Secrets Should Be Kept Secret (Me x Emhart)


Junior Member


Castor Lennon - Played by @emhart

Genevieve Collins - Played by @Kumori~

Duke Beckett - Played by @emhart

Alexander Lachlonn - Played by @Kumori~


Genevieve Collins


Gene - By her close friends






Genevieve is very bright and bubbly. She barely takes anything seriously and loves to just hang out with friends whenever she can. Genevieve loves to slip into her own little world and if at all possible never come out though she knows that's impossible and makes the best of the real world by filling it up with friends, laughter, and love. A bad trait of hers is that she is extremely impatient and quick to upset. Despite being a bubbly and bright person, it doesn't take much to make her start yelling at you.


Barbara Palvin



Photography/Yearbook Club


Relationship Status:

"Single as a pringle~."


"Crushes are so overrated~."


Genevieve grew up with her single mother who had a problem holding a relationship. Genevieve's mother had a habit of flinging herself at any man and never committing to a relationship. Her mother also had a problem with picking out the wrong men; her mother always dated deadbeat guys that only wanted 'one thing'. Genevieve always wanted a younger sibling seeing as she had none but her mother drank too much to even keep a child alive in her stomach for long.

As Genevieve grew older she learned to hate her mother. To hate her mother for her drinking problem, her immature personality, and her constant need to have a man in her life. Genevieve knows she holds some love or her mother like every child does but she could never admit it.

Genevieve just hates the fact that everyday she see's a little bit more of her mother in herself which agonizes her.


Part-time job:

Barista at local diner; same diner Duke works at.




Her Bedroom:


Genevieve got pregnant sophomore year. The father of the unborn child was someone she didn't love which was an issue for her so she purposefully drank, took many pills, and drank again until she was sure the unborn child would stay unborn. She didn't want to get an abortion in fear her mother would be notified and the father of the child would too.



Alexander Lachlonn


Alex - Friends call him this.

Andy - Mostly family.

Barley called by his full first name but when he is it's mostly when someone is mad at him or he's in trouble. Hates when people do that because it makes him feel like a child.






Alexander is the type of guy that expects to much from people, especially from Beck. He is a little on the judgmental side even if he doesn't realize it and can hold a grudge longer than anyone! Alex has bad traits that he doesn't notice or even care to notice; he is inconsiderate and selfish at times, especially around Beck. Even with all the bad traits he does have good ones. For instance Alex is very committed to his boyfriend, school work, and friends. He is also trustworthy and fun to hang around.


Francisco Lachowski






Relationship Status:

In a relationship with Duke Beckett


Alex grew up in a household where religion wasn't brought up but they were labeled as Catholics even though they never went to church. Alex's father is a lawyer and his mother is a personal translator; so his father works late nights and his mother goes off on business trips all the time for a long period of time. So it's basically just him and his younger brother, Avery. One person that always felt more like a father to Alex than his actual father is his uncle Kent who was great when dealing with Avery.

Alexander thought it wasn't a big deal to come out to his parents and he thought they would be fine with it but he was wrong. His parents tended to ignore the thought and simply just thought their son was going through a faze or some wort of rebellion. His uncle was more kinder about the whole thing but he too shared a uncertainty of his nephews sexual orientation. Though his family stilled loved him and Alex loved them so he thought things might change if he introduced them to Beck but again his poor judgement of family took it's toll. His parents despise Beck and so did his uncle. Avery was the only one that actually took the effort to get to know Beck and it turned out, Avery actually thought Alex's boyfriend was a good guy.

Alex was deeply saddened by his uncles passing but not one moment did he blame Beck nor did it cross his mind too. It was his uncles own fault for getting to drunk and wandering off in the dark...or so the police had concluded through there investigation.


