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Fantasy Savage Kingdom

Julian shook his head as he looked around at the group around him- way to intimidate the newbie. After searching her eyes for permission, he lightly took her hand in his and led her to an adjoining room. "This must be absolutely terrifying for you. But the powers that be don't get this stuff wrong. You must be able to do something. Some had very extravagant, different beast forms," He gestured to Amanda as they passed her,"But others are pretty much the same as normal. I am the latter." He grinned and released her hand before stepping into the next room, offering her a chance to make her own choice.

Chasios woke up in a panick trying to get his whereavouts. Looking around d he rembered he was in a strange new group that he had been requested to join.

"I can't believe I fell asleep" he said as he stood up and stretched "what did I miss" he said as he looked around.

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