~Scientist Submission Sheets~


The Kitty Soldier
This is strictly for two to four people to submit a separate sheet in addition to their main character, for a scientist. Subject to change in this way: I may allow people without main characters to be scientists but need to be committed to long term role play.

- Follow the template below when submitting a scientist.

- Submit as a response to this thread.

- Put at top of the sheet/post ABOVE your scientists name, *Ready for Approval* when draft is ready for me to look at.

- I will not have more than 4 scientists.

- Should have even ratio for fe/male and even ratio for good/bad (two and two).
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Scientist Character Application Template:

Scientist’s Name:
(Provide a Facial Picture: Realistic or Realistic Fantasy (no cartoons, drawings, or anime). Choose a clear picture of the face.)

Age: Must be between 35-60
Height/Weight: In feet and inches; In pounds.
Personality: Write at most a paragraph but no less than three sentences.

Specialty Field: Must be science related but meaning what do they specialize in? Provide a few sentences here but no more than one paragraph.

Goals and Desires for Prosthetic Soldier Project: This is where you can explain some of their history that lead them to joining this project. These specific scientists will be older as they have joined from years past and have made their mark in the field. Tell us about their history related to their personal life and their work. Type up at most two full paragraphs.

*Special Note: Scientists do not have Prosthetic body parts but they are the most intelligent of this project and the inventions.
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Dr. SaeYora Ewans "SYE"




Aliases: Sae or SYE; Abbreviation is a combination of her name. She often signs all her documents as SYE (pronounced like "sigh").

Age: 41 years of age

Sex: Female

Height/Weight: 5'7"; 125 pounds

Personality: She is one of the more relaxed and collected of the scientists within the entire underground laboratory, speaking slower and clearer than most - but she is not doing this out of degradation of another or because she has a problem - her voice is smooth with a strong French accent, but still understandable. She has a strong belief that partnered with her hard blue/green stare, her voice adds an extra demand and permanence to her speech. Her team is strictly put together and one of the more serious in the project. They get their work done, or she replaces them with betters. She has no time for play nor time for wavering - her work is finished through. You can often find SYE in her office or in the lab conducting tests, but lately she has become intrigued by the recent subjects and spends more time interviewing and analyzing them.

Specialty Field: One of her greatest assets are her words; she is best able to interview and manipulate the subjects while also seeming comforting and pleasant. On the more science-related field, she performs scientific research and test in the psychology field but also has deep background in the study of the human brain (not the nervous system side of neurobiology). During the project, she kept tabs on each subject, even if one wasn't her focus, watching the growth/reduction of their brain activity and how it affected their entirety. SYE pairs her psychological experience and her studies specifically with the brain to make a cunning scientist.

Goals and Desires for Prosthetic Soldier Project: SYE's entire school career focused on psychology and how a person's mind affected and controlled their actions. Despite how twisted her favorite three psychologists and their theories were, Sae appreciated every bit of their research and studies. She took to similar experiments with her friends and even her own family members, convincing each volunteer that this was for helping and saving the weak, dying, and pathetic. After graduating at a young age, she was recruited by the DC underground lab and was immediately put into fields strictly manipulating and testing subjects' brains and behaviors.

Her skills were desired, especially when the government knew they had to convince a fraction of the human race to accept the project's estranged invitations. After finding three others around the same time as Sae, the Prosthetic Soldier Project was addressed to them; soon all four scientists were named Directors and given utmost power over the lab's entirety (including employees and plans). Sae would have direct contact with each subject for specific amount of time throughout the week. Her goals are not entirely clear as she has done less testing in the project and since coming into this lab - but rather she has watched, analyzed, and interviewed all the subjects and that's what she wants to continue to do.
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David_Gandy_for_GQ_Japan_by_Arnaldo_Anaya-Lucca_(2009)-a_substOP.jpgScientist’s Name: Dr. Antoine Machado 

Age: 50
Sex: Male 
Height/Weight: 6'0", 190 lbs 
Personality: Despite his good looks and smooth Spanish accent, those who know Dr. Machado know he's an incredibly nervous man. This is rooted in his desire for perfection and the very idea of failure affects him greatly. However his jittery habits and nervous smiles can serve to disarm his patients and co-workers alike. He's used to be written off but that often serves to his advantage when it comes to his often less than ethical approaches to his work. Despite his seeming desire to befriend and care for his patients, his devotion to progress comes first. He can easily seperate the individual from the medicine and above all else enjoys to see the human body pushed to its limits. He truly believes the human body is nature's greatest achievement  and wishes whole heartedly to be a part of seeing the body reach its potential. He is thus deeply saddened  by obesity and drug use, considering these great sins against the body. In short, his nervous facade hides a calculating mind capable of great and terrible feats. 

