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Fandom Seaside Clans (Warrior Cats RP) (Always Open)



(Picture goes here. Realistic photo, please, and you must have one.)

Character Name: Kitname Apprenticename Warriorname

(Put a strike through all of their names except for their current name!)


Age: (Kit age range: 1-6 moons Apprentice age range: 6-12 moons Warrior age range: 12+ moons. One moon equals one month in real time.)



Personality: (Equal amount of positive, neutral, and negative traits.)










Bio: (1 or more paragraphs please, and make sure it's realistic. <3)

Trivia: (Optional. Just little tidbits about your character! Example- Collects shells.)

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/cats.jpg.7d16a485c69faab8aea91b152c769f02.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134988" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/cats.jpg.7d16a485c69faab8aea91b152c769f02.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Character Name: Asterkit Asterpaw Astergaze Asterstar

Gender: Tom

Age: 24 Moons

Clan: Ledgeclan

Rank: Leader


+ Calm

+ Gentle

+ Wise

* Protective

* Big-thinking

* Ambitious

- Stern

- Stubborn

- Snappish

Bio: Asterstar was born to a mother named Crowlight and a father named Mottlefur. He had three other siblings, all sisters, named Birchkit, Windkit, and Pebblekit. As a kit he was a lot less social than all the others, and he tended to stick close to his mother and stay in the nursery. When he was four moons old, Pebblekit fell off the edge of the rock jutting from the cliffside that serves as Ledgeclan's camp. She died on impact. After that, bramble barriers were put up to avoid another accident. Asterkit was apprenticed with Birchkit and Windkit, and he was given his father as a mentor due to a shortage of warrios. His apprenticeship was normal and ran smoothly, until his sister Birchpaw was killed by a Shellclan warrior during a border skirmish. Asterstar has held a grudge against Shellclan ever since, and he still hasn't buried the hatchet. Asterpaw gained his warrior name, Astergaze, when he was twelve moons old after a battle that he fought valiantly in. Astergaze served as a loyal and helpful warrior to his clan until he was 17 moons old, which was when the current deputy died of sickness. Astergaze was appointed deputy by the current leader and his long-time friend, Guststar. Guststar caught the same sickness and died when Astergaze was 19 moons old. Asterstar has only been the leader for five moons, but he has already lost one life to the same sickness that killed the previous deputy and leader. It is a common rumor among the clans that Ledgeclan is cursed, but Asterstar believes these are just petty superstitions. He continues to take care of his clan and lead them as best as he can.


-Asterstar's only remaining sister is Windwhistle.

-Asterstar is an uncle- Windwhistle has two kits, a male and a female, named Birchkit and Pebblekit. Asterstar treats them like his own children.

-Asterstar becomes infatuated with cats very easily.

-His favorite prey is fish, but ever since the borders changed when he was eight moons old his clan has been unable to fish. Their territory no longer includes part of the ocean.​



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Name:Almondstar-current, Almondbreeze-Warrior


Age:40 moons



Status:Palmclan leader

Personality: Positive-Encouraging, praising, nurturing, fatherly, playful. Neutral-allusive, lost, consoling, didactic.

Negative-Old minded, tired, boring, unappealing, slow, detached.

Bio-Almondstar was born into Palmclan as a deputy's son, his father being named Lilybloom and his mother being named Milkfur, he was always a boastful kit and like every other kit he had a impossible goal. Almondstar was also in a fairly late litter, his mother putting her duties first before deciding to give birth and settle down.He wanted to be a medicine cat when he grew older. Unfortunately that did not happen for him, but it didn't discourage the little thing. His father ended up retiring early while he was in his apprentice years due to a few debilitating injuries in his past. In his apprentice years he had experienced 3 battles, two minor, one major. In his Warrior years he experienced 7 battles, five minor, two major. He rose to deputy after one particular battle when the clan's medicine cat found a piece of washed up coral from the beach embedded in the warrior's paw after his last major battle. The coral being a significant sign of connection with their ancestors. Almondstar is now in his early leadership, following after the previous leader; Wavestar, Wavestepbefore leader ship.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.5761c659a128f46d6cc02f9560b1fed4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134996" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.5761c659a128f46d6cc02f9560b1fed4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name:Clearstar-current, Clearwater-warriorClearpaw-apprentice Clearkit-kit


Age:30 moons


Status:Jadeclan leader

Personality: Positive-Fun, bubbly, energetic, bouncy, creative.

