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Searching For 1x1 RP Buddy :)

Brody took her bags and began to make his way towards the car. "She has a point, so lets go!"

"Yeah Jesse and Alex. Am so excited." I personally hated the idea of having Alex and Jesse joining us. Alex was is always annoying atleast to me and Jesse has been in trouble to many times for comfort. With Summer's bags in my hands I placed them in the back of the Rover and opened the back door as I climbed in and closed the front passenger door. I turn my head towards Summer with a dead look on my face "If we get pulled over because Jesse did something that I don't know about, your going with her."
I groaned at his statement, "She's been clean, juvy put her in her place. Don't worry." I gave him an overly sweet smile, soon shifting my eyes over to Brody.

I gave him a small smile when our eyes connected threw the mirror. My cheeks heated up as I grabbed my headphones, trying to ignore the blush.

"You know where we're going right?" Tanya questioned, shifting her legs so they were against her and under her chin.

"Of course." Brody grinned from his seat.

I chuckled and shook my head at the enthusiasm going around. "I want to go swimming as soon as we get there. This heat is fucking insane."
"Well you're part of the reason why it's so hot." I kept my eyes on the mirror as I audibly mumble my compliment.

"Smooth, really smooth but to early, way to early." Brody was shaking his head in shame at my excuse for a flirting.

I laughed a little at his comment about me I knew he was right but I didn't care to much about it. "Really I thought so should I have waited another hour or two?"

"We're going to stop before you guys really get started driving right?" Tanya asked remembering that she hasn't eating in a while.
"Nice one." I muttered.

Tanya gave me a nudge, glaring a bit. I smirked at her reaction before making a motion for her to wait.

"Hey, Dev. Wanna know who else is hot? Tanya."

I turned in time to catch her exasperated expression. She covered her face with her hands, cowering away. Although she wanted to hit me, I could sense the embarrassed smile she was trying to hide.

I leaned back in my seat and nudged her with my foot, sending a wink when she looked at me. My response being her flipping me the bird. I covered my mouth to hold in my laugh.
I chuckled at the idea at Tanya being hot "Yeah that's true very true." It's Tanya is really attractive but for some reason I could never say it to her.

"I guess am ugly as hell." Brody said with a straight face acknowledging the fact that nobody said anything about him. It took me a while to stop laughing at the position he was in having to stoop to such a level.

"I would say your hot buddy but I don't know you like that." I say after I finally had my moment. "But really man Tanya has a point when are we going to eat am starving and you're already on the highway." I put my hand on my stomach to emphasize the fact of my hunger. "Even if the girls it a single fry or two I need to eat."

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