Section J : Cells & Recreation


Screaming Mute
There are a Number of Cell Blocks that have to accommodate for the sheer amount of Supernatural Prisoners this place holds, there are four Blocks of Cells labelled Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades. Each block has their own little hall with tables where the prisoners can socialize and hang out, but then these halls are then linked to the Yard which is outside, surrounded by High walls and Guard Towers. The Yard has Multiple painted out basketball courts for prisoner use.

Jobs : Some Prisoners set up stores on their cells, selling little trinkets they created or items to anyone who passes by. Guess you could say they're Vendors. Some Prisoners know that things are needed like Hairdressers so turn their Cell into a Salon with waiting lines outside for example. Some sell simple smokes or even creative toiletries.

And It was as it was, a busy day. Though the past week has been Tense, ever since the death of Kiseki there has been an increase in incidents involving prisoners at each other's throats. Though of course, not all the prisoners are stupid... just the majority. The Vampires were usually pretty calm, but their source of blood was gone and so blood was being spilled - it's always the fucking Vampires that start shit.

Ms. Cathexis' Cell



    The room was a lot more than what Annalee had initially hoped for. Sure, of course it was drab, but it actually allowed for a pretty comfortable lifestyle. There was a cheap table, a sofa, a desk and chair, a dresser and shelves to put things on, a bar on the wall to hang clothes on (if she actually got any new ones later, that is), an actual bed to sleep on, a mini-bathroom in the corner, and a reinforced transparent window to allow some natural light to filter in. The best part about it, though, was the fact that she "owned" this cell, in a way. No one was roomed with her now, which she considered a blessing. As long as she played along with what the guards wanted her to do, she'd continue to keep all of this for herself.

    Annalee had changed into a standard nurse's uniform earlier, sitting on the couch and closing her eyes as if to take a short nap. Her shift would start soon, but there really wasn't anything else to do but sleep or play with her imagination here. When the guard got here, she'd probably be taken to the Medical Department and given a short rundown of what to do there by the staff there.

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Alex didn't really sleep, as he didn't need it. He was on Guard all throughout the night and now was the first as usual to greet the prisoners in the morning. However, he had specific duties that these other Vanguards didn't. The Hivemind made his way to one of the specific cells nearer to the Guard HQ, it was sickening how this prisoner got a cell different from the rest just because she may do a bit of mind work for them. She was still a prisoner. He composed himself for their first interaction, standing outside her cell, what was her name again? A Spore recalled and told the rest of their brethren, the message shooting through his head as it came to his attention : Annalee. 

His closed fist bashed against the metal door, he waited for no answer and let himself in soon after, entering the keypad code into the lock as it made a bunch of mechanical noises and shifted open - the large clunk of metal dragged across the floor as he pushed himself in. The Figure stared at this person, he now had to look after her - forever? Forever how long she lived for. Or he lived for. He firmly and dramatically shot his arm towards the entrance to her cell and pointed, gesturing for her to get out. He didn't really wait for a response and just walked out of the cell, waiting outside to escort her. They'd have enough time to be silent to one another on their way to the Medical Bay.
Alex didn't really sleep, as he didn't need it. He was on Guard all throughout the night and now was the first as usual to greet the prisoners in the morning. However, he had specific duties that these other Vanguards didn't. The Hivemind made his way to one of the specific cells nearer to the Guard HQ, it was sickening how this prisoner got a cell different from the rest just because she may do a bit of mind work for them. She was still a prisoner. He composed himself for their first interaction, standing outside her cell, what was her name again? A Spore recalled and told the rest of their brethren, the message shooting through his head as it came to his attention : Annalee. 

    "Hi there..." Annalee mentally greeted her escort with a lazy tone. 

His closed fist bashed against the metal door, he waited for no answer and let himself in soon after, entering the keypad code into the lock as it made a bunch of mechanical noises and shifted open - the large clunk of metal dragged across the floor as he pushed himself in. The Figure stared at this person, he now had to look after her - forever? Forever how long she lived for. Or he lived for. He firmly and dramatically shot his arm towards the entrance to her cell and pointed, gesturing for her to get out. He didn't really wait for a response and just walked out of the cell, waiting outside to escort her. They'd have enough time to be silent to one another on their way to the Medical Bay.

