Samson Carmine


Eternally perplexed and oblivious

Full Name:

Samson Carmine

Birth place:




Lion Faunus






188 lbs 


Standing at a towering six foot three, Samson presents a rather intimidating visage to those who don't really know the faunus. With a physique well maintained and trained while growing up, Samson's musculature is well defined, but not overly so, enough to give a good idea of the power he wields. Reflecting his faunus traits is a tannish brown feline tail which extends at the base of his spine, a small tuft of brown fur at the end. Samson's tail is often an, occasionally comedic, additional reflection to his mood depending on how he's feeling at the time being. His school attire is an appropriate reflection of his personality; a little disheveled with his dress jacket normally unbuttoned, tie loosened, or dress shirt untucked. Outside of school attire, Samson's general choice of attire consists of a simple tank top worn beneath his favored red collared vest, comfortable jeans, and sturdy boots. The more miscellaneous accessories Samson generally wears is a red bandanna given to him by his mother as well as a pair of brown gloves. A small seashell charm is always found hanging around Samson's neck, it being a gift from his littlest sister and one he holds dear to his heart.

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-Acute sense of sight and hearing.

-Considerable strength and endurance.

-Great degree of loyalty and compassion to those he considers close friends and allies.

-Fiercely protective as well of those he holds close.

-Deep knowledge of fire and its thermal reactions to the world around him.


-Has tendency to be somewhat bull headed and stubborn.

-Suffers from hydrophobia.

-Often lacks a lighter approach to situations, voting for the upfront and loud options.

-Confrontational when a problem is brought up from a situation or a person.

-Tends to become overly absorbed in combat when challenged, to the point of displaying an almost obsessive drive in having his opponent display their utmost skill against him.

-Can get in over his head when seeking a challenge, generally ignoring dangers, and putting himself in considerable danger if he's not capable enough.

-Samson's equipment leaves him at a disadvantage when it comes to mid ranged combat. While Adamastos is highly effective at close range with its first form and devastating at long range with its second, there isn't an effective utilization of the weapon for the distance in between the two. As such, anyone who can keep him at a modest distance will experience a bit of an advantage.

-Does have a habit of putting himself in danger's way to protect those he holds dear, often disregarding his own safety. This obviously can lead to server injury on his part.

-Injuries or harm to his friends, teammates, or close ones often result in Samson becoming violently angered to those who harmed them as well as heavily blaming himself afterward for not being able to protect or help them.


Adamastos (Ah-DA-ma-stos) Greek for indomitable

Samson's Primary weapon of choice is something that an interesting mind like his was only logically bound to form. While at a glance one might think the faunus to wield a greatsword of sorts, Samson's weapon is a little more unconventional than that. While yes it is a greatsword of sorts, Samson's own unique twist on the otherwise normal weapon has brought it into an entirely different league. Instead of a razor edge honed to a fine point to cleave through his enemies, Samson's 'blade' is actually a delightfully twisted combination of a greatsword and a chainsaw: a chainsaw greatsword! The inspiration for such a combination was quite simply Samson's desire to create something that embodied what his beliefs were, and so Adamastos was formed. With an overall length of fifty five inches Adamastos isn't a small blade in the slightest, and weighing in at a good twenty two pounds not a very light one either. Powered via a dust power cell, Adamastos can perform for a lengthy amount of time well into a full week before needing a new power source. The sword is also capable of utilizing fire-type dust filled canisters to power its dust-fueled features. In it's primary form Adamastos can shift between either having the teeth of its chain extended, or having them retracted within the blade. When retracted Adamastos is simply a blunt greatsword, but the dull edges can part slightly to allow the use of fire-type dust which can be channeled through the small opening to coat Adamastos' edges in flame. A similar effect can be achieved when the weapon's teeth are extended and revved with even greater offensive effect. Adamastos' cutting abilities when fully revved up permit the blade to saw through wood, stone, concrete, and even thin metals if need be thanks to the highly hardened teeth of its chain. Exactly how Samson is capable of controlling the speed at which his weapon functions is done via an extended trigger that runs parallel and slightly outward from the grip of the weapon which needs to be fully pulled against the handle before the weapon's chain will engage as well as a circular portion of the weapon's handle which acts as a 'gear box' of sorts, determining the speed at which Adamastos's chain will spin.