Part-time job:




His Bedroom:


Alex is a good kid with good grades who rarely gets in trouble but somehow trouble has found it's way to him. For the past 8 months Alex has been receiving e-mails, text messages, letters, and random gifts from someone unknown to him. Some of the things he receives have threatening intentions and others have romantic intentions. He has no idea how this began but he tries to ignore it. He tells himself it's no big deal and that it's just some joke for someone with a twisted sense of humor but in all reality he knows it's serious. Alex doesn't want to cause attention so he hasn't told anyone or contacted the police. Alex is basically being stalked.


Alex's younger brother, Avery, is a sophomore and attends the same high school.

Avery is diagnosed with ADHD and Alex tries to help his brother at school but he is an easy target/outcast.

Name: Castor Lennon

Nickname(s):Cas – everybody calls him this.


Gender: Male

Personality:Cas has always been the nice guy, with an outgoing personality and a warm heart. When it comes to speaking, he had a way with words, making him a very persuasive person. He can’t help but love everyone, and no one can help but love him. One of his best traits is his philanthropy (to contrast his wealth), but one of his worst is his knack for lying—a talent all the best politicians have.



Debate, Student Council

Position:Junior Class President of StuCo, of course

Relationship Status:Single

Crush:Basically half the people he talks to. He’s a flirt and can’t help it.

History:Cas grew up in a house of politicians. His mother was, and still is, an advisor to the town mayor. His father was once the mayor of the town, but later left the position to become a state Representative. While he is always travelling for business now, the man taught Cas everything he needed to know to make it to the big leagues in politics—almost in hopes that Cas would one day be president.

Vehicle:2014 Chevrolet Camaro

Part-time job:None

Pet(s):Jack Russell Terrier (Colter), 2 labs (Gracie & Roman), and a corn snake (Cobra)



His/Her Bedroom:


With his perfect lifestyle, he’s gotten himself into bits of trouble. He’s cheated on his finals before, and even played a dirty campaign at school his freshman year. However, the worst came at the end of his sophomore year when he got his hands on a match and ended up burning down a portion of the town hall. Nobody knows who did it, thanks to his parents’ cover-up, but he’s never gotten over the fact that a man got third degree burns from the fire and another boy was sent to juvenile detention in his place. He’s only thankful no one was killed.

Other: His three younger siblings don’t feel the need to follow their parents’ footsteps, but that’s because they don’t have a secret they need their parents to protect…

Name: Duke Beckett

Nickname(s):Most people call him Beckett, but his father, stepmother, and boyfriend are close enough to call him Beck. Friends often call him Becky just to tease him. His mother calls him Duke.


Gender: Male

Personality:Beckett’s dominating trait is his tendency to push people away when they get close, making him seem a bit cold to people that don’t know him well. He’s a bit of a mystery, something that makes people find him intimidating to talk to. Few people see a softer side to him, but all his friends realize he shows compassion towards them in his own way. He’s a natural leader, but also prone to fits of rage.



Soccer, Track

Position:Midfielder in soccer. In track, his events are mainly the 100 meter dash and hurdles.

Relationship Status:Taken

History:Beckett grew up with loving, adoptive parents and an older brother adopted from another family. He was taught to hunt in the back woods since he was little. When he was, eight, his parents divorced, which really was the start of his anger issues. However, his father stuck by his side through everything, and his new stepmother later took the role of his mother, especially when came out dating his first boyfriend. He never met his biological parents, but never saw the need to till now.

Vehicle:2005 Jeep Wrangler

Part-time job:Works at the local diner

Pet(s):A German Shepherd (Tucker)



His/Her Bedroom:


Secret: He has killed two people before. The first time, it was an accident—a hit-and-run. The second time, however, was not. It happened the weekend his boyfriend had invited him on a camping trip with his family. After getting into an argument with his boyfriend’s uncle over their relationship (which the uncle thought was “temporary” and “wrong”), he pushed the man over the ledge. It was ruled as an accident, and he knows he can never allow anyone to think otherwise.

Other: He’s always been popular, and a little more intimidating than most guys. If it were any different, he might have been bullied for his sexual orientation. However, his dating a guy has drawn his already distant mother further away from him.


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