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Fantasy Second Hand Ice


World-class RPer
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/fantastic_world_apocalypse_winter_snow_fantasy.jpg.0a23071e0de7f68d7d1ba18668802a32.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99121" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/fantastic_world_apocalypse_winter_snow_fantasy.jpg.0a23071e0de7f68d7d1ba18668802a32.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Chan Woo's handsome face is numb and half frozen as he walks into yet another decaying factory. He hasn't eaten anything since last night, so his stomach feels knotted. The worst part is how much pressure he feels in his mouth, on his tongue, going to the back of his throat. Hunger pangs are not fun. He has to get his mind on something else, like for instance, the figure on the bottom floor. Chan yanks off his hood and ruffles his spiky red hair.

From the top of the metallic cat walk, Channy sneaks toward the being, trying to get a better look. He is too hungry for this, so he quietly climbs down a ladder, takes out his musket, and approaches the being. He knows he looks intimidating, with his neck heavily tattooed in tribal, yakuza-like ink. This creature should be no challenge.

"Hault," he shouts. The figure freezes. "This is a mugging. Put your hands up." Chan intends to steal this creature's nutrition. It turns around and ends up being a surprisingly beautiful girl. Filthy as all hell, in tattered robes, but gorgeous none-the-less.

"What do you have to eat?" Chan asks coldly, exhaustion in his voice.



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Lisa glared up at the man.

"If I had any food to be stolen by a common thug, I'd be eating it right now. Leave me be, or risk wasting what little precious time you have left before freezing to death, you pathetic creature of a man."

She narrowed her eyes, which took no small amount of effort, seeing as how the muscles themselves were frozen stiff. She looked him up and down. Well, so much for pathetic creature of a man. He was strangely attractive for a vagabond sticking up some random woman on the streets.
This was just Chan's luck. Of course he would accidentally try to mug someone with nothing to mug. He heavily sighs and plops down to the ground. Chan Woo puts his musket away and fights back tears. Why does life have to be so... cold.

"How are you staying warm?" He shivers. The boy slowly tries to take a swig from his bottle of water, but it's all chunks of ice now. He closes his eyes and a tear rolls down his cheek.
Lisa was plainly unimpressed by this little breakdown.

"Simple. I only go outside when I need to, instead of running around in the cold pointing guns at people and acting like a bad boy."

She sat next to him. He certainly was cold. Her body warmth probably felt good.

"Well, there's also another suggestion that helps."
Normally Chan wouldn't let anyone so close to him, but he's been traveling for days, and has eaten nothing in all that time, so his guard is almost non-existant. And it helps that the person before him is easy on the eyes, even in her dirty state. She looks like she has been crawling through a coal mine's tunnel, yet she makes it work.

"What's your suggestion?" Chan wipes the tears from his eyes and straightens up. First impressions are everything and he is already coming across as a sissy.
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She looped her arm around his back slowly.

"Well, you have to make sure you..."

Lisa grabbed the musket and sprang up, running off into the snow and turning back slightly to call out to the clueless mugger.

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"Mother fucker," Chan mumbles. He uses his last remaining strength to get to his feet. It is absolutely vital that he gets back that musket. Not because it's loaded-- he hasn't had ammo for it in a really long time, but because it's the only thing that keeps mauraders at bay. It's the ace up his sleeve, his life-saving bluff.

"You theif!" He runs as fast as he is able, but it is no use. The boy is simply too tired to catch her. "It's not even loaded, he yells!"
"I couldn't care less!"

Lisa keeps running, dashing through the snow. She can barely see through the pure white, leading her her trip on a concrete step and smash into the snow hard, knocking her unconscious.
What an idiot, Chan thinks. He carefully makes his way over and retrieves his musket. The boy has to make sure she wasn't lying about not having food. He put his hands on her slender torso and pats her down, rubs her down, checking to see if she was hiding anything. She wasn't. Chan is hungry and tired, but he is also a harmone-crazy boy. Just touching her makes him forget how exhausted he is.

He is tempted to touch her in a not so innocent way, and since he didn't grow up with people telling him that kind of thing is wrong, he doesn't even think about it. He just does it. Chan cups her breast.

But it's too cold to stay outside for long, and the thought of having her warm body under his sounds like heaven. He grabs her leg and drags her back to the factory.

Chan has learned his lesson. He now knows to never trust a woman. So he quickly ties her onto a rusty table, restricting her wrists and ankles, and then undresses her. He enjoys all her warmth, the way his male instincts tell him he should, then falls asleep next to her. They keep one another warm. Thought the night.
When Lisa wakes up, she's undressed and strapped down to a chair, neither of which are good signs. Coupled with the unconscious drooling man laying a foot away from her, and the freezing cold spot the shape of a hand on her breasts, she'd say it was safe to reason what happened.

"What the hell?!"
Chan is startled, and naked. He immediately covers himself up, but then remembers it's just the girl he tied up and had sex with.

"Oh, hey." Chan tries to fight off the grogginess as the girl yells at him for who-knows why.

"Calm down," he says as he puts his pants on. "Why are you so bent out of shape? I'm hungry too, but you don't see me throwing a fit."
"Maybe it's because you kidnapped and fucking raped me!"

She tried in vain the cover herself, but it was impossible while being tied down. She felt helpless. Powerless.
Yet Chan had no real grasp of what those things were. All he had done was kept her and himself warm. He had merely survived, and in the process, helped her survive too.