Adamastos' secondary form takes the form of a large recoiless rifle capable of firing 80mm projectiles at considerable ranges. Now exactly HOW Samson is capable of firing such a large caliber projectile is focused around exactly how Adamastos is formed. When shifted to its secondary form, the weapon's chain and teeth retract if not already done so, and the whole blade itself shifts backward in such a way that the main trigger, part of the motor housing, and grip shift to about midway along the blade itself. The sword blade then splits into four sections with partially extend out to form a square-like shape shifted onto one of its corners. A barrel forms within the four sections of the blade's metal plating, extending an inch past the front and back of the weapon's body. In this form, ammunition can be loaded into Adamastos via a breach style loading method with a portion of the weapon breaching open, behind the trigger, to allow loading of rounds. The ammunition that Samson fires is specially designed to counter the massive recoil that would normally be experienced when firing such a heavy caliber. Instead of having all the force of the projectile channeled into sending its warhead forward, a portion of that propellant and energy is directed out the back of the and around the shell via specialized channels which subsequently helps to counter the backward kick of the weapon. Even with this compensation though, Adamastos' ranged form holds a good kickback which Samson, while acclimated to, still feels. Unfortunately such a large caliber means that Samson can only carry a limited amount of ammo to a fight, and that limit is eight rounds carried within a specialized pack fastened against Samson's back. The ammunition Samson is capable of utilizing ranges from explosive to incendiary to even air fragmentation.

Adamastos does have a tertiary form which is purely for convenience. In this form Adamastos's teeth and chain retract if not already so and the blade folds in on itself to half its width and a third its length while its trigger mechanism folds up into the motor housing of the blade. When not in combat, Samson will generally have Adamastos in this form.

Adamastos' Primary Form



Adamastos' Secondary Form





Samson's semblance manifests in pyrokinesis, or the capability of shaping, manipulating, and controlling fire. Now while he can work and control fire, Samson can't create fire, and as such needs to deal with an already existing source of flame to utilize his semblance effectively, embers are also insufficient to utilize his semblance. To remedy the requirement of a flame, Samson regularly carries around a flip-style (think zippo) lighter as well as some matches. The extent to which Samson can manipulate fire is sizable, ranging from changing the intensity, size, and shape to suit his needs all to an extent of course. When working with a flame, Samson can easily increase or decrease its size and intensity based on the acceleration at which it absorbs oxygen from the air into it. A simple candle flame burning at a 'mild' 2000 fahrenheit can be welled to a vicious torrent or fireball reaching temperatures around 4000 fahrenheit, akin to a powerful welding torch in intensity. Samson also has a greater resistance to the heat of fire, so much so that he can actually have the flames of his semblance move close to his body without resulting in burns. The reason of his protection is even unknown to Samson, but he hardly objects to it.

Now surely with such a semblance Samson has to have some shortcomings, and indeed he does. As he's utilizing his semblance, and depending on how intensely he's using it, Samson's internal body temperature will begin to rise. Now for reasons even he doesn't know, Samson appears to have a higher threshold to deal with body heat than others, but there's still a limit. Samson is capable of increasing his own body heat to a degree which he'll often use warm himself or to dry himself off, much to comical effect. If Samson doesn't take breaks between using his semblance he can go into heatstroke and even die from the exertion. Samson does have a limited capability of 'venting' his body heat into the earth via physical touch as well as the air, but outright pausing in usage of his semblance is still the best method of recovering. Samson generally has to spend time equal half the time he used his semblance to completely regulate his internal temperature, but pacing and brief breaks can extend his limit. He also has a bit of a tell in exactly how close he is to his limits, and that is Samson's breath. Depending on how heavily he's been using his semblance, Samson's breath will begin to become visible as his internal body temperature causes his breath to become hotter than the surrounding air. Samson also must be vigilant to exactly where he is using his semblance as, for example if he's in a building, he runs the risk of burning the oxygen in the immediate vicinity and suffocating himself as well as those around him. Flammability is also an issue as burning down a forest or building isn't exactly smiled upon; combined with how flame interacts with various substances as well as gases and Samson has to regularly control himself lest he weave destruction and injury to everything around him. Samson's emotions can also effect his semblance to the point of manipulating ambient fire within a close vicinity with intense emotions of excitement, anger, or surprise often causing a swell in intensity, and negative emotions such as depression, nervousness, and fear often cause wilting in intensity. An odd side effect of Samson's semblance is that his metabolism is greatly sped up, leading to him burning through both calories and water at a quicker pace. As such, Sampson generally has a larger appetite than most, and while he wont waste away if missing one meal, Samson does need to ensure he's properly hydrated as dehydration is all the more a threat to him.


