Samuke (Antagonist)

Autumn McJavabean

Prettier than you.





The Medic


Subject 'M'

Experiment #6723

Biorobotic (Human)


Male ♂




175 cm (5'9")


Blood Type

Bioengineering Lab





Kenjutsu (Swordsmanship)


Enhanced Conditioning







Santōseiji (Triumvirate)



Chapter 2

Beating him is like trying to beat a computer created to win chess at the highest level and winning. It's near impossible.

Samuke (寒気, Samooke) is a biorobotic (bio android) human who was artificially created in the biogenetic engineering lab in the outskirts of City-8. His purpose for creation was to work towards making the best form of human possible that could even compete against the likes of the best heroes. Originally for protection of the planet, an arms control of the Hero Association, and rise in Mysterious Beings sightings. He is one of three triplet brothers, all identical save a few features, such as hair and eye color. He is the brains and the planner of the brothers and is truly fearsome in how he works and plans, not how he fights.


Samuke looks much like his brothers; a youthful young adult. He does differ in the fact he has white hair, not blue or blonde, and blood red eyes. His outfit tends to change, but they almost always share a common style such as his enjoyment of wearing blazers in a very casual manner. He even wears rather expensive and fancy loafers or oxfords.

Samuke is a biological robot (biorobot), bio-android, or anything of those terms. He was genetically enhanced and artificially created to do specific tasks and he does them well. Much like any robot or computer, he was with a specific purpose but made only with organic material all from scratch and in a lab. He has no biological father or mother, but is composed of many subjects from animals and humans, even some biological components of Mysterious Beings.

He does not have built-in weapons or anything like your typical android or cyborg concept, all the weapons he needs is built into his very DNA. His bone structure is much more dense, yet light. His physical limit to hit peak is far above that of any human. Meaning while a human might peak at strengths of pulling planes or trucks, his would naturally allow him to triple that amount based on the room his genetics give him. His body heals faster, he can burn fat faster, he can move physically faster. This is why without years of training he and his brothers are already above human levels and have enhanced conditioning. They even age much slower and in thirty years time will look far more youthful than a human and can live longer.

When he and his brothers were created the doctors made sure to exclude potential dangers humans normally have, such as having foot and drinks go down the same pipe that air goes down, which allows for drowning and choking. When he was made in the lab, he was specifically made to be able to process information at a significantly higher rate than a humans brain to allow for his high intellect.


Why don't you explain to me why killing a creature that isn't of your species is somehow more noble than killing a human who's just as vial if not worse?

Cold, calculating, cunning, analytical, observant, all minor details that describe the iceberg that is Samuke's personality. Even if you see it and think you understand him, that is but the tip of the ice. He's the rational one who uses only logic for all decisions and keeps the brothers together. He appears as if he lacks any emotion and is also seen as a highly intelligent ans self aware person. His knowledge extends to more than his expertise, such as history, psychology, biology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and more. However, his knowledge isn't as strong in some of these as is in others, like his intellect in medical knowledge. He hardly shows any sign of distress or mental conflict with the events going on or that might happen. He speaks softly and might mask his personality to fool others depending on his reasons, but otherwise cares zero for them or their well being other than being used as pawns in the grand scheme of things. Samuke will go as far as to talk condescendingly to others on any given basis or all the time.

If it wasn't already obvious, Samuke is quite literally a very duplicitous individual. He likes to use and manipulate others to his advantage and does it well. Even his brothers are not without being victims of this, though they're more likely indifferent about it and willingly go along with it and trust his judgement. If the event his life came to it, he would show his true colors by saving himself over his brothers and would do what is needed for his own goal. Jikoku and Samuke (if not all) share the common belief in toppling the Hero Association and believe it to be an inferior system and corrupt and incapable of doing its job as well as an untrustworthy entity. While Jikoku's motives may appear more irrational, Samuke's is based off the concept that the system simply doesn't work and is subject to fall beneath its own weight. He firmly believes that the heroes are simply mindless tools and actually holds a slight sympathy for them in this regards, but still treats them like dogs that are being raised to fight for their master; an obstacles that will be eliminated if in the way yet will not go out of his way to remove them from the picture, only the heads.

When it comes to the board members of the Hero Association, Samuke believes them all to be metaphorically covered in blood and leaving trails of endless piles of cash by the rich who actually started the organization. He stole the money from the rich, who generally do wrong to the poor to make themselves rich, used their funds to make this group which only funds them even more through under the table means and would rightfully kill all the members of the board and those who helped jump start the Association.

It should be noted that while his care for his brothers isn't as high as one might assume, he does indeed hold protective feelings for them at a level he himself has no way of explaining or why he has them. Seeing them as a simply anchor for true potential. All the brothers care for one another, though less for when it comes to Samuke as he finds it to be a danger for his own well being in potential futures, but it should never be assumed he hates them, only that he would use them as pawns and that includes their life if it means accomplishing his goal and for his own well being.

