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Searching For 1x1 RP Buddy :)


Bust :(
Hi, I'm looking for somebody to RP with in times of boredom hahaha.

Somebody relaxed and laid back, but with good writing skills.

I'm up for almost anything, although I'm not part of many fandoms.

Here are some of the rp's I'd do:

- Romance (Just about anything, give me an idea)

- Horror

- Suspense

- Action/Adventure

- One Direction

- Percy Jackson

- Medieval Times

Any other ideas, I'm open on listening.

- Julia :)
No problem 
Name: Deavon Mathers


Gender: Male

Personality:Cocky, Egotistic, Smart-Mouthed, Loyal, Caring, Merciful, Funny.

Sure, lets make it descriptive :) Its a group of friends, so feel free to insert anybody ok, but lets make it a max of 6 people
"We should really start getting ready." I sighed. "Tanya, do you even have your bag ready?"

She gave me a small apologetic smile and it didn't take me long to understand that was her way of saying no. "Loosen up, hon, this summer is going to rock!"

I laughed at her enthusiasm, shaking my head at my best friend's antics.

"Do you think Deavon is going to go?" She giggled.

I smiled as I replied, "He did tell Brody he was planning on going."

"Good, one more reason for me to pack my lingerie."

"Tanya!" I gasped, playfully smacking her arm.







"Check, Deavon we have everything so would you please start the car? If we wait any longer Tanya and Summer will stay home or even better go with their exs."

I slowly turned my head towards Brody giving him a mixed look of concern and confusion. Raising my finger close to my face pointing it at him I mutter in a whisper. "That's not even funny, you're this close to getting out the car."

"Put it in drive. Put it in drive!" He exclaimed with a faint laugh as I backed the vehicle out of his drive way and began to make my way down the road. "Hey you got wine in there right?"

"Why would I need wine?" I say as my face reassumed a look of confusion.
"Just push it a bit to the right." I encouraged.

"God, I fucking hate this staircase."

"Me too."

Tanya grunted as she gave her suitcase one last push, unexpectedly, it went flying down the stairs, banging into the closed door.

"Well, that was easy." She smirked making me chuckle.

"The boy's are probably already waiting for us. I wonder what made us take so long." Tanya gave my sarcasm no notice, instead she squealed loudly making me wince.

"What the hell? Stop jumping, your gonna fall."

She hopped one more time before exclaiming, "Jesse e Alex are going too. Everybody's going!"

I gave her a slight cheer as well. "Great! Now help me with my stuff."

"Such a downer, Summer."

"Shut up." I smirked.
"A left here right? After all you should know all too well how to get here from your place." Brody bursted into a array of sarcastic laughter in response to my smart-mouthed remark and as quickly as he laughed, he changed his expression back to a straight face.

"Screw you, and yes building 4 once you enter the complex." He turned up the music to drown out anything I might say in response.

I chuckled to myself as I pulled into the apartments. Finding the building I stop the car in front of it in the road and got out. "Alright get out you got first drive!" I yell as the car's passenger door was yanked open.

"Awe come on man I dont feel like driving and what if I crash the car?" Brody complained as he got out the seat and walked around the car.

"Then it was nice knowing you good buddy." I say smirking as I take the seat reclining with my foot outside the car.
"Yes! Finally!" I smiled as we got everything out of the door. Two suitcases and two duffle bags from each of us. We are girls.

"We did good." Tanya laughed, holding a hand up for a high five. I smacked her hand, sharing a grin with her.

"Where are the- Oh, found them." I pointed out the black Range Rover in the parking lot, waving at them.

"Deavons' coming over, how do I look?"


She glared at me before changing her expression to a flirty one.

"Oh, here we go." I muttered.

I grabbed my phone in my back pocket, selecting their contacts, I sent a message to Jesse and Alex.

To: Alex, Jesse

Hurry up guys!! We're not going to wait for long.

I didnt wait for a reply, instead, I turned to greet the boys.
Brody stumbled out the car frantically and ran around the car to greet them. "Deavon get the hell up you are not going to ruin my chances for me on this trip!" He then quickly turned around and began waving and smiling.

"I don't think so, you already have an astounding record of rejection. I would say if you play your cards right you will again." I gave him a cocky smile as I stand up from my resting position. Brody gave me hostile stare as I slap him on his back as I brought him with me towards Tanya and Summer. Taking in an eyeful of the amount of bags they had I stop in place and sighed. "You ladies brought enough bags, I was expecting at least 20 more and that's just for shoes?"

Brody laughed to himself and gestured towards Tanya "May I?" He said with a gentlemen like aura flowing from him.
Tanya nodded but kept her eyes fixed on Deavon. That boy couldn't sense her obsession with him even if it slapped him in the face. I just watched the whole scene unfold.

I grabbed my duffle and one of my suitcases, bringing them closer to my side so I could roll them down the pathway. Just as I was about to, my phone vibrated. Skimming my eyes over the text, I stated, "Guys, Alex and Jesse are going to meet us there. We should get going."

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