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Fantasy Sea of Divinity

“No thank you, I’m fine with the bar stool”, he picks up the bar stool and takes it somewhere.
“Don’t worry about that, I’ll save the stool for you”, Razor reforms the pants into legs
Fae is busy walking around and fiddling with objects. she pokes her head out and grins. she waves her hand gently causing all the gear jack was collecting to turn into daisies with baby faces.
fae covers her mouth to hide her cute cheeky giggles. she waves her hands again and the baby faces start singing some nursery rhyme in germane.
Jack puts his hands on his head because the singing is starting to hurt. He then drops to his knees and starts whispering "stop, please stop"
she makes them stop and giggles going up to him "hey jack! i was wondering" she was playing it cool pretending she didnt do anything.
she sat down infront of him "dont you like nursery rhymes?" she asks him innocently tilting her head trying to look into his eyes
"No, bad memories from stuff that happened to me in my past, now what do you need" jack said that in soft tone like he was hurt
she held out her hand to him. in her hand 3 rainbow crystals formed. she giggled and passed them to him before getting up and walking away to find the others.

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