Neutral-Expressive, kind, sincere, humble.

Negative-Loud, wild, dramatic, snooty, obnoxious.

Bio-Grew up as a kit in Jadeclan as the first litter of kits to her mother, Flowerheart, and her father, Leafpelt. She was one out of three kits. She was always playful and trying to make new friends, wandering off and sticking her nose into things she shouldn't be most of the time. As an apprentice she experienced 2 battles, both minor. As a warrior she experienced five battles, two major and three minor. She came to deputy after proving herself by helping her clanmates rebuild the clan during a fatal storm. Which killed four cats, one elder, two apprentices, and a warrior, which was the current deputy. She is entering her mid leadership and followed after Minnowstar, Minnowleapbefore leadership.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.a32063599aa75da8c9622c797ae76d31.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.a32063599aa75da8c9622c797ae76d31.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Name: Sharkkit Sharkpaw Sharkfrost Sharkstar

Gender: She-cat

Age: 20 Moons

Clan: Shellclan

Rank: Leader


+ Brave

+ Cunning

+ Independent

* Ambitious

* Competetive

* Unpredictable

- Arrogant

- Aggressive

- Sharp-tongued

Bio: Sharkstar was born to a mother named Aspenbreeze and a father named Tidestar. She had no siblings. Sharkkit was always out and about before her apprentice ceremony, and she was constantly getting into trouble. She sneaked out of camp when she was four moons old and fell into a tide pool. Her apprenticeship was delayed one moon because of this. When she did become an apprentice she strived to be the best at anything and everything, which ultimately put her behind all of the other apprentices. When she was finally made a warrior she was given the name Sharkfrost. She had always been incredibly close with her father, and when the current deputy, Seafur, died and Sharkfrost was appointed deputy, most of the clan believed that it was only because she was Tidestar's daughter. This of course, was true. It was a rather biased choice, and Sharkfrost did very poorly her first few moons on the job. Her father lost his last life to old age when Sharkfrost was 19 moons old, and she took over as leader. She has only been leading the clan for one moon, and she is known for making rash and unpredictable decisions. She is currently trying to start a war with Jadeclan, simply because she doesn't like them.


-Sharkstar acts high and mighty and believes she's on top of the world.

-She wants to be loved by her clan and feared by the other clans.

-She doesn't really do her job all that well.

-She sheds a lot.

-Can be a little flirtatious at times.



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Character Name:
Mushroomkit Mushroompaw

Gender: Tom

Age: 7 Moons

Clan: PalmClan

Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice





Mushroompaw is a tom that is known to care for his clanmates and is often trying to help in anyway he can, which can be off putting. He doesn't know much on fighting but what he does know comes from the elders and his mentor. However if you want to know a bizarre fact he is your cat. Lastly Mushroompaw is also very curious, he may not be the loudest cat or most talkative but he enjoys learning things or hearing stories.


*Self conscious


These traits are mostly for when he is around the cats from other clans. He doesn't like when they stare at him or whisper about his blindness, he feels like they are judging him for not being like them. He is quiet and refuses to talk mostly because he is uncomfortable around them. And being around new cats makes it hard for him to open up and when he does it's not by much.




Despite the positive and neutral things about Mushroompaw, he does have his flaws. He is weak, he fatigues easily and is physically weaker than the others. He isn't sure if it's due to his training being different from a Warrior (despite medicine cats also learn to fight) or its him. Mushroompaw is also reactive, if he hears something negative about himself he will try snap back (quietly) and try and prove the other wrong. Lastly he is odd, he is often seen staring up into the sky, saying weird things (like "What if we lived in the trees?" Or something to that effect) or pushing leaves up against the bases of the Palms. To him it's a way to keep him occupied but for others it's him being weird.

Bio: Born to Mousepelt as she-cat and Runningclaw a tom, Mushroomkit in a litter of four kits. His sisters; Nutkit, Monkeykit, and Graykit were all born including the tom kit healthy. However over the weeks and with the growth of the new litter, a light sickness hit the camp. When it passed and all returned to normal Runningclaw noticed that all his kits were active and looking around asking questions about various things except for his son. Turns out the sickness that Mushroomkit had caught ruined his eyesight. It isn't known if he ever saw anything. When the young tom finally started exploring the world around him he found that it was loud but full of many things that were cool. However as he grew older he became jealous of his sisters when he heard them talking about climbing, he wanted to do it too. After a date from Monkeykit who was the better climber out her siblings Mushroomkit had found himself trying to climb a tree, he had gotten pretty far until he he heard the shrill cry of his mother causing him to fall landing on his side luckily escaping with soreness and bruises.