     Her eyes opened immediately at the sound of the creaking door. "Oh, by all means, please take your time," she thought sarcastically as she stood up and did as she was told—or gestured—rather. The girl made her way outside the cell, awaiting to be bound by handcuffs or something else she knew the administration wanted to use to feel more secure around her.

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"Forty-six days," Wesley Brahm muttered under his breath as he scratched a tally mark alongside forty-five other marks with the tip of a small kitchen knife he may or may not have snatched from the dining hall, blowing in the air to keep the dust from flying in his face. He had only woke up minutes before, his lovely friend Sable thinking the best way to wake the lad up was a slimy tail in the ear - Wesley let out a surprisingly loud, not to mention embarrassing, yelp at the action, his face beet red within seconds. He was in a foul mood since it happened. Well, in a worse off mood than usual, he found it hard to even feel a little bit of optimism in an awful place like this. Wesley's eyes scanned over the tally marks, forty-six of them now and more to come, with a hateful tsk before shoving the knife back beneath his mattress and flopping down on the shitty, uncomfortable bed again. He leaned against the wall, a metal rod barely shoving into his back but it was enough to anger him even more, though he was used to it - oh, how the littlest things could make him mad nowadays. He leaned over the side of the bed for a moment, grabbing a lighter and a cigarette he had tucked away with the knife, lighting it quickly and sticking it in his mouth before shoving them both back in the mattress as well. He used to not smoke, his mother would be incredibly disappointed if he found out he was. It became a habit he wasn't exactly proud of since he was jailed. Wesley tsked again when Sable made a comment about how he looked as though he had 'bit into a lemon,' kicking the snake off of the bed , spraying some cigarette ash onto the reptile with a gentle flick of his wrist. 

Eehh, it's the best I could think of. Someone please interact with mah child. o;
There was no handcuffs or any form of binding that would take place, Alex simply glared at her from behind his mask as she joined him outside. He placed his hand on her back and swiftly, but surprisingly gently pushed her in the direction of the Hospital. His thoughts were all in one place now, he would do his job seriously or suffer consequences. He took over the prisoner by a single step, making sure he was leading properly but also within his sight - ugh what a pain, was she this much of a liability that someone of his talents had to babysit? Yes he was talking to her, if what the boss said was true anyway. The Hivemind glanced back at her and scoffed. @Captain Gensokyo
There was no handcuffs or any form of binding that would take place, Alex simply glared at her from behind his mask as she joined him outside. He placed his hand on her back and swiftly, but surprisingly gently pushed her in the direction of the Hospital. His thoughts were all in one place now, he would do his job seriously or suffer consequences. He took over the prisoner by a single step, making sure he was leading properly but also within his sight - ugh what a pain, was she this much of a liability that someone of his talents had to babysit? Yes he was talking to her, if what the boss said was true anyway. The Hivemind glanced back at her and scoffed. @Captain Gensokyo

    Annalee sighed at his jeer. "Yes, kick the dog while it's must feel so much better about yourself now. Please forgive me for not knowing where anything is on my first day," she thought with even greater sarcasm. "That pride of yours is so tangible, I could reach out and grab it. Let's see..." she began as she closed her eyes, the guard still guiding her along. "...Fear of nonacceptance, fear of your superiors...what else makes you even more of a dog than I am?" she "said", beginning her psychoanalysis. "Would you like to hear more?"

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    Annalee sighed at his jeer. "Yes, kick the dog while it's must feel so much better about yourself now. Please forgive me for not knowing where anything is on my first day," she thought with even greater sarcasm. "That pride of yours is so tangible, I could reach out and grab it. Let's see..." she began as she closed her eyes, the guard still guiding her along. "...Fear of nonacceptance, fear of your superiors...what else makes you even more of a dog than I am?" she "said", beginning her psychoanalysis. "Would you like to hear more?"


Alex looks at his prisoner with a grin from behind his mask, so it was true then that this person was very power, that was fun - this may be a little more interesting than he thought. He couldn't be provoked and his ability allowed him to retaliate. He expressed a gesture that could've been made with his middle finger, but why do it in front of everyone when he could just simply throw it up in his mind. The mute escorted her to the Medical Bay.

Sigh. Vince was laying down with his head near the bar of his bed, twirling a lock of his hair in boredom. He desperately needed a haircut, although it may not be a bad thing to grow it long. It's been two years since he came here, and hiding his true identity isn't very easy at all. Vampires nowadays are blamed for everything, mostly because they do start the fights. Nonetheless, Vince didn't want to get entangled in any drama, but he knows it's bound to happen. 

