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One x One Second Chances

Dominic Jun Bianchi


About Him
Nickname: Nick


DOB: October 21

Hair Color: Light Brown

Eye color: Light brown

Ethnicity: French/Korean

Height: 171 cm (5'7'')

Personality: Dominic is the type to smile a lot, not often allowing people to see what he deems his vulnerable side. His actions are seen as kind, patient, forgiving, and cheerful to those who only know him at work. However, those closer to him know that he has a more cunning and dark side, one he could not get rid of from the past.

Although he his seen as having a head-strong and kind personality, he does not want to be seen in a bad light to the people who look up to him. Despite knowing that other peoples' opinions shouldn't matter, he understands that he might get fired if his credibility goes down, and that is probably the same for Alexander. Dominic loves him so much, but he's afraid that this patients and co-workers' ill opinions will result in a loss of both of their jobs. He hates to complicate things, but this must be handled with extra caution. Or, at least, as much caution he can handle.
Dominic was borne from an Italian father and a Korean mother. His father (Henri Bianchi) owned Red Line Pharmaceuticals Inc. based in Los Angeles, California, and met his mother (Eunjung Kim) during his business trip to South Korea. They started off as business associates, but it soon became something more. Even after Dominic was born, they were partners in business. Henri did most of his work from Korea to raise Dominic and to stay with Eunjung.

Soon after Dominic turned six, the family moved to the States due to Dominic's job. He could no longer work from overseas. Dominic grew up with a religious mother and an atheist father, and it was a very much strict in his household. But as he grew older, he was granted more freedom. Needless to say, he went through a bit of rebellious phase when he was a teenager. He associated with drugs, fighting, and gangs (all without the knowledge of his parents). But even when they found out, it proved futile to change his views. It wasn't until he was sixteen that he decided that he would become a pharmacist, but it wasn't all for the right reasons. Being a pharmacist meant dealing with drugs. Drugs meant more dealings, more money. He stopped the fighting, but the gang was family and until he was halfway through college, he didn't change his motives for being a pharmacist.

Henri, although strict, pulled some strings to slowly ease him into feeling the joy of helping people. Just by doing small little deeds, Dominic felt a warmth he hadn't felt before. Slowly, but surely, his ulterior motives for his future career disappeared and his parents were glad for that.

Dominic met Alexander during his pharmacy school internship at a nearby hospital. It wasn't anything significant at first, but they became acquainted. Then, it was lunch together. And then it was hanging out like friends would. Up until this point, Dominic had never expressed any real interest in men. So when his heart started beating and hindering his friendly interactions with him, he decided to just confess to get it over with. Either way, it would either end badly for him, he thought. But Dominic accepted his feelings. They started dating, and everything was wonderful. The one problem was that they had to keep this relationship a secret.

Some patients aren't very forgiving. It could cost them their jobs.

Job & Education

Job: Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist

DEA: AB1684237

Current Status: BCPP @ Sana Hospital

Education University major: Medical Humanities (17 - 20)

Entered Pharmacy School: 20

Graduated: 24

License Obtained: 24

PGY1 Residency: 24 - 25

PGY2 Residency: 25 - 26

Job @ Sana Hospital: 26

Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist (BCPP): 28

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Alexander Donovan

Personal Info

Nickname: Alex

Age: 29

Hair Color: Ash Blonde

Eye Color: Bright Blue

Height: 6'2''

Ethnicity: Swedish-American


To the hospital staff, Alex is known for being strict. He expects perfection from himself and from others. He is uncompromising when it comes to patient care, known to reprimand harshly when a patient's safety is compromised. However, he is also quick to praise when someone meets his expectations. From his point of view, the hospital staff and his fellow doctors should not take it personally, as the patient pays so the hospital must give what he paid for, which is quality service.

To his lover and friends, Alex is someone who like spoiling the people he likes. He would often treat his friends to eat and drink and he would often shower his lover with gifts. He is someone who likes taking care of people. Inside him, lies a passionate man, which is only known to his lover.​


Alexander is born to a family of doctors. His father, Michael, is a Neurosurgeon and he comes from old money. His mother, Anja, is a Swedish heiress. Their marriage is an arranged marriage, however, they were able to fall in love with each other.

Alex has lived a privileged life. He is the only son and has a younger sister who is in high school. He wanted for nothing. Whatever he desired, it was provided. When he started medical school, people would always judge him based on his parents' achievements. He would often hear people say that he got in because of connections. Furious about it, he strived hard to be on top. And he did. He graduated at the top of the class.

He was still an Intern when he met ___ . He was attracted to the young man and when the guy confessed, he said yes. Now they are together for many years. They keep their relationship secret as homosexuality in their field is a taboo.​

Job and Education

Job: Cardiosurgeon

Premed: started at 17

Graduated: 21

Entered Med School: 21

Graduated: 25

Started Internship: 25

Started Residency: 26

Current Status: Third Year Resident

(Only two more years to go)

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