After the incident he decided to never climb again. Instead he'd stay on the ground, and explore what the land had to offer. Which was much more fun him if you'd ask him. When it time to rank up to 'paw, he and his siblings were all named together. Now known as; Nutpaw, Monkeypaw, Graypaw, and Mushroompaw the siblings continue to work with one another to help each other get stronger.

Trivia: While most cats see Mushroompaw pushing up fallen palm leaves against the base as some weird behavior, it comes from his fall and he does this to keep other kits safe from landing hard.​
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Ashkit Ashpaw Ashclaw




15 Moons






Soft-spoken, Ashclaw is quite the reserved fellow. Though, he possesses a strong drive for fighting. His cloudy eyes seem to cast a soft shadow, unreadable by others. Ashclaw doesn't question orders and does what he is told, yet there is always that pulling sensation inside himself prompting him to do the wrong things. Unknown to others, this temptation of his has the potential to get out of hand. The young tom cat is hard to read, and addresses everyone with the same casual distant tone. Despite his secretive nature, Ashclaw is a very reliable friend.

+High endurance




-Lacks social skills



Ashclaw was born to Featherheart (father) and Ravensoul (mother). He had one sister, Snowpaw, but she was murdered by members of JadeClan, or so, that's what he told the rest of his clan. Ashclaw is a troubled cat at heart, his mind seems to split into two and often makes him dangerous to be around. It all started on that one winter night, he was out practicing new fighting moves with his beloved sister Snowpaw. He loved her more than anyone, he truly did. But one thing led to another and the last thing he could remember was her lying limp on the cold ground, her blood on his paws. Today he still doesn't know exactly what happened that night, but he gets memory flashbacks every now and then. Since then he has been more solitary and seemingly emotionless.


-Prefers eating in high places such as rocks or cliffs

-Every night he awakes from his midnight slumber and takes a midnight swim near the place he killed his sister, hoping he will remember something about the incident

-He's morally sadistic

Aurawhisper WIP




18 moons


Medicine Cat



(So a lot has been going on. Deeply sorry for the delay. So Aurawhisper as well as my other characters I have in my head are a WIP. But ashy is good to go for judgment!)

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Character Name:

Hawkkit Hawkpaw Hawkfeather




24 Moons






+ Brave

+ Kind

+ Playful

* Competitive

* Conservative

* Strict

- Merciless

- Short tempered

- Aggressive

Bio: Hawkfeather was born to Willowclaw, a she-cat, and Featherfleck, a tom. He was born in a litter of three. His brothers, Sagekit and Hollowkit; Hollowkit being the youngest and Hawkfeather being the oldest. However over the weeks, a light sickness hit the camp. Hollowkit being the weakest of the three, died of it, while it weakened the rest of them. When it returned to normal, Hawkfeather's father decided it would be best to start training them young as warriors. Their mother didn't agree with that and so their father decided to train them secretly. Hawkfeather was apprenticed to a warrior named Noseclaw, while his brother was apprenticed to his father, because of the shortage of warriors. Hawkfeather earned his warrior name when he had fought bravely on a border squirmish with Shellclan. His brother earned his warrior name too but died shortly after getting damaged too much from the squirmish. Ever since then, Hawkfeather had held a grudge against Shellclan. He was then selected as deputy for his bravery during that squirmish by Asterstar.

Trivia: Hawkfeather thinks it's fun to make young apprentices work they don't want to do.
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Oysterkit, Oysterpaw, Oysterleap




Sixteen moons.





Personality Traits:










Short Biography:

Oysterkit was a strange case for the clan. He did not come from the local nursery, but was found mysteriously washed up on shore, no specific Clan scent lingering on his fur. He was given to one of the nursing queens, Scallopclaw, to be raised as her own alongside the other kits. No one has told him about his past. He probably wouldn't believe them if they did. In his eyes, Scallopclaw is the perfect mother, and he cares about her more than he could any other cat.

Apart from his rocky beginnings, Oysterleap has been fully accepted into the clan and recieved his warrior name moons ago. His cheerful attitude has awarded him a general liking with all the other cats, though they never forget his more difficult side.


