might as well just sleep in it; It was a good a bunk as any.

He climbed up onto the bed and lied his head back against the pillow, closing his eyes. He placed his arms on his chest, clasping his wrists within either hand.
Rowanna looked around the room, taking everyone's appearance in. She knew the powers of some, like Maribelle and Michael. But others were a mystery. How would she be able to counter and cooperate with the others in battle if she didn't know what they could do? Rowanna shrugged and pulled her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. Her scars were various shades of tan and pink, some looking far more vicious than others. Each one represented a story in her life, though some did not have happy endings. Rowanna dismissed the though, not wanting to bring up any bad memories and risk transforming without control due to emotional distress. She continued to look around the room, eyes landing on the tattooed man she had noticed looking at her earlier in the conference room. She remembered his name was Caleb, and so she asked, "Caleb, what is your power?"

Maribelle was an early riser. She was up an ready, hardly fazed by the morning. In fact, she had gotten up early enough to have a solid meal and coffee. Overnight, some effects had been brought in for her, so she was wearing some simple attire. The same basic outfit as yesterday. Slacks, with a blue collared shirt this time. She had not received any sort of briefing on the type of mission they were going on, so she was not going to sweat it on the clothes. If she needed to change, she would. What she was more worried about was equipment: She needed some. Her power was a one at a time deal, and it only worked if she got up close and personal. But guns worked a good bit of the time. 

However, it seemed her worries were unfounded. Gear seemed to be set out of them. Guns, knives, clothing... Maribelle gave a smile. They were well funded, but by who. Ah. That kind of thought is above my pay grade.
Ludvig glanced at the various weapons and clothes set out for the group. He walked past them, picking out a few brushes from his suitcase, sliding them into the pockets of his suit jacket before unscrewing the caps on his pigments and dumping them all onto the floor in various places. He held out his hands, and the paint rushed to his hands before recessing into his sleeves. He felt the liquid move beneath his suit jacket, sliding until it covered him in something resembling armor, undetectable to any looking at him. 

Rowanna soared through the skies, her large golden eagle wings glinting in the sunlight. She couldn't sleep, and needed to stretch her wings. Ever since she had gotten here, Rowanna had felt off, out of place, like she didn't belong with the rest of these people. She thought it would make her feel better to be surrounded by people who were like her. Different. Unique. Special abilities. But it made her feel cautious instead. Rowanna didn't know these people well enough. The sun was rising, and Rowanna suddenly realized that she was going to be late to meet everyone else in the hanger. She dipped a wing and turned a quick 180 degrees, heading back towards the hanger where they had met earlier. She dropped lower at a small rate, angling herself perfectly to fly through an open window. Rowanna flew into the hanger, seeing a couple of the other people from yesterday already there. She perched on an empty table, looking at the other people with amber eyes. She transformed back to her human form, sitting on the table in a pair of skinny jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt, and her chocolate hair in a ponytail.
Michael was present in the hangar as well, his new gun secured in his concealed holster under his suit. He hadn't woken up early enough to eat breakfast, so he was munching on a bagel he'd picked up. The arsenal arrayed in front of them was quite impressive, Michael wondered what precisely they'd need such heavy armament for. His new M2050 felt almost puny in comparison. Any further thoughts that Michael had was cut short by beast girl's dramatic reentry. Rowanna was it? Tearing off another chunk of his bagel, Michael decided to make some token attempt at conversation. Swallowing the rest of his bagel, he remarked to her, "Head in the clouds?" 
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Miranda strolls in, with her usual scowling look on her face. 

"High command has decided that we should send you guys on a mission. Don't fear. It won't be dangerous. Just a simple security mission. Yes, we do security. In fact, security jobs make 60% of our revenue."

She pulls up the holo-projector.

"This is Igor Bularin, and he is the CEO of Zarkov, a small arms manufacturing company. He is one of our benefactors. He is on route to Malaysia to negotiate a deal with the officials there. Your job is to accompany and watch him at all times throughout the confrence. "

"Maribelle and Ludvig will personally accompany Igor. You will be A team. Michael and Rowanna will be behind the scenes. They are B team"

"I will give each of you individual instructions later. A team, get your weapons and gear."

Bluetooth communicators, pistols and stilettos are among the things lined up on the table. 

"Please look professional" Miranda adds. "I don't want our reputation to be tarnished."




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Rowanna looked at Michael from the corner of her eye, a small smile gracing her lips. "Pretty much. I needed to stretch my wings and get out this bunker for a bit." She heard her name from Miranda, realizing she was placed on team B with the man who had just spoken to her. She hopped from the table, going over to inspect the weapons. Rowanna wasn't usually the one who liked using any weapons other than her animal forms. But she did know her way around handguns. In the however, Rowanna didn't take anything. 

Ludvig glanced at Maribelle out of the corner of his eye while he listened to the briefing for their first mission. He was certainly fine with working alongside the woman, even if he didn't know how she worked, and she didn't know he worked. He put his hands in the pockets of his suit, and bit his lip at the thought of working with to protecting a Russian. He certainly didn't like the prospect but, if it was what he was told to do, he would do it.
Maribelle wasn't the sort who often did protection. However, she could see the reasoning behind it. Someone with a power comes up, she would be the one who could stop them in their tracks. Should they be overwhelmed, Ludvig could do his little transport thing. However it worked. Belle would like to have a heavy hitter with them, but it wasn't likely they'd encounter powered individuals. And Belle could go toe to toe with a normie.

She had a jacket that would compliment her attire, and it would be professional. Picking up a pair of holsters, she picked a pair of revolvers of the smith and wesson variety. Looking through the knives, she noticed the were stilettos. "No combat knives?" She said, almost disappointed. "At least tell me there's some brass knuckles lying around."

Maribelle had to be good with a gun. She was at a disadvantage otherwise. However, she was great in the good old fashion rough and tumble. In fact, she preferred close quarters, once powers were no longer and issue.

(Was waiting for Meowfyre...but let's start.)

You go in the chopper and before you know it, you touch down at a jungle helipad. There you see Igor. He waves at you guys.

"Hello, my friends."

You shake hands with him and accompany him inside the domed building.  B team goes inside the building too, but they head to one of the security rooms. The conference itself is very important, as there are many influential people participating. A team takes up positions near the door as Igor sits at his place. 

(Both A or B teams: If you want to learn more about certain things, make sure you say in your post that your character investigates that thing, and I will elaborate on it)

Once the two of them were in their positions, Ludvig stood with his arms crossed over his chest, glancing over at Maribelle every few minutes during the conference. He had created a ball of paint in his hand while they had been standing there, ready to throw it onto a wall, or a floor, in order for them to make a quick escape, if need be. He scanned the area around their room, not speaking over the communication channels of the Bluetooth communicators. He thought to himself that he should have picked up some sort of weapon, a knife, a pair of brass knuckles, but that's now how Ludvig worked. He had agreed to work for the SED, yes, but only under the agreement that he wouldn't have to do any killing.

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