"Well, you're a bit ungrateful. I keep you warm all night long, even though you were gonna leave me here to freeze. And this is how you react?" .

He finishes dressing. "I should have left you in the snow to die. I only tied you up so that if you woke up before me, you wouldn't try and steel my stuff again." He tosses her the key to her chains.

Chan doesn't understand the concept of rape, or even sex for that matter. He just did what felt right. He does understand being tied up as being bad, which is why he gave her the key.

"We need to find food, or we are going to die." He pauses to watch her unshackle herself. "And please don't steel my things anymore. It's easier to hunt with two people. We need eachother right now."
"I was doing quite well before you, anyway."

Lisa unshackles herself, immediately diving to her clothes and changing into them immediately.

"So no, we don't need each other. You just need me. And after what just happened, that's a simple no."
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Before Chan could open his mouth to agree that they should split-up then, or to argue that they should stay together, a loud bang makes him jump. Someone, or something dropped a metal sheet a at the factory's entrance. The boy immediately unholsters his musket.

"Maybe put his convo on hold?" He moves to try and see who the intruder is, but the mauraders are among them. These are large, minotaur-like creatures-- very hairy, very smelly, and even more dangerous. But they haven't figured out how to use projectile weaponry. Chan and the girl are surrounded, but maybe there is still hope.
Lisa pulls out her knife which was still in her pocket, 12 inches of stainless steel sure to give any marauder a bad time. She nodded to the boy once before throwing it into the eye of one. It immediately collapsed, dead. She pulled the leg of the bed off hard and swung it against ones head, picking up the knife again and fighting.
Chan is shocked to find that Lisa is such a skilled close-quarters hand-to-hand fighter. She makes swift work of any marauder that comes her way, but there are many. As she disembowels her 14th Minotaur, the 15th and final Mino comes from behind and is about to drive an axe into her back. Chan Woo whacks the back of the attackers head and it falls to the floor. Lisa takes a series of quick steps backwards and sees that Chan saved her.

"We make a good team," the boy says. Lisa stands there and glares at him.

"I'm sorry for raping you..." his voice trails off. "Whatever that means."
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"The fact that you don't understand what you did means you aren't sorry in the slightest. And we don't make a good team. You just happened to hit the marauder at the right time."
Chan looks down, frustrated, but also saddened. "I don't understand, but I'm trying to." He pauses to think. "I don't understand how what I did was wrong, but I do understand, from you being very verbal, that you didn't like it." His breath is a cloud of freezing smoke. "And I'm sorry that I did something you didn't like. I really was just trying to keep you warm."
Lisa sighed. He sounded authentic enough, even if he didn't understand what he did.

"Look, despite how horrible of a failure that was, you do seem like that's genuinely what you were trying to do. So I'll give you a pass. Just don't do it again."
Chan steps forward to shake her hand, but a lonely clap interrupts them.

"Good, very good." A Minotaur dressed in black Armour, and wearing a surprisingly high-tech helmet says. His voice sounds robotic, but deep.

"I'm impressed with your fighting skills, but that's really why we've tracked you down." Behind him an entire army of mauraders emerges, at least 300 men.

"You're coming with us," the Mino says. "Alive and in one piece, or crippled and bloody on the verge of death. The choice is yours." And then he sees Lisa's friend for the first time. It is a well known fact that Mino's really like boys.

"And your boyfriend too."
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"He's not my boyfriend! And we're faster than you, dumbass."

She glared him down, lifting up the empty musket and leveling it at him.

"We only have 3 bullets, but it's enough to shatter your skull 3 times. Ask yourself it's worth 2 people."
Chan wonders what a boyfriend is, like a boy that is a friend? Yet she said he isn't her boyfriend. Perhaps they can never be friends. The boy's lips purse, but there is a more pressing matter to tend to than their friendship. There is literally an army of smelly Minotaurs before them, wanting to imprison them.

The girl is brave, there's no denying that. But if the Mino's call her bluff, they are screwed, because Chan hasn't had ammo for that musket in weeks. He used the last bullet on a rat for diner.

"Is this really the best idea?" He whispers to her. "Yeah, you're a good fighter, but there are too many of them."

The helmeted Mino takes steps backward and his soldiers start to create a barrier between him and the musket. The loyalty levels in the Mino culture are incredibly high.

"But you're right, we are faster than them. We could make a run for it." Chan tries to think. "Or we could let them take us. Surely they would feed their prisoners."
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"Alright, I have a plan. I'm going to sit on your shoulders backwards, facing them as you run forward in a straight line. You won't be able to see, as my pelvis will be covering your face, but run out of this building immediately."

Lisa mounted onto his shoulders backwards, facing the minotaurs and keeping the musket hoisted up above the minotaur with this new level of height. That should keep them preoccupied trying to cover him while they run. She spurred him to start running.
And Chan ran as fast as his malnourished legs allowed him to. Her scent was distracting, to say the least. Before her, he had never been intimate with anyone, but now... it's like Pringles... once you pop, you can't stop.

And she still smelled of sex, from the night before, so Chan found himself running for dear life with an erection. But Lisa's plan was working. The mauraders were too worried about protecting their captain to chase them.

"Good idea!" Chan mumbled into Lisa's crotch.

[Do let me know if sex makes you uncomfortable. If it does I can steer away from this type of raunchy Netflix humor.]
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