- Oysterleap is so picky, he prefers to choose a share of the fish he catches from the fresh-kill pile. He won't touch anyone else's.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.88ae228fb65fc8434fc90c52e2143751.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136013" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.88ae228fb65fc8434fc90c52e2143751.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name:

Tidekit Tidepaw





25 moons















Bio:Tideleach was born into a litter of three, having two sisters; Leafkit and Pikekit. To his mother; Coralflower, and his father; Pebbleheart. He was always a playful kit and tried to play with the much older apprentices and young warriors, and usually tried to help as much as he could, which got him a tangled up in others' paws and in the way. His parents loved him dearly and treated their kits well, occasionally scolding them for being up to trouble. When he became a apprentice he was assigned to a she-cat; Conchbloom. His sister Leafpaw was assigned to a tom; Sunvine. And Pikepaw to a she-cat; Dustpounce. His apprenticeship was extremely difficult for him due to clan border trouble, battles holding his and his sisters' warrior ceremony for an extra two moons of their original graduation. Tideleach is now a warrior and tries to be as helpful as possible and patriotic to his clan, often getting himself into trouble as well. Leafpaw is now Leafstorm, Pikepaw is now Pikebone.​



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.51e21676a6c3093e10a29b50579ef511.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136124" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.51e21676a6c3093e10a29b50579ef511.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name:

Olivekit Olivepaw Olivefall




30 moons
















Olivefall was born into a litter of two. His other sibling was a she-cat named Fernkit. The two of them being born to a she-cat named Rainsong, and a tom named Seagullfur. He was a rather quiet kit while his sister was always bouncy and playful, of course this may have been the result of Rainsong having difficulties before birth. Olivekit never stayed to far from the nursery. When his apprentice ceremony took place he was assigned to a she-cat named Clamspine, his sister assigned to a she-cat named Fawnleg. His apprenticeship was extremely difficult for him, Olivepaw taking out hours of his day when he wasn't doing lessons to train himself on certain tactics and moves that he couldn't quiet get during the lessons. Fortunately his warrior ceremony was right on a smooth schedule and was not held back or early. Olivepaw became Olivefall and his sister became Fernpuddle.

Trivia:Olivefall is great friends with Almondstar, he is currently trying to work towards having better social skills.

((This is my fourth and final character till further notice. Me and Minty have the rules set for four cats a person and two clans a person.))​



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Character Name: Swiftkit Swiftpaw Swiftstream

Gender: She-Cat

Age: 21 Moons

Clan: ShellClan

Rank: Warrior


+ Confident

+ Courageous

+ Steadfast

* Sarcastic

* Imaginative

* Compassionate

- Compulsive

- Quick-tempered

- Stubborn

Bio: Swiftstream has been a curious cat since birth, her brother, Beetlenose, often struggling to keep up with her antics as a kit. As the second of two litters born to Fernshadow and Gullstep, she and her brother were given fair leeway to explore the camp and annoy the resident apprentices so long as they remained within their mother's ever-watchful eye. Her interest in the activities of the older cats in the clan was a given, though her attention held more steadfast to tales of hunting than those of battles. Her apprenticeship was spent under the guidance of a tom by the name of Troutstrike, ending nine months ago with only a few border skirmishes under her fur. She has yet to experience a real battle and, to be honest, that sits with her just fine.


- She favors hunting over battling and is content to spend most of her time along the shore and in nearby tidal pools.

- She tends to be quick to rile, though her tongue - and thereby her words - are often first to deal a lashing.

- Her brother is often the victim of her boredom-induced antics.​
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Character Name: Beetlekit Beetlepaw Beetlenose

Gender: Tom

Age: 21 Moons

Clan: ShellClan

Rank: Deputy


+ Disciplined

+ Tactable

+ Sentimental

* Placid

* Skeptible

* Familial

- Abrasive

- Cynical

- Moody

Bio: Brother of Swiftstream and part of the second of two litters born to Fernshadow and Gullstep, Beetlenose is a nonsensical tom with an aptitude for order. His days as a kit were spent shadowing his sister and working to keep her out of trouble, a task much easier said than done. As an apprentice under Cinderstorm, his days were spent exploring ShellClan's territory and improving upon his battle skills. He has yet to see a real battle between clans, though a few border skirmishes have left him with permanent reminders upon his pelt. Nine moons ago he became a warrior alongside his sister, a fact that he carries with him with pride. Nonetheless, it is his promotion to deputy following Sharkstar's own elevation to clan leader that is foremost in his accomplishments.