Vince heard a yelp from behind his back and jumped from the sudden noise, hitting his head. Really wasn't a good way to wake up. He turned to face his jailmate who laid there in anger. Ever since a few weeks ago, this hell became slightly more interesting to wake up to. They were sorta close now, but the kid was too much of a hot tempered boy. He smirked when Wesley smacked away his snake in annoyance. He kinda felt bad for the little guy. 

"Aww.  And how are you this fine day?" Vince chuckled, talking with a slight drawl in his voice. 

"Fine day," Wesley snickered the words under his breath with a slight eye roll, Though it was true, he had grown a little close with Vince over the 46 days that Wesley had been there, he wasn't exactly fond of anybody in this Hell. Sure, he'd never even considered controlling himself or even thinking about making some friends among the prisoners, it seemed nothing like a bother to him. Sable, now beneath his bed, hissed something after he didn't reply to his cellmate for about a minute, telling him that it was 'inconsiderate and rude.' He didn't plan on it. Surely Vince was used to him ignoring him. He looked to the snake with a foul face, tsking again. "What are you some sort of saint now?"  he mumbled, glancing at Vince. He offered a very sarcastic smile, giving two equally sarcastic thumbs - up, nodding. "Just dandy. You know, nothing beats waking up in a prison. Especially when you're surrounded by people who might want to kill you." His face dropped the smile and returned to it's usual 'just bit into a lemon' face. 

He stood up from his bed with a sigh to fix his jumpsuit. He normally slept with the top unzipped so it revealed most of his torso. He did the best he could to flatten out some of the wrinkles that had formed in it overnight, but to no avail. Sure he may be surrounded by a bunch of lunatics but he still wanted to look somewhat presentable. He ran a hand through his curly hair to brush it out a bit, glancing from Sable to Vince, but speaking to nobody in particular. "I'm going to get something to eat."


[SIZE= 14px]Vince continued to smirk at the figure, resting his head on his hand as he watched in amusement. "Oh come on, lighten up honey. It's a new day! You're going to get wrinkles if you keep frowning like that..." He loved messing around with Wes. His reactions to everything made his day, plus it was fun to see him get pissed off.  Wes's snake slithered over to him, but did nothing as if he were carefully watching. Vince started to shift slightly away from the snake, for he had a slight phobia of them. Turning back to Wesley, he replied to his new comment. "Here's what, I'll come join you just for the sake of it. Besides I haven't eaten in a while." He stood up from his bed, walking over to Wesley while rolling up the sleeves to his jumpsuit. "Come on. Don't be acting like a lemon the entire time." [/SIZE]

@Ambela (bleh I feel it's too short)
Leon Faust

To be completely and totally honest, Leon found his life at the moment to be... boring. But that's usual, ever since he got jailed. 

More often than not, he sat in his cell and did nothing - just stare; staring at the wall, at the floor, at the bars, at the ceiling, at his hands. Then he would take note how absolutely filthy he was,  how greasy, oily, and just in general disgusting he also probably looked.

When was the last time he properly looked at himself in a mirror? Actually, when was the last time he even saw a legitimate mirror?

He laughed at the thought and ran his hand through his hair. It was still white as ever, though obvious specks of dirt were visible in many places. A few parts of his hair looked like it was even gray, which bothered him greatly. But that was besides the point.

When he wasn't intently observing his surroundings, Leon enjoyed listening. People always had something interesting to say. Their shadows too. Sometimes. 

But either way, here he was right now, listening to two people converse. Going out to eat, from what he got. He unconsciously bit his fingernail as he lay on his bed, thinking and listening. His gaze moved towards a flickering shadow who sat in the corner of his cell. That was the weirdo who never moved from their spot, and had been there even before Leon had come into the jail. Leon had dubbed it "Glue". The shadow gave great comfort to Leon for its mere presence even though it never spoke and Leon never spoke to it. Whenever he did, his neighboring cellmates would always send him odd looks or yell at him to shut up.

Poor Glue seemed particularly lonely today, so today Leon decided to talk. "Should I eat?" He whispered to Glue. 

Glue was silent as ever, but it shifted ever so slightly. 

Taking it positively, Leon stood up from his bed. He stretched, dusted himself before running out to meet Vince and Wesley. "Good day~" he nearly sang. "I'm tagging along!" 

@purity and @Ambela
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