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Fantasy Sea of Divinity

Razor stretched, he enjoyed having a bed of his own. This hadn’t happened for a long time. Razor goes into the kitchen he was confused to see the lack of dragon.
Razor eats the raw potatoes from earlier and notices abigor, “Hey whatssssss-whaaa..?” He sees the coocoon
the cocoon cracks and there if fae sitting in there, curled up sleepily. she looked different through. She looked older, not as cutesy as she did before.

This is what she looks like
she yelps and sits up looking at them with a grumpy face "i am trying to sleep. can you not crowd in my room please?"
Razor outstretches his arm Tom hand her a sandwich that he was going to give her if she woke up, “sorry. Food?”
she stops and smiles "thanks razor." she takes the food off him and waits for him to leave before she starts eating. she finishes and goes to the bathroom to do her girl stuff when she sees herself in the mirror. she screams.
“That was a very sudden change.” Razor looks at her, “wait... so you weren’t considered an adult until now?”

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