- Unlike his sister, Beetlenose is not the best of hunters. In fact, he loathes the activity altogether and tries to avoid it as much as he can.

- He cares greatly for his family and does not tolerate ill-talk about them or his clan.

- He has been called a stick-in-the-mud by his sister on more than one occasion.​
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Character Name: Rubblekit Rubblepaw Rubblespark

Gender: Female

Age: 19 moons

Clan: Palmclan

Rank: Medicine cat


+ Friendly

+ Quick-witted

+ Loyal

* Protective

* Steady

* Helpful

- Stern

- Short-tempered

- Prideful

Bio: Rubblekit was born to Tangleleg and Scorcheyes alongside her two littermates, Brindlekit and Antkit. The three young kits willed out their days—driving their mother mad from time to time. As they grew, they found time to torment the local apprentices and warriors too. Lots of tails got pounced on and ears tugged when they were kits. Upon becoming apprentices, all that stopped though. The three went their separate ways. Rubblepaw found the path of medicine to be more her style over that of a warrior, and was apprenticed under the standing Medicine cat at the time, Stonepool. Antpaw, on the other hand, was a shoe-in for warrior life and was apprenticed under a Molly by the name of Snakefall. Brindlepaw also followed that path, and became apprenticed under a Tom named Tawnypath.

The siblings trained hard, and learned as much as they could, each in their own way. By the time of their 12 moon, Brindlepaw and Antpaw had surpassed the expectations of their mentors and were named warriors of Palmclan. Antpaw became Antspring for his amazing jumping capabilities, while Brindlepaw became Brindlefrost thanks to her intellect and ability to keep her cool in sticky situations. Rubblepaw continued to learn from her mentor where she could and grew to become more of an assistant to them. It would be a while before her time to shine would come.

Then, around their 16th month, Stonepool decided it was time to retire to the elder's den. He helped shape Rubblepaw into a great new medicine cat for Palmclan, and he received the signs. She was given the name Rubblespark, and as he retired, she took his place in the medicine den. Not long after, her sister Brindlefrost become pregnant with kits. She was overjoyed for her sister, and was fully ready when the time came to deliver the young lives into the world. She too has a young life to teach. A fire to kindle in her apprentice Mushroompaw. To this day, Rubblespark lives on inside Palmclan, along with her family and clan members.


Kin: (Most of these aside for Brindlefrost and Pollenkit your welcome to play. Please PM)

Tangleleg | Mother

Scorcheyes | Father

Brindlefrost | Sister

Antspring | Brother

Pollenkit | Neice

Rootkit | Nephew

Owlkit | Nephew


Character Name: Brindlekit Brindlepaw Brindlefrost

Gender: Female

Age: 19 moons

Clan: Palmclan

Rank: Queen


+ Intelligent

+ Kind

+ Loyal

* Cautious

* Protective

* Friendly

- Stubborn

- Overbearing

- Stern

Bio: Brindlekit was born to Tangleleg and Scorcheyes alongside her two littermates, Rubblekit and Antkit. The three young kits willed out their days—driving their mother mad from time to time. As they grew, they found time to torment the local apprentices and warriors too. Lots of tails got pounced on and ears tugged when they were kits. Upon becoming apprentices, all that stopped though. The three went their seperate ways. Rubblepaw found the path of medicine to be more her style over that of a warrior, and was apprenticed under the standing Medicine cat at the time, Stonepool. Antpaw, on the other hand, was a shoe-in for warrior life and was apprenticed under a Molly by the name of Snakefall. Brindlepaw also followed that path, and became apprenticed under a Tom named Tawnypath.

The siblings trained hard, and learned as much as they could, each in their own way. By the time of their 12 moon, Brindlepaw and Antpaw had surpassed the expectations of their mentors and were named warriors of Palmclan. Antpaw became Antspring for his amazing jumping capabilities, while Brindlepaw became Brindlefrost thanks to her intellect and ability to keep her cool in sticky situations. Rubblepaw continued to learn from her mentor where she could and grew to become more of an assistant to them. It would be a while before her time to shine would come.

Brindlefrost worked hard as a warrior for Palmclan, and made many friends. One tom in particular really caught her fancy. After several moons, Firewind became her mate. Around her 16th moon, her sister Rubblepaw became the full medicine cat of Palmclan, and not long after, she herself found herself expecting kits. She was overjoyed, but yet also saddened to leave the warrior life for that of a Queens for a while. Time passed, and she gave birth to three very healthy young sons. Pollenkit, Rootkit, and Owlkit. She still resides within the Nursing den, caring for her three little kits and hopes to help them grow into strong Palmclan cats.


