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One x One Sanctus Hæresis - Lore and Warnings


Straw-Berry Milk

Princess of Berry Bliss

RPG between Oinari Oinari and Straw-Berry Milk Straw-Berry Milk


Dozens of winters ago humankind finally stepped out of the dark and learned about the existence of unnatural creatures, similar to them in appearance but not so similar in nature. Urban legends, myths, scary stories and bad novels for teenagers and bored housewives; that's where vampires, werewolves, and witches should live. But they are as real as the humans they prey on.
The inevitable happened: war. While some humans believed coexistence was possible, others were interested in the scientific knowledge they could acquire through experiments on the other races. Most, however, wanted them all dead. People of all races fell by the thousands in a matter of weeks. The gruesome war dragged for years on end; governments fell, new nations were born, technology improved faster than ever and in the midst of all the chaos, one institution remained strong: the Church. With creatures from hell walking the Earth, many people blamed God, but many people turned to Him as well, especially after the change.
A new branch of the Church was created, where armed Knights of the Church, as they were called, hunted the undead, the slaves of the moon, and the daughters and sons of the Devil. These agents, as they were more commonly known, were the ones responsible for the end of the war. The creatures might've possessed abilities and powers humans could only dream of, but they were outnumbered.
They retreated and hid in fear of extinction. Especially the witches and wizards, blamed and hated more than the other races for their help in hiding the vicious creatures that feed on human blood and flesh.
They're hiding. They're all hiding, recovering, waiting. And the Church won't rest until each and every one of these abominations is dead.


Hello, random curious stranger. If you're expecting accuracy, go away. This RPG will be full of plot holes, inconsistency, contradictions, cliches, and, of course, improvisations. We literally have no idea what we're doing. Read at your own risk. And what I mean by that is don't judge us, we're just having fun. This story has existed for quite some time and we've decided to, finally, rerun it. First time around we had a general idea of what was happening, but mostly, things just came to us through divine inspiration and we'd roll with it, what would ultimately, and not unexpectedly, result in things not making much sense or contradicting themselves. Thing is, we don't really care about that, because, as mentioned, we're primarily having fun. However, now we have a better understanding of the universe we're impulsively creating, trying to put more thought into it beforehand and as we go. That doesn't mean at all this won't be a gigantic confusing mess. We're kinda hoping it will.


This RPG will, without doubt, contain sensitive topics.
Proceed at your own risk.

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