 -The sound of thunder 

-High places

-Being mentally/physically challenged

-Meeting another who can match him martially

-Relaxing/taking naps in a nice stretch of sun.

-Spending time with friends and family

-Seeing/Helping others succeed


-Know it alls.

-Large and/or deep bodies of water

-Elitist individuals who think themselves better purely on social status.

-People who deny their own potential based solely on mental barriers/insecurities.

-Being interrupted while he's sleeping

-Going without breakfast, lunge, or dinner. 

-The methods of the white fang


-Losing control of his semblance and hurting another.

-His own failures causing the injury or death of one close to him.

-Accepting his limits and falling into mediocrity

-Suffering from insomnia


As a person, Samson could certainly be considered intense. Indeed, the faunus' outlook on life is definitely one of exuberance and passion for what one can do within it. This bright and intense outlook on life is largely what makes Samson not only an expressive and passionate person, but also one with deep compassion for those around him. The faunus isn't afraid to let his opinions and beliefs be known as well as challenge those of others as he sees any challenge as an opportunity to strengthen himself, and why not give others the same opportunity? Unfortunately such a view tends to land Samson in hot water with some considering him rude and bull headed when it comes to exactly how he handles himself, and yes he likely could use some decorum in that aspect, but where's the fun in that? To Samson there is no excuse to accept one's limitations, and he's by and large one to pull another up to have them reach new heights along side with him. Samson also is rather humble with how hot of an individual he is, never thinking himself better, and always seeing room for improvement. Behind that boisterous exterior also lies great caring for those around him as well as a ferocious protectiveness toward those he cares for. As a friend one couldn't ask for a more warm and friendly individual, if not a bit stubborn at times, and one whom cares greatly for those close to him.



Born within the capital of Vale to a large family as the eldest of four children, one brother and two sisters, Samson's life could be considered a bit hectic and challenging at times. Samson's mother and father both provided a decent living for himself and his siblings with both being skilled hunters, their family living in a sizable home within Vale's residential district. Samson's mother, Ebanora Carmine, actually work on the same team as his father, Slater Carmine, team ASHE. One wouldn't think that the two would get along with Ebanora's fiery attitude seemingly clashing with Slater's calm and patient approach to life. Ironically it was these conflicting emotions that ultimately drew the two to getting married. Taking a look at Samson's family it isn't hard to discern exactly from which of his parents the faunus gets his fiery determination and animalistic features as well as his humble nature. To describe Samson's mother would be to describe an individual with an iron will and blazing determination. Samson's father on the other hand carries a seemingly endless sense of patience and calmness.

 Even with the great challenges being a hunter and huntress carried, Samson's parents always seemed to find time to spend with their children and care for them. While she loved all her children equally, Samson formed a particularly close bond with his mother through the years. It wasn't new for Samson to ask his mother and father if he could go with them on a mission, the young faunus blissfully ignorant to the true dangers that being a hunter held, and enamored by the grand tales told of their feats. Much to their chagrin, Samson's mother and father had to regularly deal with him following them away from the house attempting to try and accompany her on her assignments, and time and time again he would fail, but each time brought a greater and greater challenge for Ebanora and Slater. It wasn't until one fateful day, at the age of nine, that Samson's stubborn antics struck him with the true gravity of what being a hunter meant as well as the foolishness of one's own greedy curiosity.