Specialty Field: Antoine has involved himself mainly with Genetics and Human Enhancement (mostly in the study of hormones and the like) , often a part of experimental drug trials and releasing a multitude of theoretical writing on "engineering the next step in human evolution". He's often been accused of being a Eugenist and though he's refuted it, he thus has a dark reputation among the rest of the scientific community. Despite that, he's considered an authority on hormonal therapies and the theoretical fields he writes for, which unknown to most he often puts into practice. 

Goals and Desires for Prosthetic Soldier Project: Antione found himself invited to join the project after releasing a study on theoretical hormone manipulation to contrast many of the other scientists who specialized in prosthetics themselves. He was immediately intrigued by the funding and the privacy of the organization which would allow for less than ethical approaches not allowed elsewhere. His goals are to prove the value inherent within the human body while dallying into other forms of enhancement. Kingfisher is his personal project but he provides input to most of the cases and assists with any internal medicine the other patients may need.  
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Scientist’s Name: Dr. Henry Wyllard/monthly_2016_09/1301351.jpg.662fe3aa60479909e38dadf0776d1c90.jpg

Age: 52
Sex: Male
Height/Weight: 6'2" 230lbs

Personality: Dr. Wyllard has a single minded intensity when It comes to his work projects. He wants them to work, and damned be the consequences. His work is his life, and he gives everything and more to it, sacrificing his personal and family life to be in the lab. He comes off as overbearing and imposing to the people who work under him, and dedicated to his superiors. Most of his subjects he's had in the past were too scared to oppose him, even as he pushed them harder than they could go, resulting in more than one loss of life; but his results speak for themselves. If Dr. Henry Wyllard sets his mind to a task, it gets done.

Specialty Field: Dr. Wyllard began as physician in his early 20's and got into experimental sciences in the hospital he worked for. He spent the next 10 years helping with various research projects, eventually going back to school to major in Bioengineering. Upon completion he returned to the research field, working on his idea for the Stairway, an artificial spine that could be used to rehabilitate soldiers with back injuries, and make them better. He applied for several grants, trying to fund his research, and he was eventually picked up by the Prosthetics Soldier Program to test his design. PT2179 is his first test.

Goals and Desires for Prosthetic Soldier Project: His goals are to take a quadriplegic and restore use of the limbs, turning the subject into a super soldier, with enhanced reflexes that could be field tested. His hopes for PT2179 are high, already the patient is excelling in his physical therapy. His desire is to improve the design of the Stairway, as well as helping with the other prosthetics currently being field tested.


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Males are now filled. If anyone is interested, there is room for ONE FEMALE scientist left. Let me know in pms before posting so we can avoid multiple wips for the remaining spot. :)
Scientist’s Name:  Dr. Rachel Chesed Greenspan


Age: 38
Sex: Female
Height/Weight: 5'2" / 130 lbs.
Personality: Possessing a slight martyr complex, Dr. Greenspan certainly is a strange one. She is riddled with a variety of quirks; most notably, she find her first name to be too casual for her coworkers to use, even outside of of a working environment, and insists the used her middle name, Chesed, or her surname, Greenspan. On the contrary, she has a tendency to develop close relationships with her subjects, caring for them like creations. She originally had quarrels with her job, but later came to the conclusion that her struggles, especially moral, would eventually lead to compensation.

Specialty Field: Dr. Greenspan, possessing a PhD in physics and a secondary degree in electrical engineering, works directly with the prostheses. She created and assisted with several design schemes for potential prostheses, some of which had been used, some filed away. As well, Greenspan provides technical support, able to fix and diagnose damage done to a prosthesis. Most notably, Greenspan helped design new ways to power the prosthetic equipment efficiently without overheating and incurring damage to the subjects.

Goals and Desires for Prosthetic Soldier Project: Greenspan sought a government job immediately out of college. She imagined government careers to be stable and rewarding. Given her skill set, she was assigned to a team designing robotic equipment to add or replace limbs. Theses prostheses were military grade, intended to be used for combat situations. She had no qualms with this at first. At that point, it was just lab work. Greenspan's designs had often taken inspiration from extant creatures, typically predatory ones. Hre concepts were made note of for their unique design.

After a few years of work and testing, her concerns began to grow after talk of moving on to human subjects. At the time, they were working on getting some of their primary components working inside living creatures, and ensuring their functionality, durability, and longevity. While many of their projects restored function, they also guaranteed military service, and she was wary to subject people to that. After having installed the prosthetic equipment, she started developing her complex, and showed concern and compassion toward many of the subjects, especially for those with internal equipment and equipment of her design, such as Kingfisher, Blythe, Kuisma, and Warren. 
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