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Fantasy Sanera Institute [LORE]


Code Mistake
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Sanera Institute Rules:

1) Violence on school grounds is prohibited, except in certain areas.
2) Charming or influencing students and teachers is prohibited.
3) Treat others with respect.
4) Stealing others' things is prohibited.
5) Show up on time to classes.
6) Romantic relationships between students are allowed, but displays of affection during school hours are not.
7) Cheating in any manner will result in suspension or even expulsion.

Sanera Info:

In 1256, the Sanera Institute was founded by the archfiend Favian. He believed knowledge was the ultimate form of power and shouldn't be limited to certain people. Today, he keeps on giving young minds the opportunity to flourish as the school's headmaster as well as being the teacher of prophecy and divination, he would do more, but it's too much work to go all the way across the school to the next classroom.

That creepy guy in the auditorium? Oh yeah, I won't announce what his name is yet, but his scar has something to do with Favian, I'd think.. He's the one who teaches students how to fight and use their powers to defend themselves.. yeah...

Also, Oliver might be important to the plot, maybe check back here from time to time?

More will come when I’m bored and write more, but there will be weekly updates, and check back for easter eggs.
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