Kin: (Most of these aside for Pollenkit and Rubblespark your welcome to play. Please PM.)

Tangleleg | Mother

Scorcheyes | Father

Rubblespark | Sister

Antspring | Brother

Firewind | Mate

Pollenkit | Daughter

Rootkit | Son

Owlkit | Son


Character Name: Pollenkit

Gender: Female

Age: 3 moons

Clan: Palmclan

Rank: Kit


+ Intelligent

+ Curious

+ Outgoing

* Brave

* Helpful

* Playful

- Stubborn

- Wild

- Impatient

Bio: Pollenkit was born to Brindlefrost and Firewind alongside her two brothers, Rootkit and Owlkit. Though young and tiny, she has found a loyalty to her clan, kindled by her parents. Alongside her siblings, she lives within Palmclan, instigating mischief and playing games under the watchful eye of her mother and clanmates. (Short because of her age. Will be added on to as she grows.)


Kin: (Most of these aside for Brindlefrost and Rubblespark your welcome to play. Please PM)

Brindlefrost | Mother

Firewind | Father

Antspring | Uncle

RubbleSpark | Aunt

Rootkit | Brother

Owlkit | Brother​
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Character Name: Splotchedkit Splotchedpaw

Gender: Male

Age: 8 moons

Clan: Jadeclan

Rank: Apprentice


+ Sensible

+ Courageous

+ Determined

* Adventurous

* Sociable

* Humorous

- Foolhardy

- Sarcastic

- Tactless

Bio: Splotchedkit is the sole son of Paledrop and Amberleap, born alongside a sister named Fallowkit. He was a feisty young kit, tormenting his sister in all kinds of ways, and driving the clan apprentices up the walls. He spent a considerable amount of time playing by the water, giving his mother heart attacks every other day. A considerable amount of his time was also spent in the nursery, where his mother stuck him when fuming mad.

His parents and the clan was all to overjoyed when he reached six moons and could be apprenticed. The lucky cat assigned to mentor him was Tideleach. Now known as Splotchedpaw, his antics have toned down a bit. He finds himself with more to do and less free time on his hands, though he still finds time to tease his sister, Fallowpaw. (Shall be added on to more later.)


Kin: Paledrop | Mother

Amberleap | Father

Fallowpaw | Sister​


Havenkit Havenpaw Havenwatch

Gender: She

Age: 22 Moons (1 year and 10 Moons)

Clan: LedgeClan

Rank: Warrior


(+) Positive

(+) Mindful

(+) Wise

~ Even though Havenwatch is just under 2 years old, She is very wise coming from her mindset. She can be very optimistic and whimiscal, and a joy to be around. She loves to make everyone happy and will put everyone else before herself. ~

(*) Reasonable

(*) Opinionated

(*) Forgetful

~ Although she's very fun and joyful, she can be forgetful of important things. She's also very opinionated, which could lead to several debates between her and another person, if given the chance, and stirred the wrong way. She's also reasonable with everything, to an extent. So she may be smart about a lot of things, but not all. ~

(-) Pessimistic

(-) Stubborn

(-) Harsh

~ Despite her bubbly deamenor, Havenwatch does have a darker side of her. She can be extremely pessimistic and negative about everything, if she's in that kind of mood. Those times are rare, but they are also very cruel to her, and those around her. She'll become a shut in, and will occasionally snap and give up on everything before trying. She can be quite stubborn, not wanting to do several things if she's feeling under her spirit. When she's in a bad mood, and feeling distraught, she will become very harsh, and sometimes question other's for how they live. She's practically a two sided mirror, but her other side only comes out on rare occasions. ~


~ Havenkit was born as the only living kit out of 3. Her two brothers were stillborn, while she was the only one to survive. Born under the supervision of her mother, Sparrowflight, and father, Stonehedge, she grew up, loved, being the only kit that survived the painful delivery. She was born as the runt, however as she grew up, that quickly became unnoticeable due to her strong build, and long pelt. She was given the name 'Haven', to provide the comfort and paradise she was. Later given the name Haven'watch', was caused by the fact that, when she wasn't on duty, she would find a nice sitting spot in the cliff face, and watch the ocean waves. Despite her rather decent past, she still has a few clipped stories she wouldn't like to talk about, which some believe, is the reason for her sometimes sour mood.~​
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