His parents had gotten an assignment which wasn't too far off from Vale, only a few dozen miles from the city limits. Samson had no idea what his parents' assignment was, but his determination hardly waned as he managed to sneak from home and stow away on the airship which took his mother, father, and their team to the location of their assignment. The mission was a rather simple one, focused around a series of attacks around a sizable village located near Vale and seeing to it that they would cease. When his parents and their team arrived at their destination, the villagers all too happily offered help in exactly where the attacks had been. Samson, sticking to the shadows all the while, tailed the group of four and as they ventured into the surrounding forest of the village. The saturation of grimm was made clear as a nearby cave seemed to show the source of the increased grimm activity in the area, and needless to say, Samson got to see his mother, father, and their team in action. His mother wielded a pair of blades which deftly carved through grimm after grimm, his father a powerful war hammer, the two all moving in a seamless display of coordination with their teammates as they carved their way through the gathering of grimm with their aim being to close down the cave being their entry point. While he certainly was enamored, Samson's foolish carelessness to the incredible danger he was in caught up with him. With his eyes glued to the action of his parents and their team, Samson was unaware of a beowulf which had caught wind of him. It wasn't until the growl of the beast alerted Samson to the danger of his situation. Darting from his hiding place, Samson managed to stumble and dodge a few lunging attacks from the grimm, but his luck soon ran out as the sharp burn of claws against his back shot through him. Needless to say the creature attacking him met a swift end, Ebanora standing over him as she ended the attacking grimm's life with his father nearby keeping more at bay. His foolish ignorance ultimately caused the loss of his mother's left eye as she and her husband struggled to complete their mission with their team, one of their teammates almost killed, but the mission being completed nonetheless. As any parent would feel, Ebanora and Slater were both furious of their son's actions and grateful of his safety as they returned to Vale.

Experiencing what his parents could do in action was thrilling to Samson, but what his own actions had wrought filled him with a deep state of sadness and depression for what he'd done to his mother as well as his father and their team. Samson hardly was given any time to dwell in his self loathing as parents approached him. They knew their son had a passion to become a hunter, and the sight of him completely broken away from such a drive made his mother more angry than anything else, and his father more determined, for their son to become what he dreamed of. Samson's mother's stubborn determination eclipsed his own as she pulled him out of his depression and presented him with the opportunity to begin becoming what he idolized. Samson was slow at first, but soon felt his drive ignited again as his mother began tutoring him in the knowledge of sparring and fighting. His father's endless patience saw that Samson became decently read on the knowledge of grimm and exactly WHAT they were. Through the years it wasn't strange for Samson to go to sleep with bruises on his body and a throbbing headache from the mental and physical exertion, but it only drove him to further improve. While he wasn't matching his mother in martial prowess or stumping his father with wit, the young faunus soon bore fewer bruises and lesser confusion from his labors. It was during these years of training that Samson eventually discovered his semblance during a particularly frustrating bout of quizzing from his father. A few nearby candles suddenly erupting in jets of flame resulted in the unfortunate end of a set of drapes, and the rather surprising discovery of his innate power much to Samson's delight and the home decor's chagrin.

At the age of thirteen Samson applied to Signal academy, and the day he received the acceptance letter for his attendance at the combat school was the most elated sensation of joy that the faunus had ever felt. However, with the excitement that he was actively walking the road to his dream, Samson's parents only continued to push him forward and see him succeed. Attending Signal, Samson made good friends as well as a few enemies of the academy's staff. While he was a solid student, the youth hardly was one to not pull a few jokes here or there as well as get in a few scuffles here or there. When his successful forging of his weapon, Adamastos, came about, Samson's joy was only capped by his graduation from the combat school, and his sights soon drifted toward Beacon. While his merits alone weren't enough to get into the prestigious Beacon Academy, the entrance exam was an obstacle quickly beaten.

Now standing as yet again the small fish in a very large pond, Samson relishes in the challenges that are set before him. His fiery determination and iron will only grow as he faces the final step of becoming a hunter!

Extra Notes: 

-Samson can be considered a bit physical with his emotions depending on how intense they are which go beyond simple animated gestures. When elated the possibilities of a playful punch to the arm are just as likely as a sudden celebratory ride atop his shoulders. Similarly, Samson's temper can often result in shoving and/or thrown objects blindly tossed while in the heat of thoughtless anger/sadness.
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