While Samuke tends to be serious and rely on the philosophy of emotion being a barrier between logic and rational choice, he does hold emotions, despite the arduous attempt during his experimental birth. There are rare moments in which he can be surprised or annoyed. The latter leading to an even rarer emotion; anger. When Samuke is in such a state of being furious with something or someone, he becomes unrelentingly ruthless and means to destroy those in his way in a slow and painful, sadistic manner.

Samuke growing irate with a hero.


Roughly 22 years ago was the start for Samuke and his brothers had begun. The entire journey to create what he and his brothers were was something dating as far back as 60 years, but all failed horribly. The long and arduous process of creating the revolutionary triplets started by the long study of the heroes of the world. Etching into fine detail of what causes these powers in some and testing their capability and limits and possible mutations.

Dr. Nodachi believed he cracked the code after a premonition in his dream. He feverishly began to work on his new understandings which eventually led to the breakthrough that would start the fetal formation and eventual births. Each boy being built to specific tasks. One was made specifically to fight hand to hand and would excel at it, to boot. The other would be a medical expert.

For years, the boys remained in a cryogenic sleeping state, information cybernetically implemented into their brains and in a state where they could communicate, but in a virtual world. The world first biorobotic humans. Biorobotic, being humans genetically and artificially created, fine tuned, and made to be specifically a certain type. The genes are hand picked, their looks, their traits, all are made before their creation. However, when the Doctor vanished and the team mysteriously killed, the lab became empty and the system shut down and they remained there for years until their uneventual awakening. With no guidance, their goals were arbitrarily abnormal.

When they awoke, Samuke was the first to start researching all the scientific information they had on them and their plans and what flaws they might have. In this he learned of future projects that would have been included in their family, this includes a few sisters and brothers. He even went as far as to hack into the system and work his way into the Hero Association which gave him all the information he needed on the heroes and what plans they might have.

Powers and Abilities

Do you really think having the title "hero" makes you one? It's not true, you know. The hero doesn't always win. You're no exception to this fact of reality.

Cryokinesis Samuke possess the ability to manipulate particles and atoms in matter to create frost or ice. Though his ability is truly limited, he can create the small objects he can, such as a sword of ice, and truly make it hard like diamonds. Never really needing to have the power to make a blizzard.

Kenjutsu As the intellectual among his brothers, created to be the bearer of knowledge, high logic, critical thought, strategy and tactics, he is also extremely proficient with a blade and holds just about all forms of knowledge on swordsmanship. When he is forced to combat someone or something up close he will rely on kenjutsu.

Medical Expert As with kenjutsu, one of the many forms of knowledge he holds and skills implemented into his genes was to be this innately knowledgeable expert in medical practices and works. If he chose, he could be a doctor of the highest caliber. He uses this to self heal himself and his brothers as well as making it one of his most deadliest assets. With such knowledge, he can use little effort to out someone out, be it by poison or by simply knowing how the human body works and moves. With his high level of intelligence, he  is capable of proficiently analyzing people and animals, predicting their possible course of actions and anticipating it. He is a stark believer in determinism and employs hard physics and mathematics into his world view, allowing him to see how someone holds themselves and attacks to determine what will happen, where they will attack, what they might do next, what their body will allow should they change, and how much force will be applied in their attack to definitively give the best counter and to end his opponents.

Enhanced Physical Attributes Since Samuke, like his brothers, are biorobotic humans; they naturally posses strength, durability, speed, and senses far above those of normal humans. The capacity of each triplet varies.

Fighting Style

Little is known on Samuke's fighting style other than he is an exceedingly attentive and observant person with a stark analytical thinking process on the world around him. He generally does not try to get involved with the fights his brothers take part in, rather he watches and takes mental notes on their fighting style, their combat quirks, all types of basic habits, and their strength and weaknesses. If possible, he uses this as a way to plan traps or anticipate what others might do, preventing himself from being fooled or tricked or allowing others to have the upper hand. Due to Jikoku's overwhelming raw destructive force and how deadly he can be in a fight alone, many assume that Samuke, who shows almost no to very little destructive force, is much weaker. While physically and in raw power he is very much weaker, and his predictability might not be on the level of Jikoku who is the wildcard, Samuke is deadly in how he exploits his opponents. A common foe for him is like fighting an armored knight and taking them down by using the exposed weak points in the suit rather than slashing or bashing at the armor, and he does this well, precise, and efficiently. He never has one single attack style, he simply just uses what is needed.


Icicle-Saber: Samuke is in possession of a weapon made of harden ice that replicates the elements of a sword. It's an extremely light, yet highly durable weapon, well crafted to pierce the skin of the Hero Association's toughest fighters and the strongest of Mysterious Beings.

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