Secrets of My Hollywood Life.


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Finale Filming Day 3/3 (Call Time: 9 am)

Interview – Entertainment Weekly – Kelsey and Dominic

Season One Wrap Party @ Andrea's


Premiere on CW @ 9!

Live-tweeting ep @ Lush offices

After party @ Chateau Marmont


No filming today!

Have 2x01-2x03 scripts memorized

Cast and Crew dinner @ Dan Tana's


2x01-2x03 read-through @ Lush offices

Rolling Stone Cover Shoot – All Cast

Interview – Rolling Stone – Sierra, Lola, Blake, and Logan


2x01 filming day 1/3 (Call Time: 7 am)

Interview – In Touch – Nick and Andrea


2x01 filming day 2/3 (Call Time: 6:30 am)

Benefit concert @ Echoplex – All Cast


2x01 filming day 3/3 (Call Time: 8 am)

Lakers game @ 6 pm – Dominic, Kelsey, Logan, and Sierra

Pre Fashion Week Event @ 8 pm – Andrea and Lola

Conan – Blake and Nick


Fashion Week Begins!

2x01 Editing Day – Crew Only

Fashion Week Kick-Off Party – Vera Wang's Estate @ 9 pm – All Cast 
Okay guys! My intro post is about to go up. In the meantime, here is a list of names and crap.

Trailer 1: Lola and Kelsey

Makeup Artist: Marina

Hair Stylist: Harry

Trailer 2: Andrea and Sierra

Makeup Artist: Thomas

Hair Stylist: Paul

Trailer 3: Logan and Dominic

Makeup Artist: Lisa

Hair Stylist: Shelby

Trailer 4: Nicholas and Blake

Makeup Artist: Carlo

Hair Stylist: Teresa 
Guys guys guys I'm gonna write an episode synopsis to avoid any unnecessary bunnying when it comes to the scene your character is filming.

2x01 synopsis (I'm only going to do the final third of it, since that's what they're filing today.)

The gang arrives at the formal and everything starts off pretty good, until Jay (@xxxNiquexxx ) and his buddies decide to spike the punch. Natalie (@OneHellOfACatLover ), too shy to dance, finds herself being a punch bowl hoverer. She doesn't realize that there is liquor in the juice, however, and begins to pound em down uncontrollably. She begins to dance, until she finds herself in a puddle of her own vomit. She is kicked from the dance and found outside the school by Gage (@Zachariah el Morgan ). The last we see of them in this episode, Gage is tucking Natalie into bed at the Haze mansion before riding off on his motorcycle.

Meanwhile, Isabel (@Britt ), Wes (@StrawberrySuicide ), and Leo (@Coedy ) find themselves revoking their "anti-formal" plans and decide to attend the function "to be ironic". Wes spots Amber across the room, looking sad, and goes off to comfort the ice queen he tutors. In the meantime, Isabel fesses up to Leo about the anonymous gossip blog and he storms off, hurt and confused that this secret was kept from him.

As for the most popular people at West Bev, Amber ends up walking in on a drunken Spencer (@Lovely Bones ) trying to put the moves on Jay--and it looks like it's working. They don't see that she sees them, and she storm back into the dance only to be consoled by nerdy Wes. The episode ends with Amber checking into a hotel suite with Wes in tow, adamant on getting revenge on her boyfriend. 
@Coedy , @Zachariah el Morgan , and @StrawberrySuicide , Could you guys get your starters up next time you have a free moment? Thank you. <3
Yes, I'm trying to do so. I'm incredibly sorry for the delay; this week has been absolutely killer. I'll try to post something short. I promise the next one will be longer.
Hey guys! Well, some of you have probably seen my status. Tonight, I will begin the pain in the ass process known as moving. Lucky me. So anyway, my posting time will be extremely limited due to the lack of internet while everything transfers over. I'll try to get on as much as possible, but I'd appreciate it if you all didn't skip ahead too far or use my characters as NPC. I know that sounds a bit selfish, but I'm super against giving my babies up. I will try to be as efficient as possible when it comes to finding wi-fi over the next two weeks or so. So, bear with me. I'll try not to hold you all up too much, and I definitely don't want this RP to die!

(PS: If you're in multiple roleplays of mine, expect to see this post again.) 
I refuse to let this RP fall into the inactive section before it even starts! I hate to be "that guy" --or girl--but Zachariah, I'm going to give you 24 hours to post your starter. If it isn't up by that time, I'm going to have to reopen your role. I don't like feeling like a nag, but I really worked hard on planning this roleplay. 
@Lori Williams ♥ or @oOBubblesOo , would one of you like to take the role that opened up? We're not past the starter phase yet, so there's no need to play catch up. <3

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