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Fandom Scootaloo's New Family

"Yeah, too right," Scootaloo nodded in agreement with the sentiment as she followed over back to their mom. She tried to look at the smallest dresses, which were clearly meant for her. She hoped that there was indeed something that went more with their sort of cool image, as promised before. "Well, let's see them, then," she said lightly, trying for a smile and to keep a good open mind, despite not helping some apreehension.

"I got it!" Rainbow Dash cheered, bursting through the front door of her house, a small white plastic bag in her hands. "Finally, I've been waiting for Daring Do Sidekick Fantasy Quest 3!" The girl said, hoping her sister heard her as she had told Scoots about her rushing over to the store to pick up the copy that she had preordered. Though Quibble made sure to try and lecture her on why this new fantasy setting for the Daring Do was just proving his point that the author was simply running out of ideas and was just rinsing and repeating the same 'shallow plot'. But every true Daring Do fan knew that the spin of games wasn't canon to the main plot, Daring Do didn't have any actual sidekicks! But more importantly, they were just fun games to play. This one had more classes to choose from, more weapons, abilities, and just.... more everything! "Come on Scootaloo or I'll start without you!" Rainbow warned the 11-year-old, but she just sat the game safely on the table in the living room before going and getting the food and drinks she had prepared for the day. Bags of chips, an entire case of soda, and even a pizza she kept stored in the oven. But with it all ready and in the living room the girl booted up the game system after popping the new disk in, taking a chance to enjoy the new game smell
Scootaloo did easily hear the excited callout from her newly now official big sister and made to rush off downstairs.
"Coming! Wait for me, please." She was pretty sure Rainbow was just jesting in good fun. She had promised they had would get to do this together. Still she did want to get to it stat. Scoots made her way a bit fast yet carefully. It would not be fun for anyone if she tumbled all the way or caught a bad day with her leg issues.

She beamed as she reached the living room and took in all the delightful goodies awaiting for them, as the game came up on the screen." Alright! So, what is the lowdown on how this works, again?" She had not gotten the chance to get much used to things like yet, the experience seeming all the more wondrous for it.
"Better hurry up!" She called back, the honeymoon period between them officially at its end. Not that Rainbow Dash was mean to her adoptive sister, but now that things have settled down and the girl was apart of the family she was treated like a member of the family for better or for worse, aka chores. But she wasn't actually going to start the game without Scootaloo and soon they were both in the living room. Rainbow Dash was on a bean bag chair with a controller in her hands.

"So we start by making our characters. Giving them their names and picking what classes we want for them and then we start the game. Remeber your character has a main class and a sub class. The main class level ups faster than the sub class." She explained as she made her character. Choosing a Mystic Knight, someone who could deal damage with swords, wear heavy armor, and had the special ability to enchant their weapons with spells to deal elemental damage. And then a thief as the sub job, to help speed her character up and able to steal things from their enemies.
Scootaloo quickly fetched the second controller and took her own comfy seat, nearly bouncing in excited anxiousness. She listened carefuly, not expecting nor really wanting Rainbow to have to as if hold her hand through the thing. When it was her turn, she input the name Boltoss, both generally awesome sound and also fitting for what she planned. She flicked through the class descriptions. It was probably not the end be all of things she would need to know surely, but it did helped selecting. Besides, it was more fun to have things to discover than to have it all handed over right off.

She picked out one who could fling more straight up, likely wicked looking magic attacks and also do some healing. Magic types seemed squishy and while her sister's seemed quite beefy, it was probably still a good idea for one of them to focus a bit on keeping them healthy. For the sub, she added one focusing on weakening the enemies with poisons, lowering their defenses and the like. The things were all about the numbers, right, which while not her forte, hopefully was that complicated?

"Alright, let's go!" Scoot exclaimed, booping at fist up as she pressed the button to confirm everything. For a moment, as her cooly cowled wizard lady slotted into place, there seemed to be an intense glow and powerful hum from the screen. The little girl did not appear to make much of it. Not much used to how these things worked, specially one such modern as this one, for all she knew, that was normal.
"Yeah let's do this kid." Rainbow cheered as she leaned forward in her bean bag, a wide excited grin on her face as she was ready to dive into this new adventure with her little sis. And at first she didn't think anything was off with the weirdly bright screen. But she frowned as the light melted down to the controller cords and shot up. "Scoots drop the remote!" The older girl tried to order and do the same. But soon she was covered in the light and her body immediantly vanished in a burst of pixels.

Now Rainbow Dash hadn't ever traveled via video game before. But it was an interesting experience. Her body felt like he was being forced into a tuna can while being violently shook and shocked at the same time. She definitely would have preferred to have taken the trip in her car or her dad's beat up hippi van he had kept from the time before she was a thought.

But soon she opened her eyes, immediantly letting out a pained groan as she sat up. She was in a wide grassey field that had a Forrest off in the distance. But the sound of people talking and the smell of fires let her know that there was some sort of human life around. "Where am I?" She groaned as she stood up, frowning as she heard what sounded like metal clanking, making her look down at what she was wearing. "What's this?!" She immediantly asked looking at her outfit. She looked like some sort of desert warrior. Wear a pink sleeveless top that did nothing to hide her stomach, a weird set of baggy pants, her Rainbow hair was in a long braid that reached halfway down her back, and saddles that the straps curled up past her ankle. A long pink cape also was tied around her shoulders, a chest plate was on her chest, as well as a pair of guantles on her hands. At her feet was a sword with a curved blade and a round shield. "Ok... this is weird." She said as she picked the sword and shield up and looked around. "Yo Scoots, are you here kid?!" Rainbow asked, silently praying her sister was able to get away from the weird magic that brought her to the world.

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